Rituales, Hoodoo y Blanca
Rituales, Hoodoo y Blanca
Rituales, Hoodoo y Blanca
Vino tinto
Pizca de romero
Pizca de artemisa
Pizca de lavanda
1. Uno a uno, combine las hierbas con la miel. Esto los endulzar y har que la
magia comience a fluir.
2. Aadir la mezcla en el vinagre de vino tinto.
3. Al pensar en los tipos de sueos que desea o las preguntas que desea
responder, aadir lentamente el vino tinto a la mezcla.
4. Antes de dormir, unte su frente con la mezcla.
5. Dormir bien y disfrutar de sus sueos!
Un polvo de amor es una media cucharadita de azcar, cucharadita de menta y
una cucharadita de ralladura de cscara de naranja confitada; Dar una
cucharadita de esta mezcla en un vaso de vino y la persona te amar para
siempre. - El libro de hechizos de Voodoo Hoodoo
Si quieres prosperar, Deja a la araa viva. -Las ardientes araas son mala
suerte, as que djalos ser
Voodoo Mama's Spellbook: Trucos de colocacin (Dnde mierda pongo mis
encantos / hechizos / etc?)
* Mi informacin puede ser usada en cualquier prctica de brujera o usada
como referencia. Usted no tiene que ser un creyente del vud para entender
esta informacin. Slo tenga en cuenta que mi conocimiento es pesado en
vud y hoodoo por lo que muchos de lo que voy a decir viene de esto por lo
que por favor, dar respeto y crdito cuando se utilizan estas prcticas. *
Qu es un truco de puesta? Bueno, es simplemente donde colocar un hechizo
o encanto para ganar poder o cruzar caminos con la persona. Es donde se
ponen las cosas para "sellar el trato". Y confa en m, es importante. As que
voy a darte tantas opciones que tus hechizos deberan funcionar cada vez.
Fuera de la casa: Se suele usar cuando se quiere ligar algo a quien vive en la
casa. Los encantos de la buena suerte o los encantos de la proteccin se
pueden poner en su propio patio para darle buena suerte y proteccin. Los
Sahumerio de Trbol
Vela blanca
Bol con agua
Sal transmutadora
Encendemos nuestro sahumerio para que la fuerza del trbol nos ayude a purificar
nuestro hogar, luego nos pasamos una vela blanca ungida con sndalo por todo el
cuerpo y en cada chakra nos detenemos y hacemos una respiracin profunda.
Luego prendemos la vela y dejamos que consuma. Luego nos damos un bao con
sal transmutadora.
He aqu una receta que he usado para espolvorear la casa, fregar las puertas; Y
rociar por mis paredes; As como lavarme las manos para atraer buena suerte.
1 onza de lavanda
2 bushels de romero
Un puado de sal.
Hervir el romero y la lavanda durante unos 10 minutos; Luego qutalo del fuego
y espolvoree en la sal en forma de una cruz, mientras reza tus intenciones en
el lavado en el nombre de la Trinidad.
Psalms 68: Recited while preparing baths that are used to exorcise evil spirits.
Psalms 69: To free one from slavery to addictions and unhealthy habits.
Psalms 70: To cast down and reverse the wickedness wrought by enemies.
Psalms 71: To release clients from prison, for acquittals in court cases.
Psalms 72: To craft charms and talismans that bring a client favour and grace.
Psalms 73: To protect travellers against religious persecution in foreign lands.
Psalms 74: For an end to persecution and to destroy oppressors and persecutors.
Psalms 75: Used along with specially prepared baths for the cleansing of sins.
Psalms 76: For the Lords intercession, to provide protection from all attacks.
Psalms 77: Used against danger, poverty, chronic illness, drought, and famine.
Psalms 78: To gain favors from kings, princes, and other government officials.
Psalms 79: To utterly destroy the wicked and also to cast fatal curses.
Psalms 80: To end spiritual doubts and to prevent people falling into unbelief.
Psalms 81: To save people from error and mistakes, for safety from accidents.
Psalms 82: To facilitate business deals and assist those making investments.
Psalms 83: To keep clients safe during times of war, persecution, and captivity.
Psalms 84: For healing, especially when the body has contracted unusual odors.
Psalms 85: To soften hearts and restore peace to friends who have become enemies.
Psalms 86: To bring goodness, spiritual peace, and happiness to the community.
Psalms 87: To cleanse the community before starting healing and blessing work.
Psalms 88: To remove evil and bring blessings; used with baths and talismans.
Psalms 89: To anoint the sick, to secure a release from prison, for psychic vision.
Psalms 90: Used with Psalms 91 for protection; also to bless the work of the hands.
Psalms 91: For protection from distress and harm; to exorcize evil spirits.
Psalms 92: Prayed over herbal baths used to bring good fortune and high honors.
Psalms 93: Against prosecution by unjust and oppressive men; to win in court.
Psalms 94: For protection and to turn all evil back onto your enemies.
Psalms 95: To cleanse sins; to pray for guidance and forgiveness for enemies.
Psalms 96: To bless a family and bring happiness, peace, and joy to them.
Psalms 97: Used with Psalms 96 for healing, blessing, and cleansing a family.
Psalms 98: To restore peace between two hostile families; to bless a home.
Psalms 99: For praise and devotion to God; to gain conversation with God.
Psalms 100: To bring victory against enemies by uplifting the client.
Psalms 101: For protection against enemies and to be rid of evil spirits.
Psalms 102: For assistance in matters of fertility and to be granted grace.
Psalms 103: For help in conceiving of a child and for the forgiveness of sins.
Psalms 104: To cleanse away evil; to bless natural curios and spiritual supplies.
Psalms 105: For healing illnesses, especially recurrent or periodic fevers.
Psalms 106: For healing and to restore one to health, especially from fevers.
Psalms 107: For remission or healing from periodic or recurrent fevers.
Psalms 108: Utilized in a spell for financial success in your place of business.
Psalms 109: Used in a powerful curse against oppressive, slanderous enemies.
Psalms 110: For victory; to cause enemies to bow before you and beg for mercy.
Psalms 111: Recited to acquire many friends, as well as respect, and admiration.
Psalms 112: To increase in might and power, for success, abundance, and blessings.
Psalms 113: Prayers and blessings for those in need; to stop infidelity and heresy.
Psalms 114: Used in a spell for success in matters of finance, business, and money.
Psalms 115: To foster truth-telling, for victory in debate over scoffers and mockers.
Psalms 116: Recited daily for protection from violent or sudden death or injury.
Psalms 117: For forgiveness of a failure to keep a vow or promise that you made.
Psalms 118: For protection against those who try to misguide or lead you astray.
Psalms 119: The longest Psalm, its 22 alphabetic divisions cover all human problems.
Psalms 120: For success in court and for protection against snakes and scorpions.
Psalms 121: For safety at night, both during sleep and while travelling in darkness.
Psalms 122: For peace within a city, and to gain the favour of those in high station.
Psalms 123: Employed in a spell to cause a servant, trainee, or employee to return.
Psalms 124: Cleansing of the soul, protection at sea and from being wronged.
Psalms 125: For protection in foreign lands and against those who work iniquity.
Psalms 126: After miscarriage or the death of a child; for the next child to live.
Psalms 127: Placed in a mojo for the protection and blessing of a newborn baby.
Psalms 128: For a fortunate, accident-free pregnancy; for uncomplicated childbirth.
Psalms 129: Recited daily to prepare one for a long life of virtue and good works.
Psalms 130: Recited to the four quarters when passing by sentries in a war zone.
Psalms 131: Recited three times a day to reduce ones sin of pride and scornfulness.
Psalms 132: To remediate ones unpunctuality and failure to perform duties on time.
Psalms 133: To retain the love and respect of friends and to gain many more friends.
Psalms 134: For altar work in matters of higher education and for success in school.
Psalms 135: For repentance, spirituality, and rededication of ones life to God.
Psalms 136: Recited on behalf of those who wish to confess and be cleansed of sins.
Psalms 137: For cleansing of the heart and soul from hate, envy, evil, and vice.
Psalms 138: Recited daily to bring love and friendship from the Lord.
Psalms 139: To nurture and maintain love, especially within the context of marriage.
Psalms 140: To restore tranquility and to preserve and maintain relationships.
Psalms 141: To ward against terror and fear and against looming oppression.
Psalms 142: To heal the body, restore health, and alleviate pain and suffering.
Psalms 143: To heal bodily limbs, especially the arms and to alleviate pain.
Psalms 144: To speed up healing and to ensure the perfect mend of a broken arm.
Psalms 145: To cleanse and purify clients who are beset by ghosts or evil spirits.
Psalms 146: Used with altar work for healing and recovery after being wounded.
Psalms 147: For healing wounds and bites from snakes, insects, and other animals.
Psalms 148: Used with Psalms 149 to keep clients safe from accidents by fire.
Psalms 149: Used with altar work to protect against fire-related accidents.
Psalms 150: For the glory of the Lord and to give thanks for His intervention.