Adam Español PDF
Adam Español PDF
Adam Español PDF
Largos Tonos
Sostenga cada diapasn con tal as decomfortable que cmodoat aa un volumen de mf Oye el sonido el deseo en sumind mente antesyou de que usted juegue. Hold each pitch as long volume of mf to af.f. Hear the soundusted you desire in your before play. Tome una respiracin relajada llena yblow, sople,accelerating mientras acelerando el aire the a travs cuerno. Elyou soplo as usted hizo en el tudel. Guarde Take a full relaxed breath and the air through horn.del Blow just as did oncomo the leadpipe. Keep your mind focused en on el the soundusted you desire and the air the motive force that causes the horn el to cuerno resonate. For advanced players, a su mente enfocada sonido el deseo y let permita elbe aire ser la fuerza del motivo que causa para resonar. Para los start on 3rd place C anden expand chromatically in the same manner. This end on low F# and high F#. jugadores avanzados, empiece 3 C del lugar y extienda cromticamente de lapattern mismawill manera. Este modelo acabar en F bajo #y F alto #.
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying,
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Schlossberg #6
Crescendo en la 2 nota, contine acelerando el aire como usted articule la 3 nota y diminuendo en la 4 nota. El resto. Guarde el consecuente legtimo a travs de todas las notas. No permita el areo detenga cuando articulando la 3 nota.
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Escalas Expandidas
Para este ejercicio, Bill Adam escribi: "Una rutina del precalentamiento buena es uno de las partes ms importantes de prctica diaria. Debe cubrir el For this exercise, Bill Adam wrote: "A good routine is one of the most important parts of daily practice. It should cover the complete completo el rango del instrumento en no ms de warm-up diez minutos. Cuando practicando estos ejercicios l podran ser sabios formar la embocadura primero en range of the instrument in not more than ten minutes. When practicing these exercises it might be wise to form the embouchure rather than lugar de para volarlo en el exstanse. Empresa o cierra con llave las esquinas de la boca en el lugar, ligeramente parta los labios, sostenga first la empresa de la to blow it into existance. Firm or lock the corners of the mouth into place, slightly part the lips, hold the chin firm and pointed toward the floor. barbilla y puntiagudo hacia el suelo. Los labios deben ser elsticos, no firme. No cambie la embocadura para el rango entero del instrumento. Pngase ms The lips should be resilient, not tight. Do not change the embouchure for the entire range of the instrument. Get stronger for the high notes and fuerte para las notas altas y ms relajadas losmove ms bajo tonos. Intente no moverand de la posicin originalalways y siempre guardar las esquinas la empresa." Bill more relaxed for the lower tones. Trypara not to from the original position keep the corners firm." Bill Adam always states that Adam siempre los estados que Hay ninguna nota alta o las notas bajas. Est fuera todo el piso. Piense en acelerar el aire a travs del cuerno, mientras "There are no high notes or low notes. It's all flat out." Think of accelerating the air through the horn, playing lyrically with a beautiful tone and jugando lricamente con un tono bonito y esfurcese para sensacin de todos los diapasones que requieren la misma energa strive for the sensation of all the pitches requiring thela same energy.
............................................................................................................................. distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying,
Schlossberg #31
Permita la aceleracin del cuidado de la toma areo de la vibracin de los labios. Piense en acelerar el aire al Let the acceleration of the air take care gratuitamente. of the vibration of the lips. Think of accelerating the air to the punto dnde el prximo diapasn se queda Todas las notas deben sentirse como ellos point where the next nivel. pitch falls free. All notes should feel like they are on the same level. estuvieran en el mismo 1-3..... 1-2-3.....
Schlossberg #13
1-3..... 1-2-3.....
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Schlossberg #15
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Schlossberg #14
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Schlossberg #17
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Schlossberg #23
Schlossberg #25
Schlossberg #27
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying,
Schlossberg #95
2000 David Mark Minasian. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or adaptation is strictly prohibited and will result in liability of up to to $100,000
Para slo ser buen instrumentista al final de un perodo de la prctica. DESCANSE durante por lo menos 3 horas despus de hacer cualquiera de estos estudios. SOLO haga un estudio en cualquier periodo de la practica
Sostenga cada nota con tal de que posible (yo normalmente sostengo cada diapasn durante 20-30 segundos). Hold each note as as possible ( I usually No tome la boquilla delong los labios cuando usted respira. hold each pitch for 20-30 seconds ). Do not take the mouthpiece from the lips when you breathe. Intente guardar la empresa de la embocadura en todo momento. Try to personas keep the embouchure firmaat all times. Algunas recomiendan respirar travs de la nariz para guardar los labios en la posicin. Some recommend breathing the nose so la asnota to keep the lips position. Repita elpeople ejercicio hasta que usted no puedathrough tocar y puede sostener de arranque (elin C), aun despus de 3 Repeat the exercise until you cannot play and sustain the starting note ( C ), even after 3 tries. pruebas.
Sostenga cada nota con tal de que posible (yo normalmente sostengo cada diapasn durante 20-30 segundos). each notede aslos long as cuando possible ( I respira. usually hold each pitch for 20-30 seconds ). NoHold tome la boquilla labios usted Do not take mouthpiece from the lips when you breathe. Intente guardar lathe empresa de la embocadura en todo momento. keep the embouchure firm at all times. durante 60 segundos. Al Try restoto que acaba cada lnea, suelte el cuerno y descanse At the ends each line, put theuna horn down and rest for seconds. Si usted se rest ponethat demasiado cansado para tocar nota, d lo entonces que60 tres pruebas guardaron la If you become too tired to play a note, give it three tries then put away the trumpet. trompeta.
La larga lnea cromtica Long line chromatics Contine el modelo, mientras subiendo por medios pasos Continue the pattern, moving up by half steps Guarde la boquilla en los labios Keep the mouthpice upon lips Cuando usted no puede pegar lathe nota de la cima despus de 3 pruebas, puede soltar el cuerno y puede descansar 90 segundos When you cannot hit the top note after 3 tries, put the horn down and rest 90 seconds Contine superior hasta que usted no pueda alcanzar la nota de la cima despus de 3 pruebas. Entonces descanse otros 90 segundos Continue higher until you cannot reach the top note after 3 tries. Then rest another 90 seconds Contine este acercamiento hasta que usted no pueda mover cualquier superior Continue this approach until you cannot move any higher Este ejercicio es excelente parafor el desarrollo del rango cuando jug rpidamente y desarrollo de paciencia cuando despacio. This exercise is excellent range development when played quickly and endurance development whenjug played slowly.