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Diseñar Boletín Informativo para IDDVR

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Cmo disear un boletn informativo para una iglesia

Los comits de una Iglesia a veces lamentan la falta de asistencia a las ceremonias y actos. Un boletn informativo bien diseado y escrito podra despertar el inters en la iglesia y su misin, as como tambin podra aumentar la conciencia acerca de las siguientes ceremonias. Con una planificacin adecuada, un buen contenido y una plantilla, puedes producir e imprimir un boletn informativo y apasionante para tu congregacin


Organiza un comit de tres o ms miembros de la iglesia para ayudar con la edicin y el diseo del boletn de noticias. Haz una lluvia de ideas para elegir un nombre y voten por el mejor. Ponle el mismo nombre a todos los temas para que los miembros de la iglesia puedan reconocer tu boletn de noticias al instante.


Decide si vas a producir un boletn de noticias mensual, quincenal o semanal. Para las congregaciones ms pequeas, un boletn mensual es suficiente. Empieza a trabajar en la nueva edicin a comienzos de mes (o semana, o cada dos semanas) para que haya tiempo para editarlo.


Descarga una plantilla de boletn de noticias. La mayora de los programas de procesamiento de texto vienen con plantillas, pero es posible descargar las que son especficas de iglesia en lnea. Algunas estn vinculadas en los recursos de este artculo. Una vez que el comit elige una plantilla, utiliza la misma siempre para darle a tu peridico una marca consistente.


Escribe y/o selecciona el contenido del boletn de noticias. Dos pginas es suficiente para una pequea congregacin, mientras que las iglesias ms activas o asistidas pueden beneficiarse con ms pginas. El contenido debe incluir al menos una historia positiva sobre el trabajo misionero o la comunidad, una lista de las prximas actividades e informacin de contacto invitando a los lectores a enviar sus historias. Otro tipo de contenido puede incluir peticiones de oracin y alabanzas, versos favoritos de las Escrituras, reseas de libros, crticas de pelculas e informes sobre las ltimas celebraciones de la iglesia. Despus de la escritura y/o seleccin del contenido, mustraselo al resto de la comisin para que puedan editarlo.


Coloca el nombre del boletn en la seccin de encabezado de la plantilla. Escribe una frase consistente en una fuente ms pequea debajo del ttulo, por ejemplo: "El boletn de la primera Iglesia de Springfield".


Incluye una o dos de las historias ms interesantes y positivas en la primera pgina para despertar el inters de los lectores. Coloca los titulares en los lugares apropiados en la plantilla del boletn y escribe el cuerpo de los artculos en una fuente ms pequea. Si es posible, incluye fotografas relacionadas con los artculos. Caso contrario, incluye una o dos piezas de imgenes prediseadas. Mantn el diseo simple y de buen gusto para no abrumar a los lectores con imgenes.


Coloca el resto del contenido en la segunda pgina y en las adicionales del boletn. Si incluyes contenidos negativos, como obituarios, trata de finalizar el boletn de noticias con algo positivo y alentador, como un pasaje de la Escritura edificante.


Imprime el boletn de noticias en blanco y negro para aligerar los costos. El contenido es ms importante que las pginas de color, y el dinero ahorrado puede usarse para las celebraciones de la iglesia y organizaciones benficas.

Cmo darle formato a un boletn informativo

Los boletines informativos se usan para distribuir informacin ya que tienen un formato ideal para presentar datos en un formato simplificado. Las empresas crean boletines informativos para sus empleados, las imprentas pequeas para sus publicaciones creativas y las escuelas para ensearles a sus estudiantes sobre el negocio de la publicacin. Ofrecer un boletn informativo es una forma redituable de publicar tu informacin fcil y efectivamente.


Un programa de autoedicin

1. Disea tu boletn antes de darle formato. Ten en cuenta el contenido grfico de tu boletn en relacin al contenido textual. La forma en que le des formato se basar principalmente en esta informacin.

2. Crea tu boletn informativo usando un programa de autoedicin o usando Microsoft Word. Si no tienes Word, hay muchos otros programas disponibles. El Microsoft Publisher tiene un precio razonable y el Serif PagePlus es un programa gratuito (ver la seccin Recursos). Estos programas incluyen boletines con plantillas de formato adecuado que puedes usar para tu boletn o que pueden ser personalizadas para obtener tu propio diseo.

3. Abre tu programa de autoedicin y elige una plantilla que se parezca al diseo que quieres para tu boletn o elige una que sea semejante y puedas editar. La plantilla contendr texto sin sentido e imgenes genricas como marcadores de posicin. Borra el material genrico y reemplzalo con el tuyo.

4. Decide cuntas columnas tendr tu boletn. Prueba con uno simple de dos columnas. Agrega algunas imgenes para romper con la monotona del texto. Mantn el contenido de imgenes al mnimo para evitar superpoblar la pgina del boletn y eclipsar el contenido del artculo.

5. Elige una fuente como Times New Roman, Courier o alguna similar para que el texto del artculo sea fcil de leer. Puedes usar otras fuentes, pero trata de que tengan las mismas caractersticas que las aqu mencionadas. Mantn el tamao de la fuente alrededor de 11 y usa negrita o cursiva para las leyendas de las imgenes. Utiliza fuentes ms decorativas para los ttulos y otros encabezados,

pero aplica los mismos estndares de legibilidad que en el resto del texto del artculo.

6. Busca una apariencia clara y sencilla. No uses bordes lujosos alrededor de los artculos. Si quieres uno, usa uno delgado y de color slido en vez de un borde con imgenes. Incluye el ttulo de tu boletn en la pgina principal. Este puede ser un logotipo o simplemente estar escrito como texto con una fuente grande y creativa. Incluye la informacin de contacto y suscripcin en la pgina trasera del boletn.

Cmo utilizar Microsoft Word para hacer un boletn para una iglesia

1 2

Abre el Word. Haz clic en "Nuevo" y escribe "Boletn para una iglesia" en la casilla en blanco, para buscar en Microsoft en lnea.


Haz doble clic en el resultado(s) para descargar una plantilla; se abrir por s misma cuando se haya completado. Slo hay una plantilla de un boletn para una iglesia en lnea (a partir de julio de 2010), pero pueden aadirse ms en el futuro.

Edita las categoras del boletn a tu gusto, arrastrando el ratn y resaltando palabras especficas. Escribe los cambios necesarios. El boletn se halla en la categora de Protestantes, pero se puede adaptar segn sea necesario.

Haz clic en la imagen del ngel para seleccionar y cambiar la escritura debajo de ste (si lo deseas). Tambin, disea la imagen haciendo clic en la pestaa "Formato" o cmbiala por completo usando "Insertar". La pestaa Formato te permite cambiar detalles como el tamao y el color, mientras que la pestaa Insertar enumera imgenes prediseadas que puedes agregar a tu boletn.


5 6

Haz doble clic en el mensaje de bienvenida en la segunda pgina y borra el texto en su interior. Escribe el nombre de tu iglesia y la fecha actual.

Realiza cualquier cambio adicional y haz clic en el icono del disquete para guardar

How to Use Microsoft Word to Make a Church Bulletin

By Cee Jay, eHow Contributor

Design a church bulletin in Word using an online template.

One goal that Microsoft Office tries to accomplish is ease of use. It does this by incorporating clip art and templates into Word so you can quickly create the document of your choice. A church bulletin can be thrown together if you're short on time, or designed carefully in complete detail if you've got a little more time to work on it. A church bulletin template in Word gives you both options. Have a question? Get an answer from Online Tech Support now!
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_7228351_use-word-make-church-bulletin.html#ixzz2s6XNnaU1


1Open Word. Click "New" and type "Church Bulletin" in the blank box to search
Microsoft Online.

2Double-click the result(s) to download a template; it will open by itself when complete.
There's only one church bulletin template available online (as of July 2010), but more may be added in the future.

3Edit the categories of the bulletin to your liking by dragging the mouse and
highlighting specific words. Type in the necessary changes. The bulletin falls into the Protestant category, but can be tailored as needed.

4Click the angel image to select and change the scripture below it (if desired.) Also,
design the image by clicking the "Format" tab or change it altogether using "Insert." The Format tab allows you to change details such as size and color, while the Insert tab lists clip art you can add to your bulletin.

5Double-click the Welcome message on the second page and delete the text within.
Type in your church's name and the current date.

6Make any additional changes and click the floppy disk icon to save.
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_7228351_use-word-make-church-bulletin.html#ixzz2s6XmWfrA

How to Format & Design a Church Bulletin

By Brent Watkins, eHow Contributor

An effective church bulletin avoids information overload.

The church bulletin can be a highly effective communication tool or just another piece of paper to ignore, depending on how compelling the design is. An effective format provides the right balance of news and information. Communication that succeeds works together with other tools used to impart key themes to your congregation. In an information-saturated culture, members are bombarded by messages and images every day. The key to a successful church bulletin is to make it easy for readers to capture the most important points. Have a question? Get an answer from Online Tech Support now!
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_6067818_format-design-church-bulletin.html#ixzz2s6YtgL5t

Things You'll Need

Desktop publishing software Copier or digital duplicator


1Design the cover to reinforce a theme. Avoid pictures or illustrations of the building.
"That sends the message that the building is most important to the congregation," according to communications professor Frank Speyers of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Instead, consider a full-color graphic that restates a sermon series theme or focus.

2Borrow from newspaper formatting to headline key communication points on the first
page. Instead of including an entire calendar of events, include only one or two special events that are the highest priority. Redirect readers to other sources for detailed calendar information, like a website or lobby bulletin board.

3Break up long columns of text with graphics and pictures. Pictures can help keep

people with short attention spans engaged in the content. Include snapshots of recent activities, pictures of new members and other graphics to punctuate text information.

4Choose a consistent style guide that matches your congregational culture. Avoid
dramatic week-to-week changes in the look of the bulletin. Readers need to know the information they want is located in the same place every issue. Choose colors, graphics and type styles that reflect the sensibilities of your members. A youthful congregation may choose bold urban graphics. Older congregations may require a more traditional type styles and graphical elements.

5Include additional content on following pages according to priority. Add a message

from the pastor on the second page. Additional pages could include season-specific information. For example, include an article with tips for reducing stress during the holiday season or strategies for getting to know your neighbors during the summer months. Use the back page for information that remains the same every week, like office hours and contact information.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_6067818_format-design-church-bulletin.html#ixzz2s6ZEDbyd

How to Format Church Bulletins

By Tammy Lou Waite, eHow Contributor

Sample bulletin layout

How do you let the members of your church know about all the things you have planned? One way is by creating and distributing a printed weekly bulletin. This allows you to highlight upcoming events, share church news and create opportunities for people to connect.

Things You'll Need

Paper Printer Computer program that can create publishing projects.

Show (1) More Instructions


1Events and activities can be arranged by date, by age groups, by ministries or by

importance. You could start at the beginning of the month and list each event, day by day. Or, if you have a big event to promote, you can make that event a headline, even if it's out of date order. Another style would be listing events by ministry groups--all the women's events in one place, all the men's events in one place, kids, seniors, music groups and youth. Give each group a "corner" of your bulletin so they can readily identify events designed for them.

2Provide all relevant details. Make sure you always answer these questions in each
announcement; who, what, where, when, why and how. It does no good to announce an event if your congregation doesn't know when it will happen, how much it will cost, how they sign up or where it will be held. If you cannot include all the details due to space restrictions, give them a second route to find the details, such as looking at your website or calling the office during business hours.

3Write the announcement for the first time visitor to your church, not to the member.
When you read your bulletin, pretend you have walked into your church for the first time. Would your announcements make sense if you were a newcomer? For instance, don't use nicknames for rooms, like "Everyone meet in the Green Room." Because a newcomer wouldn't know how to locate that room. Instead say "Meet in room 204, next to the staircase in the lobby." Better to give too much info to your members than not

enough for your guests. Also, avoid using first names, such as "If you want to attend the retreat, talk to Joe." If you are a visitor, you don't know who Joe is, so you won't sign up. Instead say "If you want to attend the retreat, speak to someone at the Men's table in the lobby for more information." Make your the directions in your bulletin easy to follow for anyone.

4Have your regularly scheduled weekly events in a chart. If you have certain events that

happen every week, have them all in one location so people can see them at a glance. For instance: Weekend Worship Sundays @ 8AM 10AM & 12PM Monday AA Meeting @ 6:PM Tuesday MOPS @ 10AM Wednesday Bible Study @ 7PM Friday Night Pot Lucks @ 7PM Then, if you have additional things that happen rarely, highlight those in full paragraphs.

Church Bulletin Design Ideas

By Bert Wylen, eHow Contributor

The church bulletin may make the very first impression on a visitor.

Your church bulletin may be the first impression a visitor has on a Sunday morning. If you think of the bulletin as your primary marketing tool, then you'll realize the importance of making the best first impression possible. And once you've attracted someone into the congregation, the bulletin becomes your weekly means of communication. Your bulletin should meet the same criteria as any marketing tool. Make it attractive so that people want to read it. Make it readable, so that even those with failing eyesight can enjoy it. And make the content relevant to the audience so they want to read it each week.

Other People Are Reading

How to Format Church Bulletins

How to Make a Great Church Bulletin

1. Make the Cover Appealing


Remember that, in the world of marketing, people often judge a book by its cover -- and your church bulletin is a book. Decide what best defines your congregation, whether it's the liturgy, the building, the pastor, or even a slogan, and put that on the cover. If activities best define the congregation, perhaps place a display ad of an upcoming event on the cover. The front cover is a good place for your church's mission statement. Whatever it is, the cover copy must make the reader want to turn the page for more.

Make It Readable

Design your church bulletin so that it draws the reader in. Most readers want a balance between written copy and graphics, such as photographs and drawings. Don't fill the bulletin with text -- few will read it. And use no more than three fonts. Otherwise the bulletin will look unprofessional.
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Make it Relevant

Balance the content between newcomers and existing members. Let visitors know how your church differs or stands out from others, as well as what to expect during the service. For existing members, don't just bore them with the same cookie-cutter approach to listing the order of the service in the same way each week. Perhaps offer an excerpt from suggested further reading on a Bible verse from that week. Offer a snippet on parenting, or spiritual issues in finance, or spiritual growth. Remember, too, that people love to see their names in print, so include news and photographs of the past week's church events.

Make it Interactive

Use the bulletin to allow congregants to be interactive with leadership. You might include something as simple as a suggestion form for how to improve the service or the bulletin itself. If a particular question has been posed to the congregation, let the bulletin serve as one way to provide feedback. You might even ask for suggestions for upcoming sermons. Survey the membership on an issue of social importance.

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