3 Ogunda Oyeku Ingles
3 Ogunda Oyeku Ingles
3 Ogunda Oyeku Ingles
Ifa asegura que esta persona de la bendicin de la prosperidad y de la
realizacin a travs del espritu de su / sus antepasados muertos. If
aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo con dos palomas, dos gallinas de
guinea, un montn de alcohol, dos botellas de miel y dinero. Esta persona
tiene que mezclar la miel y alcohol y luego usarlo para alimentar a If.
Todos los asistentes podrn degustar de esta mezcla. l / ella tambin
tiene que alimentar a su / sus antepasados con una madurado ram. En
esta, Dice Ifa:
Adipe nla, abidi piiriki
Dia diversin Aikulola
Tii s Iponti Olodumare
Ebo ni gan ni ko WAA s
gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Aikulola, otii re doyin o
Iyi e mi s loro
A ii see lopa o
Iyi e mi s nigbale
nibi e GbE mi Joori o
Aikulola, otii re doyin o
Adipe nla, abidi piiriki
Echaron Ifa para Aikulola
Quin de los destiladores de alcohol de Olodumare
Se le aconsej ofrecer ebo
Aikulola el licor se ha convertido a la miel
La vez que estabas practicando en Aro
No est permitido en Opa
El que estaba haciendo en el interior del bosque ancestral
Dnde estaba la harina de maz consume
Aikulola el licor ha llegar al petrleo
If aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo para la victoria contra los
enemigos. Materiales Ebo aqu son: tres gallos y dinero. l / ella tambin
necesita alimentarse Obatala con 200 caracoles de tierra, manteca de
karit y la tiza. Tambin existe la necesidad de alimentar Ifa segn sea
Adie yin Ogun o p'ogun
Won l'adie o yin ire
Adie yin ogbon o pogbon
Won l'adie o yin ire
Eyele Yeyin meji
boo heehee
Dia diversin Eledie Orisa-Gbowuji
Nigba a nbe laarin ota
Ebo ni gan ni ko WAA s
gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Kini yoo pa Elenini AWO
Ifa ni yoo p'elenini AWO
Orisa gbo!
La gallina puso 20 huevos y eclosionaron el 20
Se quejaron de que las aves no era lo suficientemente productiva
La gallina puso 30 huevos y eclosionaron el 30
Todava se quejaron de que las aves no era lo suficientemente productiva
Pero la paloma puso slo dos huevos
Y vigilado de forma intensiva
El mensaje de If para Eledie Orisa Gbowuji
Cuando estaba en medio de los enemigos
Se le aconsej ofrecer ebo
Qu va a matar a los calumniadores de Awo
Orisa Igbo
Ifa eliminar todos los calumniadores de Awo
Y tambin Orisa Igbo
Todos nosotros ser un xito conjunto
No hay quien corte la lea en Isaga tierra
Todos nosotros ser un xito conjunto
Ifa prev la ira de xito financiero para esta persona. Materiales de Ebo,
dos gallos, dos palomas y dinero. Esta persona tambin necesita
alimentarse Ifa con cuatro ratas y cuatro peces.
Orun Kankan oke
Dia diversin Aikulola
Tii somo gan lojude Iporo
Ebo ni gan ni ko WAA s
gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ifa o loun GbE millas o
Kankankan l'Erigi alo Ngbe akapoo re
Orun Kankan oke
Lanz If para Aikulola
Sus descendientes en la tierra Iporo
Se le aconsej ofrecer ebo
If dice que me dar apoyo
Slidamente, no Erigi Alo dar apoyo a sus devotos
Ifa prev la ira de fuera de la localidad de este usuario. Ifa prev tambin
la ira de la longevidad. Materiales Ebo aqu son: una gallina, una paloma,
un gallo y dinero. l / ella tambin necesita alimentarse Ifa con ocho ratas
y ocho peces.
Dia diversin Orunmila
Ifa yoo corri omo meji lo eyin odi
Ebo ni gan ni ko WAA s
gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Mo ri Ogund
Mo ri Oye
Iku o le po'mo temi mo o
El mensaje de If para Orunmila
Al enviar a dos de sus salas fuera de su localidad
Se le aconsej ofrecer ebo
He visto Ogund
Y he visto Oyeku
La muerte no va a matar a alguno de mis hijos
If aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo de toda la ira de la vida. Es
decir, la ira de la prosperidad, el cnyuge, los hijos, la propiedad, la larga
vida, etc Ifa tambin advierte que esta persona nunca contar con
encantos fuertes o ninguna influencia. Materiales de Ebo, cuatro gallos,
cuatro palomas, cuatro gallinas de guinea, cuatro gallinas, cuatro ratas,
cuatro peces y dinero.
Orunmila lo di ajalu-feregede
Ifa mo lo di ajalu feregede
Mi oran mi Ogundaiku de
Ifa ni kutukutu ola
Le o ri alejo nla rere nilo yi
Gan ni iru alejo wo ni o
Orunmila ni ki gan rubo
Won gb'ebo, won rubo
Ilee mo ire aje Wolu
Ilee mo ire omo Wolu
Ilee mo ire aya Wolu
Ilee mo ire Gbogbo Wolu
Ifa declara que ha su vez a Ajalu feregede
Me coro que ha su vez a Ajalu Feregede
Mi asunto relativo Ogund Oyeku ha llegado
Ifa declara que muy temprano maana por la maana
gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse Ogun
Mi lucha es por el lado de la carretera
El mensaje de If para Opolo, el sapo
Cuando l y Ejo, la Serpiente eran acrrimos enemigos
Se le aconsej ofrecer ebo
En poco tiempo, no muy lejos
nase a nosotros en medio de la victoria
If dice que esta persona sufre una infeccin del tracto urinario. Hay una
grave infeccin en su / su orina que si no se trata rpidamente, puede
conducir a una situacin en la que puede ser difcil si no imposible para
que esta persona engendrar un beb en la vida. Materiales de Ebo, dos
gallinas de guinea, dos palomas, dos gallinas, dos gallos y dinero. l / ella
tambin necesita alimentarse Ifa entre pintadas, dos ratas y dos peces.
Despus de esto, la medicacin apropiada para eliminar la infeccin se
debe aplicar.
Ito ru finrin ginni-ginni j'ejo
Dia diversin Jagaruwa
Ti n mu omi oju sungbere omo
Won ni ko sakaale, ebo ni sise
gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Emi ni o ki je Jagaruwa o bimo o?
Ito ru finrin ginni-ginni j'ejo
Ni o ki je Jagarua o bimo o
Emi ni yo je ki Jagaruwa o bimo o
Ito ru finrin-finrin jejo
Ni yoo jee ki Jagaruwa o bimo o
Las espumas de la orina y el flujo como una serpiente
El mensaje de If para Jagaruwa
Oyin momo,
Adun ni nbe Lorun
Oyin momo
Oya gba ki o al wo
Oyin momo
Adun ni nbe Loru
Oyin momo
Odundun Abori sekeseke
Lanz If para Aikulola
Quin fue el destilador de Orisa
Fue advied ofrecer ebo
Al principio l no pudo ofrecer el ebo
Finalmente, se cumpli y ofreci el ebo
Qu hay dentro de la olla
Cario, es la dulzura que est dentro de la
Ogun por favor, ven y tienen un sabor
Cario, es la dulzura que est dentro de la
Sango por favor, ven y tienen un sabor
Cario, es la dulzura que est dentro de la
Obatala por favor, ven y tienen un sabor
Cario, es la dulzura que est dentro de la
Oya por favor, ven y tienen un sabor
Cario, es la dulzura que est dentro de la
Yemoja por favor, ven y tienen un sabor
Cario, es la dulzura que est dentro de la
If dice que prev la ira del esposo compatible para la persona a quien se
revela este signo. If dice que la familia de esta persona va a amar al
compaero y respetarlo / ella. Ifa tambin dice que no va a ser la alegra y
la satisfaccin en la relacin. If aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo
con dos gallos, dos gallinas, dos palomas y dinero. l / ella tambin
necesita alimentarse Ifa con ocho ratas, ocho peces y dinero.
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo ojo
Ifa ni Iyen o empate tun dun raraara
Ifa lo di-Moin Moin jojo
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo Eran
Ifa ni Iyen o empate tun dun raraara
Mo jewo obun
Daso ro mi motun oba mopo elejelu
Mosadokun oko Yewa
Emi ni ero eyin
Ara iwaju nii ko ero de wa Leyin logbon
Ifa ni Ko si oun a ti dun jomo lo o
Ko si oun a ti dun para ju omo
Ko si oun a ti dun j'omo lo o
Ifa declara que es muy delicioso y satisfactorio
Yo respondo que tambin es gratificante
Ifa pregunt que es tan delicioso como lo
Le respond que es tan delicioso como el pecho
If dice que eso no es del todo delicioso
Ifa declara que es muy delicioso y satisfactorio
Yo respondo que tambin es gratificante
Ifa pregunt que es tan delicioso como lo
Le respond que es tan delicioso como el pecho
If dice que eso no es del todo delicioso
Ifa declara que es muy delicioso y satisfactorio
Yo respondo que tambin es gratificante
Ifa pregunt que es tan delicioso como lo
Le respond que es tan delicioso como el pecho
If dice que eso no es del todo delicioso
Ifa declara que es muy delicioso y satisfactorio
Yo respondo que tambin es gratificante
Ifa pregunt que es tan delicioso como lo
Le respond que es tan delicioso como el pecho
If dice que eso no es del todo delicioso
Confieso mi ignorancia
de una rata
de una rata
de un pjaro
de un animal
If dice que prev la longevidad de este usuario. Ifa le aconseja / ella para
ofrecer ebo con tres gallos, tres palomas, y el dinero. l / ella tambin
necesita alimentar el hormiguero, segn corresponda.
Ponngba ponngba o pongbara
Dia diversin Orunmila
Ifa n r'aye ilainiiku
Ifa assures this person of the blessing of prosperity and accomplishment
through the spirit of his/her dead ancestors. Ifa advises this person to
offer ebo with two pigeons, two guinea-fowls, plenty of alcohol, two
bottles of honey and money. This person needs to mix honey and alcohol
together and then use it to feed Ifa. All those present will taste out of this
mixture. He/she also needs to feed his/her ancestors with one matured
ram. On this, Ifa says:
Adipe nla, abidi piiriki
They cast Ifa for Aikulola
Who of the alcohol distiller of Olodumare
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Aikulola your liquor has turned to honey
The once that you were practicing at Aro
It is not allowed at Opa
The one that you were doing inside the ancestral grove
Where you were consuming corn meal
Aikulola your liquor has turn to oil
Ifa says that it foresees the ire of peace of mind and stability for the
person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa advises him/her to offer ebo
with one rooster, one hen and money. On this, Ifa says:
When the Harahara leaves landed
They sounded coarse
When Ogungun leaves landed
They sounded dry and harsh
Ifas message for Ewonrere
When going to look for a site for settlement
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
I will gradually occupy the whole land
I certainly will
Ifa advises a barren woman to offer the ebo of child bearing. She also
needs to offer the ebo for her to be victorious over tribulations. Ebo
materials are: two white pigeons, 200 land snails and money. Part of the
snails land snails will then be used to feed Obatala. On this, Ifa says:
The land tortoise has no fear of thorns whenever it is thrown away
The land tortoise has no worry when it is thrown into the forest
Ifas message for Losii
When going on Ifa mission to Owu land
Ifas message for the inhabitants of Owu land
When weeping in lamentation of their inability to beget their own
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo for victory against enemies. Ebo
materials here are; three roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed
Obatala with 200 land snails, shea butter and chalk. There is also the
need to feed Ifa as appropriate.
The fowl laid 20 eggs and hatched the 20
They complained that the fowl was not productive enough
The fowl laid 30 eggs and hatched the 30
They still complained that the fowl was not productive enough
But the pigeon laid only two eggs
And guarded it extensively
Ifas message for Eledie Orisa Gbowuji
When he was in the midst of enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What will kill slanderers of Awo
Orisa Igbo
Ifa will eliminate all the slanderers of Awo
And also Orisa Igbo
Ifa says that it foresees success and prosperity for this person. Ifa says
that a time is coming when this person will be doing business with people
from outside his/her own locality. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with
two guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money.
Oye laiku
Aiku ma niwa
Dia fun Isaga
Oye laiku
Longevity is part of the fulfillment of destiny
Ifas message for Isaga
He who has a big fleet of ship on the water
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
All of us shall succeed together
There is no firewood hewers in Isaga land
All of us shall succeed together
Ifa foresees the ire of financial success for this person. Ebo materials; two
roosters, two pigeons and money. This person also needs to feed Ifa with
four rats and four fish.
Orun Kankan oke
Dia fun Aikulola
Tii somo won lojude Iporo
Orun Kankan oke
He cast Ifa for Aikulola
Their offspring in Iporo land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa says that it will give me support
Solidly, does Erigi Alo give support to its devotees
Ifa foresees ire from outside the locality of this person. Ifa also foresees
the ire of longevity. Ebo materials here are; one hen, one pigeon, one
rooster and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with eight rats and
eight fish.
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa yoo ran omo meji lo eyin odi
Ifas message for Orunmila
When sending two of his wards outside his locality
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I have seen Ogunda
And I have seen Oyeku
Death will not kill any of my children
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of all ire of life. That is, ire of
prosperity, spouse, children, property, long life, etc. Ifa also warns this
person never to rely on strong charms or any influence. Ebo materials;
four roosters, four pigeons, four guinea-fowls, four hens, four rats, four
fish and money.
Orunmila lo di ajalu-feregede
Ifa mo lo di ajalu feregede
Mi oran mi Ogundaiku de
Ifa declares that it has turn to Ajalu feregede
I chorus that it has turn to Ajalu Feregede
My matter concerning Ogunda Oyeku has arrived
Ifa declares that very early tomorrow morning
You are going to receive a benevolent visitor in this land
They asked what type of visitor is that
Orunmila advised them to offer ebo
They complied
At dawn the next day
The ire of financial success entered the town
At dawn the next day
The ire of compatible spouse entered the town
At dawn the next day
The ire of children entered the town
Ifa says that it foresees victory and longevity for this person. Ebo
materials; two roosters, two hens and money.
Ona o sekan
Ko je ka fi iku sojo
Dia fun Alagogo idi Oori
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
gbebo, o rubo
Ogundaiku o! agogo nke
Our paths are not the same
That is why the cause of our death cannot be the same
Ifas message for the gong player by the Oori tree
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ogundaiku o! the sound of the gong is continuous
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of victory. The ebo materials here are
one rooster and money. On this, Ifa says:
Maa ka lo
Follow me
My fight is by the road side
Ifas message for Opolo, the Toad
When he and Ejo, the Snake were bitter enemies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
Ifa says that this person is suffering urinary tract infection. There is a
serious infection in his/her urine that if not quickly treated, may lead to a
situation where it may be difficult if not impossible for this person to
beget a baby in life. Ebo materials; two guinea-fowls, two pigeons, two
hens, two roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one
guinea-fowl, two rats and two fish. After this, appropriate medication to
eliminate the infection must be applied.
The urine foams and flows like a snake
Ifas message for Jagaruwa
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
What had been preventing Jagaruwa from giving birth to a
It was the urine that foams and flows like a snake
That was what was preventing Jagaruwa from giving birth to a
What will now enable Jagaruwa to give birth to a baby
It is the same urine that foams and flows like a snake
That will make Jagaruwa to beget her own baby
Ifa advises a trader here to offer ebo in order for his/her market to record
heavy sales. Ifa says that this person needs to use part of his/her
merchandise to offer the ebo and also add honey and money. He/she also
needs to feed Esu with one rooster and feed Obatala with plenty of land
Odundun abori sekeseke
He cast Ifa for Aikulola
Who was the distiller of Orisa
He was advied to offer ebo
Initially he failed to offer the ebo
Eventually, he complied and offered the ebo
What is inside the pot
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Ogun please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Sango please come and have a taste
Honey, it is sweetness that is inside the pot
Obatala please come and have a taste
Ifa says that it foresees the ire of compatible spouse for the person for
whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that the family of this person will love
the partner and respect him/her. Ifa also says that there is going to be joy
and contentment in the relationship. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
with two roosters, two hens, two pigeons and money. He/she also needs
to feed Ifa with eight rats, eight fish and money.
A rijo
A rayo
A rayo
A rijo
Dia fun Ogunda
Ti nlo ree sana Oyeku
Won ni ko sakaale ebo ni sise
gbebo, o rubo
A rijo
A rayo
Ogunda ti gbOyeku niyawo o
A rayo
A rijo
We have cause to dance
And we also cause to be happy
We have cause to express our joy
And we also have cause to celebrate
Ifas message for Ogunda
When going to become the inlaw of Oyeku family
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
We have cause to dance
And we also cause to be happy
Ogunda has married Oyeku has his wife
We have cause to express our joy
And we also have cause to celebrate
Ogunda has married Oyeku has his wife
Ifa says that the most important and most satisfying processions of this
person are his/her children. This is the reason why he/she must take
proper care of his/her children. Ebo materials; eight rats, eight fish, four
hens, two she-goat and money. Half of these materials shall be used to
feed Ifa.
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo eku
Ifa ni iyen o tie tun dun raraara
Ifa lo di moin-moin jojo
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo eye
Ifa ni iyen o tie tun dun raraara
Ifa lo di moin-moin jojo
Mo lo di feere ntiji
Ifa lo dun bii kinni o?
Mo lo dun bi amu omo eran
Ifa ni iyen o tie tun dun raraara
Mo jewo obun
Daso ro mi motun oba mopo elejelu
Mosadokun oko yewa
Emi ni ero eyin
Ara iwaju nii ko ero to wa leyin logbon
Ifa ni ko si oun to ti dun jomo lo o
Ko si oun to ti dun to ju omo
Ko si oun to ti dun jomo lo o
Ifa declares that it is very delicious and satisfying
Ifa says that it foresees the ire of longevity for the first child of the person
for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in
order to protect the life of his/her first child. The ebo materials here are
two roosters, and money.
Longevity is the profit of the fulfillment of destiny
Ifas message for Makuulumi-loju
The first child of Olofin
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What is most important
Longevity is the most important
Ifa says that it foresees longevity for this person. Ifa advises him/her to
offer ebo with three roosters, three pigeons, and money. He/she also
needs to feed the anthill as appropriate.
Aboru Aboye.