Ingles Cnba Nivel A B
Ingles Cnba Nivel A B
Ingles Cnba Nivel A B
Asignatura: Ingls
Ao: 2014
Comprender textos escritos y orales del material propuesto que incluyan los contenidos
correspondientes al nivel A.
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario presentado.
Producir textos cortos escritos y orales con fluidez con fines comunicativos.
Adquirir las estructuras bsicas de la lengua inglesa para construir un discurso que le permita
comunicarse en forma eficaz a un nivel elemental en situaciones cotidianas.
Adquirir confianza en sus capacidades y elevar su autoestima para desenvolverse con
seguridad e independencia en el trabajo y ante situaciones que se presenten en el mundo
II- Contenidos:
1er ao :
Beginners son los alumnos que inician el curso con escasos o nulos
conocimientos de Ingls y que deben familiarizarse con su fonologa, lxico,
estructuras y unidades discursivas del nivel y adquirir las competencias propias de
las cuatro macrohabilidades: 1) escucha, 2) habla, 3) lectura y 4) escritura de ese
A1 (Unidades 1 a 3, inclusive)
A2 (Unidades 1 a 5, inclusive)
Grammar: Present Simple (all forms) like for examples. Adverbs of frequency.
Reading: Article about super-rich teenagers; article about traditional lifestyle; interview about
modern technology.
Listening: Dialogue about peoples interests. A talk about the Martu people.
Grammar: There is / There are. Some / Any / No / A lot of. Prepositions of place: in on at.
Countable and uncountable nouns. How much? / How many?
Reading: A questionnaire about rooms. Article about a Japanese smart home. Interview about a
micro home.
Listening: Favourite places. Two cafs. London attractions. The UKs best city.
Speaking: Talking about towns or cities. Asking for and giving information. Pronunciation: silent r.
Information about concerts.
Reading: Forum about clubs for teenagers. Tourist information website. Article about
skateboarding on the Southbank.
Reading: A school memory. Article about family memories. Interview about a burglar.
CHOICES - Elementary, by Michael Harris and Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson. From GET READY
to Unit 5 (Fitness).
- Students Book
- Language Choice
- Workbook
Segn lo indicado por el/la docente del curso
Mystery in London, by Helen Brooke. (Crime & Mystery
Interactive). Oxford Bookworms Starters. OUP.
Robin Hood, by John Escott.
(Human Interest Comic Strip). Oxford Bookworms Starters. OUP.
Lucky Number.
Blue Fins.
Sallys phone.
Tinkers Farm.
New Opportunities Beginner, by Michael Harris and David Mower. Pearson Longman.
Students Book. Language Powerbook. Mini-Dictionary.
The Heinemann Elementary English Grammar, by Digby Beaumont.
Essential Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy. Cambridge University Press.
English Sketches 1 Elementary, by Doug Case and Ken Wilson. Heinemann.
Grammar Time 1, by Sandy Jervis. Longman.
Grammarway 1, by Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evans. Express Publishing.
Elementary Language Practice, Michael Vince. Heinemann (selected units).
English File (Clive Oxenden & Paul Seligson). Oxford University Press (selected exercises).
L.A Ride, by Philip Prowse. Heinemann Guided Readers - Beginner Level. Heinemann.
Tim Burtons The Nightmare before Christmas, by Daphne Skinner. Penguin Active
Reading - Level 2 (Elementary). Pearson Longman.
Oxford Bilingual Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
-Kay, J and Gelshenen, R Discovering Fiction. Sts Book 1. (1997) Cambridge U P.
Cambridge. UK.
-Silvia Romani. Songs for Debate and Fun (1998). Editorial Romani. Buenos Aires.
-Mignani, A. Sweet and Sour. ( 2001) Black Cat Pusblishing - imprint of Cided Editrice.
Departamento de Ingls
Programa 2014
1 Ao , B1
Que los alumnos sean capaces de comprender frases y expresiones de uso frecuente en las
reas de experiencia que le son especialmente relevantes
Que los alumnos puedan comunicarse a la hora de llevar a cabo tareas simples y cotidianas
que requieran intercambios directos de informacin.
Que los alumnos desarrollen la habilidad de lecto-comprensin mediante la utilizacin de
material proveniente de diversas fuentes, y en relacin a los temas de inters de los
alumnos de
Que los alumnos puedan desarrollar las cuatro habilidades en forma de comprensin o
expresin logrando una competencia lingstica acorde a su nivel.
Que los alumnos puedan abordar textos literarios acorde a su nivel, extrayendo el sentido
general de los mismos y el sentido particular del vocabulario para incrementar su lxico y
cultura general.
Que los alumnos encuentren en la lengua inglesa una herramienta de comunicacin y
expresin, teniendo en cuenta sus aspectos lingsticos y culturales.
Talking about habits and routines. Talking about likes and dislikes. Talking about the frequency of
activities. Talking about Activities happening now.
Grammar: Present Simple (affirmative - negative - interrogative). Like, love, hate + -ing.
Linking: also
Unit 2: Memories
Pronunciation: Intonation.
Unidad 3 Fitness
. Reading and Listening: dialogue about an unusual athlete . Dialogue about fitness.
.Speaking: talking about arrangements/ accepting and refusing. Requests and replies. Talking about
your exercise
.Writing: an invitation.
Project: biography of a famous person. Commas, spelling, Linking words: after, and, because,
before, when then.
Unit 4: Age
Grammar: Present simple and Continuous. Talking about activities. Questions about subject/object
Reading & Listening: a quiz about age. Article about teens rights. Article about teenage brains.
Speaking: Talking about activities. Sharing personal opinion. describing people in photos. Talking
about a photo. Talking about family members.
Grammar: be going to, talking about intentions. Like and would like. Ed -'ing adjectives. Modals.
have to / dont have to . Talking about obligations. Agreeing and disagreeing.
Vocabulary: My films. sports / physical activity; games & activities; opposites. Adverbs
Reading & Listening: favourite films. Interview with a film maker. Dialogue with a film fan.
(matching). Article about film festivals. (matching). Interview with a camera operator.
Speaking: about favourite films. Agreeing and disagreeing. Discussion about films.
Grammar: will/wont. Predicting the future. Present Conditional. Talking about habits.
Reading & Listening: Food from the sky. Nutrition tips. Predictions. Interview with a food expert.
Speaking: dialogue at a cafe ( role play). Talking about your eating habits.
Writing: Describing eating habits. punctuation. Linking words: either or. A description of a person.
Review of a film
Unit 7: Countries
Reading & Listening: Dialogue between two tourists. Article about a travel website. Student life in
the USA. Descriptions of countries.
Speaking: directions. Asking for and giving directions. To for purpose. Talking about your country.
Writing: A postcard.
Unit 8: Gadgets
Grammar: Present Perfect. Talking about achievements. Indirect objects. Present Perfect
Questions. Use of ever/never. Experience.
Reading & Listening: Interview with a gadgets inventor- Article about internet use. Opinions about
gadgets. Favourite gadgets.
Speaking: dialogue in a shop (role-'play). Talking about technology. Talking about experiences.
Writing: a notice.
IV. Bibliografa:
- Choices, Elementary, Students Book. Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson.
- Choices, Elementary, Work Book. Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska. Pearson.
- Oxford Bilingual Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
- Websites: /
- The Girl with green Eyes (from One-Way Ticket Stories by Jennifer Bassett (Oxford
Bookworms Library)
- David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens
- A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens
- A Midsummer Nights Dream, by William Shakespeare (Macmillan Readers)
- Grammar Highlights: revision of simple present, present continuous, simple past, past
- Writing: write a short text introducing yourself. Write a story about personal growth.
- Grammar Highlights: present perfect simple, adverbs used with present perfect: for, since,
recently, so far, already, yet, still, just
- Writing: interview
Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Colegio Nacional de
Buenos Aires
- Grammar Highlights: present perfect continuous, contrast between present perfect simple
and continuous, prepositions and adverbs of place and movement, revision of comparative
and superlative adjectives and adverbs, modifiers/intensifiers of comparative adjectives,
connectors (reason, contrast, addition, sequence)
- Grammar Highlights: revision of simple past and past continuous, past perfect simple,
connectors of sequence (next, afterwards, after that, later, after + noun or +verb-ing),
prepositions of time and adverbs of time (in, on, at, yesterday, last, ago)
- Writing: a story about a personal account of a historical event you have witnessed
- Unidad 4: Module 3: Taste.
- Lesson 8: Ice-cream and sorbets
- Topic: food and health
- Vocabulary: types of food, health, dishes, adjectives connected with taste and texture.
- Libro de Texto:
- Harris, Michael and Sikorzynska, Anna (2012). Choices (intermediate). Pearson Educated
Limited, England, UK.
- Material de Lectura:
- Dahl, Roald (1999). Taste and Other Tales. Penguin Readers. England, UK
CHOICES - Upper-Intermediate (Michael Harris & Anna Sikorzynska). Pearson. Students Book &
. Grammar Focus: general revision of verb tenses / past and present tenses / present perfect (all
notions) / present perfect progressive / quantity.
. Vocabulary: personality adjectives, relationships / linking words / multi-part verbs.
. Reading: An article about social media / Advice column / An article about modern parenting.
. Extensive Reading: The Way Up to Heaven, by Roald Dahl.
. Listening: Richards Presentation / interviews and dialogues about relationships / an interview
about family life.
. Speaking: sharing personal information / asking and answering questions / giving information
about you (a presentation about myself) and realationships in your life / re-telling experiences /
expressing views and opinions about the social media / a presentation: describing trends.
. Writing: A presentation about myself.
. Proyect: Talking about security in the web, netiquette and digital identity / This is Me - a
presentation online (video, photo-presentation, photo-album) (group work).
. Grammar Focus: past perfect / past perfect progressive / simple and progressive tenses /
telling stories (narrative tenses).
. Vocabulary: big issues / linking prepositions, text organizers / as / multi-part verbs (2).
. Reading: Website about Random Acts of Kindness campaign / Extracts from books about
protests / Article about a campaign related to body image.
. Extensive Reading: Galloping Foxley, by Roald Dahl.
. Listening: Discussion about big issues / An anecdote / A radio programme about animals
. Speaking: Talk about issues you care about / Tell the story of a resistance movement /
Expressing views and ideas on readings.
. Writing: A for and against essay.
. Project: Researching in the web, selecting and sharing information / A poem / A Civil Rights
Campaign in our Country (group work) (Culture Choice 1
I- Objetivos
II- Contenidos
Uso de Artculos
Using modals
Collocations: words that go together -adjective + noun; verb + noun
Expressions with do
Text cohesion: linking paragraphs
Paragraph purpose
Gramtica: Relative and Participle Clauses - Comparatives Revision
So and Such
As and like
Expressions with time
Animals and pets
Synonyms, near synonyms, antonyms
Compound adjectives
Gramtica: Passive Voice (passive infinitive, passive perfect infinitive, passive gerund)
Vocabulario: Expresiones Idiomticas (feel like a fish out of water, let the cat out of the bag,
As and like
Expressions with time
Animals and pets
Synonyms, near synonyms, antonyms
Compound adjectives
Unidad 8: Downshifting
III-Trabajos Prcticos:
Guin de un video que incluya las estructuras y funciones dadas durante el ao.