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Módulo de Aprendizaje.
Copyright 2014 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Primera edición 2014.
Primera reimpresión 2015.
Segunda reimpresión 2016.
Tercera reimpresión 2017.
Cuarta reimpresión 2018. Impreso en México.


Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur.
Hermosillo, Sonora, México. C.P. 83280


Edna Elinora Soto García
Miguel Ángel Barrón Álvarez

Ana Laura Padilla Rivera

Corrección de estilo:
Claudia Miranda Arenas

Diseño y edición:
Jesús Ramón Franco Hernández

Diseño de portada:
María Jesús Jiménez Duarte

Banco de imágenes:
Departamento de Imagen Institucional

Coordinación técnica:
Alfredo Rodríguez León
Rubisela Morales Gispert

Supervisión académica:
Barakiel Valdez Mendívil

Coordinación general:
Mauricio Gracia Coronado

ISBN: 978-607-730-052-6

Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de octubre de 2018.

Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora.
Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
La edición consta de 13,017 ejemplares.




4 8


Grupo: Turno: Teléfono:

El Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora (COBACH), desde la implementación de la Reforma Integral de
la Educación Media Superior en 2007, de forma socialmente responsable, dio inicio a la adecuación de su Plan
de estudios y a sus procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje y de evaluación para reforzar su modelo de Educación
Basada en Competencias, y así lograr que pudieran sus jóvenes estudiantes desarrollar tanto las competencias
genéricas como las disciplinares, en el marco del Sistema Nacional del Bachillerato.

Este modelo por competencias considera que, además de contar con conocimientos, es importante el uso que
se hace de ellos en situaciones específicas de la vida personal, social y profesional. Dicho de otra forma, el ser
competente se demuestra cuando, de forma voluntaria, se aplican dichos conocimientos a la resolución de
situaciones personales o a la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas, lo que hace que se
refuerce la adquisición de nuevas competencias.

En ese sentido el COBACH, a través de sus docentes, reestructura la forma de sus contenidos curriculares y lo
plasma en sus módulos de aprendizaje, para facilitar el desarrollo de competencias. En el caso del componente
de Formación para el Trabajo, además de las competencias genéricas, fortalece el sentido de apreciación hacia
procesos productivos, porque aunque el bachillerato que te encuentras cursando es general y te prepara para
ir a la universidad, es importante el que aprendas un oficio y poseas una actitud positiva para desempeñarlo.

De tal forma que, este módulo de aprendizaje de la asignatura de Inglés 2, es una herramienta valiosa porque
con su contenido y estructura propiciará tu desarrollo como persona visionaria, competente e innovadora,
características que se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior.

El módulo de aprendizaje es uno de los apoyos didácticos que el COBACH te ofrece con la finalidad de garantizar
la adecuada transmisión de saberes actualizados, acorde a las nuevas políticas educativas, además de lo que
demandan los escenarios local, nacional e internacional. En cuanto a su estructura, el módulo se encuentra
organizado en bloques de aprendizaje y secuencias didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de
actividades, organizadas en tres momentos: inicio, desarrollo y cierre.

En el inicio desarrollarás actividades que te permitirán identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los saberes, las
preconcepciones y los conocimientos que ya has adquirido a través de tu formación, mismos que te ayudarán
a abordar con facilidad el tema que se presenta en el desarrollo, donde realizarás actividades que introducen
nuevos conocimientos dándote la oportunidad de contextualizarlos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con
la finalidad de que tu aprendizaje sea significativo. Posteriormente se encuentra el momento de cierre de la
secuencia didáctica, donde integrarás todos los saberes que realizaste en las actividades de inicio y desarrollo.

En todas las actividades de los tres momentos se consideran los saberes conceptuales, procedimentales y
actitudinales. De acuerdo a las características y del propósito de las actividades, éstas se desarrollan de forma
individual, grupal o equipos.

Para el desarrollo de tus actividades deberás utilizar diversos recursos, desde material bibliográfico, videos,
investigación de campo, etcétera; así como realizar actividades prácticas de forma individual o en equipo.

La retroalimentación de tus conocimientos es de suma importancia, de ahí que se te invita a participar de

forma activa cuando el docente lo indique, de esta forma aclararás dudas o bien fortalecerás lo aprendido;
además en este momento, el docente podrá tener una visión general del logro de los aprendizajes del grupo.


Recuerda que la evaluación en el enfoque en competencias es un proceso continuo, que permite recabar
evidencias a través de tu trabajo, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes, con el propósito de que apoyado
por tu maestro mejores el aprendizaje. Es necesario que realices la autoevaluación, este ejercicio permite
que valores tu actuación y reconozcas tus posibilidades, limitaciones y cambios necesarios para mejorar tu

Así también, es recomendable la coevaluación, proceso donde de manera conjunta valoran su actuación, con
la finalidad de fomentar la participación, reflexión y crítica ante situaciones de sus aprendizajes, promoviendo
las actitudes de responsabilidad e integración del grupo.

Finalmente, se destaca que, en este modelo, tu principal contribución es que adoptes un rol activo y
participativo para la construcción de tu propio conocimiento y el desarrollo de tus competencias, a través de
lo que podrás dar la respuesta y la contextualización adecuadas para resolver los problemas del entorno a los
que te enfrentes, ya sean personales o profesionales.


El glosario icónico es la relación de figuras que encontrarás en diversas partes de tu módulo. Enseguida, se
muestran junto con su definición, lo que te orientará sobre las actividades que deberás realizar durante el
semestre en cada una de tus asignaturas.


Este tipo de evaluación se hace con uno o varios de tus
Se trata de la evaluación que se realizará al inicio de cada compañeros, en ella tú los evalúas y ellos a ti. Les permite,
secuencia didáctica y que te permitirá estar consciente de además de valorar sus aprendizajes, colaborar y aprender
tus conocimientos acerca del tema que abordarás. unos de otros.


Esta actividad resume los conocimientos adquiridos
durante un proceso, ya sea una secuencia didáctica, un La rúbrica es una tabla que contiene niveles de logro
bloque o lo visto en un semestre completo. Es la suma o desempeño especificados en estándares mínimos
teórica y práctica de tus conocimientos y es útil para y máximos de la calidad que deben tener los diversos
fortalecer tu aprendizaje. elementos que componen un trabajo. Sirve como guía
para saber qué debe contener un trabajo y cómo debe
ser realizado.

ACTIVIDAD 1 En Equipo Grupal


Con este gráfico identificarás la Actividad dentro del texto, PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS
incluyendo la indicación y especificando si debe realizarse
de manera individual, en equipo o grupal. Durante el semestre, tu profesor te irá indicando qué
evidencias (trabajos y ejercicios) debes ir resguardando
para integrarlos en un portafolio, mismos que le
EVALUACIÓN DE ACTIVIDADES entregarás cuando te lo indique, a través del cual te
En este apartado encontrarás el espacio para calificar
tu desempeño, que será por parte de tu profesor, tus
compañeros (coevaluación) o tú mismo (autoevaluación).

AUTOEVALUACIÓN Es el listado de referencias que utilizaron los profesores

que elaboraron el módulo de aprendizaje, contiene la
bibliografía, las páginas de internet de las cuales se tomó
En este espacio realizarás una evaluación de tu propio información, los vídeos y otras fuentes que nutrieron los
trabajo, misma que deberá ser honesta para que puedas contenidos. Te permite también ampliar la información
identificar los conocimientos que has adquirido y las que te proporcione tu profesor o la del módulo mismo.
habilidades que has desarrollado, así como las áreas que
necesitas reforzar.
REACTIVOS DE CIERRE Es la relación de palabras nuevas o de las cuales pudieras
Son reactivos que aparecen al final de un bloque, al desconocer su significado. Es útil para conocer nuevos
realizarlos reforzarás los conocimientos adquiridos conceptos, ampliar tu vocabulario y comprender mejor
durante el bloque y desarrollarás tus habilidades. las lecturas.

Presentación del libro...................................................................................................................................... 4
Glosario Icónico............................................................................................................................................... 6
Competencias Genéricas y Disciplinarias Básicas.......................................................................................... 8
Mapa de contenido........................................................................................................................................ 10


Similarities and Differences .................................................................................. 11

Didactic sequence 1: Mexico and its beautiful places ....................................................................... 12

Didactic sequence 2: Sonora is more beautiful! ............................................................................. 32

Didactic sequence 3: Alamos is the most romantic city! .................................................................39

Didactic sequence 4: San Carlos is as interesting as Rocky Point! ..................................................... 51

Old times ................................................................................................................ 65

Didactic sequence 1: I was young and... .......................................................................................... 66

Didactic sequence 2: The good old days! ................................................................................. 78

Didactic sequence 3: Did you go? .................................................................................................. 96

Rules and obligations ........................................................................................... 113

Didactic sequence 1: What instructions can you give?............................................................... 114

Didactic sequence 2: Have fun ................................................................................................... 119

Didactic sequence 3: Modal verbs ................................................................................................. 131

Plans and predictions ............................................................................................................ 139

Didactic sequence 1: Simple future tense (I will) ...........................................................................140

Didactic sequence 2: Making plans and activities (going to) ......................................................... 146

Lecciones Construye T ..................................................................................................................... 159


1 Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos
que persigue.

2 Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones en distintos


3 Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.

4 Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la

utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

5 Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos.

6 Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y reelevancia general,considerando

otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva.

7 Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.

8 Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

9 Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región, México y el

10 Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias,

valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.

11 Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables.



Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos
1 explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto
en el que se generó y en el que se recibe.

Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de

2 un contenido con el de otros, en función de sus
conocimientos previos y nuevos.
Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y
3 culturales de su entorno con base en la consulta de
diversas fuentes.
Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de
4 la lengua, considerando la intención y situación
Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones
5 coherentes y creativas, con introducciones,
desarrollo y conclusiones claras.

6 Argumenta un punto de vista en el público de

manera precisa, coherente y creativa.

Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los medios

7 de comunicación en la recreación o la transformación de la

cultura, teniendo en cuenta los propósitos comunicativos
de distintos géneros.

8 Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso

comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica.

9 Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad

de los sistemas y medios de comunicación.

Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible

10 desarrollo de un mensaje oral y escrito en una

segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos
previos, elementos no verbales y contexto.

Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante

11 un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con
la situación comunicativa.
Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y
12 comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas,
producir materiales y transferir información.




Didactic Sequence 1: Didactic Sequence 1:
Let's How does he/she look like? I was young and...
Didactic Sequence 2: Didactic Sequence 2:
Sonora is more beatiful! The good old days!
Didactic Sequence 3: Didactic Sequence 3:
Alamos is the most romantic city! Did you go?
Didactic Sequence 4:
San Carlos is as interesting as Rocky Point!


Didactic Sequence 1:
Didactic Sequence 1:
Don't use cell phones in class!
Simple future tense (I will)
Didactic Sequence 2:
Have fun Didactic Sequence 2:
Didactic Sequence 3: Making plans and activities (going to)
Modal verbs

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Student’s Performance at the

Learning objects Competences
end of the block
ƒ Identifies cultural aspects in a short text. ƒ Physical features of people, objects ƒ Identifies and interprets the gene-
ƒ Identifies objects, people and places in a and places. ral idea and the possible develop-
short text. ƒ Characteristics of behavior. ment of an oral and written mes-
ƒ Requests and exchange information to sage in a foreign language about
ƒ Cultural and Ethnic characteristics.
compare people and places in oral and wri-
ƒ Adjectives. characteristics of people, objects
tten forms according to the communicative
intention. ƒ Comparative and superlative adjec- and places.
ƒ Uses the correct grammatical structures tives . ƒ Evaluates a text by comparing one
to make comparisons in a communicative ƒ Equality. piece of information with another
situation. according to previous and current
ƒ Communicates in a foreign langua-
ge, both orally and writing, to make
logical comparisons with reference
to men, women, object and places.
ƒ Shares ideas and values against a
background of local, national, and
international contexts, in order to
make comparisons among people,
objects and places.
ƒ Learns independently, using infor-
mation technology (IT) and com-
munication to discover more about
the grammatical forms of compara-
tive as well as the cultural aspects
of people and countries.

Length: 12 sessions

Start up activities Didactic Sequence 1



1. The characters in the picture are from the adventure movie “The Avengers”. Looking at the images
answer the questions and discuss them in class.

Do you know the characters in the picture? ________ Do you have a favorite avenger hero?_______________

What qualities of the Avenger characters would you like to have? ___________________________________

What characteristics do you have? _____________________________________________________________


12 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Description Name
He controls the weather; he is very strong and
agile. He is handsome and he has long blond
He likes to shoot arrows and he is a motorcycle
rider. He is charismatic and strong. He has
short hair and green eyes.
He is very strong and huge and he has big hands.
He changes from human to a colored monster,
and his hair is dark.
He was weak, but now he is strong and tall. He
loves his country. His hair is blond. He wears a
suit with stars and stripes.

He is tall and strong and he has dark skin. He

is very authoritarian and he wears an eye patch.

She is a beautiful agent; she has brown eyes and

short and black hair. Her height is 5’10".

He is handsome. He has dark hair. He is sarcastic

and he wears armor.

She is Confident, beautiful and intelligent; She

has medium length red hair. She always wears

Adjective Order
The are two basic positions for adjectives:
1. Before the noun.
Adjectives are 2. After the verb to be (am, are, is).
words that describe or
modify another person, thing
or animal in the sentence. adjective
noun verb after
Adjectives give some information before noun
about an object’s size, shape, verb
age, color, origin or material.
I have
1 big dog
2 Snow is white.

Similarities and Differences 13


Development activities

Learning Activity


Listen to the dialogue and practice with your partner. Then answer the questions.

Bill: I heard you have a new classmate, Jane.

Jane: Yes, her name is Yanill, and she is gorgeous!
Bill: Really? What does she look like?
Jane: Mmm, she is tall and thin.
Bill: How tall?
Jane: About 5feet 10, I guess.
Bill: Wow! That is tall. What color is her hair?
Jane: She has beautiful, long, dark hair.
Bill: Is she pretty?
Jane: What! She is beautiful.
Bill: And how old is she?
Jane: I don’t know. She won’t tell me.
Bill: Ok, maybe I’ll meet her someday.

a. What is the new student’s name? ____________________________________________________________

b. Describe Jane’s new classmate. _____________________________________________________________
c. How old is she? _________________________________________________________________________

14 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora







Height and Build Eyes

tall, short, medium height big, round , blue, large,
chubby, stocky, slim, small, bright, narrow,
What does he/she look like?
thin, plump, fat, skinny, brown, green, olive,
What do you look like?
well-built. honey.
What kind of hair do you have?
What color eyes do you have? ADJECTIVES

Physical Appearance Hair

beautiful, good looking, long, short, medium
handsome, cute, lenght, straight, curly,
attractive, gorgeous, wavy, blond, black,
ugly, plain looking, fit. brown, white, red, spiky,
Note bald.
same Adjectiv
do n or all n es are the
ot ch o
ange uns. The
Ex f or pl y
ee tir ample: urals.
ti ed ti
Not e a triang ers tried
: No
t thre ular tie” to
e tire .
ds tig

Similarities and Differences 15


ACTIVITY 2 Learning Activity


Complete the dialogue. Write the name of a new friend and adjectives to describe him/her. Then draw the
person you are describing.
Bill: I heard you have a new friend.
Jane: Yes, his name is ___________. I think he is fun!
Bill: Really? What does he look like?
Jane: He is _____________, ______________ and tall.
Bill: How tall?
Jane: About ______________, I guess.
Bill: Wow! That is tall. What color is his hair?
Jane: He has ________________, _________________
and _____________________ hair.
Bill: Is he handsome?
Jane: Well, he is ______________________.
Bill: And how old is he?
Jane: I don’t know. Maybe he is _________years old.
He looks as old as I.
Bill: Ok, maybe I’ll meet him sometime.


Learning Activity
Personality adjectives are adjectives that we use to describe a person and their character or personality. Everybody
is an individual, so we all have different personalities and emotions.

It is important that you consider the person’s personality and their emotions. Are they happy? Lucky? Angry?
Rude? Look all the words in the adjective vocabulary given below.

Adjectives to describe Personality adjectives


happy, angry, sad, terri- polite, lazy , kind, boring,-

What is he/she like? ble, well, grumpy, joyful, bad-tempered, charismatic,
annoyed, loving , jealous, extroverted, inpulsive,
shame, excited, exhausted joyful, reliable, intelligent,
sociable, sympathetic, so-
ciable, stubborn, cheerful

16 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


To practice the pronunciation of adjectives of emotions go to page:

Underline the adjective in each sentence and then choose the correct synonym. Write the letter on the line.
You may use your dictionary or thesaurus.

1. Do you think I am dumb? ________

a) unintelligent b) intelligent
c) brilliant d) fast

2. He has a big house. ________

a) gigantic b) tiny
c) small d) large

3. My girlfriend is pretty. ________

a) ugly b) happy
c) beautiful d) strange

4. Am I grumy? ________
a) happy b) sad
c) bad d) bad tempered

5. My boyfriend is attractive. ________

a) ugly b) handsome
c) pretty d) beautiful

6. She was very sad yesterday. ________

a) happy b) joyful
c) unhappy d) jealous

7. My cousin is chubby. ________

a) plump b) thin
c) fat d) heavy

8. My father was a reliable man. ________

a) good b) grumpy
c) happy d) trusty

Similarities and Differences 17


ACTIVITY 4 Adjectives Describing Yourself


Write your name and draw a picture of yourself in the center. Then write seven adjectives that describe you.

Learning Activity


18 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Write sentences to describe yourself. Use the adjectives from above.

e.g. I am short, thin and a very extroverted person.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________



I am / You are / He is / She is … I have / You have / He has / She has (got) …
tall blue / green / grey / brown eyes
small freckles
overweight, fat a beard
slim a full beard
young a moustache
old a stubbly beard
… years old. blond hair
beautiful / pretty, handsome red hair
sun-tanned brown hair
pale black hair
dyed hair
blond highlights
short hair
long hair
straight hair
curly hair / curls
a bald head
a square / round / triangular / oval face
a big / small / long nose
big / small ears

Similarities and Differences 19



I wear / You wear / He wears / She wears …


contact lenses

I am wearing / You are wearing / He/She is wearing …


a necklace

a wristband

a bracelet

a cap

a red scarf

a tie

I am / You are / He is / She is …












20 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 5 Learning Activity (team work)


Cut out and paste a picture of a famous person, for example: a pop star, a sportsman, a TV star, etcetera. Look
at the picture and describe his/her appearance. Then describe his/her personality based on your opinion. Finally,
present the description to the class.

Similarities and Differences 21


Read the following descriptions. Then write the adjectives under the correct category in the table below.

Age Eyes

He is a nice Hair/face
looking middle age
man. He has short, black hair,
sparkling brown eyes and a big,
friendly smile. He is wearing a
dark suit and tie. He appears to
be fit and trim. He looks like an
intelligent and competent

He is a cute, plump
little baby. He has beautiful
big eyes. He has plump round
cheeks, and chubby little hands.
The little boy is wearing a shirt
with a shark on it. He seems to be
very happy.


She is an intelligent mature

writer. She has medium length,
white hair. She has cheerful light
colored eyes and a nice pleasant
smile. She is wearing pretty pearl
earrings and a necklace.

22 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Exercise on Personal Description – Phil

Write sentences using the information given. You must fill in the right verb yourself.

EX 1. Phil / a teenager: Phil is a teenager

2. he / not very tall
3. Phil / a quiet boy
4. he / not very active
5. he / dark hair
6. his hair / short and curly

Describe a superhero character from the movies.

He/ She is...

ACTIVITY 7 Learning Activity


Look Like –Look alike

Look like is used to ask for and give an opinion about appearance.
What does Peter look like? He is tall and handsome. He looks
like Chayanne. What does the dog look like? It is bald, fat and angry. When things are a like, they
look the same.

Similarities and Differences 23


ACTIVITY 8 Learning Activity (team work)


Read the dialogue. Then practice the conversation with a partner.

Caro: What does your twin sister look like
Isabella? Do you look alike? I mean,
are you identical twins?
Isabella: Yes, we look alike, but Julia’s
taller than me. She takes after my dad.
Caro: How tall is she?
Isabella: Six three.
Caro: Huh? . . . How tall is she?
Isabella: Six foot three. I’m serious.
Caro: No kidding! So does she have straight
brown hair like you?
Isabella: yes, she’s got straight brown hair and blue
eyes like me.
Caro: I’d like to meet her sometime.
Isabella: Actually, I have a picture here; we
were 8 years old at that time.

Choose the correct option that best completes the statements. Then compare with your partner and check
with your teacher.

1. I wonder who the baby ___________________

a) Is like b) looks like c) likes d) does look like 1. 1b, 2b, 3b
2. 1a, 2c, 3d
2. What ______your new boss _______________? 3. 1b, 2b, 3c
a) Is / like b) does / look like c) is / be like d) likes 4. 1a, 2b, 3d

3. You are the image of your mother. It’s incredible how much The correct answer is:
you ______her! ( )
a) Are alike b) look like c) like d) does like

24 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 9 Learning Activity (pair work)



Fill in the chart giving your opinion. Then ask a partner and write what he/she likes or dislikes about the
CITY you live. Use adjectives from the chart below.

Make questions, example: What do you like most about the universities in your city?

My opinion My partner’s opinion

The thing I like most about public

The thing I don’t like
about public transportation
The thing I like most
about the malls
The thing I don’t like
about the malls
The thing I like most about the
The thing I don’t like about the
The thing I like most about the
The thing I don’t like about the

Adjectives for describing Places

small beautiful noisy
polluted expensive calm
cold boring quiet
modem colonial busy
What does he/she look like? large cheap pleasant
Who do you look like? hot ugly warm
What kind of hair do you have? cool unpleasant ancient
interesting crowded fun
exciting clean

Similarities and Differences 25


ACTIVITY 10 Learning Activity


Match the opposite adjectives by writing the corresponding number on the line.

1. moder n ___________ quiet

2. noisy ___________ polluted
3. calm ___________ unpleasant
4. exciting ___________ cheap
5. warm ___________ small
6. clean ___________ ugly
7. beautiful ___________ ancient
8. large ___________ busy
9. pleasant ___________ cool
10. expensive ___________ boring

Look at the picture. Use adjectives to describe the places in the pictures below.

The road is__________________________ Detroit is very ________________________

The streets are ____________________ The city is___________________________

26 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 11 Learning Activity (pair work)


Different places, different weather

Pair work. Look at the pictures and make up and write a sentence describing each one of them. Have your
classmates guess which picture you are describing. Use adjectives from the box.

beautiful pleasant enjoyable ancient interesting

modern exciting cold warm

1 2 3 4 5

Picture number

Example: This place is very cold; many people visit this place to ski. 3

1.- _________________________________________________________________

2.- _________________________________________________________________

3.- _________________________________________________________________

4.- _________________________________________________________________

Similarities and Differences 27


ACTIVITY 12 Learning Activity


Cities around the World.

Listen and match the description to the picture.

1. This city has a lot of people. There are ancient Aztec ruins under
the city. There are pyramids outside this city. The language in
this city is Spanish. It is the capital of its country. ___________

2. This is a city in the United States that is famous for movie
production. The city is near the ocean and near some mountains.
The weather is warm all year in this city. ____________

3. This city is the home of a very famous art museum called the
Louvre. It also has a very famous tower. It is famous for great
food and shopping. ___________

4. This city is the home of the famous basilica San Marco. This is
a romantic city which is famous for its canals. You need to take a
boat, instead of a car, to travel around this city. _____________

5. The people speak Spanish and Catalan in this city. This city has
beautiful architecture including a famous cathedral designed D
by Antoni Gaudí called La Sagrada Familia. There is a very
popular Picasso museum in this city. ______________

28 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 13 Learning Activity (pair work)


Look at the busy street scene.




Similarities and Differences 29


Look at the BUSY STREET drawing and match the sentence fragments in column A to the best sentence
fragments available in column B. Then write complete sentences on the line.

1. This is a very busy… _____stressed because she is unsafe.
2. The man in the wheelchair…
_____hair is a reckless driver.
3. The lady with curly hair is…
4. A young woman with long… _____is handicapped and very nervous.
5. Two cars are damaged…
6. The boy and girl are active… _____because there was a bad accident.

_____but they are not careful.

_____and noisy intersection.

1- _______________________________________________________________________________________


2- _______________________________________________________________________________________


3- _______________________________________________________________________________________


4- _______________________________________________________________________________________


5- _______________________________________________________________________________________


6- _______________________________________________________________________________________


30 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Closing activities

ACTIVITY 14 Learning Activity (pair work)


• Make sentences, as in the example.

• It’s a paper fan.

1. Paper fan 2. Gold coin

3. Plastic bags 4. Straw hat

5. Cotton T-shirt 6. Leather wallet


Similarities and Differences 31



Order of adjectives
Opinion Fact
size age shape color origin material
beautiful small new square blue Chinese Silk


Number the adjectives in the correct order.

1. A brown ( 1 ) wooden ( ) Mexican ( ) mask

2. A cotton ( ) large ( ) white ( ) T-shirt

3. A square ( ) leather ( ) brown ( ) wallet

4. A wool ( ) beautiful ( ) Mexican ( ) scarf

5. A cloth ( ) cheap ( ) nice ( ) bag

32 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Start up activities Didactic Sequence 2




Which is better and why? Get in pairs or small groups and debate which of the following pairs of things are better.
After the debate, vote on the one that has the most convincing argument.

GROUP #1 GROUP #2 Argument

better because_____________________

Common wishes people have about their lives. Discuss with your partners.
Which of these things would you like to Enjoy
life more
change? Give some examples. ________
_______________________________ healthier Be
_______________________________ friendlier
Move to a
_______________________________ better place Improve my

Similarities and Differences 33


Development activities

ACTIVITY 2 Learning Activity


A comparative adjective is used to compare two things. For example, looking at

GRAMMAR apples you can compare their size, determining which is big, which is bigger.
The comparative ending (suffix) for short, common adjectives is "ER”. For longer
adjectives, the comparative is made by adding the word "MORE". Example:
more comfortable. Often, the comparative adjective is followed by "than".

Look at these examples: Sonora is more beautiful than…

Is French more difficult than …?

big bigger

Some comparative adjectives are irregular, including some very common ones such as good, bad and far.

Irregular adjectives Comparative Form

bad worse
good better
far (place) farther
far (place or time) further

• If an adjective ends in • If an one-syllable adjective
“e”, add “r”. For example: ends in a consonant with a
wis, wiser. single vowel preceding it, then
• If an adjective ends in “y”
with a consonant preceding the consonant is doubled and
it, y is changed to an “i” add “-er” are used.
and add “er”. For example: • For example: big, bigger.
dry, drier.

34 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Complete the sentences by adding ER or MORE to the adjectives in the parentheses. Consult the rules
from the table above.

1. Apples are ______________________________than potato chips. (healthy)

2. Elephants are ______________________________ (big) than bears.
3. Gold is ______________________________ than silver. (expensive)
4. Bikes are ______________________________than cars. (slow)
5. I am ______________________________at English than my brother .(good)
6. My friend is ______________________________ than me. (tall)
7. Julia is ______________________________than Isabella. (thin)
8. My father is ______________________________ than Tom's father. (strong)
9. "Harry Potter "books are ______________________________than "The Book of the Jungle". (interesting)
10. The tiger is ______________________________than a fox. (heavy)



Practice comparing the city and the country with the dialogue below and then practice your own
conversations with your partners.

Diego: How do you like living in the big city?

Maria: There are many things better than living in the country in Sonora!
Diego: Can you give me some examples?
Maria: Well, it certainly is more interesting than the country. There is so much more to do and see!
Diego: Yes, but the city is more dangerous than a country in Sonora.
Maria: That’s true. People in the city aren’t as open and friendly as those in the countryside.
Diego: I’m sure that the country is more relaxed, too!
Maria: Yes, the city is busier than the country. However, the country is much slower than the city.
Diego: I think that’s a good thing!
Maria: Oh, I don’t. The country is so slow and boring! It’s much more boring than the city.
Diego: How about the cost of living? Is the country cheaper than the city?
Maria: Oh, yes. The city is more expensive than the country.
Diego: Life in the country is also much healthier than in the city.
Maria: Yes, it’s cleaner and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is so much more exciting.
It’s faster, crazier and more fun than the country.
Diego: I think YOU are crazy for moving to the city. Besides, Sonora is more beautiful!
Maria: Well, I’m young now. Maybe when I’m married and have children, I’ll move back to Sonora.

Similarities and Differences 35


Read and based on the dialogue circle TRUE or FALSE.

1.- Maria thinks life in the city is more interesting than life in the country in Sonora..... True False

2.- Diego says that the city is less dangerous than the country......................................... True False

3.- The people in the countryside aren’t as open as the people in the city........................ True False

4.- The country is quieter than the city.............................................................................. True False

5.- The city isn't as expensive as the country.................................................................... True False

6.- The country is healthier than the city........................................................................... True False

7.- Maria thinks the city is more funnier than the country................................................ True False

8.- Diego thinks Maria is crazy for leaving the country.................................................... True False

9.- Maria says she might move back to the country when she is married and has children.
Life in the country isn't as exciting as life in the city........................................................ True False

Write descriptions that you find in the dialogue.

e.g. There are many things better than living in the country in Sonora!

____________ _____________________________________________________________________________

36 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Learning Activity


The largest cities and towns in Sonora are listed below in order of decreasing population.
Compare cities and towns from Sonora. Start with the place where you live to compare with other town or city.
Remember they are fixed in order of decreasing population.

1.Hermosillo 19. Etchojoa

2.Obregon 20.Alamos *
3.Nogales 21.San Ignacio Rio Muerto
4.San Luis Rio Colorado 22.Altar
5.Navojoa 23.Esqueda
6.Guaymas 24.Imuris
7.Agua Prieta 25.Campo Sesenta
8.Caborca 26.Potam
9.Empalme 27.Benjamin Hill
10.Puerto Penasco 28.Naco
11.Magdalena * 29.Pitiquito
12.Cananea 30.La Union
13.Huatabampo 31.Providencia
14.Pueblo Yaqui 32.Etchoropo
15.Nacozari 33.Ures
16.Santa Ana 34.Yavaros
17.Sonoita 35.Sahuaripa *Pueblo Magico or Magic Village in
18.Vicam 36.Moctezuma Sonora

Similarities and Differences 37


Example: Nogales is bigger than Navojoa, but it is smaller than Hermosillo.

• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 5 Learning Activity (pair work)


Read each of the following pair of sentences. Then write the comparative form of the the underlined adjective on
the line.

Example : Charlie is tall. Albert is not so tall. Charlie is taller than Albert

1. Toyota is expensive; it costs a lot of money. A Nissan costs less.

A Toyota is __________________________________________________ than the Nissan.
2. An ocean is large. A sea is not as large as an ocean.
An ocean is _____________________________________________________ than the sea.
3. Adrian is 10 years old. Albert is 8 years old.
Adrian is ________________________________________________________than Albert.
4. John's results were bad. Fred's results were very poor.
Fred's results were __________________________________________ than John’s results.
5. The weather is not very good today. It's raining.
Tomorrow I hope the weather will be __________________________________________.
6. People are not very friendly in big cities. It's not the same in small towns.
People in small towns are _____________________________________ than people in big cities.
7. The Governor is an important person. But he/she is less important than the President.
The President is _____________________________________________ than the governor.
8. People say that Chinese is difficult to learn. English is not as difficult to learn.
Chinese is _____________________________________________________ than English.

38 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Closing activities

How do you compare Mexico City with Sonora?
Search the following information about your state: tourism, sports, school life, local food and transportation.
Discuss the results with your partner. Then write the missing information using adjectives from the box.
Example: What sports are popular in Sonora?
popular - delicious - big - modern - many

Compare the state of Sonora with Mexico City. Answer the questions according to the information above.
a. Is Mexico city bigger than the State of Sonora?______________________________________________
b. Which place has a larger population?______________________________________________________
c. Which place receives more tourists per year? _______________________________________________
d. Are sports played in Sonora more interesting than the sports played in Mexico City? _______________
e. Are school stayed hours the same in Sonora than in Mexico City?______________________________
f. Which food is more delicious, the dishes from Sonora or the dishes from Mexico City?
g. Is transportation the same in both places? Yes or No, Why? ___________________________________

Similarities and Differences 39


Start up activities Didactic Sequence 3


ACTIVITY 1 Learning Activity (pair work)


Answer the following questions. Then interview a partner and write the answers.


What’s the most boring town you

have ever visited?

Who’s the best sport person in the


What’s the hottest temperature you

have ever experienced? Where?

What is the most dangerous place

you have ever been to?

What’s the strangest animal you have

ever seen? (in real life)

What’s the most embarrassing thing

that has happened to you?

What’s the coldest temperature you

have ever experienced in Sonora?

40 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Development activities

ACTIVITY 2 Learning Activity


Read the passage. Then complete the sentences below.

Los Angeles, also known as L.A., is the second largest city in the United States (after New York). Chicago is the
third largest city. Most immigrants to the United States arrive in Los Angeles and many of them stay here. The
city is also famous for its two Olympic Games (1932 and 1984).

Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles and for a long time it was nothing more but the name of a ranch. In the
early 1900s, however, movie companies decided to move from New York and New Jersey to California where
they had more space and better weather. Nestor Studios were the first to settle in the area. But more and more
followed and now Hollywood is famous all over the world for its movie studios and stars. On the Walk of Fame
(along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street) more than 2,000 celebrities are honored with a star.

Disneyland is situated in Anaheim, just a little south of the City of Los Angeles. The park opened on July 17, 1955
and was the first Disney Park in the world. It has been visited by more than 500,000,000 people and has several
theme parks, the most visited are: Adventureland, Fantasyland, Mickey’s Toontown and Tomorrowland.

1. Los Angeles is (large)________________________ than Chicago.

2. But New York is the (large) _______________________ city of the United States.

3. The weather in Hollywood is (good) _______________________________than in New York.

4. Nestor Studios is the (old) ______________________________movie company in Hollywood.

5. Disneyland is (interesting) ______________________________than any other amusement park.

6. The (famous) ___________________________________theme parks in Disneyland are Adventurland,

Fantasyland, Mickey’s Toontown and Tomorrowland.

Write the meanings (in English) of the words according to the use in the text.

1. District: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Long time: __________________________________________________________________________
3. However: ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Walk of fame: _______________________________________________________________________
5. Theme parks: _______________________________________________________________________

Similarities and Differences 41


ACTIVITY 3 Learning Activity



A superlative adjective is used when you compare three or more things.

For example, looking at apples you can compare their size, determining
which is big, which is bigger and which is the biggest. The superlative
ending suffix for short, common adjectives is EST. For longer adjectives, big bigger biggest
the superlative is made by adding the word "MOST".

Example: most comfortable.

Often, the superlative adjective is preceded by "the". When we compare one thing with itself, we do not
use "the".

The same as the comparative degree some superlative adjectives are irregular, including some very common
ones such as good, bad and far.

Irregular adjectives Superlative Form

Bad worst
Good best
far (place) farthest
far (place or time) furthest

• If an adjective ends • If an one-syllable adjective
in “e”, add “st”. For ends in a consonant with a
example: wisest. single vowel preceding it,
• If an adjective ends in then the consonant is doubled
“y” with a consonant and add “-est” are used.
preceding it, y is changed • For example: big, biggest.
to an “i” and add “est”. For
example: dry, driest.

42 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 4 Learning Activity



Read the passage.

Then choose the correct option and write the letter on the line.
Alamos is the most romantic city. It is located just 400 miles south of the Arizona border, Alamos has the
distinction of being named ‘Pueblo Magico’ or ‘Magic Village’. It offers the refreshing tranquility of a small
Mexican Village. UNESCO gave this city the designation of “World Heritage Site”. Alamos was once the most
important colonial city in northern Mexico. Silver was discovered by the Spaniards during the 1600’s, so the
city became a center of government and culture. Today, there are beautifully restored enchanting colonial adobe
mansions that delight the senses. “The Plaza de Armas” is the heart of Alamos. It’s where everyone comes to
meet, to see and be seen. Many Festivals occur in Alamos year-round, most notably the Festival of Dr. Alfonso
Ortiz Tirado ("FAOT"), attended by many national and international musicians, and celebrities.

The Plaza Alameda, sometimes called the market square is the center for shopping and commercial activity.
There you will find grocery stores, is a large indoor market.

Alamos has a rich history and proud traditions. These are few of the important things about this historic and
colonial city. If you visit Alamos, you will discover the quality of life that is experimented and you will discover
that: YES, Alamos is the most romantic city!

Similarities and Differences 43


1. As used in paragraph 1, the word refreshing means: __________

A. cool.
B. temperature.
C. fresh air.
D. delightful.

2. It can be understood that “Plaza de Armas”, “Plaza Alameda” and adobe colonial mansions are: all examples
of: __________

A. amusement parks.
B. places to visit.
C. vacation spots.
D. hotels.

3. The words beautifully, restored, enchanting and colonial are describing: __________

A. Alamos.
B. big houses.
C. The Plaza de Armas.
D. The Festival.

4. This passage was written to: __________

A. describe “The Plaza de Armas”.

B. explain the origin of the FAOT festival .
C. describe the history of Alamos.
D. discover the magic of a romantic city.

44 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 5 Learning Activity


1. Fray Marcos de Niza Hotel is one of ________ (tall) buildings in Nogales Sonora.
A. most tall
B. taller than
C. the tallest
D. the most tall

2. Our neighborhood is __________ (peaceful) in Obregon City.

A. the most peaceful
B. more peaceful than
C. peacefuler than
D. more peacefuler

3. This room is __________ (comfortable) one in Fray Marcos de Niza Hotel.

A. the most comfortable
B. more comfortable
C. more comfortable than
D. most comfortable

4. I have __________ (nice) family I know.

A. the nicest than
B. nicer than
C. the most nice
D. the nicest

5. I think English is ________ (easy) and __________ (interesting) subject in the world!
A. the easier ...the more interesting
B. the easiest ... the most interesting
C. easier than ... more interesting than
D. the most easy ... the most interesting

1. 1c, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5a

2. 1c, 2a, 3a, 4d, 5b
3. 1c, 2c, 3d, 4c, 5a
4. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5a
5. 1d,2b, 3d, 4c, 5b
Write the correct option in parentheses: ( )

Similarities and Differences 45


Write statements based on the list in the previous sequence, exercise 8 “LIST OF BIGGEST CITIES IN

Example: Esqueda is a small town, Pitiquito is smaller, but Ures is the smallest of the three.

• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________

46 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


According to what you have learned, draw a conceptual map or a mind map about adjectives, comparative
and superlative degree.

Similarities and Differences 47


Look at the chart and make sentences about the three actors on the characteristics given.

Good , better, the best

Brat Pitt Leonardo DiCaprio James Franco

Taken from

48 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


1. Young: Who is younger (than…)? Who is the youngest?


2. Rich: Who is richer (than…)? Who is the richest?


3. Height: Who is taller (than…)? Who is the tallest?


4. Weight: Who is heavier (than…)? Who is the heaviest?


5. Appearance: Who is better looking (than…)? Who is the most handsome


Similarities and Differences 49


Closing activities


Team Work
10. Discuss with your partners your opinion about the three famous people in the chart. For example, you can share
ideas about: Who is better actor? Who is worst? Who has done more charity of the three? Who has done more
movies? What movies have you seen? Which actor do you like best? Etc. Compare and write the conclusion.

50 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Evaluate your partner’s participation and his/her written report.

4 3 2 1
Category Pts.
points points points points
Actively participates at appropriate times.

Comments are relevant and reflect understanding of:

characteristics and adjective degrees.

The writing is free of misspellings, and words are

capitalized correctly.

Sentences are punctuated correctly, and the

description is free of fragments and run-ons.

Standard English usage is employed.


Similarities and Differences 51


Start up activities Didactic Sequence 4

WORD SEARCH. Search for the comparative and superlative form of irregular adjectives. You can search
horizontal, diagonal, vertical and backwards.


bad better good farther

best far worse farthest

52 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Look at these pairs of sentences. Do they mean the same thing or are they different? Check ( ) the
corresponding option.

Nogales is colder than Obregon. Obregon isn’t as hot as Nogales.
My English isn’t as good as yours. My English is better than yours.
I’m not as clever as you. You are more dumb than me.
My sister is younger than yours. Your sister isn’t as old as mine.

Cats are better than dogs. Dogs aren’t as good as cats.

Mexican food isn’t as expensive as American food is more expensive than

American food. Mexican food.


as…as to say that two people, things, etc. are the same
Comparatives of Equality. We use
in some way.

as + adjective + as
Judy is as tall as Martin
I’m as old as you are.
In negative statements we use not and

Today is not as cold as yesterday.

Edna isn’t as tall as Carla.
as cities from other states.
Cities in Sonora are not as crowded
e form.
Notice that the adjective is in positiv

Similarities and Differences 53


Development activities


Learning Activity

Reading and Speaking activity

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Weeks off!

Sophia: What are you going to do?

Pablo: I’m going to work for one month.
Do you have any plans?
Sophia: Well, my parents rented a condominium.
in Rocky Point. I’m going to take long walks along
the beach every day and do lots of swimming.
Pablo: Sounds great!
Sophia: Say, why don’t you come with us?
Pablo: I can’t. I need to save some money.
Sophia: Why do you need money for?
Pablo: I’m going to go to San Carlos with my sister my next vacations.
She says that San Carlos is as attractive as Rocky Point.
Sophia: I like both. You should search for information on a travel information web page.
Pablo: Ok Sophie I’ll do that. Enjoy your vacation at Rocky Point.

54 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


1. Why is Pablo going to work on vacations? _____________________________________________________

2. What is Sophia going to do on vacations? _____________________________________________________
3. Which place does Pablo’s sister think is more interesting, San Carlos or Rocky Point?___________________ __
4. What are you planning for your next vacations? __________________________________________________
5. What places have you visited in the state of Sonora? ____________________________________________
6. What places would you like to visit in Sonora? _______________________________________________

Use as … as or not as … as in the sentences below.

1) The blue car is ________________________________the red car. (fast)

2) Diego is ______________________________________Frederick. (not/tall)

3) The violins _____________________________________ the cello. (not/low)

4) This copy is _____________________________________ the other one. (bad)

5) Alex is _______________________________________ Albert. (optimistic)

6) Today it is ______________________________________yesterday. (not/windy)

7) The tomato soup was ______________________________the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8) Grapefruit juice is ________________________________lemonade. (not/sweet)

9) My brother is ____________________________________________my friend. (brave)

10) Silver is ___________________________________________gold. (not/heavy)

Similarities and Differences 55


Write the “Comparatives of Equality”. Use as … as or not as…as and the adjective in parentheses.

1. Diego is 6’0”. Gus is 6’0”. Diego is ________________________________Gus. (tall)

2. Jacob is very handsome. Alonso is also very handsome. Jacob is __________________
___________________Alonso. (handsome)
3. The maple tree is 69 feet high. The sycamore tree is also 69 feet high.
The maple tree is ________________________________________the sycamore. (tall)
4. The cobra snake in the zoo is 22 feet long. The viper snake is 20 feet long. The viper is___________
_________________________ the cobra. (long)
5. Christina gets A’s on every history test. Emma gets C’s on most history tests. Emma is___________
___________________________ Christina in history test. (good)
6. The average temperature in Nogales is 60oF. The average temperature in Hermosillo is 80oF. Nogales
is _________________________________________Hermosillo. (hot)
7. Coffee in Caffenio costs 1.65. Coffee in Starbucks costs 1.95. The coffee in Caffenio is __________
__________________________________ in Startbuks. (expensive)
8. It is very windy in Agua Prieta. It is also very windy in Naco. Agua Prieta is___________________
________________________ Naco. (windy)



The pattern "" is also used in SIMILES. A simile is a phrase

that makes a description clearer or more vivid by saying that one
thing is similar to another thing. Most similes use the pattern "as...
as" or the word "like". The most common type of simile uses "as...

Example: "He's as strong as an ox." This means that he is

a very strong man (using the word "ox" helps you imagine
just how strong he is).

56 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Closing activities


Pair Work
Write 5 different similes about yourself.

Here is one example: When it’s time for dinner, I’m as hungry as a tiger!

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Write your partner’s statements and then evaluate them in the table below.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Similarities and Differences 57



Using Adjectives rubric

In my activities, how well do I describe an object, place or person? Do I use or create simple sentences using the
adjectives or adjective phrases?

Excellent Good Keep Trying Needs Help

4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
I used all of
I used most of the I used a few I didn’t use any
the adjectives
adjectives correctly adjectives correctly adjective correctly
Writing correctly to
to describe an to describe an to describe an
Strategies describe an object,
object, a person or object, a person or object, a person or
a person or a
a place. a place. a place.

More than
No errors in 1-3 errors in 4-6 errors in 6 errors in
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
Conventions spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization,
sentence structure. sentence structure. sentence structure. and sentence

Writing is legible Most writing

and consistent is legible with Some writing is Writing is
with appropriate appropriate legible. illegible.
spacing. spacing.


58 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Check ( ) Poor Fair Good Great

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
My partner establishes a good comprehension of similes.
My partner structures correct sentences.



Identify the adjective in each of the following sentences and write it on the line.(10 points)

We went to a good restaurant. good

1. We know that he is a successful writer. _____________________________

2. She loves to eat Italian food. _____________________________________
3. They told him about the red car. ___________________________________
4. Robert was sad yesterday. ________________________________________
5. He didn’t understand the confusing explanation. ______________________
6. The good looking students liked her. _______________________________
7. This is a dangerous neighborhood. _________________________________
8. I love her pink dress. ___________________________________________
9. He doesn’t seem shy, but he is. ____________________________________
10. This lesson is easy. ____________________________________________

Similarities and Differences 59


Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences. Write the letter on the line.
Then check with your teacher. (10 value points)

1. Please can I have a clean plate? This one is very _____.

a) bad b) dirty c) ugly d) dark

2. Please turn the light on. It’s very ____ in here.

a) weak b) bad c) thin d) dark

3. I need some new shoes. These ones are really ___.

a) full b) weak c) old d) sad

4. I can’t eat anything more. I’m completely ____.

a) full b) empty c) thin d) strong

5. I love this photo. I look really ____.

a) happy b) short c) difficult d) large

6. I’m quite heavy now, but when I was younger, I was very easy ____.
a) thin b) short c) small d)high

7. Don’t sit on the grass. It’s still ___ because it was raining earlier today.
a) wet b) low c) dry d) light

8. It’s a very ___ story. It made me cry when I read it.

a) clean b) bad c) sad d) weak

9. It’s not ____ to remember all the new words when you are learning a language.
a) low b) easy c) empty d) light

10. In my country, a few people are very rich, but many people are ____.
a) poor b) weak c) low d) fast
SCORE: _______ /10

60 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Complete each of the sentences below with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjective.
Choose the best option at the bottom. Then check with your teacher.(10 value point)

1. Jeremy is 10 years old. Jenny is 8 years old. Jeremy is (old) ____________ ______ Jenny.

2. The Alps are very high. They are (high) _______ _______________ mountains in Europe.

3. An ocean is (large) ______________ _________ a sea.

4. A Ford Lobo costs a lot of money. A Tsuru costs less.

A Ford Lobo is (expensive) _______ __________________ _____ a Tsuru.

5. John’s results were bad. Fred’s were very poor. Fred’s results were (bad) ____________ _____ John’s.

6. This exercise is not very difficult. It is ________________ ________ I expected.

7. The weather is not good today. It’s raining.
I hope the weather will be (good) ______________ next week.
8. People are not very friendly in big cities in. They are usually (friendly) __________________ in small
towns in Sonora.

9. In the government of a country, the President is (important) _______ ________ _________________


10. People say that Spanish is (difficult) ________ ________________ to learn than English.


Write the best option in parentheses: ( )

A) 1. older than 2. most high 3. the largest 4. the most expensive 5. worse than
6. easier than 7. better 8. friendliest 9. the most important 10. most difficult

B) 1. older than 2. the highest 3. larger than 4. more expensive than 5. worse than
6. easier than 7. better 8. friendlier 9. the most important 10. more difficult

C) 1. The oldest 2. the highest 3. the largest 4. the most expensive 5. the worst
6. easier than 7. the best 8. friendliest 9. the most important 10. most difficult

D) 1. older than 2. higher than 3. larger than 4. more expensive than 5. the worst
6. easier than 7. better 8. friendliest 9. the most important 10. most difficult

SCORE: ______/ 10

Similarities and Differences 61


Vocabulary and Reading Practice.

1. Complete the following sentences. Choose the option in the box with the correct answers. Then
check with your teacher. (10 points)

He is as stubborn as a mule

My little brother is one of the most annoying people in the world! I love
him because he is my brother, but he gets on my nerves a lot. I remember
one day when he was especially naughty. My mom told me to take him to
the mall to get some new dress pants and it was a nightmare! Surprisingly
enough, we got to the mall just fine and he hadn’t complained the whole
way. He asked if we could go to the arcade and I told him that we could
go once we were finished doing what we were supposed to do.

He just sat down on a bench and said that he wasn’t going anywhere if he couldn’t go to the arcade first. I had to
pull him along just so that we could get moving. Once we got to the shop, I showed him some of the options he
had. He didn’t like any of them and he would just look at me with his eyes closed and shake his head. He was being
very difficult, so I decided to tell him that I was going to call our mom. I pretended that I was dialing the phone and
he jumped up and started trying clothes on. That trick works every time! Anyway, He is as stubborn as a mule.

1) My little brother is one of the most annoying people, means:

a) he is happy
b) he is irritating
c) he is boring
d) he is loveable

2) The narrator’s brother was saying ____ by shaking his head.

a) “yes”
b) “maybe”
c) “no”
d) “I don’t care”

3) An arcade here is...

a) a covered passageway.
b) a place to play sports.
c) a place to eat.
d) a place to play video games.

62 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


4) He is as stubborn as a mule, means:

a) he is obstinate
b) he is easy going
c) he is relaxed
d) he is cute
SCORE: ______/ 10

A) 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a C) 1c, 2c, 3b, 4b Write the correct option in parentheses:
( )
B) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4c D) 1d, 2d, 3b, 4a


This is an assessment portfolio that you will have created over the entire semester. Each individual assignment
will have already been marked so this is an assessment of the portfolio as a whole (It can be done in power point).
The cover for the portfolio must include all the information needed (name, grade, class, teacher’s name, etc.)
decorated with an original artwork.

Both the teacher and you will mark the portfolio according to this rubric.

You must collect, complete and organize the following:

1. A description and picture of yourself using the adjectives you have in sequence1activity 6.
2. A picture and a written description of your favorite character (pop stars, sportsmen, TV stars). You have
one in sequence one activity 9.
3. A description of your city. Write down the description and paste a picture or a postcard. You have one
in sequence 1, activity 22.
4. A description and drawing of an object as the one you have in sequence 1 activity 28.
5. A song containing adjectives.
6. Conceptual map about adjectives, comparative and superlative degree as the one you have in sequence 3
activity 8.
7. Written report of a city that you would like to visit.
8. Grammar notes that you have taken during the block.

Similarities and Differences 63



Needs some You're on your

You got it! Outstanding!
work way... PTS.
3 pts 4 pts
1 pts 2 pts

Student is missing Student missing Student is Student includes all

Portfolio missing 1-2 required assignments.
5 or more required 3-4 required required Writing pieces,
Content assignments. assignments. assignments. pictures, Topics.

Little Good Extensive

improvement. Some improvement. improvement.
Improvement Student achieved improvement. Student Student achieved all
only a few of the Student achieved achieved most desired goals and
desired goals. some goals. or all desired more.
Material is Materials
unorganized Organization is presented in Materials presented
Organization and difficult basic. Missing an effective in a very creative and
to understand. more than a few manner. Very effective manner. No
Missing some pieces. few pieces pieces missing.
pieces. missing.

Material is not Student makes Good effort in Outstanding

Creativity creative, copied an attempt at creativity. creativity.
text from internet. creativity.
Grammar Missing more than Missing a couple Includes 5 notes or
two notes. of notes. Includes 5 notes. more.
Total Points

64 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Student’s Performance at the

end of the block Learning objects Competences to be developed

ƒ Recognizes past situations in a ƒ Recreational activities ƒ Identifies and interprets the general
straightforward text. ƒ School activities idea and the possible development of
ƒ Requests and exchanges information ƒ Sport activities an oral and written message in a foreign
related to his/her own activities and ƒ Simple past of verb To Be language, using previous knowledge
situations and those of other people, ƒ Regular and irregular verbs about leisure, school and sports
in oral and written forms, in simple ƒ Time expressions for the past activities.
contexts of socialization. ƒ Develops a respectful attitude towards
ƒ Uses the correct grammatical interculturality and the diversity of the
structures to describe situations in beliefs, values, ideas and social practice
the past. when participating and/or collaborating
on teams.
ƒ Communicates in a foreign language
using logic discourse, oral or written to
describe what happened in the past.
ƒ Produces texts based on the normative
use of the language, considering the
intention and communicative situation.
ƒ Uses communication and information
technology to process and interprets
information related to past activities.

Length: 12 sessions

Start up activities Didactic Sequence 1



Read the biography. Then answer the questions.

Cesar Chavez was a Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist. He was a farm worker who cofounded
the biggest farm workers’ union in the USA and improved the working conditions of thousands of farm laborers.

Many see him as one of America’s greatest civil rights leaders.

More and more US states are honoring him by making his birthday
a holiday. Chavez was born in Arizona in 1927 to farm worker
parents. His childhood was not pleasant; it was very tough because
of the poverty caused by the Great Depression. Chavez was
a natural leader and in 1952 he became an administrator in the
Latino civil rights group the Community Service Organization. He
travelled throughout California urging Mexican Americans to vote
and speaking about workers’ rights.

In 1962, Chavez co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) with Dolores Huerta. His first
success was to lead a California grape pickers strike for better wages. The strike lasted five years and attracted
the attention of Robert Kennedy. The NFWA won its first major labor victory for American farm workers. Chavez
moved on to campaign for the rights of other farm workers.

The NFWA developed into the United Farm Workers. Chavez led marches and encouraged farm workers across
America to join together. He helped them strike and organize boycotts. In the 1980s he fasted to draw public
attention to the dangerous use of pesticides. Chavez died in 1993 of natural causes. Ten years later, America
honored him with a postage stamp.
Taken from: Famous people Lesson
1. Who was Cesar Chavez? _______________________________________________________________
2. Where was Cesar Chavez Born? _________________________________________________________
3. How was his childhood? _______________________________________________________________
4. What were some of his accomplishments? ___________________________________________
5. What impact did Chavez work have for farm laborers? ________________________________________
6. When did Cesar Chavez die? __________________________________________________________

66 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Fill in the chart with the information from the biography.




Early influences









Match the words from the article on the left with their synonyms on the right. Compare your answers
with your partner.

Paragraphs 1 and 2

1. activist _____ a. made better

2 improved _____ b. difficult
3. honoring _____ c. encouraging
4. tough _____ d. campaigner
5. poverty _____ e. paying tribute
6. urging _____ f. hardship

Old times 67

paragraphs 3 and 4

7. success _____ g. Urged

8. major _____ h. Triumph
9. campaign _____ i. Reasons
10. encouraged _____ j. Awareness
11 attention _____ k Great
12 causes _____ l Fight

Find examples of the use of WAS and WERE in Cesar Chavez’ biography and write the sentences on the line.

Example: Cesar Chavez was a Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Unscramble the words in parentheses and write them on the line. Check the phrases in Cesar Chavez

Paragraph 1
1. civil rights (atiisvct) ____________
2. making his birthday a (oihayld)____________

Paragraph 2
3. His childhood was very (ghuot)____________

4. He travelled (hthtuoorgu) California____________

Paragraph 3
5. His first (uccsses) ____________
6. attracted the (ontneitta) of Robert Kennedy ____________
Paragraph 4
7. the dangerous use of pedtsciesi) ____________
8. A (aegptso) stamp ____________

68 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Read the following sentences. Then check ( ) True or False.

True False
1. Cesar Chavez was born in Mexico.
2. Cesar Chavez’ family was not rich.

3. Cesar Chavez fought for the rights of farm workers.

4. In 1980 Chavez didn’t eat in protest for the use of dangerous pesticides.

5. In 2000 America honored Chavez with a postage stamp.


Read the information in tables.

To Be –Questions and short answers.

To create questions with the verb To Be, put the Verb before the Subject.

Affirmative You were happy.

Subject Verb

Question Were you happy?

Verb Subject

Affirmative Question Short Answers Short Answers

I was late Was I late? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.
You were sick. Were you sick? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
He was surprised. Was he surprised? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.
She was from Italy. Was she from Italy? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.
It was a big house. Was it a big house? Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.
We were ready. Were we ready? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.
You were early. Were you early? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.
They were busy. Were they busy? Yes, they were. No, they weren't.

Old times 69

Development activities


Interview 1

Interviewer: Do you know that girl?

George: Yes, that’s Linda. She was in my class at school.
She was very athletic. She was on the basketball team.
Interviewer: Was she a good student?
George: Yes, she was. She was very smart. She always
had good grades in all subjects. She was especially good
in chemistry.

Interview 2

Interviewer: Do you remember that boy?

Linda: Yes, I remember him. We went to the same school.
He was a drummer in a rock band.
Interviewer: What was he like?
Linda: Well, he never did his homework, and he was usually
late for class. But George always had a good excuse.

70 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora




Answer yes or no.

Linda 1. ______ was a good basketball player.

2. ______ had good grades.
3. ______ is a doctor.

George 1. ______ had good excuses.

2. ______ was a good student.
3. ______ has a recording studio.
This is Linda today. She’s a chemist. She works
for a cosmetics company.
Roy: 1. ______ is a musician.
2. ______is like his father.
3. ______ plays in a rock band.

And this is
George. He
has a son,
Roy. Roy is a
rock musician,
and he’s just
like George.

Old times 71

Match the pictures with the activities. Then find and circle the words in the search puzzle.

72 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Read the information in tables.

To be affirmative
Subject To Be Examples
I was I was tired this morning.
You were You were very good.
He was He was the best in his class.
She was She was late for work.
It was It was a sunny day.
We were We were at home.
You were You were on holiday.
They were They were happy.

To be negative
Subject To Be Examples
I was not I was not tired yesterday.
You were not You were not crazy.
He was not He was not married.
She was not She was not famous.
It was not It was not hot yesterday.
We were not We were not invited.
You were not You were not at the party.
They were not They were not friends.

Old times 73


Write WAS or WERE on the lines below. Then answer the questions (Use short answers).

1. _________ you at school last night? No, I wasn’t.

2. __________ the movie good? _________________________________

3. _________ you at school yesterday? ________________________________

4. _________ the doors closed? ________________________________

5. _________ it very windy? ________________________________

6. _________ the weather cold? ________________________________

7. _________ she angry with you? ________________________________

8. _________ Adrian and Albert at the restaurant? ________________________________

9. _________ you thirsty after the walk? ________________________________

10. _________ the umbrella in the car? ________________________________


You were TO BE
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They Were

Don´t forget me!

I am the verb TO BE.

74 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Closing activities

Learning Activity (pair work)


Complete the statements with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. Then practice the dialogue with your partner.

Alex: Where __________ you last Sunday, Caro? __________ you at home?
Caro: No, I __________. I __________ at Reforma Street, cycling.
Alex: Wow, __________ you alone?
Caro: No, Diego and Frederick __________ with me.
Alex: __________ your parents there, too?
Caro: No, they __________. They __________ at home.
Alex: What __________ the weather like?
Caro: It __________ hot and sunny.
Alex: __________ there many people at the streets?
Caro: Oh yes! There __________ a lot of people on the bicycle lanes.
It __________ exciting. Where __________ you?
Alex: I __________ at the Azteca Stadium with my cousin Camille.
Caro: What __________ the game like?
Alex: It __________ fun.
Caro: __________ Nina with you?
Alex: No, she __________. She __________ sick.

Write a short email to a friend about last weekend.

Old times 75

Circle the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. John was / were at home last week. Time

expressions used
2. They was / were at the movies last night. with the simple past:
- Yesterday
3. Your parents was / were at the station at nine o´clock. -Last week/year/summer,
Monday, etc.
4. Mary was / were in the street this morning. -A week/year ago, etc.
5. My aunt was / were in the hospital yesterday morning.

6. I was / were at school this morning.

7. Jill and Kevin was / were at the zoo last Sunday.

8. We was / were in a Chinese restaurant last night.

Write these sentences in the negative form.

1. My mother was at home this morning. _________________________________________________________

2. Paul and Mary were in the shop. ______________________________________________________________

3. His friends were very happy yesterday afternoon. ________________________________________________

4. I was late for the movies.____________________________________________________________________

5. We were at home to watch a film on TV. ________________________________________________________

Answer these questions with short answers.

1. Were you at home last night? ________________________________________________________________

2. Was it hot yesterday? ______________________________________________________________________
3. Were your friends at home last Monday? ______________________________________________________
4. Was your father at work this morning? ________________________________________________________
5. Were you in class yesterday morning? ________________________________________________________

76 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Write the words in the correct order.

1- garden / wasn´t / the / yesterday / He / in

2- home / were / My /dad / and /I / all day / at
3- was / Susan / library / the / in
4- park / girls / The / the / were / at / ?
5- Tom / last night / happy / wasn´t

Old times 77

Start up activities Didactic Sequence 2



Make a timeline of your life. Complete the sentences with the years in which the following events took place.
A. I was born on:____________________________________________________

B. I took my first step in : ____________________________________________

A timeline
C. My Brothers and sisters were born in: _________________________________ is a way to
____________________________ __________________________________ understand
D. I started kindergarten in: __________________________________________ the
E. I rode a bicycle for the first time in: __________________________________ between
events and
F. I lost my first tooth in: ____________________________________________ the dates they
took place.
G. I learned how to read in: ___________________________________________

H. Other important events: ____________________________________________

Timeline of my life

I was born

78 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Development activities

ACTIVITY 1 Learning Activity (pair work)


Read the following sentences and check ( ) if they are correct or wrong. Then discuss the results with
your partner and report them to your teacher.

Correct Wrong
1. - She didn’t bought the bread yesterday.
2. - I hadn’t enough money to pay the concert tickets.
3. - Did you know that Sally was my sister?
4. - We heard a noise in the middle of the night.
5. - My parents wasn’t very happy with my exam results.
6. - The teacher told the students to sit down.
7. - They never didn’t receive the money that they needed.
8. - She didn’t ate her breakfast this morning.
9. - Where did you buy these jeans?
10.- Was Paul in the library when you went there?

Listen and practice with your partner.

Albert: Hi, Mary Joe. How was your vacation?

Mary Joe: It was excellent! I went to San Carlos
with my cousin Camille. We had a great time.
Albert: Lucky you. How long were you there?
Mary Joe: About a week.
Albert: Fantastic! Was the weather OK?
Mary Joe: Not really. It was cloudy most of the time.
But we went surfing every day. The waves
were amazing.
Albert: So, what was the best thing about the trip?
Mary Joe: You won’t believe it. Sea food was the best thing.
We ate shrimp, crab and oysters, and other delicious dishes.
Albert: Is it expensive there?
Mary Joe: No, it is not very expensive.
Prices are pretty reasonable.
Albert: It sounds perfect to me. Maybe I should plan a
trip there sometime.

Old times 79

Answer the questions about the dialogue.

Where did Mary Joe spend her vacations? ________________________________________________________

Who was Mary Joe with? ______________________________________________________________________

How long was she there? ______________________________________________________________________

What did Mary Joe and her cousin Camille do there ? ________________________________________________

How was the weather? ________________________________________________________________________

What was the best thing about the trip?___________________________________________________________

What did they eat? ___________________________________________________________________________

What did Albert think about the trip? ____________________________________________________________


One student makes a statement about the weekend. Other student asks questions. Each student answers at least
four questions.
A. I went out on Saturday night. A. What time did you go?
B. Where did you go? B. We went around 7.
A. To the Mall A. How did you like it?
B. Who did you go with? B. I……………….
A. I went with my friends.

The Past Tense is used to talk about something that started and finished at a definite
GRAMMAR time in the past. There are two types of past forms in English: those for regular
verbs and those for irregular verbs. The past form of regular verbs ends in – d or
ed. Here are the rules to form the simple past of “Regular Verbs”.

Rule 1. Rule 2. Rule 2.

If the base form ends in a vowel If a verb ends in a consonant and If a verb ends in a consonant and
and one or more consonants plus y, change -y to -i and add -ed. y, change -y to -i and add -ed.
e, Add -d to the base form. –> study – studied –> study – studied
–> live – lived

Rule 4. Rule 5.
If the verb has one syllable and If the verb has two syllables
ends in a consonant + vowel + and the final syllable is stressed,
a consonant, double the final double the final consonant and
consonant and add –ed add – ed
–> stop – stopped –> prefer – preferred

80 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


ACTIVITY 2 Learning Activity


1. Circle the correct past tense form for each verb

1.- Show
a. Showed b. Showwed c. Showied d. Showd
2.- Permit
a. Permitted b. Permitied c. Permited d. Permitt
3.- Depart
a. Departted b. Departed c. Departied d. Departid
4.- Marry
a. Married b. Married c. Married d. Maried
5.- Rely
a. Relyed b. Relied c. Relayed d. Rellyied
6.- Share
a. Sharred b. Shared c. Sharied d. Shard
7.- Play
a. Plaied b. Playyed c. Played d. Playied
8.- Trap
a. Trapped b. Trapied c. Trape d. Trapd
9.- Fail
a. Failled b. Failied c. Faill d. Failed
10.- Study
a. Studid b. Studyd c. Studied d. Studyed

The correct answer is: ( )

A. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7d, 8c, 9d, 10c
B. 1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9d, 10c
C. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7d, 8a, 9a, 10c
D. 1a, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9d, 10d
E. 1a, 2a, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8a, 9d, 10c

Old times 81

Learning Activity

Unscramble the words and change the verb to form affirmative sentences in PAST TENSE.

1. she / a bag / carry. She carry the bag.

She carried a bag.

2. I / sad / look. ________________________________________________________________________


3. he / cash / pay. _______________________________________________________________________


4. you / your English / practice ____________________________________________________________


5. disappear /the /clouds ________________________________________________________________


6. he / his father / embarrass ______________________________________________________________


7. they / to my question /react _____________________________________________________________


8. she / the word / underline ______________________________________________________________


9. Work/My parents/ at night. _____________________________________________________________


82 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Complete the statement with the past tense of the verb in parentheses.

1. She _____________________________________ in Caborca. (live)

2. They _____________________________________ at the weekends ( work)

3. Albert _____________________________________ an apartment in Hermosillo. (rent)

4. Pablo ______________________________________ his bike. (scratch)

5. Adrian ______________________________________soccer in school. (play)

6. Roger ______________________________________ his new school. ( love)

7. Nogales Mall ____________________________ at nine o’clock in the morning. (open)

8. Betty _________________________________ a cake for my birthday. (bake)

Learning Activity

Practice the pronunciation of the verbs in the table. Repeat after your teacher.

Sound 1 [t] Sound 2 [d] Sound 3 [Id]

returned waited
stayed decided
played wanted
seemed visited
called needed

Old times 83

Complete the conversation with the verbs from the table above.

A: What did you do last night?

B: I ______________ tennis with Charlie. B: When is her birthday?

A: Oh, How is Charlie? A: It's today.

B: He ______________ happy. He A: I ______________ her this morning. She

______________ some exercise, so he _______________ from Monterrey last night.
______________ me for a game of tennis.
B: She's been gone for a long time.
A: That's great. The last time I saw Charlie,
A: Yes, I ______________ her so much while she was away.
he ___________ fat.
B: Did you do anything nice?
B: Well, he's getting into shape now. So,
what did you do last night? A: She ______________ to go out for lunch, so I took her to
an expensive restaurant. It was really nice.
A: Nothing much. I ______________
home all evening. B: That's great.
B: Did you do anything at home? A: We ate so much food. Then, we ______________ to go to
the cinema. The cinema was busy. We ______________ for
A: Let me see. I ______________ my
a long time to get the tickets, but the movie was really good.

B: Sounds exciting. /d/

A: I ______________ TV.

B: Amazing.
/id/ /t /
A: I ______________ a steak.

B: Wow.

A: And I ______________ my girlfriend's

birthday present.

84 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Listen and repeat. Notice the pronunciation of [t], [d] and [ɪd].

[t] final sound [d] final sound [ɪd] final sound

It bobbed up and down.
He popped a balloon.
He begged her to stay. I visited the Empire
They talked a lot. State Building.
She breathed loudly.
She frothed a cup of milk They loved it. She edited the research
I laughed at the movie. We raised her expectations.
We ended the game
She kissed a frog. They bridged the gap.
I claimed it was mine.
We brushed it off. He breaded the
They banned new chicken.
I reached around for it. members.
She banged into the chair.
He cleared it up.

Learning Activity (pair work)


Read the paragraph to practice ED sounds. Take turns with your partner and read the paragraph. Then
answer the questions below.

Last night when I got home from work, the kitchen was a mess. At our house, we have agreed to clean up after
ourselves, so I asked around to find out who had cooked last. That person turned out to be my son. While he
washed the dishes, I sat at the kitchen table and talked to him about his school work. Last year, he tested into an
advanced program, and I wanted to see how he was doing. He seemed happy with it. He started telling me about
his classes and what he learned that day.

Old times 85

1. What member of the family got home from work?


2. What did she find out when she got from work?


3. Who did a mess in the kitchen?


4. What did the mother talk about with her son?


5. How was the son doing in the advanced program?




The structure of the irregular verbs changes

when forming the past simple tense. Some
have the same base and past form, some change
vowel sounds, and a few have completely
different base and past forms.

86 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Read about Diego's typical working day.

I usually get up at 6 o'clock and have a shower. Then, I go for an early morning jog in the park. After that, I have a
big breakfast and I ride my bicycle to work which usually takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.30. I never
have lunch. I finish work at 5 o’clock. I’m always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening and
then watch TV. I don’t usually go out at night. I go to bed at about 10:30. I always sleep well.

Yesterday was a typical day for Diego. Write what he did or didn’t do yesterday. Remember to change the verbs
in to the past simple tense.
1. He ______________________ up at 6 o'clock.

2. He ______________________ for an early morning jog.

3. He ______________________ a big breakfast.

4. He ______________________ his bicycle to work.

5. It _______________________ him half an hour to get to work.

6. ________________ ________________ ________________ at 8:30.

7. ________________ ________________ ________________ lunch.

8. ________________ ________________ ___________ at 5 o'clock.

9. He _____________________ tired when he ______________________ home.

10. _______________ ________________ at meal yesterday evening.

11. _______________ ________________ TV.

12. _______________ ________________ ________________ out last night.

13. _______________ ________________ to bed at 10:30.

14. _______________ ________________ well last night.

Old times 87
BLOCK 2: Important moments in the past

Learning Activity

Read the paragraph. Fill in the table with the past tense verbs you find and then change them to
present tense.

Last month, a new girl joined our class. She was from Mexico.
She came in, introduced herself, and began to talk about her country and
its variety of cultural things to see and do, she also talked about Mexico’s
amazing history.

On a map, she showed us where she was from. While she

was talking about her home town, the school bell
suddenly rang.

I would like to go on holidays to Mexico and learn to

speak Spanish.



88 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Fill in each blank space with the simple past tense of the verb in parentheses.

Yesterday I (to have) ___________________ a really bad day. I (to wake) ____________________ up at 9
o'clock because I (to forget) ____________________ to set my alarm clock the night before.
I (get) ____________________ up as fast as I (can) ____________________ and
I (to put) ____________________ on some clothes. I ran into the kitchen and (to make) ____________________
myself a cup of coffee. Then I ____________________ (to drink) the coffee very fast and I (to run)
____________________ to my car. It (to be) ____________________ a terrible morning

Old times 89

Learning Activity

Fill in the WORD PUZZLE with the simple past tense forms of the verbs.

90 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Complete the following sentences with the past form of the verbs in the puzzle. Use the information in
parentheses for help, letter A is across and letter D is down.
1. Yesterday I _________________________ with my brother. (1A)
2. The teacher _________________________ down behind the desk. (6A)
3. I _________________________ with the teacher. (10A)
4. We _________________________ our friends last week. (24A)
5. My mother _________________________ us to school yesterday. (27A)
6. The child ______________________ the book from the shelf. (35A)
7. She _________________________ the teacher who cheated on the test. (2D)
8. We _________________________ last year basketball game. (3D)
9. I _________________________ a cake to the party. (12D
10. He _________________________ angry when he lost the game.(18D)
11. I _________________________ tea because I was thirsty. (27D)
12. We _________________________ from the thief. (32D)

Closing activities

ACTIVITY 8 Learning Activity (team work)


Choose the option with the correct spelling of the verb in parentheses and write it on the line. Then check the
answers with your partners.

1. He ________ to sing when he was 9 years old. (to begin)

a) begun b) beginned c) began d) beginning

2. My little brother ________ his new glasses when he fell off his bike. (to break)
a) broked b) broken c) broke d) breaking

3. The students ________ at the football championship a week ago. (to be)
a)was b)are c) were d) been

4. I ________ my English homework at school yesterday. (to do)

a)do b)am doing c)was doing d)did

Old times 91

5. He ________ all the "Harry Potter" books last year. (to read)
a)readed b)reads c)is reading d)read
6. My father________ at my school last Monday? (to be)
a)were b)is c)was d)be

7. That boy________ the ball in the basket. (to throw)

a)threw b)throwed c)is throwing d)are throwing

8. The police ________ the thief quickly. (to catch)

a)catched b)caught c)catch d)catching

9. He ______ famous men and women from history in the "Madame Tussaud's Museum. (to see)
a)sees b)saw c)seeing d)seed

10. I ________ T-shirts from the museum shop to remind us of our visit yesterday. (to buy)
a)buyed b)bought c)am buying d)is buying


92 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



1) Read some facts from the biographies of two famous people.

2) Write at least 7 sentences

1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________________

a) Name, job, when / where born

b) Studies, career, family, achievements

Old times 93

c) When / where died, feelings.

3) Draw a lifetime and tell the biography to your classmates using it.

94 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Shows a good
Does not seem to
Shows fully unders- Shows a good understanding of
understand the topic
tanding of the topic understanding of parts of the topic,
very well. Poorly
Content and uses appropriate the topic. Good useuses limited vo-
use of vocabulary
vocabulary and of vocabulary and cabulary and has
and several gram-
grammar. grammar. some problems with
matical mistakes.
Sometimes speaks
Uses Complete Always speaks in Mostly speaks in Rarely speaks in
in complete senten-
Sentences complete sentences. complete sentences. complete sentences.
Volume is loud
enough to be heard Volume is loud Volume often too
Volume is loud
by the teacher and enough just in some soft to be heard
Volume enough, most of the
classmates, through parts of the presen- by the teacher and
out the whole pre- tation. classmates.
Student shows exce- Student shows good The student shows Student does not
Preparedness llent preparation for preparation for the some preparation seem at all prepared
the presentation. presentation. for the presentation. to present.
The visual aid The visual aid con- The visual aid so-
The visual aid does
complement the nects to the speech mewhat connects to
Visual Aids not connect to the
speech and shows and shows some the speech, but does
speech at all.
creativity. creativity. not show creativity.
It is hard to un-
Speaks clearly Speaks clearly most Speaks clearly
derstand what the
all the time, and of the time, but mis- sometimes and mis-
Speaks Clearly student says and
pronounces all the pronounces some pronounces several
mispronounces most
words correctly. words. words.
of the words

Old times 95

Start up activities Didactic Sequence 3



Interview a classmate. Ask the following questions and take notes (your partner only needs
to answer key words and numbers).

You: Where were you born?

You: Where did you go to kindergarten?
You: Where did you go to secondary school?
You: When did you first study English?
You: When did you start studying in Cobach?
You: How old were you when you start high school?

96 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Use your notes to write a paragraph about your partner.

Start like this: I’d like to introduce my partner (name). She/he was born in Guadalajara and went to…


Positive form Negative form
I went to school. I didn’t go to school
She studied all night. She didn’t study all night
They ate a lot. They didn’t eat a lot
The structure for negative
We had lunch. We didn’t have lunch
sentences in the past simple tense

subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb

Positive form Negative form
I went to school. Did I go to school?
She studied all night. Did she study all night?
The structure for question They ate a lot. Did they eat a lot?
sentences in the past simple tense
is: We had lunch. Did we have lunch?
auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

Old times 97

Development activities

ACTIVITY 1 Learning Activity


Unscramble the words to make sentences. Then change the sentences to questions in past tense.

1. Anna / the window / opened Anna opened the window

Did Anna open the window?

2. she / home / walked ______________________________________________________________________


3. you / in the garden / worked _______________________________________________________________


4. you / a song / sang _______________________________________________________________________


5. she / on a chair /sit _______________________________________________________________________


6. you / the castle / visited ___________________________________________________________________


7. Jenny / the door / locked __________________________________________________________________


8. Greg / the ball / kicked ___________________________________________________________________


9. the car / at the corner / stopped _____________________________________________________________


98 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Match the questions with the answers. Write the right number on each answer.

1. Where did you grow up? ____ I was eighteen.

2. When did you come to Nogales? ____ I grew up in Hermosillo.

3. Why did you become a hairstylist? ____ I came to Nogales in 1990.

4. How old were you in 1990? ____ Because I needed the money.

5. Who did you meet then? ____ Because my English wasn’t very good.

6. When did you start school? ____ I met my best friend.

7. How was your first day of school? ____ I entered language school in 1991.

8. Why did you take this class? ____ It was a little scary.

Questions with WH words in the

Simple Past
WH + auxiliary did + subject + verb
What did you do yesterday?

Underline the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1. Did you .......... to the cinema?

a) went b) go c) going d) to go

2. When did little Tom........ the milk?

a) drink b) drank c) drunk d)to drink

3. When did Mr. Smith ...... to London?

a) go b) went c) gone d) to go

Old times 99

4. Where ...... you go yesterday?

a) do b) does c)did d)went

5. ...... she ...... the tennis match?

a) Did/win b) Did/won c) Does/win d) Does/won

6. She..... ..... to the cinema.

a) not went b) didn’t went c) didn’t go d) doesn’t went

7. We..... ..... in the morning.

a) don’t come b) didn’t come c) came not d) not came

8. We..... the football match.

a) didn’t win b) didn’t won c) don’t win d) don’t won

9. What.... they.... in London?

a) did/see b) do/saw c) did /saw d) do/see

10. When.... you.... to Madrid?

a) did/go b) did/went c) do/go d) do/went

100 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Learning Activity

Draw a conceptual map or a mind map about regular and irregular verbs, and affirmative, negative and
interrogative sentences use simple past.

Old times 101


Write the negative form of the sentences.

For example: John had a warm coat: "John didn't have a warm coat."
1. Some First Nations people lived in tents.


2. Pablo bought a new car.


3. We went to the beach.


4. They talked about their homework.


5. He played hockey every day.


6. They travelled across Sonora by bike.


Complete the sentences with the negative form of the underlined verb.

1. I spoke to all my friends but I ______________________to my teacher.

2. The students learned English but they________________________ Spanish.

3. We got our passport on time but we ______________________get our ticket.

4. The couple enjoyed the restaurant atmosphere but they ___________________the food.

5. The employees worked hard last but they _______________ during the weekend.

102 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Learning Activity (pair work)


Speaking Activity.

Look at Nina’s last week activities.

Ask questions to your partner about what she
did and didn’t do.

1. A: Did Nina eat lunch? 5. Did Nina…………….. ?

B: Yes, she did. 6. Did……?
2. Did Nina go to the 7. Did…….?
swimming pool? 8. Did…….?
3. Did Nina write a letter 9. Did…….?
…? 10. Did…….
4. Did Nina read…….?

Fill in the things she did and didn't do.

Things she did Things she didn’t do

1. Nina ate lunch

1. Nina didn’t go to the swimming pool.
2. Nina ____________milk and bread.
2. Nina ______________ a letter to Maya.
3. Nina ____________ cheese sandwiches.
3. Nina ______________ a good book.
4. Nina ____________ Mum at 18 o’clock.
4. Nina ______________ her neew jeans.
5. Nina ____________ Maya about English
5. Nina ______________ her homework.

Old times 103


Closing activities


Read the Story

This winter I learned to skate! A friend of mine had an extra pair of skates. He invited me to go skating with him
on Saturday afternoon in February. I borrowed the skates and we went skating.
It was cold outside! We wore hats, scarves and mitts to keep warm. He showed me how to put on the skates. He
helped me walk onto the ice. He showed me how to start moving. He also showed me how to stop. I moved very
slowly at first and lots of people past beside me. When I fell down nobody laughed at me. Instead, they helped
me get back up. I kept trying. Soon I felt much better, I liked skating.

Check the sentences True or False.

True False
1. He went skating on Sunday afternoon.

2. Wearing hats and scarves will keep you warm on a cold day.

3. He moved very fast at first.

4. When he fell, people laughed at him.

5. He liked skating.

Use the past tense verbs from the reading to complete the following sentences.

1. This winter he _____________________ to skate.

2. When he _____________________nobody laughed at him.

3. He _____________________a pair of skates from a friend who had an extra pair of skates.

4. They _____________________ skating on Saturday afternoon in February.

5. His friend _____________________him walk onto the ice.

104 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Write a short story about your own experience. How did you learn to ride a bike or a horse? How did
you learn to dance, swim or ski? Who taught you? Discuss your experience with your partner.

Old times 105



Integrative Activity Rubric

Ask one of your classmates to evaluate your short story.

Points 5 4 3 2 0 Pts.
Rarely or
Consistently Usually Sometimes Does not
Simple uses simple uses simple uses simple write in
uses simple
Sentence sentence sentence sentence simple
Structure structure structure structure sentence
correctly. correctly. correctly. structure .

All words Most words Some words Few words

Spelling are spelled are spelled are spelled are spelled
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

Consistently Usually Sometimes Rarely uses Does not

Verb Tense
uses simple uses simple uses simple simple use simple
past, tense past tenses past tenses past tenses past tenses
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.

Total Points

106 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Underline the correct option . (10 value points)

1. What is the pronunciation of the past tense of the regular verb end= ended?
a) [t] b) [d] c) [əd] d) [ɪd]

2. What is the pronunciation of the past tense of the regular verb kiss=kissed?
a )[t] b) [d] c) [əd] d) [ɪd]

3. We ________ photos of our favorite stars last week.

a)taken b) took c) taked d) to take

4. We ________ to the beach yesterday morning.

a) drove b) drive c) driven d) to drive

5. I ________ a bike all the day yesterday.

a) rode b) ridden c) ride d) to ride

6. Who ________ my car?

a) stole b)stolen c) steal d) to steal

7. My mother ________ a beautiful song.

a) sings b) singed c) sang d) sing

8. Neymar __________ in the Brazil team in the last world cup.

a) play b) played c) playing d) to play

9. They ___________ to school yesterday.

a) didn’t came b) don’t come c) didn’t come d) don’t came

10. When ______ you ______to Nogales?

a) did/go b) did/went c) do/go d) do/went

A) 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a, 5a , 6a , 7c , 8b , 9c , 10d

B) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5a , 6 a, 7c , 8b , 9c , 10a
SCORE: ______/ 10 C) 1c, 2c, 3b, 4b, 5a , 6a , 7c , 8b , 9c , 10d
D) 1d, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5a , 6a , 7c , 8b , 9c , 10a

Write the correct option in parentheses: ( )

Old times 107


Choose the correct verb from the box to complete the following sentences. Change the verbs to past tense.
(10 value points)

play listen paint visit mail help learn watch change wait

1. I ___________________ my friend in the hospital last night.

2. The boys ___________________ soccer in the field behind the school.

3. Bert ___________________ his mother wash the dishes.

4. Charles and Adrian ___________________ the living room a red wood color.

5. Marie Joe ___________________ TV for two hours last night.

6. We ___________________ planes on the way to Hermosillo.

7. I used my computer to ___________________ the homework.

8. She ___________________ for him for 20 minutes at Caffenios.

9. They ___________________ how to swim many years ago.

10. We ___________________ to the radio until midnight.

SCORE: ______/ 10

Match the columns and write the letter on the line. (10 value points)
a) Well, I went sunbathing and
1. Where did you go on your last holiday? _____ tried lots of local food..
2. Really? How was it? _____ b) I went to Cancun.
3. How long did you stay? _____ c) I stayed for about 10 days.
4. What did you do there? _____ d) Wonderful! The beaches were
5. Did you enjoy your vacation? _____
e) I really had fun!

A) 1 a, 2e, 3b, 4c, 5d

B) 1b, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5e
SCORE: _____ /10
C) 1b, 2e, 3c, 4d, 5a
D) 1b, 2e, 3c, 4a, 5d

Write the correct option in parentheses: ( )

108 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs. (10 value points)

“The Hare and the Tortoise"

One day the hare and the tortoise decided to have a race. The hare __________ (know) that he could run faster
than the tortoise. But the tortoise was more intelligent than the hare.
“Yes, I'll race you”, __________(say) the clever tortoise. The tortoise__________(have) a clever plan. He
__________(find) his brothers and sisters and he __________(tell) them to wait in different places along the
path of the race. So they all __________(hide) behind the trees along the path. The race __________(begin)!
The tortoise __________(run) as fast as possible. But the hare __________(be) faster, of course. “This will be
a very easy race”, __________(think) the hare. So the hare __________(decide) to have a rest, and he quickly
__________(fall) asleep at the side of the road. Suddenly, the hare __________(wake up) and he __________
(see) a tortoise ahead of him! “How did he get ahead of me?” the hare asked himself. In fact, it __________(be)
not his friend the tortoise: it __________(be) the tortoise's sister. But to a hare, all tortoises look the same. The
hare __________ (run) past the tortoise easily. Soon, he could see the tortoise, so he __________(sit) down
and he had another rest. Then the hare__________( get up) and continued the race. But - as the hare happily
__________(come) around the last corner before the finish line - his friend the tortoise crossed the line and
__________(win) the race!

When you finish, check your options in the verb lists at the end of the block. Each verb is worth half a point.

SCORE: _____ /10


Old times 109


Importance of Grammar.

Irregular Verbs List

Base Simple Past Base Simple Past Base Simple Past

be was/were go went sink sank

bear bore grind ground sit sat

beat beat grow grew sleep slept

become became hang hung slide slid

begin began have had sling slung

bend bent hear heard slink slunk

bind bound hide hid slit slit

bite bit hit hit speak spoke

bleed bled hold held speed sped

blow blew hurt hurt spend spent

break broke keep kept spin span or spun

breed bred kneel knelt spit spit or spat

110 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


bring brought know knew split split

build built lay laid spread spread

burst burst lead led spring sprang

buy bought leave left stand stood

cast cast lend lent steal stole

catch caught let let stick stuck

choose chose lie lay sting stung

cling clung lose lost stink stank

come came make made stride strode

cost cost mean meant strike struck

creep crept meet met string strung

cut cut mistake mistook strive strove

deal dealt partake partook swear swore

dig dug pay paid sweep swept

do did put put swim swam

draw drew read read take took

drink drank rid rid teach taught

drive drove ride rode tear tore

eat ate ring rang tell told

fall fell rise rose think thought

feed fed run ran thrive throve

Old times 111


feel felt say said throw threw

fight fought see saw thrust thrust

find found seek sought tread trod

flee fled sell sold understand understood

fling flung send sent wake woke

fly flew set set wear wore

forbid forbade shake shook weave wove

forecast forecast shed shed weep wept

forget forgot shine shone win won

forgive forgave shoot shot wind wound

forsake forsook show showed wring wrung

shrank or
freeze froze shrink write wrote

get got shut shut

give gave sing sang

112 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Student’s Performance at the end

of the block Learning objects Competences
ƒ Recognizes instructions, orders, ƒ Leisure activities ƒ Evaluates a text by comparing one
suggestions and prohibitions in a ƒ School activities piece of information with another
short text. ƒ Public places activities in relation to previous and current
ƒ Requests and exchange information ƒ ork places activities knowledge.
in oral and written forms related to ƒ Imperatives ƒ Identifies and interpret the general
instructions, orders, suggestions and ƒ Modal verbs (should, shouldn’t, idea and the possible development
prohibitions in everyday situations of must, mustn’t, can, can’t, have to, of an oral and written message in
recreation, socialization and work. don’t have to, may) a foreign language about leisure,
ƒ Uses correct grammar structures school, public and work places.
to follow instructions, orders, ƒ Communicates in a foreign
suggestions, and prohibitions in a language through logical oral and
communicative situation. written discourse, using modals in
specific cultural contexts
ƒ Develops a respec ul a tude
towards the diversity of beliefs,
values, ideas and social practices.

Length: 12 sessions

Didactic Sequence 1


Give instructions and orders using imperatives.
1. What orders or intructions do the people in the images give? Share your ideas.

114 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


2. Look around you. What objects do you see in your classroom? What instructions does your teacher
normally give you? Circle all the school objects in this reading.


All right! Let’s see how well you understand my instructions.

Victor, pass me the tape, please. Very good!
Maria, don’t leave the correction fluid open. Excellent!
Paula, don’t use the highlighter in your English book. Than you.
ob, put the trash can in the corner. Well done!
Jose, don’t use the cell phone in class.


Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warnings or instructions. To form the imperative, use the
infinitive of the verb without to . To form a negative imperative use don’t before the verb.

Rules and Obligations 115


The team that make more imperatives sentences according to the images wins.

Read the sentences and give orders. Follow the example.

Nancy doesn’t pay any attention. Pay attention, Nancy!

Mark is talking during the lesson. ___________________________

Dominic’s desk is all dirty. ___________________________

en isn’t ready for the test. ___________________________

Tony is spending all your money. ___________________________

I don’t understand in’s writing. ___________________________

116 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Development activities


1. Match the picture with the corresponding Classroom Rule.


Rules and Obligations 117


Closing activities


Order the instructions to make cupcakes.


50 m 24 servings 241 cals

ˆ 11 cups whole wheat flour.

ˆ 11 cups all purpose flour.
ˆ 5 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice.
ˆ teaspoons baking soda.
ˆ 1 1/2 teaspoons salt.
ˆ 1 ( 0 ounce) can pumpkin pie filling (such as ibby’s ).
ˆ 3 cups white sugar, or more to taste.
ˆ 1 cup vegetable oil.
ˆ 1/2 cup water.
ˆ 4 large eggs.


Prep 20 m Cook 0m Ready In 50 m

_______ Mix whole wheat flour, all purpose flour, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda, and salt together in a large
bowl. Whisk pumpkin pie filling, sugar, oil, water, and eggs together in a separate bowl until just mixed. Stir flour
mixture, about 1 cup at a time, into pumpkin mixture until batter is just combined. Fill muffin cups with batter
just below the brims.
________ ake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean, about
0 minutes. Cool muffins on a wire rack.
_________ Preheat oven to 0 degrees F (166 degrees C). Grease muffin cups or line with paper liners.

118 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Didactic Sequence 2
Start up activities HAVE FUN


Listen, read, and circle A or B.

Tammi: Hello.
rent: Hello, Tammi. What are you doing
Tammi: I’m watching TV. What are you doing
rent: I’m calling you to see if we can go fishing.
Tammi: h, that’s a great idea!
rent: I am going to your place to pick you up, okay
Tammi: Fine. See you in a few minutes then.

1. What is Tammi doing at the moment?

a) She is watching TV.
b) She is reading a book.

2. What is Brent doing?

a) What is Brent doing?
b) Is asking Tammi to go fishing.

What are they doing ook at the picture and write a sentence describing it.

esson 1: Be quiet please!

___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________

Rules and Obligations 119


___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________
Make teams of ve. Then discuss the following questions.
1. How do you behave Good or bad
. Why do you think so
. How should you act in a classroom

Complete the following chart according to your knowledge and experience about the behavior you have to
observe in different situations.

Correct behavior Incorrect behavior

_____________________ ______________________

_____________________ ______________________

_____________________ ______________________

_____________________ ______________________

_____________________ ______________________
Movie theater
Correct behavior Incorrect behavior

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

120 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


At home

Correct behavior Incorrect behavior

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

At work

Correct behave Incorrect behave

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________


Check your answers with a classmate.

isten and read the following expressions. Then put them in the correct column.

1. e mean (rude) at school. . Study at the library.

. Cheat in exams. . Help with the house work.
5. Practice sports. 6. se cell phone in class.
. Don’t show on time for class. . Smoke in school.
9. Don’t take notes in class. 10. Respect your classmates.
11. Take care of the classroom. 1 . Sleep in class.
1 . Help the needed. 1 . Stay up late at night.
15. Speak class. 16. Hand in your homework any time.
1 . Get in time to classes. 1 . Wear the uniform properly.
19. Exercise 0. rgue all the time.

Rules and Obligations 121


Development activities


Check the activities you hear in the listening exercise.

( ) go shopping ( ) set the table ( ) mow the lawn

( ) do the dishes ( ) clean the windows ( ) make your bed

( ) water the plants ( ) do the laundry ( ) sweep the floor

Chris.- Hi ake. What are you doing re you busy right now

Jake.- h, hi Chris! m just finishing doing dishes. What about you Can I do anything for you

Chris.- Yes. I would like to ask you for a favor. Can you set the table while I do some shopping I need to get
something for today’s dinner recipe.

Jake.- No problem at all. I can do that, I guess.

Chris.- Thanks a lot. I ll owe you one

Jake.- You sure will don’t forget

Chris.- What other things do I have to accomplish et s see do the laundry, clean the floor, make the bed,
water the plants, vacuum the car I think that’s all for today.


Read the following conversation.

Mom: Tom! Come and help me, please!

Tom: Wait a minute mom! I am watching a really nice movie!
Mom: Hurry up! I can hear the garbage truck. You have to take the trash out! nd you also have to mow the lawn
before your dad gets back.
Tom: h mom! Do I really have to I never do what I want to I always have to do house chores!

122 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Mom: So do I! Dad and I work long hours too. Don’t be la y! ll of us have chores to do at home, and you must
help with them. You should stop complaining and start doing what you have to accomplish.
Tom: kay. Give me the trash bag. ut after I finish, I am going to ake’s place. We have a few things to do today.
Mom: fter you finish with the lawn, you have to pick up your room. It’s a mess!
Tom: h mom! I’ll do that tomorrow we’ll have a day off at school.

) Read the conversation again. Write on the line the person that the personal pronoun is substituting.

1.- He is watching a movie. 1. ______________________________________________________

2.- We are going to do a few things. . ______________________________________________________

3.- He is going to mow the lawn. . ______________________________________________________

. efore he gets back . ______________________________________________________

5. ll of us have to do chores. 5. _____________________________________________________


I We You They have to paint the house. (obliged
I We You They don’t have to paint the house.
She He It doesn’t have to eat well to recover.
She He It has to eat well to recover.

Yes. I We You They do

Do I We You They have to paint the house No. I We You They don’t

Does she He It have to eat well to recover? Yes. She He It does

No, She He It doesn’t

Rules and Obligations 123



Listen and read

isten and read the following conversation.

: Hey! Have you read the school regulations I hadn’t notice them before.

: h no I heard of them when we entered school, just at the very beginning.

: What do you think about them

: I think these rules are in most of the schools, and they are to help the student’s behavior.

: esides that, they were made to help us to grow up correctly.

: Yea. We should behave the same way in our entire society. et’s check them: we should respect our classmates,
don’t destroy the furniture, use the equipment properly, don’t litter, show up on time for class, respect the staff,
wear the uniform in school, etc.

: nd there are some others like, don’t smoke, don’t talk during an exam and so on.

Write down the rules you remember from your school.


124 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



The use of cell phones in class

SH ND, hio local high school is now a cell phone free one, at least in the classroom.

Students at Hillsdale High School in shland will have to hang up their cell phones for good later this month.
Deemed that maybe that there have been distractions with the use of cell phones and stuff during the school day,
said Steve Dickerson, superintendent of Hillsdale ocal Schools.

Some of the distractions include misconduct on social media sites like Twitter. ccording to Dickerson, students
were using their cell phones to tweet and impersonate teachers and while the impersonations did not happen
during the school day, students were tweeting about it while in class.

That they are impersonating someone is a little bit of an issue with me, Dickerson said. What starts out as what
they think is innocent fun in social media today can turn into substantial problems for individuals.

The no cell phone policy actually was going to go into effect at Hillsdale High School next year but on Tuesday
night the school board voted to implement the new rule starting pril 1, the day students return from spring

ur school is against cyber bullying, said Hillsdale High School Senior ohn Schaffer. It’s the same with our
baseball program. If the coaches find out we are cyber bullying one of our teammates or talking about them, he is
going to enforce that we are suspended.

They have all the teachers around, said arry Salyers. They don’t need their cell phone. They are there to learn,
not use their phone. No cell phones means students will have to leave their mobile devices in their locker, their
car or turn them into the office at the start of the day. s for parents worried about the safety of their child while
at school with no cell phone, Superintendent Dickerson said there are phones in every classroom in the event of
an emergency.

s far as assurances that we can’t get communication out with phones in the classroom I’m sure teachers will
still have cell phones on them in case of an emergency situation too, he said.

While the schools can’t control everything that happens outside of the classroom, they want to make sure they can
control what happens inside of it.

The lasting effect of this I’m hoping is that this will bring awareness to parents to take proactive approaches and
see what their children are doing in the social media realm of things, said Dickerson.

Rules and Obligations 125


1. Do you have a cell phone _________________________________________________________________

. Do you text a lot _________________________________________________________________________

. How many text messages do you send a day ___________________________________________________

. Do you use it in class _____________________________________________________________________

5. What does the text say about the use of it in class _______________________________________________


6. Have you heard about cyber bullying ________ How is it done __________________________________


. Do you know about anybody suffering from cyber bullying Who is she he __________________________

126 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Closing activities

Listening and reading


uis is studying in Coru a, Spain niversity. He’s adapting to a new lifestyle and learning about other cultures;
he met a student who is in his same condition, so they are getting together to share expenses. He visited him at
his apartment to make plans.
Jaime: So uis. You just got in I guess.
Luis: Yes. You are right. I just got in and actually you are the first person I visit here in Coru a.
Jaime: Do you know anybody else here. Do you have any friends or relatives living here
Luis: No. I don’t know anybody besides you. I have met some other people from here but only through the
internet; am expecting to get to know them in the near future.
Jaime: Well. This is my place at the moment and as I told you days ago, you can stay here and we can share
expenses if you like.
Luis: hh. What’s that noise
Jaime: That’s the subway. We are just a block from the station and it’s a non stop traffic there.
Luis: What’s that other noise?
Jaime: h. That’s my next door neighbor. He never stops doing things, he is a very busy guy, he sometimes bangs
on the wall hanging things I guess, and sometimes he plays music with his guitar, but is even worse when he plays
Luis: But how can you live in this place?
Jaime: It’s not such a big problem when you get used to it; I study with the radio and TV on.
Luis: Do you think I will get used to it too
Jaime: m sure of that. That is something you learn to live with although there are some neighborhood rules
the landlord made up; you can see them at the entrance in every apartment. Here they are

Keep you premises clean.

Don’t leave your bike on the lawn.

Cook only at the kitchen.

Respect other tenants

on t spray raffiti on walls

No pets allowed

Rules and Obligations 127


a) uis moved to a new neighborhood yesterday and the neighbors welcomed him and explained him the

isten and check ( ) the correct box. Then write full sentences.

Have to/must Must not Don’t

Clean the 1. _____________________________
. _____________________________
Litter the
sidewalk . _____________________________
Water the
plants . _____________________________
Attend the 5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
Play loud
music . _____________________________
Clean your
pet’s mess

a) Work in pairs. You have an apartment building. Write the rules you have for the tenants.

Do Don’ts

128 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Public places

ook at the pictures and decide where the actions take place.

a) t the lake b) t the grocery store c) t the farm

d) t school e) t home f) t the oo

Rules and Obligations 129


Listen and read the dialogue. Replace the words in bold with your own to act it out.

Mike: Hi im! This is Mike.

im: hh. Hi Mike.
Mike: What are you up to
im: Not much really. Why
Mike: Would you like to come to
the zoo with me? We can see the new
animals they just brought in.
im: It sounds like a great idea! When
shall we meet?
Mike: 5:00 p. m. sounds god?
im: Sure. Where shall we meet
Mike: At the zoo’s entrance. Is it ok
im: Yea. See you there.

Learning tips: Learning doesn’t

stop in the classroom. Wherever
you go look at signs, posters,
adds, in English. Use your
previous knowledge to interpret
them, this will familiarizes
you with the language you are

130 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Didactic Sequence 3
Start up activities MODAL VERBS

Look at the signs and choose the places you can see them. Then read the signs and choose the sentence that
best explains the meaning.

a) Make sure your horse is clean a) se the right hand

b) It’s okay to ride on horse b) You are allowed to touch
c) You must clean your horse’s mess c) You must not touch

Sanctuary Entrance
Church ffice
ffice Hours:
Monday - Friday
:00 am 1 pm
Bldg A Baptist Church

a) The place is for sale a) It is open on weekends a) School uniforms

b) You shouldn’t enter b) It opens from :00 a. m. to 1 :00 p. m. b) sale
c) It opens only on weekends c) it opens from 1 :00 a. m. to 1 :00 p. m. c) Swimming pool rules

Rules and Obligations 131



We use should / shouldn’t to:

We use may to:
Give advice. To get better marks you
Talk about possibility. I may go after school. should study harder.
To give permission. You may use your You shouldn’t speak Spanish in you
dictionary. English class.
Refuse permission. You may not enter.

Note: May is more polite than can.

We use can/can’t to: We use must/mustn’t to:

Talk about ability. Diana can sing in public. Obligation. You must wear your uniform
in school.
Talk about disability. Carlos can’t hear
very well. Prohibition. You must not use cellular
phones in class.


Which of the following are means of public transportation Make a list.


132 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Development activities


1. W TCH THE G P When boarding and exiting the train, please watch for the gap between station and
platform. These gaps can get pretty wide (up to 10 5cm ) and people have fallen through them and
some poor (unlucky) people have been killed after falling through the gap by touching the... (on to )

2. THIRD R I The third rail carries the electric current needed to run the train. D N T GET NT
THE TR C S (this is pretty common knowledge, but people have been killed by doing this).

3. C SING D RS When the train is about to leave the station, there is a ding dong noise to indicate
that the doors are closing. When hearing that noise, please stay away from the doors if you are on the
outside of the train. They could shut on your hand and that hurts (the doors open if they sense pressure,
but not that fast that s from personal experience ).

4. PIC P C ETS Crime on the train has gone down over the years, but please still keep all of your
valuables in your front pockets (wallets are now a to the iPod)

5. TE NIGHT TR VE When traveling after Midnight or 1am, the time between trains gets longer
and the platforms get lonelier. You should stand near others and or look for the TENIGHT W ITING
RE . This area is usually on camera. When getting on the train, you should enter dead center, by the
conductor (look for a slashed black white sign... this is where he she is always going to land when the
train comes in). If you hang out by them nothing should happen... problems are usually an empty last
car kind of thing and, even though you are reading this, are relatively rare. These are just guidelines.
lso, do not sleep on the train even though it is late.... someone had their musical instruments taken
that way.

That's it for the safety.

nswer the following are true or false

Some people have been killed by falling through the gap. ____

The third rail carries the electricity to run the train. ____

There is an alert before closing doors. ____

You shouldn’t worry about your valuable things. ____

It’s very safe to use it at all times. ____

Rules and Obligations 133



Look at the picture and complete the sentences using must / mustn’t.

You _____________ put your garbage in a can. You _____________ turn

You _____________ park unless you need it. You _____________ use your cell phone

You _____________ drive carefully. You _____________ use seat belt.

You _____________ stop. You _____________ have a driver’s license.

You _____________ turn left. You _____________ drive if you are tired.

134 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora




Did you know that

lot of trees are used to make paper

People leave their garbage behind

Factories polluted rivers, lakes and oceans

Poachers kill animals just for their fur

People leave lights and electrical appliances on when not in use?

round 5,000 people die every year in southern California from air pollution

mericans use 50 million tons of paper annually, which takes more than 50 million trees

bout , 00 animal species in the world are threatened with extinction every year

If your TV is off but plugged in still uses from 1 watts of electricity

Every year plastic waste in coastal areas around the world kills up to 100,000 marine mammals

Now that you know. What can you do to help the environment Make a list.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

. ______________________________________________________________________

. ______________________________________________________________________

. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________

. ______________________________________________________________________

. ______________________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________

Rules and Obligations 135



n March , 19 9, 60,000 to 50,000

barrels of crude oil was spilled in Prince
William Sounds, laska by the oil tanker
Exxon Valde after it ran into ligh Reef. It is
considered to be one of the most devastating
human caused environmental disasters with
both the long term and short term effects of
the oil spill having been studied. Immediate
effects included the deaths of 100,000 to as
many as 50,000 seabirds, at least , 00 sea
otters, 00 harbor seals, ald Eagles,
and rcas, and an unknown number of
salmon and herring.

nother example of the negative

effects of human waste; the Pacific
Gyre Garbage Patch is a gyre
of marine debris in the central
North Pacific cean. This patch
which is characteri ed by high
concentrations of pelagic plastics,
chemical sludge and other debris
formed gradually as a result of
the marine pollution gathered by
oceanic currents.

136 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Closing activities


This is a part of a cousin’s email.

In our school we are looking for ways to help the environment. We are open if you have any ideas Theo.

Write an email suggesting ideas about what to do to help out ( 50 to 60 words ).

Writing tips divide your text in paragraphs. Make sure each paragraph contains different topics. It will help
readers understand your writing. (Remember using the modal verbs, may, shall, can, etc.)


Dear Theo, It’s good to know you are worried and looking forward to do something about the world’s
ecology, I have some ideas might help you.

Why don’t you This way you can You can also Then



Rules and Obligations 137



138 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Student’s Performance at the end

of the block Learning objects Competences

ƒ Identifies and understands ideas in an ƒ Future plans ƒ Identifies and interpret the general
easy text. ƒ Be going to idea and possible development of an
ƒ Requests end exchanges information ƒ Auxiliary ill oral and ritten message in a foreign
in oral and ritten forms on proper ƒ Predictions language about future plans.
activities, situations, and third person ƒ Expressions of time for future ƒ Communicates in a foreign language
related to future plans. throughout a logic, oral and ritten
ƒ Understands and uses the correct discourse to make predictions and to
grammatical structures of the future make spontaneous decisions.
in a communicative situation. ƒ Produces texts based on the rules
of using a language, considering
the intention and communicative
ƒ Uses communication and information
technology to investigate, solve
problems and produce materials to
be presented.
ƒ Applies di erent communicative
strategies according to the speaker,
situation and goals in order to express
plans and predictions.

Length: 12 sessions

Didactic Sequence 1
Start up activities SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE ( WILL )



140 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Look at the pictures and match them with its activity (from a j).

1 Water skiing at Cold ake

2 Sitting by Cusarare water fall

3 Camping in Basaseachic

4 Touring through the country side

5 In a flea market

6 ooking at Tarahumara’s handcrafts

7 Eating quesadillas at Creel

Visiting Emerald ake

9 Watching an air show

10 Visiting Cold ake

Plans and Predictions 141


MEXICO a n iviera ational airport ( E
e a y
to t at the inte
or a to r
tinerary st 8 00 Check in e plane rt r)
ctober 31 th onal airpo Sky Harbo
30 et on dmonton internati onal airport (PH
E ati
00 Leave at Phoenix intern al airport
r r iva l atio n port.
11 15 A e Phoenix intern r n ational air partment.
e a v y in te
11 45 L xico cit ation de
3 4 0 A r r ival at Me e Mexican immigr urist card for the
1 to
ck in at th port and
14 00 Che sure to have pass cials.
Be so
Mexican Hotel
ch at the
16 00 lun fast at the hotel
reak y bus)
m b e r 1 st 7 30 B ave Mexico city (b uebla.
ov e 00 Le P
iv a l a t Tehuacán get there. the day. ing day
14 00 A ch as soon as we rea for the rest of ards for the follow
r r
Lun town a t a erw
T o u r in the down l’s restaurant. Res
15 00 hote
ner at the
18 00 Din Tuxtla utierrez
e m b e r 2 nd 7 00 L unch at Chetumal ya
ov 12 00 L iera Ma
ival at Riv e area he day fre
17 00 Arr resting sites in th xaca Re s t o f t
isit inte to a e hotel .
ve m b e r 3rd 5th V eave Riviera Maya axaca. Lunch at th
o L
6th 00 Arrival at axaca,
ovember 15 00 axaca
r 7 t h 7 00 Leave to Mexico city ti onal airpo
o ve m b e A r r iv a l In te r n a
14 00 exico
ck in at M
16 00 Che e Mexico city airport
v rnational
17 00 Lea al at Phoenix Inte
iv ded.
18 45 Arr e Phoenix r n a
tional air r person, Tax inclu
L e a v inte
1 00 onton 1 00.00 P
al at Edm
21 15arriv ctober 15
in u s a n d contact

142 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Development activities


What day will they leave Edmonton?

: They will leave on ctober 1st______________________________________________________________

. What time will they leave Edmonton

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

. Will it be a direct flight

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

. What time will they arrive at Mexico city

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

5. Where will they spend the night on ctober 1st

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

6. Will they visit Guadalajara

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

. When will they fly back to Edmonton

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

. Will they stop in Phoenix on the way back

. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Plans and Predictions 143



Read and complete the conversation with will or won’t. Then act out the conversation with a partner.

Tammi: When will it be the trip to the Riviera Maya

Tracey: It will be next month, on the 1st.
Doug: _______________ you take this trip I will.
Tammi: Yes. I think I _______________. I’ll have to program myself.
Tracey: I think it _________________ be a good break after working in the fields for the
Doug: It sure _________________.
Tammi: ______________ we have time to do some shopping while we are in Mexico
Tracey: Yea. m sure we ________________ be able to go shopping.
Tammi: I ________________ do much of that though. I can’t spend too much because am
paying my new car.
Tammi: Where ________________ we sleep while in Mexico
Tracey: We _________________ sleep in hotels. We _________________ sleep on the bus
for sure. lthough it will be a first class bus.


se will and won’t to talk about formal plans in the


se will or won’t plus the base form of a verb. se

will or won’t for all subjects

144 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Complete the conversation with will or won’t.

1. The dentist will see you at :00 p. m.

. The plane will stop in Mexico city.

. Mr. Perkins __________ go to work today. He is sick.

. Tammi, Tracey and Doug ___________ fly to Mexico ctober 1st.

5. __________ Darcie go to Mexico with Tammi, Tracey and Doug

6. No she ____________. She won’t take the tour this time.

. ___________ they visit their friend Pete in Guadalajara

. No they ____________ have time. They won’t stay long enough.

Closing activities

Read the sentences and answer T (true) or F (false).
1. They have already bought the tickets. ____

. im will be in Mexico until May nd.


. They will see im while in Mexico. ____

. ur
a usan
rS a de o to . They won’t go out at night time. ____
e m
D e’ve the trip r places
u s a n for r ou t 5. They will gamble while staying in Mexico. ____
Hi S rvations ll pay fo e a grea
’ d
rese ico. e e’ll hav ster, an pril
Mex rrow. m and s o until A
tom with i in Mexic g us at e
time will be e meeti o visit th to a
theh hey’ll go out t we’ll go ards
y b
4t . T otel to er, then . A erw mble
the ric cent taurant ub to ga
h o nice res night cl hink we o get
i st
very l go to a t. So I t e time t
we’l midnig ny spar
unti ’t have a
won d.

Plans and Predictions 145


Didactic Sequence 2


Decide on a destination for your vacation.

Summer Tour Itinerary A

Destination ________________________ Things to see ____________________________

Tour starts _______________________ ____________________________________

Tour ends ________________________ Hotel _________________________________

Transportation ____________________ Cost __________________________________

Ask a classmate about his next vacation destination and complete the information.

Summer tour itinerary B

Destination ___________________________

Things to see ___________________________

Tour starts ___________________________ ____________________________________

Tour ends ___________________________

Hotel ___________________________

Transportation ___________________________ Cost _________________________________

146 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Reading comprehension

Read the following text.

From: Joseph
To: Kathy

Subject: Summer vacation.

Joseph: Hi Rosario. We finally made up our mind about taking a vacation this summer. We are going to
spend about a month in a trip to the southern part of Mexico, am sure we will have a lot of fun! We are
planning to do a lot of things, my mom says she will climb the Mayan pyramids, and my dad will too, we’ll
visit old cities and we are going to try the local foods. I’ll take lots of pictures and send them to you through
the email to keep you updated. We can’t wait for summer!

We think it’s going to be an unforgettable trip.

I got to go. Ttys.


nswer the following questions about the text.

1. Who is it from ___________________________________________________________________________

. What is it about __________________________________________________________________________


. Why does oseph say he can’t wait for summer _________________________________________________


Plans and Predictions 147


Development activities

Read the text again and underline the activities you can find in the email.

Try to climb send pictures report fly down buy the tickets see the kangaroos swim take lots
of pictures eat local foods ride on camels eat hamburgers winter


Listen, read and answer the questions.

Mrs. AllChurch What are you going to do tomorrow morning?

Carmen We are going to visit lfonso rti Tirado Museum.
Mrs. AllChurch It sounds like a great idea!
Lauren How are we going to get there Is it very far away from here
Carmen Don’t worry about that. I’m going to be your tour guide.
Lauren What time will Tammi and friends arrive
Carmen They will arrive at :00 p. m. but we are going to pick them up at :00 p. m.
Mrs AllChurch Well. We are going to have lunch before we pick them up. Right
Carmen Right. We are going to have barbeque at 1:00 p. m. for the homesick.

1.- What are they going to do tomorrow morning?

A.- They are going to __________________________________
2.- What museum are they going to visit?
. __________________________________________________
. How is auren going to get to the museum
. __________________________________________________

148 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


. Is Tammi going to go with them to the museum

. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5.- What time are they going to have lunch?
. ___________________________________________________________________________________
. What are they going to have for lunch
. ___________________________________________________________________________________


se going to for plans in the

immediate future.

se the appropriate form of to be

+ going to + simple verb

1. We (not visit) __________________________________ to visit our uncle today, we

(visit) ________________________________ him tomorrow.

. What (do) ______________ you __________________________ this afternoon

I’m (rent) ____________________________ a video and watch it at home.

Plans and Predictions 149


ACTIVITY 5 Learning Activity (pair work)


ral practice. ook at the pictures and talk about the people s plans.
Example: What is she going to do
He is going to plant a tree.

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

150 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora




Order the following words to make sentences in simple future tense (use “will”). Then read them loud to
practice them.

1. When you buy the tickets


. When Darcy come back from C N D


3.- do / What / tomorrow / you/ ?


4.- Susan / visit / Candi / When / ?


5.- with Andrea / stay / ? / they / in summer time



Complete the conversation, then check it up with the recording.

Mrs. Perkins: __Hello Mrs. walt. How are you this morning

Mrs. walt: h, hi. You are Mrs. Perkins. ren’t you

Mrs. Perkins: Yes. You are right. We just got back from the S last night and I brought you down

the things you asked me to. When are you going to be at home to take them over

Mrs. walt: h. Don’t worry about that. I can go to get them from you. _Are you going to be

there this afternoon after tea time

Plans and Predictions 151


Mrs. Perkins: Yes. We’ll be here the whole day. We will be unpacking some staff this

morning and we are going to take a nap after lunch, but we’ll be up by


Mrs. walt: kay. I’m going to be there at five o’clock. Is it okay

Mrs. Perkins: If so. You can take tea with us. nd you can update us. Will you ?

Mrs. walt: It sounds terrific! see you then.

Mrs. Perkins: Yeap. See you

In pairs make a similar dialogue and act it out.













152 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

BLOCK 4: Plans of the future

Reference reading.


Read the following letter and check what the underlined words refer to.

Dear mom.

Morelia is a great city, and so is our art school. Katya’s parents are wonderful. They have taken me
to different places, and all of them are great sites. I have fallen in love with such a beauty! Last weekend
they took me to a small village at about ten miles away from home, and… ¡wow! It is unbelievable, it just
looks as if it were a paint taken out of a great fantastic dream, the houses were so colorful and clean! The
people, ohhh… everyone was so nice, they give such nice smiles that make you feel as if you have known
each other forever.

Ramón, Katya’s father has lots of free time since he has his own business, and he says he doesn’t have to
be there all the time because he has very reliable help that do a great job. Maria, Katya’s mom said that this
coming Friday we’ll go to a small little town, to a very special feast and I’ll be able to try some delicious
local food. She says it runs all day long and we are going to leave home early morning and won’t be back
until five or six in the afternoon. I can see that we’ll have a lot of fun! Can’t wait until Friday! Am so lucky
I got in this student’s exchange program!! Ttys.

Love Yvonne.

They (line 1) refers to _____________________________________________________________

them (line ) refers to _____________________________________________________________

me (line ) refers to _______________________________________________________________

they (line 5) refers to ______________________________________________________________

he (line refers to ________________________________________________________________

we (line 9) refers to _______________________________________________________________

She (line 10) refers to _____________________________________________________________

it (line 10) refers to _______________________________________________________________

we (line 10) refers to ______________________________________________________________

I (line 11) refers to ________________________________________________________________

Plans and Predictions 153


Answer the following questions about Yvonne’s letter.

1. What city is Yvonne visiting


. Is she by herself around the city


. Has she had time to visit the nearby places


. Did she like the village they visited last weekend


5. What did she say about the village’s appearance


6. Is Yvonne enjoying her stay in Mexico


7.- Who is she staying with?


. What is Yvonne doing in Morelia, Mexico


9. How did she get to study in Morelia


10. What is the family doing this coming Friday


11. What kind of school is Yvonne attending


1 . How does Yvonne fell about being in the exchange program


154 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora



Write a text about their next summer vacation plan.

Plans and Predictions 155


Read the conversation and underline the resolutions (plans)

Justin: Which are your new year’s plans?

Jake: Well. ne of them is that I’m not going to watch so much TV, and walk more.
Justin: So. You are planning to be a healthier person this coming year!
Jake: Yes. I am definitely!
Justin: Do you need any help on that I might be able to help you out reminding you about your
Jake: No. thank you very much. I’m going to do it myself. m sure I can handle it.
Justin: re you going to do anything besides this
Jake: h yes I am going to change my diet completely. I am going to quit eating fast food too.
Justin: You’re kidding me! I think I’m going to do the same for myself, it sounds as a very
important move. I’ve been getting heavy in the last couple of years.
Jake: You sure have and I think in the long run it is going to be cheaper to live this way because
you won’t have to buy new clothing.
Justin: How are you going to do at work What are you going to eat there
Jake: I am going to take a homemade sandwich
Justin: I think I am going to ask my wife to fix me salads, she is very good at it, she really loves
Jake: I think we should plant a vegetable garden since we are going to be using a lot of them.
Justin: I am going to prepare a small piece of land by the backyard for this purpose.
Jake: It sounds terrific! We’ll see how we do

156 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


e going to ample
I’m not going to watch so much TV



Affirmative answer

Negative answer

Plans and Predictions 157


Closing activities


Role play: I’m going to…

Work in pairs and prepare a conversation like the one above and act it out in class. Include at least two negative
resolutions, two questions, two short answers, and two affirmative resolutions.

158 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


“El poder se crea no
¿Cómo vamos a trabajar?
¿Cómo es un salón de clases en el que sí quieres estar y que
cuando unas personas te ayuda a aprender? ¿Qué tipo de cosas hace o dice el profe-
obligan a otras sino sor? ¿Qué hacen o dicen los compañeros? ¿Cómo te sientes
cuando voluntariamente en este salón? Acudir a un salón con un clima positivo pro-
actúan juntas unidas mueve que todos disfruten estar ahí, se cultivan relaciones
por un propósito común”. de cercanía, se fomenta el gusto por aprender y se propicia
el aprendizaje.
Hannah Arendt
El reto es establecer acuerdos que nos ayuden a trabajar con
nuestras emociones durante el curso.

Actividad 1. ¿Cómo es un salón en el que quieres estar?

a. Reflexiona por un momento en las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cómo es

un salón en el que sí quieres estar? ¿Cómo te sientes? ¿Cómo nos
tratamos entre estudiantes y maestros? ¿Qué cosas suceden?1

b. Realicen una lluvia de ideas completando la frase: “Un salón en el que

me gusta estar, es un salón en el que”

Cuando se repita una frase o una idea márquenla o subráyenla.

Lee los ejemplos que comentaron los estudiantes en la ilustración:

1. Actividad adaptada de S. Hart y V. Kindle (2008), The No-Fault Classroom, Tools to Resolve Conflict and Foster Relationship Intelligence, EUA, Puddle Dancer Press.

160 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Actividad 2. ¿Qué tipo de acuerdos necesitaríamos para aprovechar mejor

el curso? En este curso vamos a explorar nuestras emociones y vamos a
aprender estrategias para regularlas. ¿Cuáles palabras y acciones suceden
en este salón y cuáles no? ¿Qué hace el docente y qué hacen los estudiantes
para promover un ambiente adecuado de trabajo?

Realicen una votación para seleccionar de la lista los acuerdos que ayudan
a que les agrade estar en este salón y completen la lista con sus propios

Acuerdos Votos a favor

Cuando alguien habla los demás escuchan.
Se respetan las opiniones de todos.
Se habla de forma respetuosa, que no ofende.
Levantamos la mano para pedir la palabra.
Cuando se hace la señal de silencio, todos ponemos
atención a la persona que tome la palabra.

Al realizar la práctica Un momento de atención, lo ha-

cemos en silencio.

Si en un salón hay compañerismo, respeto, aceptación,

cooperación y comunicación, el aula se convierte en un
lugar en donde todos disfrutan estar y pueden aprender.
Cuando los estudiantes disfrutan su estancia en el aula
son más capaces de poner atención; se sienten motivados
para aprender; se arriesgan a experimentar y desarrollar
nuevas capacidades, y aumentan sus logros académicos.2
En este curso aprenderás estrategias para regularlas
emociones y para que tú y tus compañeros generen un
espacio de convivencia y aprendizaje constructivo.

2. P. A. Jennings y M.T. Greenberg (2009), The Prosocial Classroom: Teacher Social and Emotional Competence in Relation to Student and Classroom Outcomes,
Review of Educational Research, 79 (1), 491–525.

Lecciones Contruye T 161

Durante la semana ten presen- ¿Te has preguntado cuántos
te estos acuerdos y cuando ter- problemas se pueden ahorrar
mine piensa si los has cumplido. si se establecen algunas re-
Si has logrado cumplirlos, ¿en glas y acuerdos de trabajo?
qué consideras que te han ayu- Te recomendamos ver la ani-
dado? Anota tu respuesta: mación “El puente”. Te diverti-
rás y te servirá para reflexio-
nar sobre la importancia del
trabajo en equipo y la con-
trucción de acuerdos para re-
solver situaciones de nuestro
día a día.

Encuéntrala en esta dirección:
Si no lograste cumplirlos, ¿qué
te impidió llevarlos a cabo?
Anota tu respuesta:

Clima positivo en el aula. El

“clima en el aula” es un térmi-
no general que hace referencia
a las condiciones que influyen
en el desarrollo académico y
social de los estudiantes. Al-
gunas de sus dimensiones más
importantes son “la calidad de
las relaciones maestroalumno
y entre pares, las expectati-
vas y el apoyopara el apren-
dizaje, el grado de conexión
[empática] y seguridad que
experimenten los alumnos en
la escuela, y [la calidad] del
espacio físico de la escuela”.3
Un clima positivo en el aula
será el resultado de fomentar
las condiciones antes mencio-

3. A. Voight, y T. Hanson (2012) Summary of existing school climate instruments for middle school, REL West at WestEd: San Francisco, p. 1.

162 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


El bienestar se puede desarrollar

“El hombre es libre en el “¡Cómo me gustaría ser más paciente, pero en mi familia todos
momento en que somos enojones!”. “¡Sería maravilloso ser menos ansiosa pero
desea serlo”. siempre me preocupo por todo!”. ¿Alguna vez has pensando
algo así? Es común suponer que estamos predeterminados a ser
Voltaire de cierta manera. La realidad es que sí podemos transformar
nuestro mundo emocional. Podemos evitar sentirnos atrapados
por las emociones que nos limitan y que nos generan malestar y
gradualmente desarrollar mayor bienestar emocional. El cambio
es posible; sucede a través de un proceso conformado por dis-
tintas etapas que veremos a lo largo de este curso.

El reto es identificar que es posible regular las emociones que

nos generan malestar y problemas y, así, experimentar mayor
bienestar emocional.

Actividad 1. Lee el poema Autobiografía en cinco capítulos de Portia Nelson.

1. Camino por la calle.

Hay un hoyo profundo en la acera.
Me caigo dentro.
Estoy perdido… impotente.
No es culpa mía. Tardo una eternidad en salir
de él.

2. Camino por la misma calle.

Hay un hoyo profundo en la acera.
Aparento que no lo veo.
Vuelvo a caer dentro.
No puedo creer que esté en el mismo lugar.
Pero no es culpa mía.
De nuevo me lleva mucho tiempo salir de él.

Lecciones Contruye T 163

3. Camino por la misma calle.
Hay un hoyo profundo en la acera.
Veo que está allí.
Caigo en él de todos modos… es un hábito.
Tengo los ojos abiertos. Sé dónde estoy.
Es culpa mía.
Salgo inmediatamente de él.

4. Camino por la misma calle.

Hay un hoyo profundo en la acera.
Lo esquivo.

5. Camino por otra calle.

164 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Actividad 2. El poema es una metáfora de cómo podemos trabajar con

aquellas emociones que nos lastiman y gradualmente desarrollar mayor
bienestar. Cada etapa de la historia puede relacionarse a ese proceso. Para
identificarlo, completa los espacios en blanco de la siguiente tabla, puedes
escribir aquí o en tu cuaderno guiándote con la referencia de las otras

Capítulos descritos Etapas de regulación Etapas aplicadas a

en el poema emocional una situación

Raúl se enojó mucho

Nos dejamos llevar por la
cuando su mamá le in-
Volverse a caer en el emoción sin darnos cuen-
sistió que recogiera sus
hoyo. ta y la vivencia de la mis-
cosas. Estuvo enojado
ma es larga.
toda la tarde.
Raúl se volvió a enojar
mucho y terminó dis-
Caerse en el hoyo.
cutiendo con su mamá
otra vez.
Raúl reconoció que
Nos dejamos llevar por la
está enojado y que eso
emoción, estamos cons-
lo hace sentirse mal y
cientes de ello. Aplica-
Salir del hoyo. le causa problemas con
mos alguna estrategia y
su mamá. Se tomó un
la emoción se nos pasa
momento para respirar
más rápido.
y su enojo duró menos.
Raúl se dio cuenta que
se estaba enojando y
decidió irse a su cuarto
Esquivar el hoyo.
un momento antes de
discutir con su mamá.
Ya no se enojó tanto.
Ya no nos dejamos llevar
Caminar por otra por la emoción. Disminu-
Caminar por otra calle.
calle. yen su intensidad, recu-
rrencia y duración.

Actividad 3. Piensa en alguna emoción que sientes con frecuencia y que

te genera problemas. (Por ejemplo: frustración por no lograr algo, ansiedad
por los exámenes.) Usando la historia anterior como guía, imagina cómo
sería el proceso de aprender a “caminar por otra calle”.

Lecciones Contruye T 165

a. ¿Consideras que sería posible aprender a regular tus emociones? Si lo ves
viable, ¿en qué aspectos piensas que te sería útil?

Aprender a “caminar por otra calle” es posible. Como todo

aprendizaje, es cuestión de práctica. Para lograrlo es fun-
damental confiar en que todos tenemos la capacidad de
regular nuestras emociones. En este proceso podremos
identificar y trabajar con aquellas que nos lastiman y que
nos generan problemas. Como lo veremos más adelante,
también podremos distinguir y fortalecer las emociones
que nos ayudan. Al familiarizarnos con este proceso, na-
turalmente promoveremos nuestro bienestar. De ahí que
el neurocientífico Richard Davidson afirma que “el bienes-
tar es una habilidad que podemos desarrollar”.1

Da un ejemplo de algún hábi- Cambiar algo de nosotros mis-

to no constructivo que hayas mos a veces pudiera parecer di-
cambiado (aunque haya sido fícil de lograr. Si lo vemos como
sólo por un periodo) por un un proceso en varias etapas, se
hábito más beneficioso para tí. vuelve posible. Es fundamental
confiar en que todas las per-
Por ejemplo: dejar de salir con sonas tenemos el potencial de
los amigos antes de hacer la aprender cualquier cosa que nos
tarea, hacer deporte en lugar propongamos. Conoce la histo-
de ver la televisión, etcétera. ria de Ariel Barsky quien padece
de hipoacusia (pérdida de la ca-
Describe el proceso para lo- pacidad auditiva) y cómo logra
grarlo. aprender a comunicarse siendo
perseverante y con el apoyo de
su entorno pero sobre todo, cre-
yendo en su potencial. Puedes
buscar la dirección: http://bit.
ly/2DVIsP6 o teclear en tu nave-
gador “Confiar en tu potenciali-
dad/Ariel Barsky/TEDxUCES”.

1. Richard Davidson (2015), “Why well-being is a skill”,

166 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Habilidad. Bienestar emocional. Expe-
Se trata de las aptitudes y riencia de satisfacción que
destrezas con las que conta- proviene de una cierta salud
mos para solucionar los desa- psicológica. El bienestar emo-
fíos que nos toque enfrentar. cional se compone de dos as-
De acuerdo con Nagaoka, de- pectos: el bienestar subjetivo
sarrollar una habilidad signifi- y el bienestar psicológico. El
ca “contar con una capacidad bienestar subjetivo está vin-
aprendida que nos permita culado con la experiencia de
llevar a cabo una tarea con emociones agradables, como
resultados u objetivos prede- la alegría, la serenidad, el entu-
terminados, que pueden ser siasmo o la calma. El bienestar
generales o específicos de un psicológico se basa en el con-
dominio”. 2 cepto de eudaimonia o bienes-
tar intrínseco de Aristóteles,
que no depende tanto de la
experiencia momentánea de
una emoción agradable, sino
de una valoración más amplia,
que le permite a una persona
sentirse satisfecha con su

Regulación emocional. Proce-

sos que nos permiten identi-
ficar, sostener y promover las
emociones que nos ayudan a
lograr metas académicas y de
vida, que promueven relacio-
nes constructivas y contribu-
yen en general a nuestro bien-
estar y al de los demás; así
como debilitar las emociones
que son detrimentales para
nosotros y para las personas
que nos rodean.

2. J. Nagaoka, C.A. Farrington, S.B. Ehrlich y R.D. Heath (2014), Foundations for Young Adult Success. A Developmental Framework, Chicago, The University of Chi-
cago Consortium on Chicago School Research, p. 22.

Lecciones Contruye T 167

“No se puede encontrar la
Los problemas de
reprimir lo que sientes
“¿Cómo estás?, ¿cómo te sientes?”. Muchas veces resulta
paz evitando la vida”. difícil responder estas preguntas con honestidad. Decimos
“bien”, pretendiendo que todo va de maravilla aunque sepa-
Virginia Woolf mos que no siempre es así. Todas las personas experimen-
tamos distintas emociones y cuando éstas nos rebasan no
necesariamente sabemos qué hacer con ellas. Una respuesta
común es reprimirlas, como si las metiéramos en una olla de
presión y la tapáramos pensando que así las emociones des-
aparecerán. Lo cierto es que la presión y la temperatura den-
tro de la olla continúan aumentando y así, tarde o temprano,

El reto es reflexionar sobre las desventajas de reprimir las


Actividad 1. En plenaria, discute cómo se relaciona una olla de presión con reprimir las emociones.
Sigue las instrucciones del profesor.

Actividad 2. Utilizaremos el ejemplo de la olla de presión y sus diferentes elementos para responder
las siguientes preguntas. Puedes anotar tus respuestas sobre la ilustración o en tu cuaderno.

1 3

168 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


a. Presión: ¿Qué tan frecuente te guardas o reprimes tus emociones?

Indícalo en el termómetro de la ilustración.

b. Ingredientes: ¿Qué emoción sueles reprimir y consideras que produce

mayor presión y temperatura dentro de tu olla? Anótala en el recuadro,
si identificas más de una, escríbelas.

c. Válvula de escape: Cuando la presión llega a su límite, el vapor se descarga.

Lo mismo sucede con nuestras emociones. Con base en la(s) emoción(es)
que identificaste en la pregunta anterior, reflexiona qué consecuencias
hay en diferentes aspectos de tu vida al reprimirlas.

Lee las siguientes preguntas y respóndelas dentro de las nubes en el

dibujo con el número correspondiente.

1. ¿Qué consecuencias tiene el querer no sentir o expresar esa emoción

y reprimirla? (Pregúntate: ¿tiene algún impacto en mi salud?, ¿cómo
experimento la emoción cuando la reprimo?, etcétera.)

2. ¿Consideras que cuando reprimes la emoción, ésta interfiere en tu

desempeño académico? Explica. (Reflexiona si alguna emoción: te
impide aprender algún tema; si se interpone en tu estudio, si afecta los
resultados de un examen, etcétera.)

3. ¿Cómo afecta reprimir tus emociones en tus relaciones con familiares,

amigos y profesores? (Pregúntate: cuando reprimo una emoción, ¿cómo
es mi disposición y acercamiento hacia otros?, ¿cómo me relaciono con
otras personas?)

Habrá ocasiones en las cuales reprimir las emociones sea

la única forma de regularlas e, incluso, pueda ser útil para
determinadas situaciones. Sin embargo, es fundamental
no perder de vista que reprimir nuestras emociones trae
consigo ciertas desventajas que impactan en diferentes
aspectos de nuestra vida. Además, afectará nuestro bien-
estar emocional a corto, mediano o largo plazos. Al no
querer sentir, negar o no expresar las emociones que ex-
perimentamos éstas continuarán sin resolverse y toma-
rán más fuerza. Por el contrario, no reprimir las emocio-
nes nos permitirá conocerlas y así podremos aprender a
regularlas eficazmente.

Lecciones Contruye T 169

Diario de emociones: te invita- ¿Cómo lograr que la olla de pre-
mos a escribir sobre tus emo- sión emocional no explote? Una
ciones. Puedes utilizarlo como estrategia es hacer un uso ade-
un recurso para ir regulando lo cuado de la “válvula de escape”
que ocurra “dentro de tu olla permitiendo que la presión salga
de presión”. Hazlo en el mo- paulatinamente y así no dejar
mento que consideres nece- que las emociones se acumulen
sario. Es una reflexión perso- sin darnos la oportunidad de ex-
nal, solamente para tus ojos. presarlas. Puedes ver el video de
Escribe en tu cuaderno o en Elsa Punset para conocer los be-
una hoja blanca durante tres neficios de la escritura como un
minutos seguidos, sin parar y método para no reprimir las
sin preocuparte por lo que vas emociones:
a escribir. Puedes usar como GzXzelL3Af4
apoyo para iniciar a escribir las
frases que aparecen a conti-
Concepto clave
Lo que estoy sintiendo en este
Reprimir las emociones. Acto
momento es …
de la voluntad mediante el
Cuando me sentí…
cual frenamos, contenemos o
Estoy consciente de que …
detenemos cualquier impulso
Lo que más quisiera hoy es …
que provenga de una emoción,
ya sea querer evitar la expe-
Registra cómo te sientes:
riencia de la misma o soste-
Antes de escribir:
ner un esfuerzo por inhibir la
expresión de dicha emoción.1
Ahora bien, “reprimir las emo-
ciones puede agravarlas y ha-
cer que se intensifiquen hasta
que salgan a la superficie y,
Después de escribir:
como un río que se desborda,
se expresen a través de pen-
samientos o conductas nega-
tivas inesperadas”2

1. J. J. Gross (2015), Emotion Regulation: Current Status and Future Prospects, Journal of Personality and Social Psychological Inquiry, 26:1, 1-26, p. 9.
2. L. Chernicoff, A. Jimenez, D. Labra y E. Rodríguez (2015), Trabajar y vivir en equilibrio. Transformando el ámbito laboral desde el cambio interior. Módulo 2 Cómo
trabajar con las emociones: autoconocimiento y autorregulación. Versión 2.1, Ciudad de México, p. 83.

170 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Los “botones” del día

“Cuando pensamientos “¡Cómo me gustaría ser más paciente, pero en mi familia todos
de ansiedad, somos enojones!”. “¡Sería maravilloso ser menos ansiosa pero
inquietantes o siempre me preocupo por todo!”. ¿Alguna vez has pensando
perjudiciales llegan, algo así? Es común suponer que estamos predeterminados a ser
voy al mar, y el mar de cierta manera. La realidad es que sí podemos transformar
los ahoga con sus nuestro mundo emocional. Podemos evitar sentirnos atrapados
increíblemente amplios por las emociones que nos limitan y que nos generan malestar y
sonidos, limpiándome gradualmente desarrollar mayor bienestar emocional. El cambio
con su ruido, es posible; sucede a través de un proceso conformado por dis-
imponiendo un ritmo tintas etapas que veremos a lo largo de este curso.
sobre todo lo que en mi
está desorientado El reto es identificar dos “botones” que disparan emociones a lo
y confundido ”. largo del día.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Actividad 1. Recuerda dos situaciones que hayas vivido el día de

ayer donde experimentaste emociones: uno positivo o en el que te
sentiste bien, y otro difícil que te causo molestia.

Comienza recordando el evento difícil:

• Recuerda la hora del día, el lugar en el que te encontrabas y las

personas con las que interactuabas.

• Recuerda cómo te sentías, qué pensabas y qué hiciste frente a

la situación.

• Recuerda los acontecimientos de manera ordenada y siguiendo

una secuencia cronológica. Si hay partes de las que no te
acuerdas, está bien, no trates de llenar los huecos inventando,
simplemente salta hasta el siguiente punto que recuerdes con

• Mantén cierta distancia de los sucesos, piénsalos como si

fueran una película. Sólo se trata de observar de dónde vienen
las emociones que experimentaste.

• Si notas que estás haciendo juicios de la situación, como: “Que

mal que no respondí” o “Mariana siempre reacciona de la misma
manera”, déjalos ir, como si se tratasen de una distracción.

Repite el ejercicio con una situación agradable o que consideres


Lecciones Contruye T 171

Actividad 2. Contesta las siguientes preguntas aquí o en tu cuaderno:

Situación difícil Situación positiva

A. ¿En dónde y a qué hora

sucedió el evento? Mencio-
na dos detalles del entorno.
¿Qué sucedió? Describe.
Ejemplo. “Eran las 7 de la
mañana, tenía prisa y esta-
ba a punto de salir de casa,

B. ¿Qué emoción o emocio-

nes surgieron?
Ejemplo. alegría, frustración,
orgullo, ansiedad, entre

C. ¿Cuál fue la situación

(“botón”) que disparó la
emoción? Identifica qué “bo-
tones” que dispararon esa
Ejemplo. “Me criticaron”,
“Me regalaron una paleta”,
“El profesor me pidió que
pasara a explicar algo al
pizarrón”, etcétera.

Identificar qué situaciones (“botones”) disparan nues-

tras emociones es esencial para trabajar con ellas. Una
situación conjuga diversos factores del contexto y de la
persona. El contexto incluye lugares, personas, y estímu-
los de los sentidos, así como pensamientos y recuerdos.
También incluye la experiencia e historia personal que
predispone a una persona a percibir un estímulo de cierta
manera. Por ejemplo una canción puede ser un “botón”
de la tristeza para alguien y para otra persona, esa misma
canción puede ser un “botón” que detona alegría.

172 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Identifica dos situaciones (“botones”) más. Una que detona alguna

emoción que ayuda a tener conversaciones constructivas y sanas,
y otra que detonan una emoción que te genera conflictos con otras
personas. Anótalos aquí:

Situación (“botón”) Emoción

Las emosiones son fenómenos complejos. Los científicos aún siguen

estudiando y descifrando cómo operan, qué las activa y por qué y
cómo nos mueven. Lisa Barret Feldman, investigadora de la Universi-
dad de Northeastern, afirma que las emociones son fenómenos que
creamos con base en muchos elementos como: las sensaciones cor-
porales, nuestra historia personal, experiencias pasadas, el contexto
cultural, el lenguaje emocional, entre otros.

Concepto clave
Situaciones que detonan emociones. Los “botones” son situaciones
que desencadenan emociones. Una situación conjuga tanto los fac-
tores del contexto como la experiencia e historia personal que predis-
pone a un individuo a interpretar un evento de una manera particular.
En el curso de Autoconocimiento nos enfocamos en las situaciones
(“botones”) que desencadenan emociones que motivan respuestas
exageradas. Ahora se vuelve pertinente amcualquier tipo de situación
que genere en nosotros una emoción.

Lecciones Contruye T 173

“... cambia la situación
Evitarnos algunos problemas
¿Te ha pasado que te propones una meta como poner aten-
actuando o expresándote ción en clase y no lo logras? Tal vez has identificado situacio-
si es necesario o posible; nes que no te ayudan como: “Lorena platica mucho conmigo
abandona la situación en clase”. Si nos detenemos a reflexionar, muchas veces po-
o acéptala. demos evitar o modificar esas situaciones que detonan las
Todo lo demás es una emociones y comportamientos que no nos ayudan a cumplir
locura”. nuestros objetivos.

Eckhart Tolle El reto es elaborar un plan para evitar o modificar situaciones

que detonan emociones que no nos ayudan.

Actividad 1. Trabajaremos con el MAPA para navegar las emociones que

consta de cuatro fases: Mundo, Atención, Pensamiento y Acción. Recuerda
que en cada fase, podremos aplicar alguna estrategia de regulación, sin
embargo, en este caso trabajaremos con la fase de Mundo o situación.

En equipos de cuatro personas completen la siguiente tabla.

Mi Emoción que Comportamiento Estrategia de

Mundo o
objetivo surge ante la que surge ante la modificación
es situación situación de la situación

Poner compañero
atención no para de
Irritación Distracción de lugar en el
en hablarme
clase. durante la

No volver
con mi ex
ya que
Mi ex me
invita al
en la que
me sentía

174 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Mi Emoción que Comportamiento Estrategia de

Mundo o
objetivo surge ante la que surge ante la modificación
es situación situación de la situación

Comer compañero
menos no para de
comida hablarme
chatarra. durante la

Cuando mi
con mi
se pone de
muy mal

Llevo 3
las redes
sociales y
tiempo a
tengo que
las redes
una tarea

Actividad 2. Ahora recuerda una situación (“botón”) que identificaste en

lecciones anteriores. Si no te acuerdas o no lo hiciste, no importa. Piénsalo
ahora. Por “botón”, nosreferimos a una situación (estímulo) que detona en
ti alguna emoción. En este caso, piensa en una situación recurrente que te
provoque una emoción que no te ayuda. Ahora elabora tu plan: piensa qué
podrías hacer para evitar o modificar la situación.


1. Mi “botón” es: Ver a mi ex con su nueva pareja en las redes sociales.

2. Las emociones que me provoca son: Tristeza y enojo.
3. Mi plan es: Bloquear a mi ex de mis redes sociales por un tiempo.

Lecciones Contruye T 175

Después de leer el ejemplo, ahora crea tu plan. Escribe aquí o en tu cuaderno.

1. Mi “botón” es: _________________________________________


2. La emoción o emociones que me provoca es/son: ________________


3. Mi plan es: ___________________________________________


¡Aplícalo! Tal vez las primeras veces no sea tan sencillo, pero sigue

Muchas veces podemos elegir conscientemente estar en

lugares, con personas o realizar ciertas actividades que
facilitan la autorregulación para evitarnos algunos proble-
mas. En el caso de situaciones en las que no tenemos la
opción de elegir, podemos idear un plan para modificarlas.
Se trata de pensar cómo colocarnos en situaciones en las
que podamos alcanzar nuestros objetivos más fácilmente
y en las que regular nuestras emociones sea más sencillo.

Identifica una pequeña modificación que podrías hacer sobre las si-
tuaciones que vives en la escuela o fuera de ella que te ayudaría a re-
gular las emociones que te impiden alcanzar tus metas académicas.

Objetivo Situación Situación

Ejemplo: Hacer la Martha se distrae con las Guardar su celular por
tarea en menos redes sociales y contestando una hora o hasta que
tiempo mensajes. Esto provoca que finalice su tarea.
se tarde mucho en terminar
la tarea.

176 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Muchas veces esos “botones” que nos provocan emociones que no nos
ayudan o que nos dificultan alcanzar nuestras metas son el resultado
de hábitos que hemos conformado a lo largo del tiempo. En este video
del Programa Redes verás cómo modificar las situaciones que acom-
pañan ese hábito. Puedes buscarlo en esta dirección: https:// www.

Concepto clave

Trabajar con la situación pertenece a un grupo de estrategias en las

que los individuos se ocupan del aspecto de Mundo del MAPA para
navegar las emociones.

La estrategia consiste en identificar situaciones que disparan emocio-

nes para poder evitarlas o modificarlas en el futuro.1

1. Gross, J. (2015), Emotion Regulation: Current Status and Future Prospects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychological Inquiry, 26:1, 1-26, p. 8.

Lecciones Contruye T 177

“Hay alguien en
¿Qué quiere decir que las
emociones te controlen?
¿Alguna vez te ha pasado que “pierdes la cabeza”? En otras
mi cabeza, palabras: ¿te ha “ganado” la emoción? Cuando permitimos
pero no soy yo” que las emociones tomen las riendas de la situación, se redu-
Pink Floyd, Daño ce la posibilidad de tomar decisiones de manera razonada y
Cerebral, en reflexiva. Por ejemplo, hay ocasiones en las que no sentimos
El lado oscuro enojo, “somos enojo”. Es como si las emociones nos secues-
de la Luna traran, perdemos libertad, se manifiestan de manera despro-
porcionada y nos meten en muchos problemas.

El reto es identificar momentos en que las emociones los

“controlan” a través de un ejemplo y situaciones personales.

En las lecciones 4 y 5 del curso de Autorregulación, estuvimos trabajando

con la fase de Mundo o situación en el MAPA para navegar las emociones,
ahora exploraremos la fase de Atención como lo indica el diagrama.

Actividad 1. Lee la siguiente historia.

¡Aaaaaaah! ¡Auch! ¡Ppfff!

Y de pronto la mesita del pasillo estaba destruida.
No supe en qué momento sucedió. Sólo sé que “de
repente” la mesita ya estaba rota. Bueno… en realidad
todo pasó cuando mi dedo chiquito del pie se golpeó
con la pata de la mesa. En ese momento se desató
Albertón. Mi mamá me llama Albertón cada vez que me
arrastran mis emociones y hago algo desafortunado.
Después de que mi dedo chiquito golpeó la mesita, me
enojé tanto que la pateé y la rompí; ahora tengo que

Esto no sólo me pasa con el enojo. También aparece

Albertón cuando algo me alegra mucho. Tengo varios
meses trabajando y ahorrando para comprarme
el mejor celular, el que yo quiero.Ya tenía el dinero
completo y camino a la tienda, ya para comprarlo, me
encontré al amor de mi vida.

178 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


–¿Quieres ir por un helado? –me preguntó. Con esa

mirada, ¿cómo decir que no?
Después del helado, fuimos por un café, después por
unos tacos. Todo lo que comimos yo lo invité. Albertón
estaba tan contento que me gasté una buena cantidad
del dinero...
Cuando regresé a la casa mi mamá me preguntó:
¿Me enseñas tu celular nuevo?
-Mmmmmh no lo traje- dije titubeando.
-¡Ay, Albertón!

Cuando a Alberto lo “secuestra una emoción” su mamá dice que se con-

vierte en Albertón. Esto significa que cuando la emoción “lo arrastra” o “lo
controla”, termina haciendo cosas sin pensar, sin poder decidir de manera
razonada. Como si la emoción tomara las riendas de sus acciones e hiciera
cosas que de otro modo no haría.

Actividad 2. Después de leer la historia, contesta las siguientes preguntas

aquí o en tu cuaderno:

a. ¿Recuerdas alguna ocasión en la que la emoción tomó el control de

tus acciones? ¿Qué pasó? ¿Cómo te comportaste?




b. Para ti, ¿qué quiere decir que las emociones “te secuestren” o “te




Actividad 3. Responde la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué consecuencias identifi-

cas cuando las emociones te controlan (secuestran)? Si te sientes cómodo,
comparte con tu grupo tu respuesta.

Lecciones Contruye T 179

Cuando las emociones “nos secuestran” perdemos la liber-
tad de tomar decisiones de manera reflexiva y razonada.
A todas las personas nos sucede, perdemos el control y
nuestros Albertones salen, así nuestra mente “se agita”,
“perdemos la cabeza” y las emociones “nos controlan”. Ha-
cemos y decimos cosas que, de otra manera, no haríamos.
Algunas veces resulta en algo positivo, pero en realidad la
mayoría de las veces nos metemos en problemas.

¿Cuántas veces en la semana Todas las personas hemos expe-

te sucede que “pierdes la ca- rimentado la sensación de “per-
beza” al momento de sentir der la cabeza”. Se trata de mo-
una emoción en particular? Al mentos en los que las emociones
finalizar el día de hoy, revisa se salen de proporción y per-
cuántas veces te sucedió, en demos claridad de lo que está
qué situaciones y cuál fue la sucediendo. El psicólogo Daniel
consecuencia de que te haya Goleman acuñó el término de se-
sucedido esto. cuestro por la amígdala para ha-
_____________________ cer referencia a estos momentos
en los que hay una “explosión”
_____________________ emocional que sobrepasa los lí-
mites emocionales habituales de
la persona, es decir, un episodio
_____________________ de alta emocionalidad en la que
actuamos totalmente cegados
por las emociones y que se anula
_____________________ nuestra capacidad para pensar
con claridad. Si quieres leer más
_____________________ acerca del secuestro emocional
_____________________ o secuestro por la amígdala, es-
cribe en tu buscador “Secuestro
_____________________ amigdalar, nueces y neuronas”, o
_____________________ entra a esta dirección: http://

180 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Concepto clave GLOSARIO

Secuestro emocional. Amígdala.
Se refiere a un episodio de La amígdala es una parte si-
alta emocionalidad que llega a tuada en el centro del cere-
anular la capacidad del sujeto bro y está especializada en
para pensar con claridad, de cuestiones emocionales, en-
manera que actúa totalmente tre otras funciones. Su tarea
cegado por sus emociones, principales participar en la ac-
secuestrado por su estado de tivacióny gestión de las emo-
alta activación emocional. ciones. La interrupción de la
comunicación entre la amíg-
dala y el resto del cerebro pro-
voca una gran dificultad para
saber con claridad lo que está
ocurriendo. El momento en el
que se rompe la comunicación
se le llama “secuestro emo-

1. Goleman, D. (1996), Inteligencia emocional, Barcelona, Kairós.

Lecciones Contruye T 181

7.1 ¿Cómo se siente sentirse bien?
“(...) Sol en el cielo, La palabra emoción viene del verbo latin emovere que signi-
Sabes cómo me siento. fica mover. Las emociones nos impulsan a actuar. Todas las
Brisa moviéndose lentamente, emociones vienen acompañadas de sensaciones, por ejem-
Sabes cómo me siento. plo, cuando estamos alegres podemos sentirnos con fuerza,
Es un nuevo amanecer. seguridad o ligereza, cuando estamos tristes podemos sentir
Es un nuevo día. pesadez o con poca energía. Una manera de regular las emo-
Es una nueva vida ciones y evitar que “nos controlen” es trabajar nuestra aten-
Para mí, ción. Si logramos mantener nuestra atención estable, enfo-
Y me siento bien”. cada y en calma, podremos crear un espacio de oportunidad
Anthony Newley y Leslie para tomar decisiones razonadas y reflexivas.
Me siento bien. El reto es aplicar la técnica de atender las sensaciones del
cuerpo con una emoción agradable.

En las lecciones 6 del curso de Autorregulación, comenzamos a trabajar con

la fase de Atención en el MAPA para navegar las emociones, en esta lección
continuaremos con la exploración de esta fase como lo indica el diagrama.

Actividad 1. Actividad 1. Sigue las instrucciones de tu profesor para realizar

la práctica de “Atender a las sensaciones del cuerpo con una emoción

I. Siéntate cómodamente, con la espalda erguida, los pies firmes en el piso,

tus manos sobre las piernas y el resto del cuerpo relajado. Puedes dejar
tus ojos abiertos descansando la mirada al frente o, si te sientes cómodo,
puedes cerrarlos.

II. Recuerda una situación que te genere una emoción agradable. Por ejemplo,
un momento en el que sentiste tranquilidad, alegría; o bien un evento en el
que sentiste confianza en ti por lograr una meta o un momento en el que te
dio mucho gusto ver a un amigo.

1 Adaptada de: Tan, C. M. (2012). Busca en tu interior: mejora la productividad, la creatividad y la felicidad. Grupo Planeta (GBS).

182 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


III. Siente tu cuerpo, lleva tu atención a las sensaciones que experimentas.

Nota si hay sensaciones de calidez en el pecho o en la temperatura en tus
manos. Observa si la tensión en tu cuerpo cambia.

IV. Atiende, si te pierdes o te distraes, regresa tu atención a lo que sientes.

Si te vas con algún recuerdo, suéltalo y trae de vuelta tu atención a las
sensaciones en el cuerpo. Siente tus manos, tu abdomen, los hombros, el
cuello. Tal vez tu rostro expresa una sonrisa.

V. Para terminar, suelta tu objeto de atención y simplemente descansa.

¿Recuerdas que investigadores finlandeses crearon el primer

mapa corporal de las emociones? En el curso de Autocono-
cimiento lo vimos en la variación 9.4, cuando exploramos
cómo se sienten las emociones en el cuerpo.

Actividad 2. Escribe aquí o en tu cuaderno lo que experimentaste. Usa

como guía las siguientes preguntas. Puedes responder directamente a las
preguntas o representar tu experiencia a través de un dibujo, un poema o

a. ¿Qué sensaciones experimentaste en el cuerpo?, ¿fueron cambiando o

se quedaron igual mientras realizabas el ejercicio? ¿Cambió tu forma
de notar la emoción al centrar tu atención en las sensaciones físicas?

Lecciones Contruye T 183

Actividad 3. Si lo deseas, comparte con tu grupo la respuesta a la siguiente
pregunta, ¿Cómo puede ayudarte la técnica de “Atender las sensaciones del
cuerpo con una emoción agradable” a regular tus emociones?

Cuando experimentamos una emoción la atención usual-

mente se fija en los aspectos de la situación que la desen-
cadenan, haciéndola crecer. En esta variación aprendimos
una técnica que nos permitirá tener más dominio sobre
nuestra atención para regular las emociones. La técni-
ca consiste en mantener la atención en las sensaciones
físicas que producen las emociones agradables (aunque
se puede extender a cualquier emoción). Posiblemente
te diste cuenta de que hay sensaciones en el abdomen,
en el pecho, en las manos, en el rostro. Si te costó tra-
bajo percibirlas, no te preocupes, conforme entrenes tu
atención será más sencillo identificar estas sensaciones.
El solo hecho de identificar que se está experimentando
una emoción y dirigir la atención a las sensaciones agra-
dables que se producen en el cuerpo, te brinda la oportu-
nidad de tomar decisiones de manera razonada.

Durante la semana realiza esta práctica antes de dormir y en-

cierra en un círculo aquí o en tu cuaderno el número de veces
que la realizas. Esto podrá ayudarte a calmar la agitación que
pudieras sentir durante el día. Si es útil puedes registrar tu
experiencia con un dibujo como en la actividad 2. Encierra en
un círculo las veces que realizaste la práctica:

• Una vez en la semana

• Tres veces en la semana
• Casi toda la semana
• Toda la semana

184 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Concepto clave
Sensaciones en el cuerpo. se
En el arte podemos encontrar refiere a cualquier estímulo
muchas obras inspiradas en percibido de manera interna
emociones agradables, como y que nos brinda información
las sensaciones que generan la sobre las emociones que sen-
alegría de estar enamorados. El timos. Pueden ser sensaciones
colombiano Santiago Cruz escri- de calor o frío (temperatura),
bió una canción que habla de las presión, suavidad o dureza,
sensaciones que tiene una seño- movimiento interno (como
ra de setenta cinco años, cuando cosquilleo, palpitaciones, pi-
vuelve a enamorarse “como una cor), o también hay sensacio-
adolescente / y entiende que se nes de sequedad y humedad,
puede vivir de amor / y siente ya sea que experimentes la
mariposas en la panza / cuan- “boca seca”, o te suden las
do se lo encuentra”. “Mariposas manos, entre otras.
en la panza”, “sentir el corazón
lleno”, los “latidos que gritan”,
son varias frases que se utilizan
en esta canción para describir
las sensaciones corporales que
surgen con la alegría de ver a
su “chico”, o de escucharlo de-
cir que se ve hermosa. Puedes
escuchar la canción escribiendo
en tu buscador “Mariposas en la
panza Santiago Cruz” o bien da
clic aquí.

Lecciones Contruye T 185

8.1 La historia de la serpiente
“A menudo confundimos ¿Te ha pasado que le mandaste un mensaje a alguien y como
lo que deseamos no te contestó creíste que estaba enojado, cuando en rea-
con lo que es”. lidad sólo estaba ocupado y no lo vio? A veces, ciertas su-
posiciones o pensamientos nos hacen interpretar de manera
Neil Gaiman equivocada una situación y pueden detonar emociones que
no ayudan y confunden más, provocando malestar y proble-

El reto es analizar cómo las confusiones desencadenan emo-

ciones que no ayudan.

En las lecciones 6 y 7 del curso de autorregulación, estuvimos trabajando

con la fase de Atención en el MAPA para navegar las emociones, ahora ex-
ploraremos la fase de Pensamiento como lo índica el diagrama.

Actividad 1. Lee con atención la siguien-

te historia:

La historia de la serpiente Laura fue de

vacaciones al campo. Al llegar, le advirtie-
ron que tuviera cuidado porque ahí suele
haber serpientes.

En la noche, cuando entró a su habitación,

entre las sombras notó un bulto enrosca-
do en la esquina del cuarto.

Se empezó a poner muy nerviosa. –¡No manches! ¡Una víbora! ¿Qué hago?
¿Y si brinca y me muerde?

Quiso salir corriendo a buscar ayuda, pero dominada por el miedo y la an-
siedad se tropezó y se golpeó. El miedo también la impulsó a levantarse y
entre el pánico logró prender la luz. Cuando volteó vio que la serpiente no se
movía. ¡Era sólo una cuerda enredada!

186 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Actividad 2. Ahora organízate con tus compañeros en parejas y contesten

las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Cuál fue la causa principal del temor de Laura?




2. Lee el concepto clave y escribe si se relaciona con tu respuesta ante-





3. Escribe un ejemplo donde hayas visto “serpientes” cuando en realidad

había “cuerdas”. Es decir, donde hayas malinterpretado una situación,
reaccionado sin cuestionar y experimentado una emoción que no te




Así como Laura confundió una cuerda con una serpiente,

a veces malinterpretamos o confundimos algunas situa-
ciones y experimentamos emociones que no nos ayudan.
Por ejemplo, cuando te enojas al asumir que alguien te
robó un libro y días después lo encuentras dentro de tu
clóset. Reconocer las confusiones que detonan y carac-
terizan algunas de nuestras emociones nos ayudará a re-

Lecciones Contruye T 187

Identifica alguna situación que Aunque muchas veces creemos
malinterpretaste: que vemos el mundo de manera
objetiva, en realidad lo vemos a
¿Qué emociones te provocó? través de nuestros sesgos per-
sonales. Hay veces que incluso
nuestro propio cerebro nos en-
gaña, nos juega trucos que nos
generan confusiones. Para saber
_____________________ más sobre las ilusiones que ge-
nera nuestro cerebro y reflexio-
_____________________ nar desde otra perspectiva so-
bre la importancia de cuestionar
_____________________ nuestra percepción de las cosas,
te compartimos esta charla de
_____________________ Beau Lotto: Ilusiones ópticas
que demuestran cómo vemos

¿Qué pasaría si desde el prin-

cipio hubieras notadas que te-
nías alguna confusión?






1. Chernicoff, L. y Rodríguez, E. (2016). Trabajar y vivir en equilibrio. Transformando el ámbito laboral desde el cambio interior. Módulo 1 Panorama general: cultivar
calma y discernimiento. Versión 2.4, Ciudad de México, p. 231.

188 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Concepto clave

“Decimos que estamos confundidos cuando nuestro conocimiento
acerca de algo está mezclado, desordenado, incompleto y no es claro”.1

En general, se puede decir que la confusión opera en dos niveles, aquel

en donde ignoramos algunos aspectos de nuestra realidad, lo cual reci-
be el nombre de “confusión pasiva”; y, otro en el que no sólo ignoramos
la manera en que algo existe, sino que, además, le imputamos una rea-
lidad que no le corresponde, a esto se le llama “confusión activa”.

Lecciones Contruye T 189

9.1 Esto no es una pipa
Aprender a dudar es Imagina que estás por subirte al autobús y de pronto recibes
aprender a pensar”. un empujón. Al instante, te lo tomas personal y piensas que
la persona de atrás te está presionando o quiere subir antes
Octavio Paz que tú. Reaccionas y segundos después volteas a reclamarle
y a empujarla de vuelta. Te acerca una sudadera diciendo:
“Disculpa, se te cayó esto e intenté alcanzarte antes de que
te fueras”. ¿De qué te darías cuenta en ese momento?

El reto es distinguir entre la realidad y las interpretaciones

que hacemos de esta.

En la lección 8 del curso de Autorregulación, comenzamos a trabajar con

la fase de Pensamiento en el MAPA para navegar las emociones, en esta
lección continuaremos con la exploración de esta fase como lo indica el

Actividad 1. La siguiente imagen es una obra del pintor belga René Magri-
tte. El autor incluye en la parte inferior la frase en francés “Ceci, n´est pas
une pipe”, que quiere decir: “Esto no es una pipa”. Observa el cuadro por un

Autor: René Magritte, (1898-1967). Pintor surrealista belga.1

Título original de la obra: La traición de las imágenes, (1929). Óleo sobre lienzo.

1. Imagen tomada de:

190 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


En equipos de tres personas discutan: ¿Por qué no es un pipa? Escriban aquí

o en su cuaderno las conclusiones a las que llegaron.

Actividad 2. Lee el comentario que hizo el autor sobre su propia obra:

«La famosa pipa. ¡Cómo me reprocharon las personas por eso! Y, aun así,
¿se podría rellenar mi pipa? No, es solo una representación ¿no es así? ¡Así
que si hubiera escrito en el cuadro “esto es una pipa”, habría estado mintien-
do!»2 El cuadro de la pipa no es una pipa real, sino tan solo una representa-
ción. De la misma manera, nuestros pensamientos no son “la realidad”, sino
tan solo una representación de ésta. Sólo existen en nuestra mente.

Siguiendo las instrucciones del profesor, realicen el siguiente ejercicio:

a. Piensen en una persona y algunas de las características que perciba

sobre él o ella.
b. Reflexionen: ¿Esos pensamientos son la persona?

Actividad 3. Comenten en su equipo:

a. ¿Pueden identificar alguna situación en la que se hayan tomado sus

pensamientos muy en serio y que después se hayan dado cuenta que
no corresponden con la realidad? (Como en el ejemplo de la introduc-
ción). Expliquen brevemente su experiencia.

b. ¿Qué implicaciones tendría para ti y para otros el no tomarte tan en

serio tus pensamientos y cuestionarlos?

A menudo interpretamos de manera automática lo que

nos sucede y solemos pensar que vemos el mundo obje-
tivamente. En ocasiones, nuestros pensamientos pueden
llegar a abrumarnos porque pensamos que son “la reali-
dad” y los tomamos muy en serio. No reconocemos que
sólo son una interpretación personal que sucede en nues-
tra mente. Es esencial distinguir entre las historias que
suponemos son “verdaderas” y las cosas como realmente
son, esto traerá mayor claridad y perspectiva a nuestra
experiencia y nos evitará malestar.

2. Harry Torczyner. (1977), Magritte: Ideas and Images, Harry N. Abrams, Nueva York, p. 71.

Lecciones Contruye T 191

Te invitamos a anotar en tu Un elemento clave para distin-
cuaderno durante esta sema- guir entre nuestras interpreta-
na un momento en el que es- ciones y la realidad es aprender a
tés haciendo alguna interpre- cuestionar nuestros pensamien-
tación sobre ti o alguien más y tos. Puedes comenzar a practi-
pregúntate: carlo con la serie de imágenes
presentadas por Istvan Banyai en
¿Qué tal si lo que pienso no es su libro “Zoom” donde te darás
realmente así? Observa y ana- cuenta de que las cosas no son
liza tu experiencia y si quieres siempre como las percibimos:
puedes compartirla con tus
(Pasa las diapositivas con la fle-
cha derecha).

Concepto clave

Acto de entender y atribuir un significado a algo (pueden ser palabras,
conductas o situaciones) con base en conocimientos acumulados o en
la experiencia personal.

192 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


“El cerebro es un experto ¿Has escuchado la palabra estrés?, ¿has sentido estrés en la
buscador de amenazas”. última semana? Esta palabra se ha filtrado en todas nuestras
conversaciones en los últimos años. Parecería un monstruo
Sonia Lupien que nos quita la paz y la tranquilidad. Pero… ¿qué es el es-
trés?, ¿tiene alguna función? El estrés, al igual que otras emo-
ciones, tiene una función evolutiva: nos ayuda a sobrevivir. En
ocasiones nos salva la vida, pero en otras genera reacciones
exageradas. La clave está en la forma en que pensamos cada

El reto es argumentar cuándo el estrés puede ser útil y cuán-

do no lo es en una situación.

Actividad 1. Lee el siguiente texto.

La historia de Enrique el cavernícola y el tigre dientes de sable.

Hace miles de años existió un

cavernícola llamado Enrique.
A él le gustaba salir a recolec-
tar y cazar. Un día, mientras
recolectaba algunos frutos,
escuchó un sonido extraño
detrás de un arbusto.

Se acercó y en menos de lo
que pudo pensar saltó un ti-
gre dientes de sable hacia él.
Su reacción física se manifestó antes de que lograra pensar, se movió de tal
manera que el tigre no logró alcanzarlo. Su corazón latía fuerte, sus pupilas
se dilataron, tuvo una especial irrigación de sangre en el torso y la cabeza,
dejándole las manos frías.

Enrique corrió rápida y habilidosamente, con una fuerza especial que no co-
nocía, de tal manera que en el momento en que recobró la consciencia, se
encontraba arriba de un árbol que usualmente no habría podido trepar.

Lecciones Contruye T 193

En este caso, la activación de su cuerpo llamada estrés le permitió enfren-
tarse a una amenaza real y sobrevivir.

La evaluación rápida de “amenaza” frente al tigre, hizo que el cuerpo de

Enrique comenzara a tener activaciones físicas, químicas y emocionales
(como miedo, enojo) que lo salvaron.

Miles de años después seguimos reaccionando como Enrique ante aquello

que consideramos como “amenazas”. El problema es que ahora no lidiamos
con tigres dientes de sable, pero nuestro cuerporeacciona igual. Hace miles
de años existió un cavernícola llamado Enrique. A él le gustaba salir a re-
colectar y cazar. Un día, mientras recolectaba algunos frutos, escuchó un
sonido extraño detrás de un arbusto.

Se acercó y en menos de lo que pudo pensar saltó un tigre dientes de sable

hacia él. Su reacción física se manifestó antes de que lograra pensar, se mo-
vió de tal manera que el tigre no logró alcanzarlo. Su corazón latía fuerte,
sus pupilas se dilataron, tuvo una especial irrigación de sangre en el torso y
la cabeza, dejándole las manos frías.

Enrique corrió rápida y habilidosamente, con una fuerza especial que no co-
nocía, de tal manera que en el momento en que recobró la consciencia, se
encontraba arriba de un árbol que usualmente no habría podido trepar. En
este caso, la activación de su cuerpo llamada estrés le permitió enfrentarse
a una amenaza real y sobrevivir.

La evaluación rápida de “amenaza” frente al tigre, hizo que el cuerpo de

Enrique comenzara a tener activaciones físicas, químicas y emocionales
(como miedo, enojo) que lo salvaron. Miles de años después seguimos reac-
cionando como Enrique ante aquello que consideramos como “amenazas”.

El problema es que ahora no lidiamos con tigres dientes de sable, pero nues-
tro cuerpo reacciona igual. La pregunta es, entonces: ¿nos es útil reaccio-
nar así siempre? En algunas ocasiones sí y en otras no. Cuando nuestra vida
está en peligro es importante reaccionar de manera instintiva como lo hizo
Enrique, pero cuando no es así y son situaciones que sólo pensamos como
amenazantes, entonces podemos cambiar nuestra reacción.

Evaluar cognitivamente si una situación es realmente amenaza o no es la

clave para trabajar con el estrés y evitarlo cuando no nos ayuda. Identifi-
quemos aquellas cosas que evaluamos como amenazantes y que no ponen
en real peligro nuestra vida.

194 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Actividad 2. Lee el siguiente listado y marca con una “X” las situaciones que
te generen estrés.

Exploremos qué es eso que percibimos como “amenaza” y que no necesa-

riamente pone en peligronuestra vida. Es decir, estos “tigres” que no son
reales, pero que disparan reacciones fisiológicas como sudoración en las
manos, aceleración del ritmo cardiaco, tensión muscular, entre otras, por-
que los consideramos como amenazas y nos generan lo que llamamos es-

Tigres falsos que generan reaccio-

Marca con una X
nes estrés.

Examen final

Exponer frente a la clase

Hablar en público

Llegar tarde a la escuela

Regaño de tu profesor(a)

Acercarte a la persona que te gusta


Pedir lo que necesitas a tu maestro

Preguntar una duda de la clase

Pensar qué harás en el futuro


Lecciones Contruye T 195

Actividad 3. Argumenta en parejas las siguientes preguntas.

I. ¿En qué situación no me ha ayudado el estrés? Escribe un ejemplo.





II. ¿En qué situaciones sí me ha ayudado el estrés? Escribe un ejemplo.





IIII. Después de identificar este “tigre” falso ¿cómo consideras que pue-
des enfrentarlo desde una perspectiva objetiva?





196 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


El estrés tiene una función evolutiva, nos ayuda a so-

brevivir cuando nuestra vida está en peligro. La evalua-
ción que cognitivamente hacemos de “amenaza” es el
disparador de una serie de respuestas fisiológicas en
nuestro cuerpo que nos ayudan a reaccionar frente el
peligro. El problema es que nuestro cuerpo no discri-
mina entre amenazas de peligro real y problemas coti-
dianos, por lo que reacciona de la misma manera. Usar
una estrategia de cambio cognitivo por medio de las
habilidades de pensamiento como el análisis, donde diferen-
ciemos las amenazas reales y las que no lo son, es el primer
paso para regular nuestro estrés.

En esta variación identificaste algunas situaciones que per-

cibes como amenaza y te causan estrés. Revalorar las si-
tuaciones de manera objetiva es una estrategia de cambio
cognitivo que te permite regular las emociones. Familiarízate
con esta manera imparcial de percibir y lograrás enfrentar de
formas más adecuadas el estrés.

Lecciones Contruye T 197

Exploremos nuestros “tigres” Un ejemplo de un tigre falso o
falsos. Identifica un momen- una amenaza falsa es cuando
to de estrés que hayas tenido tenemos la creencia de que algo
hoy y escribe: malo sucederá y nuestro cuerpo
reacciona preparándose para lu-
1. ¿Cuál fue la amenaza? char o huir. En el siguiente video
encontrarás un ejemplo del es-
_____________________ trés contemporáneo, una pelícu-
_____________________ la creada por tu cerebro.

_____________________ Puedes encontrarlo como “Mie-

_____________________ do al Despido - Una película de
tu cerebro (Estrés)” o entrando
a la siguiente dirección:
2. ¿En verdad ponía mi vida en watch?v=ulr7qzzrA2k
_____________________ Concepto clave

_____________________ Estrés. “El estrés se produce

cuando la persona se encuen-
_____________________ tra en un contexto determi-
nado y valora lo que sucede
como algo que supera sus re-
cursos personales de enfren-
3. ¿Mi reacción fue de acuerdo tamiento considerando que
con lo que sucedió? pone en peligro su bienestar
_____________________ personal. Cuando se presenta
el estrés, ocurren en el cuer-
_____________________ po cambios fisiológicos que lo
_____________________ alertan, como la sudoración,
escalofrío o aumento del rit-
_____________________ mo cardíaco”.

198 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Círculos viciosos
Aprender a dudar es Cuando el enojo toma el control, es muy fácil que comience
aprender a pensar”. a escalar, llevándonos a adoptar conductas dañinas. En esta
lección seguiremos trabajando con la estrategia MAPA, ob-
Octavio Paz servando el papel de su última fase, la Acción y sus efectos,
en relación con la importancia de regular la conducta.

El reto es analizar el efecto del enojo en ustedes y en sus

relaciones con los demás.

En las lecciones 8, 9 y 10 del curso de autorregulación estuvimos traba-

jando con la fase de Pensamiento en el MAPA para navegar las emociones,
ahora exploraremos la fase de Acción como lo indica el diagrama.

Actividad 1. Recuerda un momento de enojo que hayas experimentado en

los últimos días.

• Escoge tan sólo un acontecimiento y relata la forma en la que sucedió:

la hora del día, el lugar en el que te encontrabas y las personas con las
que interactuabas.

• Recuerda el acontecimiento de manera ordenada y siguiendo una se-

cuencia cronológica. Si hay partes que no recuerdas, está bien, no tra-
tes de llenar los huecos inventando hechos, simplemente salta hasta
el siguiente recuerdo.

Lecciones Contruye T 199

• En cuanto identifiques el surgimiento del enojo, observa con curio-
sidad lo que ocurría con tu cuerpo y con tu mente, así como lo que
sucedía en el entorno.

Actividad 2. Utilizando el acontecimiento que recordaste en la actividad

anterior, responde las siguientes preguntas.

a. Identifica las partes del rostro en las que sentiste enojo y dibújalas en
el siguiente esquema (ceño fruncido, arrugas en la frente, nariz dilata-
da, calor en las mejillas, etcétera):

200 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


b. Describe brevemente qué hacías con las manos y cómo era el tono de
voz que usaste.




c. ¿Cómo actuaste ante la situación en la que sentiste enojo?




d. ¿Cómo percibías a las personas a tu alrededor una vez terminado el

episodio de enojo?




e. ¿Cómo te sentiste después del episodio?, ¿experimentaste bienestar

o todo lo contrario?




Lecciones Contruye T 201

Actividad 3. Por último, discute con tu grupo: ¿puedes recordar algún con-
flicto que se haya solucionado de forma constructiva y pacífica gracias al
enojo o a la agresión? Si no es así, ¿de qué manera podrían resolverse los
conflictos? Anota aquí tus reflexiones:






El enojo, como cualquier otra emoción, tiene un aspec-

to dual: puede servirnos para poner límites o combatir
alguna situación injusta; pero también, al exagerarse,
puede meternos en un círculo vicioso de violencia. Cuan-
do nos enojamos nos transformamos: la cara se tensa
y la voz se vuelve áspera. También dejamos de pensar
con claridad y solemos responder de forma agresiva,
perjudicándonos a nosotros y a los que nos rodean, si-
tuación que más tarde puede provocarnos vergüenza o

1. Revisar la variación 7.5 de Autoconocimiento.

202 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Lleva a cabo la práctica de En esta TedTalk, Raúl José Alcá-

PARAR1 tres veces durante la zar Olán resalta la importancia
semana y observa si puedesi- de no tomarnos a modo perso-
dentificar señales de enojo en nal las actitudes de otros como
tu cara y cuerpo. Si las detec- una estrategia para trabajar con
tas, aplica alguna de las estra- el enojo. Entra a la siguiente di-
tegias que ya conoces para rección:
evitar que la emoción te domi-
ne. Anota aquí tu experiencia: watch?v=i5zpIfrktH0




_____________________ Concepto clave

Conducta agresiva.
_____________________ Comportamiento que se ca-
racteriza por una actitud que-
tiende a la violencia en sus di-
_____________________ ferentes formas, cuyo objetivo
es dañar y combatir la causa
_____________________ del sentimiento. Generalmen-
te surge ante una situación de
disgusto, agravio, malos tra-
_____________________ tos u oposición.

Lecciones Contruye T 203

12.1 Estrategias que
contribuyen al bienestar
“Las personas que creen ¡Puedo regular mis emociones para sentirme bien, alcanzar
que tienen el poder de mis metas, relacionarme mejor con otros y enfrentar las difi-
ejercer en cierta medida cultades! Pero… ¿cómo lo he hecho? Has aprendido ya varias
control sobre sus vidas estrategias de regulación emocional, ¿las recuerdas? Tenerlas
son más saludables, más presentes es como tener a la mano una caja de herramientas
efectivas y más exitosas para utilizarlas cada vez que lo necesites, dependiendo de la
que aquellas que no situación y de lo que mejor te funcione.
tienen fe en su capacidad
para efectuar cambios El reto es enlistar las estrategias que contribuyeron a tu
en sus vidas”. bienestar emocional.

Albert Bandura

Actividad 1.

Enlista las estrategias de regulación emocional que has visto en el curso, su

descripción y algunos ejemplos con ayuda de la siguiente tabla. Puedes usar
tus notas o consultar las lecciones pasadas para hacerlo.

204 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Familia de
estrate- Nombre y descripción de la Ejemplos de cómo usar la
gias estrategia estrategia


Identificar botones
Se trata de identificar situa- ____________________
ciones que frecuentemente
desencadenan emociones ____________________
que no me ayudan.


Trabajar Evitar o modificar la situa-
con la ción
____________________ 1. Me siento hasta adelante
en el salón para evitar plati-
____________________ car con otros.
2. Apago el teléfono por una
____________________ hora o hasta que termine la



Atender al cuerpo
ATENCIÓN Llevo mi atención a las sen- ____________________
Regular la saciones en el cuerpo como
atención. la temp ratura, cosquilleos, ____________________
vibración, etcétera.


Lecciones Contruye T 205


Cambiar mis pensamientos
o mi interpretación de la ____________________
1. Identificar la confusión
Cambiar ____________________
para dejar de ver serpiente
los pensa-
donde sólo hay cuerdas.
mientos y ____________________
la manera
2. Distinguir mi interpreta- ____________________
de inter-
ción de la realidad.
pretar lo
que sucede.
3. Identificar cuando una
emoción es útil y cuando no ____________________
me ayuda.


Modificar la conducta




ACCIÓN ____________________
1. Me abstengo de contestar
____________________ de manera agresiva cuando
la conduc-
siento enojo.
ta. ____________________





206 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora


Actividad 2.
Contesten la siguiente pregunta.

Qué estrategia(s) de regulación emocional de las que enlistaste en la tabla

han contribuido a tu bienestar emocional? Ejemplo: Cambiar los pensamien-
tos, pues a veces mi enojo o mi miedo se reducen cuando me doy cuenta de
que estoy viendo “serpientes” donde no las hay.









Es muy importante tener presentes las estrategias de

regulación emocional que has aprendido. Si las aplicas
constantemente se convertirán en tus mejores aliadas
para regular tu mundo emocional y contribuir a tu bien-
estar día con día.

Lecciones Contruye T 207

Comparte con tu familia esta Saber aplicar estrategias de
lista de estrategias de regula- regulación emocional es fun-
ción emocional y pregúntales damental en el desarrollo de la
cuál o cuáles de ellas han utili- inteligencia emocional. En este
zado o les gustaría utilizar y por video titulado “¿Qué es la in-
qué. Anota aquí lo que te llame teligencia emocional?“ puedes
la atención de sus respuestas. ver qué tan importante es este
tipo de inteligencia y qué otras
maneras tenemos de cultivarla.
______________________ Puedes activar los subtítulos en
español en la barra inferior del
______________________ video.


______________________ Concepto clave

Estrategias de regulación
______________________ emocional.
Estrategias para transformar
______________________ nuestro vínculo con las emo-
ciones, sin reprimirlas ni dejar-
nos llevar por ellas.

208 Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

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