Folleto IkeBana 2018

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Sogetsu Ikebana Flowers become human in ikebana — Ikebana of the Sogetsu School All lowers are beautiful, but not all ikebana is necessari- ly beautiful, Flowers, when set in ikebana, cease to be just flowers, Flowers become human in ikebana, ‘That makes ikebana interesting — and also difficult, Whether you set in an unnatural, natural or supernatural setting, flowers become human, Because we have flowers, we have ikebana, Without humans, ikebana would be impossible. Exeept from Kadensho by Sofu Teshigahara Sogetsu Ikebana started when the first Jemoro, Soft Te- shigahara, questioned traditional ikebana which put too ‘much emphasis on formality and so he explored free and liberated ikebana expression respecting “individuality.” Sogetsu tkebana is always new and freely reflects the in- dividuality of the person who arranges the work, without being restricted by any “stereotypes.” Sogetsu ikedanists arrange flowers based on their own beliefs and express their free spirit with the help of flowers. The Sogetsu Ikebana, which has also been transformed with the pas- sage of time, not only makes it possible for people to en- Joy it in their daily life but also provides the beauty and comfort of plant expression in various areas of society, such as window displays and theatrical stage art. Always new, always beautiful — Akane Teshigahara, the Fourth Jemoto For the fourth Jemoro Akane Teshigahara, who succeed. ed the past femotos each with their unique character, the keyword is “communication, Under the theme of HANA SO,” she has created ikebana works in collaboration with artists in other fields and via ‘communication with places and connections with people. She continuously brings into bloom new flowers while facing “current contemporary life” by embracing change and creating through exchanging communication contin- uously with a range of counterparts, =) Akane Teshigahara The Fourth Jenoto ofthe Sogetsu Schoo! Born the second daughter of Hiroshi Teshigahara in 1960, While peseating ively ikebana works in which the vialiy ofthe Plant is exprese to their maxim level she bas organized the “Akane Jini Ces ming to foster children’s asttcfeling through kehana, based on her expetience asa preschool teacher Akane has atively in collaborations with artists in other Fields, such as dancers, musicians and ealligraphers, and pursued new ways of tkebana by holding "/emoro Ikebana Live™ nationwide in which the production proces of ikcbana is demonstrated trough hold tive wonderful iis aranging Aawers with every ‘generation and beyond nationality, though Ikchana demonstrations end workshops both in Japan and oversea, ances. She shares how (Gotta, Fry/207, {sass Ams /2037) (Seer FeO

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