Bibliografia Violin

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AGUDELO, Graciela. Mtodo GAM. Iniciacin musical para nios. Primer

curso. Mxico, D.F: Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Escuela
Nacional de Msica, 1998.
BREWER, Chris and Don G. Campbell. Rhythms of Learning. Creative Tools
for Developing Lifelong Skills. Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press, 1991.
Diccionario Enciclopdico Grijalbo. Barcelona, Espaa: Grijalbo, 1995.
DOLLE, Jean-Marie. Para comprender a Jean Piaget. Mxico: Trillas, 1993.
Enciclopedia Larousse de la Msica. Barcelona, Espaa: Argos Vergara,
1987, vol. 3.
FISCHER, Simon. BASICS. Londres: Peters Edition, 1997.
FLAMMER, Ami y Gilles Tordjman. El violn. Barcelona, Espaa. Editorial
Labor, S.A, 1991.
FLOHR, John W. The Musical Lives of Young Children. New Jersey: Prentice
Hall Music Education Series, 2004.
GRANT, Parks. Music for Elementary Teachers. New York: AppletonCentury-Crofts, 1960.
HEMSY DE GAINZA, Violeta. La iniciacin musical del nio. Argentina:
Ricordi, 1986.
--------. La Educacin Musical entre dos siglos: Del modelo metodolgico a
los nuevos paradigmas. Conferencia pronunciada el 23 de agosto de 2003 en
el mbito del Seminario Permanente de Investigacin de la Maestra en
Educacin de la UDESA.
HERMANN, Evelyn. Shinichi Suzuki: The man and his philosophy. Miami,
Florida: Summy-Birchard Inc., 1981.
HOPPENOT, Dominique. El violn interior. Madrid, Espaa: Real Musical,


LANDIS, Beth y Polly Carder. The Eclectic Curriculum in American Music

Education: Contributions of Dalcroze, Kodaly and Orff. Music Educators
National Conference, diciembre de 1985.
LEONHARD, Charles and Robert W. House. Foundations and Principles of
Music Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959.
MARSHALL, Herbert. Improvisation Strategies and Resources for General
Music, 2004, ERIC.
MICHAEL, Don. Diccionario Harvard de Msica. Mxico: Editorial Diana,
KOLNEDER, Walter. The Amadeus Book of the Violin. Construction, History
and Music. New Jersey: Amadeus Press, 1998.
ROLLAND, Paul. LEnseignement du mouvement dans le jeu des cordes:
techniques formatives et correctives pour le violon et lalto. Canada: Les
Presses de lUniversit Laval, 1991.
SADIE, Stanley. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.
Londres: Macmillan Press Limited, 1994, vol. 3, 18.
--------.The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. Londres:
Macmillan Press Limited, 1991, vol. 1.
SHAFFER, David. Psicologa del Desarrollo. Infancia y Adolescencia.
Mxico: Thomson Editores, 2000.
STERN, Mario. Improvisaciones infantiles. Mxico: El Colegio de Mxico,
Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2002.
STARR, William and Constance. To Learn with Love. A companion for
Suzuki parents. Miami, Florida: Summy-Birchard Music, 1983.
STARR, William. The Suzuki Violinist. A guide for teachers and parents.
Miami, Florida: Summy-Birchard Music, 2000.
SUZUKI, Shinichi. Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent
Education. Miami, Florida: Summy-Birchard, Inc., 1983.


TANIUCHI, Lois. Cultural Continuity is an Educational Institution: A Case

Study of the Suzuki Method of Music Instruction, 1984, ERIC.
WILLEMS, Edgar. El odo musical. La preparacin auditiva del nio.
Barcelona, Espaa: Paids, 2001.
Pginas de internet:
The Teaching of Action in String Playing. A series of nine videocassettes.
Developed and directed by Paul Rolland. University of Illinois, 1967.
Nurtured by Love. A production by the Cleveland Institute of Music and
TELOS production, 1996.


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