Booster - N101 de Infanti003

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N101 MODELO/MODEL Vario Max Car seat Autoasiento Vario Max + Lea todas las instrucciones antes de armar y usar. ‘Guarde el presente manual para uso posterior. + Read all instuctions before assembly and use. Keep instructions for future use ‘USE and RECOMMENDATIONS itis reconmended hth cleren rust aways use the ames an cars salty bal unt he i ase weigh and age Sect byte prouct sup. Requirements or use: “Tho cares mst bo ued wih 3 pons sat ot hs carseat scale and can be ned win or boat seatback sce cliren sgn w. [tthe moment at hw creat ued whe sets or babe of 3 to 6 years ld (15hg 25) When caret sod witout seatback fori rom to 2 years al (15936) Pacamont: the sarees must be ue ia the care rar set sco the images. Aan cmt wih 3 oi st bin creo ana when othe eer “Te cana solback mt be paced in ragh poston pace the bat wou dues Praca ho sat bet bol he anret an fon ha sat bet. The hea supper mst be placed accord the cs neg (rage 4), you my pats he eeabet rong te WARNING: ONLY USE THE CARS SEAT BELT AND THE CARSEAT HARNES WHEN ‘THE CHILDRES IS SITTING INT. 1 Never use th carat ony wh he crs seat bo. 2 Never ue the creat te nat placed comecty ‘Do ot see creat ithe car doesn have aba system, ‘Do not soe cra in ight ruck wih sal atin cae of cdr thy can be cased safes ny, even eae, (ris ue bye a or Group 2 ide placement and use 18 kg 10.25 kg) sence {approximately 3to 6 years) ‘reese (mage 3) 1. Booster Cushion ‘ery tat eso bots coecty one an hat he mechani wor 2. Backrest Image 3 Image 4 Group 283 15kg 10.36 kg (approximately 3to 12 years) 4. Booster Cushion only ‘Austing the hight of the hearest * Feld nearest wlth one hand at he top Thea sk postone * Ble east up ul ou fel sore resis, Senta to pul ul you ow 2 ching” sone ‘ferent wl nob akin te en nah poston, *Toowor the hight of te heactet lo he Tove o and? sve DiBU. 15-259,

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