Evaluacion de Ingles

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NOMBRES Y APELLIDOS____________________________________
Lee con atencin cada una de las preguntas y escoge la respuesta correcta:
1. Los colores de las frutas de la imagen corresponden a:

verde y roja
a. Red and yellow
b. Blue and white
c. Green and red
d. Black and orange

2. Observa la foto, los animales que estn all son:

a. Lion - snake - chicken - fish

b. Giraffe - fish - pig - dog
c. Cat - pig - rabbit - chick
d. Crocodile - rabbit - snake cat

3. La parte del cuerpo que nos muestra la imagen recibe el nombre de:

a. Leg
b. Head
c. Neck
d. Arm

4. How many bananas are there?

a. There are thirty bananas
b. There are five bananas
c. There are forty bananas
d. There are six bananas

5. How many crayons are there?

a. There are fourteen crayons

b. There are thirteen crayons
c. There are fifteen crayons
d. There are sixteen crayons

6. How many chicks are there?

a. There are five chickens

b. There are six chickens
c. There are three chickens
d. There are thirteen chickens

7. La oracin que mejor representa la imagen que se muestra a continuacin es:

a. She plays soccer

b. He plays soccer
c. She plays tennis
d. He plays tennis
8. What number is it?

a. Its twenty
b. Its nine
c. Its twelve
d. Its sixty nine

9. Encounters in the soap de letter the members family.

10. Observa y escribe el nmero que corresponde a cada saludo.

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