Comandos Básicos JUNIPER

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Comandos Básicos

Ingresar al modo de “Operational Mode”.

root@% cli

Es este modo (Operational Mode) no vas a poder realizar ningún tipo de configuración en
particular, se usa solo para ver configuraciones y monitorear el estado del equipo. Para
ingresar a “Configuration Mode”.

root> configure
Entering configuration mode

Ahora el prompt se muestra con un # al final, arriba podes ver entre corchetes tu ubicación
(sumamente útil). Para ejecutar el equivalente a “show run” de CISCO existen dos
opciones, desde “Operational mode”.
root> show configuration

Y desde “Configuration Mode”.

root# run show configuration

Establecer una password para el usuario root:

root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password

Configurar Hostname
root# set system host-name Juniper

Mostrar interfaces o similar a show ip interfaces brief de Cisco.

root@Juniper# run show interfaces terse
Asignar una dirección IP a la interface em0
root@Juniper# set interfaces em0 unit 0 family inet address

Mostrar configuracion
root@Juniper# show

Borrar alguna linea de configuracion

root@Juniper# delete interfaces em0 unit 0 family inet address 192.168.10/30

Guardar configuración
root@Juniper# commit
Prueba de conectividad con un Ping
root@Juniper# run ping

Habilitar Telnet
root@Juniper# set system services telnet

Crear un Usuario y contraseña con class “super-user”:

root@Juniper# set system login user delfirosales class super-user authentication plain-

Guardar cambios con commit

Dejar todo a los valores de fábrica

root@Juniper# load factory-default

root@Juniper# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
root@Juniper# commit
Comprobamos Uso de Licencia:
root@juniper-01# run show system license
Configuring the SRX300 Services Gateway Using the CLI
This procedure connects the device to the network but does not enable it to forward traffic.
For complete information about enabling the device to forward traffic, including examples,
see the appropriate Junos OS configuration guides.

To configure the software:

1. Verify that the device is powered on.

2. Log in as the root user. There is no password.
3. Start the CLI.


4. Enter configuration mode.

configure [edit]root#

5. Set the root authentication password by entering a cleartext password, an encrypted

password, or an SSH public key string (DSA or RSA).

[edit]root# set system root-authentication plain-text-passwordNew password: password

Retype new password: password

6. Configure an administrator account on the device.

[edit]root# set system login user admin class super-user authentication plain-text-

7. Commit the configuration to activate it on the device.

[edit]root# commit

8. Log in as the administrative user you configured in Step 6.

9. Configure the name of the device. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in
quotation marks (“ ”).

configure [edit]admin# set system host-name host-name

Note: For information on the factory-default settings, see Understanding

SRX300 Services Gateway Factory-Default Settings.

10. Configure the traffic interface.

[edit]admin# set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address address/prefix-length

11. Configure the default route.

[edit]admin# set routing-options static route next-hop gateway

12. Configure basic security zones and bind them to traffic interfaces.

[edit]admin# set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces ge-0/0/0 admin# set
security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/1 admin# set security zones security-
zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all admin# set
security zones security-zone trust interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all

13. Configure basic security policies.

[edit]admin# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy policy-name
match source-address any destination-address any application any admin# set security
policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy policy-name then permit

14. Create a Network Address Translation (NAT) rule for source translation of all Internet-
bound traffic.

[edit]admin# set security nat source rule-set interface-nat from zone trust admin# set
security nat source rule-set interface-nat to zone untrust admin# set security nat source
rule-set interface-nat rule rule1 match source-address destination-address set security nat source rule-set interface-nat rule rule1 then source-nat

15. Check the configuration for validity.

[edit]admin# commit checkconfiguration check succeeds

16. Commit the configuration to activate it on the device.

[edit]admin# commitcommit complete

17. Optionally, display the configuration to verify that it is correct.

[edit]admin# show

18. Optionally, configure additional properties by adding the necessary configuration

statements. Then commit the changes to activate them on the services gateway.

[edit]admin@device# commit

19. When you have finished configuring the services gateway, exit configuration mode.

[edit]admin@device# exitadmin@device>

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