Partes de EA
Partes de EA
Partes de EA
MAGIC NUMBER El nmero mgico es uno de los parmetros (parmetro opcional) de la funcin OrderSend: int OrderSend( string symbol , int cmd , double volume , double price, int slippage , double stoploss , double takeprofit , string comment=NULL , int magic=0 , datetime expiration =0 , color arrow_color=CLR_NONE) OrderSend() es la funcin que se utiliza en MQL4 para abrir una nueva orden (orden de inmediato o pendiente) y el parmetro magic (el parmetro noveno) es un valor entero que establece un nmero mgico de la orden abierta. Ejemplo de uso de Magic Number: Nuestro ejemplo es un Asesor Experto que abre 4 rdenes de compra (sin condiciones) y cierra todo cuando el beneficio total de ellos alcanza los 100 pips o la prdida total es de -100 pips.
Con la ayuda de la utilizacin de nuestro Nmero Mgico el Expert Advisor es lo suficientemente inteligente como para saber si la orden ha sido abierta por s mismo o ha sido abierta por otro asesor experto o manualmente. Aqu est el cdigo:
int MagicNumber = 101030; Profit = 100; Loss = -100;
//+-----------------------------------------------------------------int init() { return(0); } int deinit() { return(0); } int start() { int cnt, ticket, total,n; if(Bars<100) {Print("bars less than 100"); return(0);} total = OrdersTotal();
if(total < 1) { OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,5,0,Ask+100*Point,"MagicNumber demo",MagicNumber,0,Green); OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,5,0,Ask+100*Point,"MagicNumber demo",MagicNumber,0,Green); OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,5,0,Ask+100*Point,"MagicNumber demo",MagicNumber,0,Green); OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,5,0,Ask+100*Point,"MagicNumber demo",MagicNumber,0,Green); return(0); } ProfitLossMonitor(); return(0);
void ProfitLossMonitor() { int total = OrdersTotal(); double MyCurrentProfit=0; for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < total ; cnt++) { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) MyCurrentProfit += OrderProfit(); } if(MyCurrentProfit>=Profit) CloseAll(); if(MyCurrentProfit<=Loss) CloseAll(); } void CloseAll() { int total { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,5,Violet); if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,5,Violet); } } = OrdersTotal(); for (int cnt = 0 ; cnt < total ; cnt++)
Estudio del cdigo: El asesor experto en el primer lugar ha definido (declarado) la variable integer MagicNumber para usarla ms adelante en el cdigo. int MagicNumber = 101030; El asesor experto abre 4 rdenes de compra y usa la funcin ProfitLossMonitor() para controlar la cantidad de la ganancia o prdida. Pero, cmo puede el asesor experto saber que la orden ha sido abierta por l o por otro asesor experto?
El asesor experto verifica el MagicNumber de la orden seleccionada devuelto por OrderMagicNumber() contra la variable MagicNumber para saber si es nuestra orden o no: if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) Cuando el total de ganancia es igual a 100 o el total de la prdida igual a -100 el Asesor Experto llama a la funcin CloseAll() para cerrar todas las rdenes abiertas que se han abierto por los asesores expertos. Y antes de cerrar las rdenes el Expert Advisor comprueba de nuevo el MagicNumber de la orden seleccionada devuelto por OrderMagicNumber() contra la variable MagicNumber. Sin utilizar Magic Number podra imaginar el funcionamiento de este tipo de asesores expertos? Cmo se calcula la ganancia y la prdida de sus rdenes? Cmo iban a cerrar solo sus rdenes? Es por eso que el Nmero Mgico es esencial! Aadir un Magic Number: Despus del "comentario" en cada funcin OrderSend:
Reemplaza el valor 0 por Magic. Busca esta lnea: OrderSymbol()==Symbol() en el OrderClose, OrderModify y OrderDelete. Por lo general, estn insertadas en instrucciones IF. Dentro de la lnea despus de y para cada aparicin, se agrega: && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic Finalmente, despus de los parmetros extern, se agrega lo siguiente: extern int Magic=2009; // donde 2009 es un nmero nico para el EA Poner la declaracin MagicNumber inmediatamente despus de cualquier declaracin #property, #include or #import y antes de las funciones Init, Deinit y Start.
extern double TakeProfit = 25; // TakeProfit in pips extern double StopLoss = 50; // StopLoss in pips //-----------------------------------------------------//Calculate for 4 or 5 digits broker double DigitPoint; int MultiplierPoint=1; //-----------------------------------------------------if((Digits==3)||(Digits==5)) MultiplierPoint=10; DigitPoint=Point*MultiplierPoint; //-----------------------------------------------------StopLoss=NormalizeDouble(StopLoss*DigitPoint,Digits); TakeProfit=NormalizeDouble(TakeProfit*DigitPoint,Digits); //-----------------------------------------------------double TakeProfitBuy=NormalizeDouble(Ask+TakeProfit,Digits); double StopLossBuy=NormalizeDouble(Bid-StopLoss,Digits); double TakeProfitSell=NormalizeDouble(Bid-TakeProfit,Digits); double StopLossSell=NormalizeDouble(Ask+StopLoss,Digits); //-----------------------------------------------------//For buy OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,StopLossBuy,TakeProfitBuy,"My #2",16384,0,Green); //-----------------------------------------------------//For sell OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,1,Ask,3,StopLossSell,TakeProfitSell,"My #2",16384,0,Green); TP Y SL OCULTOS order order
- Para evitar que el brker te barra el SL con repuntes repentinos o spikes se puede poner el SL en 100-300 pips y usar el bloque Close Order If de FEAG. En Amount usa la cantidad de la casilla de beneficios de MT 4 (se pone 10 si se quiere que cierre cuando el beneficio sea mayor a 10 euros o dlares, segn sea la divisa en que se abri la cuenta. Se pone -10 para que cierre cuando la prdida sea mayor a 10. En CompareAmount se suele poner >) 1) Poner como parmetros externos: extern bool HideSL=false;//|---------------------hide stop loss extern bool HideTP=false;//|---------------------hide take profit 2) Poner en el cuerpo de start: //|---------hidden sl-tp if(HideSL&&StopLoss>0) { CloseBuyOrdersHiddenSL(Magic);CloseSellOrdersHiddenSL(Magic); } if(HideTP&&TakeProfit>0) { CloseBuyOrdersHiddenTP(Magic);CloseSellOrdersHiddenTP(Magic); } 3) Poner en las funciones: int CloseBuyOrdersHiddenTP(int Magic) { int total=OrdersTotal();
for(int cnt=total-1;cnt>=0;cnt--)
TRAILING STOP Para aadir un TS: 1) En la parte inferior de la EA, agregar esta funcin: void MoveTrailingStop() { int cnt,total=OrdersTotal(); for(cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++) { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if(OrderType()<=OP_SELL&&OrderSymbol()==Symbol()) { if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) { if(TrailingStop>0) { if((NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(),Digits)<NormalizeDouble(BidPoint*(TrailingStop+TrailingStep),Digits))||(OrderStopLoss()==0)) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(BidPoint*TrailingStop,Digits),OrderTakeProfit(),0,Green); return(0); }
} } else { if(TrailingStop>0) { if((NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(),Digits)>(NormalizeDouble(Ask+Point*(TrailingSto p+TrailingStep),Digits)))||(OrderStopLoss()==0)) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(Ask+Point*TrailingStop, Digits),OrderTakeProfit(),0,Red); return(0); } } } } } } 2) En algn lugar del EA, despus de las condiciones, cerca de los tickets, por ejemplo, aadir lo siguiente: if(TrailingStop>0)MoveTrailingStop(); 3) Por ltimo, en la parte superior del EA aadir lo siguiente: extern int TrailingStop=0; extern int TrailingStep=0; FILTRO HORARIO Y DIARIO Los dos filtros: 1) Declara estas variables ne la parte superior: extern int EndHour = 18; extern int StartHour = 9; bool StopTrading; 2) A continuacin, crea este mtodo en algn lugar en la parte inferior del EA: void CheckTime() { int h=TimeHour(TimeCurrent()); if(((h>EndHour || h<StartHour) && StartHour<EndHour) || ((h<EndHour || h>StartHour) && StartHour>EndHour)) { StopTrading=true; } } 3) Luego, en la funcin start pon esto: StopTrading = false; CheckTime(); if(StopTrading==false) { //The trading logic of the EA goes here } Para un filtro de da es el mismo, excepto donde dice
int h=TimeHour(TimeCurrent()); cambialo por int d=TimeDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek()); Y cambiar toda la "h" a "d" en la funcin de chqueo del tiempo. Adems declarar las variables en la parte superior para StartDay y EndDay (Son un int que van desde 0-6 y 0 es domingo, 1 es lunes, etc.) Filtro horario 1) Poner como parmetros externos: extern int StartHour=0; extern int EndHour=23; 2) Poner en int start() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------+ // time check //------------------------------------------------------------------if((Hour()>=StartHour)&&(Hour()<=EndHour)) { int TradeTimeOk=1; } else { TradeTimeOk=0; } 3) Poner en la OrderSend de compra y de venta if(TradeTimeOk==1){ - Filter Hours de FEAG: //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link "" #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh> // exported variables extern int HoursFrom1 = 1; extern int HoursTo1 = 23; // local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0; datetime BarTime2 = 0;
int init() { NDigits = Digits; if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(""); // clear the chart
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); } OnEveryNewBar2(); } void OnEveryNewBar2() { if (true == false && false) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10; if (BarTime2 < Time[0]) { // we have a new bar opened BarTime2 = Time[0]; // keep the new bar open time HoursFilter1(); } }
void HoursFilter1() { int datetime800 = TimeLocal(); int hour0 = TimeHour(datetime800); if ((HoursFrom1 < HoursTo1 && hour0 >= HoursFrom1 && hour0 < HoursTo1) || (HoursFrom1 > HoursTo1 && (hour0 < HoursTo1 || hour0 >= HoursFrom1))) { }
int deinit() { if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); } - Weekday Filter de FEAG: //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link "" #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh> // exported variables // local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0; datetime BarTime2 = 0; int init() { NDigits = Digits; if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(""); // clear the chart
void OnEveryNewBar2() { if (true == false && false) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10; if (BarTime2 < Time[0]) { // we have a new bar opened BarTime2 = Time[0]; // keep the new bar open time WeekdayFilter1(); } }
void WeekdayFilter1() { if ((true && DayOfWeek() == 1) || (true && DayOfWeek() == 2) || (true && DayOfWeek() == 3) || (true && DayOfWeek() == 4) || (true && DayOfWeek() == 5) || (true && DayOfWeek() == 6) || (true && DayOfWeek() == 0)) { } }
int deinit() { if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); } FILTRO DE SPREAD 1) Al principio del cdigo, despus de los parmetros externos, aadir: extern int MaxSpread=2; 2) Despus de start() {, aadir: if((Ask-Bid)>MaxSpread*Point)return(0);
MM 1) //Money Management sequence if (MoneyManagement) { if (Risk<1 || Risk>100) { Comment("Invalid Risk Value."); return(0); } else { Lot=MathFloor((AccountFreeMargin() *AccountLeverage()*Risk*Point*100)/(Ask*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)*Mar ketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT )))*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT ); } } 2) En la parte superior del experto, aadir: extern bool MoneyManagement=True; extern double Risk=2; KELLY Kelly MM b = ratio ganancia/prdida, p = % de operaciones ganadoras, q = % de operaciones perdedoras (= 1-p), K = porcentaje de saldo a arriesgar por operacin. frmula de Kelly: K = (b * p - q) / b La gestin del riesgo de kelly se supone que ayuda a recuperarse de las prdidas anteriores. 1) En los parmetros externos, aadir: extern double initialrisk=0.1; extern int mintradeskelly=10; extern int maxtradeskelly=50; extern double stoploss=50; 2) Despus de loa parmetros externos, aadir: int lotsize; 3) Aadir en la funcin init: if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)>=1){lotsize=100000;} if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)<1){lotsize=10000;} if(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)<0.1){lotsize=1000;} 4) Funcin de Kelly double kelly(){ int count=0; double countprofit=0; double countloss=0; int countpve=0; int countnve=0; 2 % DE RIESGO
double b=0; double p=0; double q=0; double k=0; if(OrdersHistoryTotal()>0){ for(i=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;i>=0;i--){ OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY); if(count==maxtradeskelly)break; if(OrderMagicNumber()==magic && count<maxtradeskelly){ count++; if(OrderProfit()<0){countnve++;countloss+=OrderProfit();} if(OrderProfit()>=0){countpve++;countprofit+=OrderProfit();} } } if(countloss!=0 && count!=0 && countpve!=0 && countprofit!=0){ b=countprofit/countloss; p=countpve/count; q=1-p; k=(b*p-q)/b; //Print(" "+k); if(count>=mintradeskelly)return(k); } } return(initialrisk); } 5) Standard function MM: double mm(double risk,double stoploss){ double lot; if(stoploss>0)lot=AccountBalance()*(risk/100)/(stoploss*pt/MarketInfo(Symbol(),MOD E_TICKSIZE)*MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)); else lot=nd((AccountBalance()/lotsize)*0.01*risk,2); if(lot<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT))lot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) ; if(lot>MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT))lot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT ); return(lot); } 6) Reemplazar lots en las funciones Ordersend con: mm(kelly(),stoploss) * Pequea actualizacin a la frmula: if(KellyMinusRisk) { k=(((100*(p-q))/count)+100)*0.5*0.01*Klots; } else {
k=((((100*(q-p))/count)+100)*0.01*Klots)+Klots; } Klots = lots (soporta usar mm o no) KellyMinusRisk - si es true- los lotes se deducen cuando ocurre una prdida, si es false se agregan cuando ocurre una prdida. Los lotes "Kelly" se calculan entre 0 y 100% de los lotes que se utilizan. As que con (KellyMinusRisk=true) Si gana el 100% los lotes Kelly = Lots. con cada prdida los lotes dejan un porcentaje de los lotes. Si pierde el 100% los lotes kelly=0.01 lotes. (KellyMinusRisk=false) ocurre lo contrario. A ms prdidas mayor tamao de los lotes (Tamao del lote + hasta el 100% del tamao del lote) He estado probando contra el MM regular y encuentro que con KellyMinusRisk = false se est dando mejores resultados. por ejemplo, MM regular 30.6% DD PF1.54 Beneficio=69003 KellyMinusRisk = false: maxtradeskelly=15 29.51DD PF1.62 Beneficio=87150 MARTINGALA - - Pure_Maringale.mq4 ( //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2012 Matus German," extern string separator1 = "------ Martingale settings ------"; extern double sl_tp = 20; // stop loss and take profit extern double lotsMultiplier = 1.5; extern double distanceMultiplier = 1.5; extern double Lots = 0.03; // fixed lot size extern double MaxSlippage = 3; extern double magicNumber = 1212123; extern string separator2 extern bool useTradingHours extern string StartTime extern string StopTime extern int GMT_Offset extern string separator3 extern bool Monday extern bool Tuesday = "------ Trading Hours ------"; = false; = "06:00"; = "18:00"; = 0; = "------ Trading Days ------"; = true; = true;
extern bool extern bool extern bool extern bool extern bool extern string extern bool extern color extern color extern int
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday separator4 showMenu menuColor variablesColor font
= true; = true; = true; = true; = true; = "------ Wiew settings ------"; = true; = Yellow; = Red; = 10;
double stopLoss, takeProfit, minAllowedLot, lotStep, maxAllowedLot, pips2dbl, pips2point, pipValue, minGapStop, maxSlippage, menulots, profit, lots, ma1; datetime barTime=0; bool noHistory=false, stopsChecked; int medzera = 8, trades; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---Comment("Copyright 2012, Matus German"); if (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3) // Adjust for five (5) digit brokers. { pips2dbl = Point*10; pips2point = 10; (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE))*10; } else { pips2dbl = Point; pips2point = 1; (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE))*1; } maxSlippage = MaxSlippage*pips2dbl; stopLoss = pips2dbl*sl_tp; takeProfit = stopLoss; minGapStop = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point;
lots = Lots; minAllowedLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); //IBFX= 0.10 lotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP); //IBFX= 0.01 maxAllowedLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT ); //IBFX=50.00 if(lots < minAllowedLot) lots = minAllowedLot; if(lots > maxAllowedLot) lots = maxAllowedLot; if(showMenu) { DrawMenu(); } //---return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---if(showMenu) { ObjectDelete("name"); ObjectDelete("Openl"); ObjectDelete("Open"); ObjectDelete("Lotsl"); ObjectDelete("Lots"); ObjectDelete("Profitl"); ObjectDelete("Profit"); } //---return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { //---if(HistoryForMNandPT(magicNumber, Symbol())<=0) noHistory=true; else noHistory=false; if(showMenu) { profit=ProfitCheck(); ReDrawMenu(); }
int day = DayOfWeek(); if((Monday && day==1) || (Tuesday && day==2) || (Wednesday && day==3) || (Thursday && day==4) || (Friday && day==5) || (Saturday && day==6) || (Sunday && day==7)) { if(useTradingHours) { if(TradingTime()) OpenOrderCheck(); } else { OpenOrderCheck(); } } if(!stopsChecked) if(CheckStops()) stopsChecked = true; else return; //---return(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // calculate random number int Random() { MathSrand(TimeLocal()+Bid); return(MathRand()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool EnterBuyCondition() { if(MathMod(Random(),2)==0) return(true); return (false); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool EnterSellCondition() { if(MathMod(Random(),2)==1) return(true); } return (false);
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // chceck trades if they do not have set sl and tp than modify trade bool CheckStops()
double sl=0, tp=0, loss; double total=OrdersTotal(); int ticket=-1; for(int cnt=total-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if( OrderType()<=OP_SELL // check for opened position && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() // check for symbol && OrderMagicNumber() == magicNumber) // my magic number { if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) { if(OrderStopLoss()==0 || OrderTakeProfit()==0) { ticket=OrderTicket(); while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(500); RefreshRates(); SelectLastHistoryOrder(Symbol(), magicNumber); if(!noHistory) { if(OrderProfit()<0) { loss=MathAbs(OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice()); sl=Ask-(loss)*distanceMultiplier; tp=Ask+(loss)*distanceMultiplier; } else { sl = Ask-stopLoss; tp = Ask+takeProfit; }
if(Bid-sl<=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point) sl = Bid-MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point; if(tp-Bid<=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point) tp = Bid+MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point; // last selected is from history so we have to select trade again if(!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
} } if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) { if(OrderStopLoss()==0 && OrderTakeProfit()==0) { ticket=OrderTicket(); while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(500); RefreshRates(); SelectLastHistoryOrder(Symbol(), magicNumber); if(!noHistory) { if(OrderProfit()<0) { loss=MathAbs(OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice()); sl=Bid+(loss)*distanceMultiplier; tp=Bid-(loss)*distanceMultiplier; } else { sl = Bid+stopLoss; tp = Bid-takeProfit; }
if(sl-Ask<=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point) sl = Ask+MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point; if(Ask-tp<=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point) tp = Ask-MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL)*Point; // last selected is from history so we have to select trade again if(!OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) return(false);
} }
} } return (true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool OpenOrderCheck() { double olots=lots; int ticket; int total=OpenTradesForMNandPairType(magicNumber, Symbol()); if(total==0) { // check for long position (BUY) possibility if(EnterBuyCondition()) { if(!noHistory) { SelectLastHistoryOrder(Symbol(), magicNumber); if(OrderProfit()<0) { olots=OrderLots()*lotsMultiplier; } } while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(500); RefreshRates(); ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,olots,Ask,maxSlippage, 0,0,"",magicNumber,0,Green); if(ticket>0) { if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) { stopsChecked = false; Print("BUY order opened : ",OrderOpenPrice()); return (true); } } else { Print("Error opening BUY order : ",GetLastError()); return(false);
} } // check for short position (SELL) possibility if(EnterSellCondition()) // OrderSelect() was in function EnterBuyCondition { if(!noHistory) { SelectLastHistoryOrder(Symbol(), magicNumber); if(OrderProfit()<0) { olots=OrderLots()*lotsMultiplier; } } while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(500); RefreshRates(); ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,olots,Bid,maxSlippage, 0,0,"",magicNumber,0,Red); if(ticket>0) { if(OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) { stopsChecked = false; Print("SELL order opened : ",OrderOpenPrice()); return (true); } } else { Print("Error opening SELL order : ",GetLastError()); return (false); } } } return (true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int OpenTradesForMNandPairType(int iMN, string sOrderSymbol) { int icnt, itotal, retval; retval=0; itotal=OrdersTotal(); for(icnt=itotal-1;icnt>=0;icnt--) // for loop { OrderSelect(icnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); // check for opened position, symbol & MagicNumber
if (OrderSymbol()== sOrderSymbol) { if (OrderMagicNumber()==iMN) retval++; } // sOrderSymbol } // for loop return(retval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// double ProfitCheck() { double profit=0; int total = OrdersTotal(); for (int cnt = total-1 ; cnt >=0 ; cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber() == magicNumber)) profit+=OrderProfit(); } return(profit); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// bool DrawMenu() { ObjectCreate("name",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectCreate("Openl",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectCreate("Open",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectCreate("Lotsl",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectCreate("Lots",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectCreate("Profitl",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectCreate("Profit",OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0,0,0); medzera = 8; trades = Opened(); menulots = Lots(); ObjectSetText( "name", "PURE MARTINGALE", font+1, "Arial",menuColor); ObjectSet("name",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,medzera*font); ObjectSet("name",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+font); ObjectSet("name",OBJPROP_CORNER,1); ObjectSetText("Openl", "Opened trades: ", font, "Arial",menuColor); ObjectSet("Openl",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,medzera*font); ObjectSet("Openl",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+2*(font+2)); ObjectSet("Openl",OBJPROP_CORNER,1);
ObjectSetText("Open", ""+trades, font, "Arial",variablesColor); ObjectSet("Open",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,3*font); ObjectSet("Open",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+2*(font+2)); ObjectSet("Open",OBJPROP_CORNER,1); ObjectSetText("Lotsl", "Lots of opened positions: ", font, "Arial",menuColor); ObjectSet("Lotsl",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,medzera*font); ObjectSet("Lotsl",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+3*(font+2)); ObjectSet("Lotsl",OBJPROP_CORNER,1); ObjectSetText("Lots", DoubleToStr(menulots,2), font, "Arial",variablesColor); ObjectSet("Lots",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,3*font); ObjectSet("Lots",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+3*(font+2)); ObjectSet("Lots",OBJPROP_CORNER,1); ObjectSetText("Profitl", "Profit of opened positions: ", font, "Arial",menuColor); ObjectSet("Profitl",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,medzera*font); ObjectSet("Profitl",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+4*(font+2)); ObjectSet("Profitl",OBJPROP_CORNER,1); ObjectSetText("Profit", DoubleToStr(profit,2), font, "Arial",variablesColor); ObjectSet("Profit",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,3*font); ObjectSet("Profit",OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,10+4*(font+2)); ObjectSet("Profit",OBJPROP_CORNER,1);
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// bool ReDrawMenu() { medzera = 8; trades = Opened(); menulots = Lots(); ObjectSetText("Open", ""+trades, font, "Arial",variablesColor); ObjectSetText("Lots", DoubleToStr(menulots,2), font, "Arial",variablesColor); ObjectSetText("Profit", DoubleToStr(profit,2), font, "Arial",variablesColor); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// int Opened() { int total = OrdersTotal(); int count = 0; for (int cnt = total-1 ; cnt >=0 ; cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber() == magicNumber)) if(OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) count++;
} return (count);
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// double Lots() { int total = OrdersTotal(); double lots = 0; for (int cnt = total-1 ; cnt >=0 ; cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber() == magicNumber)) if(OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) lots+=OrderLots(); } return (lots); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// bool SelectLastHistoryOrder(string symbol, int magicNumber) { int lastOrder=NULL; for(int i=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;i>=0;i--) { OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderSymbol()==symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==magicNumber) { lastOrder=i; break; } } if(lastOrder==NULL) return(false); else return(true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int HistoryForMNandPT(int iMN, string sOrderSymbol) { int icnt, itotal, retval; retval=0; itotal=OrdersHistoryTotal(); for(icnt=itotal-1;icnt>=0;icnt--) // for loop { OrderSelect(icnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY); // check for opened position, symbol & MagicNumber
if (OrderSymbol()== sOrderSymbol) { if (OrderMagicNumber()==iMN) retval++; } // sOrderSymbol } // for loop return(retval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// bool TradingTime() { datetime start, stop, start1, stop1; start = StrToTime(StringConcatenate(Year(),".",Month(),".",Day()," ",StartTime))+GMT_Offset*3600; stop = StrToTime(StringConcatenate(Year(),".",Month(),".",Day()," ",StopTime))+GMT_Offset*3600; start1=start; stop1=stop; if(stop <= start) { stop1 += 86400; start -= 86400; } if((TimeCurrent() >= start && TimeCurrent() < stop) || (TimeCurrent() >= start1 && TimeCurrent() < stop1)) { return(true); } return(false); } - En rojo aparece lo que hay que aadir para poner la martingala y semi-martingala por lotes en FEAG. Ver Buy y Sell Order Lots en FEAG. //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link ""
// exported variables extern double BuyLots11BuyLots4 = 0.1; extern int BuyStoploss11BuyStoploss4 = 20; extern int BuyTakeprofit11BuyTakeprofit4 = 30; extern double SellLots15MaxBuyLots4 = 3; extern double LotsBuyChOnLoss4 = 0.; extern double LotsBuyChOnProfit4 = 0; extern double LotsBuyMpOnLoss4 = 1; extern double LotsBuyMpOnProfit4 = 1; extern bool LotsResetOnProfit4 = false; extern bool LotsResetOnLoss4 = false; extern double SellLots6 = 0.1; extern int SellStoploss15SellStoploss6 = 20; extern int SellTakeprofit15SellTakeprofit6 = 30; extern double MaxSellLots6 = 3; extern double LotsSellChOnLoss6 = 0; extern double LotsSellChOnProfit6 = 0; extern double LotsSellMpOnLoss6 = 1; extern double LotsSellMpOnProfit6 = 1; extern bool LotsResetOnProfit6 = false; extern bool LotsResetOnLoss6 = false;
// local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0;
double CurrentBuyLots4 = 1; bool FirstBuyLotsMgm4 = true; double CurrentSellLots6 = 1; bool FirstSellLotsMgm6 = true;
if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll();
CurrentBuyLots4 = BuyLots4;
CurrentSellLots6 = SellLots6;
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); }
void OnEveryTick1() { if (true == false && true) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10;
TechnicalAnalysis2x9(); TechnicalAnalysis2x12();
void TechnicalAnalysis2x9() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) < iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && (iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) > iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist10();
} }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist10() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
} }
void BuyOrder11BuyOrderLotsMgm4() { double profit = 0; datetime lastCloseTime = 0; int cnt = OrdersHistoryTotal(); for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1 && lastCloseTime < OrderCloseTime()) { lastCloseTime = OrderCloseTime(); profit = OrderProfit(); CurrentBuyLots4 = OrderLots(); } } // take lots from the last order
if (profit > 0) {
// had profit
if (LotsResetOnProfit4) CurrentBuyLots4 = BuyLots4; } else if (profit < 0) // had loss { CurrentBuyLots4 = CurrentBuyLots4 * LotsBuyMpOnLoss4 + LotsBuyChOnLoss4; if (LotsResetOnLoss4) CurrentBuyLots4 = BuyLots4; } if (CurrentBuyLots4 > MaxBuyLots4) { CurrentBuyLots4 = MaxBuyLots4; } double lotvalue = CurrentBuyLots4;
if (lotvalue < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) // make sure lot is not smaller than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); } if (lotvalue > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) // make sure lot is not greater than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT); } double SL = Ask - BuyStoploss11BuyStoploss4*PipValue*Point; if (BuyStoploss11BuyStoploss4 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Ask + BuyTakeprofit11BuyTakeprofit4*PipValue*Point; if (BuyTakeprofit11BuyTakeprofit4 == 0) TP = 0;
FirstBuyLotsMgm4 = false; int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11lotvalue, Ask, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11lotvalue, Ask, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Blue); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void TechnicalAnalysis2x12() {
} }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist8() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
} }
void SellOrder15SellOrderLotsMgm6() { double profit = 0; datetime lastCloseTime = 0; int cnt = OrdersHistoryTotal(); for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1 && lastCloseTime < OrderCloseTime()) { lastCloseTime = OrderCloseTime(); profit = OrderProfit(); CurrentSellLots6 = OrderLots(); } }
if (profit > 0) {
// had profit
CurrentSellLots6 = CurrentSellLots6 * LotsSellMpOnProfit6 + LotsSellChOnProfit6; if (LotsResetOnProfit6) CurrentSellLots6 = SellLots6; } else if (profit < 0) // had loss
{ CurrentSellLots6 = CurrentSellLots6 * LotsSellMpOnLoss6 + LotsSellChOnLoss6; if (LotsResetOnLoss6) CurrentSellLots6 = SellLots6; } if (CurrentSellLots6 > MaxSellLots6) { CurrentSellLots6 = MaxSellLots6; } double lotvalue = CurrentSellLots6;
if (lotvalue < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) // make sure lot is not smaller than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); } if (lotvalue > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) // make sure lot is not greater than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT); }
double SL = Bid + SellStoploss15SellStoploss6*PipValue*Point; if (SellStoploss15SellStoploss6 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Bid - SellTakeprofit15SellTakeprofit6*PipValue*Point; if (SellTakeprofit15SellTakeprofit6 == 0) TP = 0; FirstSellLotsMgm6 = false; int ticket = -1; if (true)
ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15lotvalue, Bid, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15lotvalue, Bid, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Red); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
- En rojo aparece lo que hay que aadir para poner la martingala y semi-martingala por risk en FEAG. Ver Buy y Sell Order Risk en FEAG. //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link ""
// exported variables extern double BuyLots11BuyRisk4 = 0.1; extern int BuyStoploss11BuyStoploss4 = 20; extern int BuyTakeprofit11BuyTakeprofit4 = 30; extern double SellLots15MaxBuyRisk4 = 3; extern double RiskBuyChOnLoss4 = 0.; extern double RiskBuyChOnProfit4 = 0; extern double RiskBuyMpOnLoss4 = 1; extern double RiskBuyMpOnProfit4 = 1; extern bool RiskResetOnProfit4 = false; extern bool RiskResetOnLoss4 = false; extern double SellRisk6 = 0.1; extern int SellStoploss15SellStoploss6 = 20; extern int SellTakeprofit15SellTakeprofit6 = 30; extern double MaxSellRisk6 = 3; extern double RiskSellChOnLoss6 = 0;
extern double RiskSellChOnProfit6 = 0; extern double RiskSellMpOnLoss6 = 1; extern double RiskSellMpOnProfit6 = 1; extern bool RiskResetOnProfit6 = false; extern bool RiskResetOnLoss6 = false;
// local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0;
double CurrentBuyRisk4 = 1; bool FirstBuyRiskMgm4 = true; double CurrentSellRisk6 = 1; bool FirstSellRiskMgm6 = true;
if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll();
CurrentBuyRisk4 = BuyRisk4;
CurrentSellRisk6 = SellRisk6;
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); }
void OnEveryTick1() {
if (true == false && true) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10;
TechnicalAnalysis2x9(); TechnicalAnalysis2x12();
void TechnicalAnalysis2x9() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) < iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && (iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) > iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist10();
} }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist10() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true;
} }
void BuyOrder11BuyOrderRiskMgm4() { double profit = 0; datetime lastCloseTime = 0; int cnt = OrdersHistoryTotal(); for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue; if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1 && lastCloseTime < OrderCloseTime()) { lastCloseTime = OrderCloseTime(); profit = OrderProfit(); CurrentBuyRisk4 = OrderLots() / (AccountFreeMargin() * 0.001);
} }
if (profit > 0) { CurrentBuyRisk4 = CurrentBuyRisk4 * RiskBuyMpOnProfit4 + RiskBuyChOnProfit4; if (RiskResetOnProfit4) CurrentBuyRisk4 = BuyRisk4; } else if (profit < 0) { CurrentBuyRisk4 = CurrentBuyRisk4 * RiskBuyMpOnLoss4 + RiskBuyChOnLoss4; if (RiskResetOnLoss4) CurrentBuyRisk4 = BuyRisk4; } if (CurrentBuyRisk4 > MaxBuyRisk4) { CurrentBuyRisk4 = MaxBuyRisk4; } // calculate lot size based on current risk double lotvalue = 0.001; double minilot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); int powerscount = 0; while (minilot < 1) { minilot = minilot * MathPow(10, powerscount); powerscount++; }
if (lotvalue < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) // make sure lot is not smaller than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); } if (lotvalue > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) // make sure lot is not greater than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT); } double SL = Ask - BuyStoploss11BuyStoploss4*PipValue*Point; if (BuyStoploss11BuyStoploss4 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Ask + BuyTakeprofit11BuyTakeprofit4*PipValue*Point; if (BuyTakeprofit11BuyTakeprofit4 == 0) TP = 0; FirstBuyRiskMgm4 = false; int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11lotvalue, Ask, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11lotvalue, Ask, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) {
OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Blue); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void TechnicalAnalysis2x12() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) > iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && (iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) < iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist8();
} }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist8() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
} }
void SellOrder15SellOrderRiskMgm6() { double profit = 0; datetime lastCloseTime = 0; int cnt = OrdersHistoryTotal(); for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) { if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1 && lastCloseTime < OrderCloseTime()) { lastCloseTime = OrderCloseTime(); profit = OrderProfit(); CurrentSellRisk6 = OrderLots() / (AccountFreeMargin() * 0.001); } }
if (profit > 0) { CurrentSellRisk6 = CurrentSellRisk6 * RiskSellMpOnProfit6 + RiskSellChOnProfit6; if (RiskResetOnProfit6) CurrentSellRisk6 = SellRisk6; } else if (profit < 0) { CurrentSellRisk6 = CurrentSellRisk6 * RiskSellMpOnLoss6 + RiskSellChOnLoss6; if (RiskResetOnLoss6) CurrentSellRisk6 = SellRisk6; } if (CurrentSellRisk6 > MaxSellRisk6) { CurrentSellRisk6 = MaxSellRisk6; } // calculate lot size based on current risk double lotvalue = 0.001; double minilot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); int powerscount = 0;
while (minilot < 1) { minilot = minilot * MathPow(10, powerscount); powerscount++; } lotvalue = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * CurrentSellRisk6 * 0.001, powerscount 1);
if (lotvalue < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) // make sure lot is not smaller than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); } if (lotvalue > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) // make sure lot is not greater than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT); } double SL = Bid + SellStoploss15SellStoploss6*PipValue*Point; if (SellStoploss15SellStoploss6 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Bid - SellTakeprofit15SellTakeprofit6*PipValue*Point; if (SellTakeprofit15SellTakeprofit6 == 0) TP = 0; FirstSellRiskMgm6 = false; int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15lotvalue, Bid, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); else
ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15lotvalue, Bid, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Red); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
Slo en la lista predeterminada o en propias frmulas? Si en propias frmulas es posibles, cmo puedo cambiar el parmetro de risk balance? Quiero reducir AccountFreeMargin() con un valor determinado (por ejemplo, $ 1.000). R: Usted puede cambiar la frmula en el cdigo generado por MT4. Busque en la lnea que contiene la variable "maxlots". double maxlots = AccountFreeMarginO /100 * BalanceRiskPercent2/lotsize * pipsize; Usted puede cambiar a: double maxlots = AccountFreeMarginO - 1234/100 * BalanceRiskPercent2/lotsize * pipsize; Aqu la cantidad es de $ 1,234. Escog esta cantidad en vez de $ 1,000 por lo que sera fcil de ver en la frmula. Te adjunto captura de pantalla del cdigo original generado. Si cambias el cdigo manualmente, asegrete de guardarlo con otro nombre, ya que Generador la prxima vez que se sobrescribir tus cambios.
P: Hola y gracias por la respuesta, yo esperaba que hubiera una manera de hacerlo en Forex Generador. As que hice lo siguiente: < double maxlots = (AccountFreeMargin() AccountFreeMargin() * 0.2 ) /100 * BalanceRiskPercent34/lotsize * pipsize;> Trabaja muy bien ...
Tenga en cuenta que esta martingala no es conventionnal. El tamao de lotes se incrementa cuando hay una prdida, y se reduce cuando es un beneficio. Aunque se debe empezar de nuevo con el lotage inicial cuando la ltima serie de prdidas consecutivas termina en una victoria. 1) Despus de los parmetros externos, agregar: extern double Lots=0.01;//|----------------------lots extern bool Martingale=false;//|-----------------martingale extern double Multiplier=2.0;//|-----------------multiplier martingale extern double MinProfit=50;//--------------------minimum profit to apply the martingale
2) Despues de start(){, aadir: if(Martingale)CalculateMartingale();Balance=AccountBalance(); 3) Al final del cdigo, aadir: void CalculateMartingale() { double InitalLots=0.01; double MinLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); double MaxLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); if(Balance!=0.0) {
if(Balance>AccountBalance())Lots=Multiplier*Lots; else if((Balance+MinProfit)<AccountBalance())Lots=InitalLots; else if((Balance+MinProfit)>=AccountBalance())Lots=Lots; if(Lots<MinLots)Lots=MinLots; if(Lots>MaxLots)Lots=MaxLots; } return(0); } Otra gua. 1) En los parmetros externos, aadir: extern double lots=0.1; extern bool martingale=false; extern double multiplier=2.0; extern double minlot=0.01; extern double maxlot=10; 2) Despues de los parmetros externos, aadir: double lotsfactor=1,ilots; double initiallotsfactor=1; 3) En la funcin init(), antes de return(), aadir: //|---------martingale initialization int tempfactor,total=OrdersTotal(); if(tempfactor==0 && total>0) { for(int cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++) { if(OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS)) { if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic) { tempfactor=NormalizeDouble(OrderLots()/lots,1+(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLO T)==0.01)); break; } }
} } int histotal=OrdersHistoryTotal(); if(tempfactor==0&&histotal>0) { for(cnt=0;cnt<histotal;cnt++) { if(OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)) { if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic) { tempfactor=NormalizeDouble(OrderLots()/lots,1+(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLO T)==0.01)); break; } } } } if(tempfactor>0) lotsfactor=tempfactor; 4) Antes de cada funcin ordersend(), aadir: if(martingale)ilots=NormalizeDouble(lots*martingalefactor(),2);else ilots=lots; if(ilots<minlot)ilots=minlot;if(ilots>maxlot)ilots=maxlot; 5) En la function ordersend(), reemplazar lots por: ilots 6) Al final del cdigo, aadir: //|---------martingale
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic) { if(OrderProfit()<0) { lotsfactor=lotsfactor*multiplier; return(lotsfactor); } else { lotsfactor=initiallotsfactor; if(lotsfactor<=0) { lotsfactor=1; } return(lotsfactor); } } } } } return(lotsfactor); } Una nueva gua, una ms fcil: 1) Al principio del cdigo, en los parmetros externos aadir: extern bool martingale=false; extern double multiplier=2.0; extern double lotdigits=2; // enable the martingale // multiplier used for the martingale // 1 for minilot, 2 for microlot
double mlots,ilots,lastprofit,lastlot; int i,history; 3) En el cuerpo de start(), aadir: history=OrdersHistoryTotal(); if(history>0){ for(i=0;i<history;i++){ OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic){ lastprofit=OrderProfit(); lastlot=OrderLots(); } } } mlots=0; if(martingale && lastprofit<0)mlots=NormalizeDouble(lastlot*multiplier,lotdigits);else mlots=lots; 4) En la funcin mm (si tiene una), agregar: && (martingale==false || (martingale && lastprofit>=0)) 5) Antes de cada funcin ordersend, aadir: if(martingale)ilots=mlots;else ilots=lots; 6) Finalmente, reemplaza lots en la funcin ordersend por ilots. RATIO FIJA O FIXED RATIO (SIMPLE, AVANZADO) //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Fixed Ratio.mq4 | //| Copyright 2006, Renato P. dos Santos | //| | //| based on Ryan Jones' Fixed Ratio MM | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2006, Renato P. dos Santos" #property link "" //---- Name for DataWindow label string short_name="yourexpertname"; //---- Input parameters extern int StopLoss=50; extern int TakeProfit=100; extern double RiskLevel=0.03; extern double InitialBalance=0.0;
extern bool UseSound=False; extern bool WriteLog=True; //---- Internal variables color clOpenBuy=DodgerBlue; color clModiBuy=Cyan; color clCloseBuy=Cyan; color clOpenSell=Red; color clModiSell=Yellow; color clCloseSell=Yellow; color clDelete=White; string NameFileSound="expert.wav"; double LotPrecision; //---- Static variables static int MagicNumber; static int handle; static double LastLot; static double LastBalance; static int Delta; static double MyMinLot; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---MagicNumber=MagicfromSymbol(); if ( WriteLog ) handle=FileOpen(LogFileName(),FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE); InitializeLot(); //---return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---if ( WriteLog ) FileClose(handle); //---return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert start function |
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { //---OpenBuy(Ask); OpenSell(Bid); //---return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Auxiliary functions go here //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int MagicfromSymbol() { int MagicNumber=0; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { MagicNumber=MagicNumber*3+StringGetChar(Symbol(),i); } MagicNumber=MagicNumber*3+Period(); return(MagicNumber); } void InitializeLot() { // based on Ryan Jones' Fixed Ratio MM // to be called once on init() section if ( InitialBalance==0 ) { int dathandle=FileOpen(DatFileName(),FILE_CSV|FILE_READ,";"); if (dathandle>0) { InitialBalance=FileReadNumber(dathandle); if ( WriteLog WritetoLog("InitialBalance(stored)=$"+DoubleToStr(InitialBalance,2)); FileClose(dathandle); } else { InitialBalance=AccountFreeMargin(); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("InitialBalance=$"+DoubleToStr(InitialBalance,2)); dathandle=FileOpen(DatFileName(),FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE,";"); FileWrite(dathandle,InitialBalance); FileClose(dathandle); } } else { if ( WriteLog WritetoLog("InitialBalance(configured)=$"+DoubleToStr(InitialBalance,2)); dathandle=FileOpen(DatFileName(),FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE,";"); FileWrite(dathandle,InitialBalance); FileClose(dathandle); } LastBalance=InitialBalance;
Delta=MathRound(InitialBalance*RiskLevel); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("Delta=$"+DoubleToStr(Delta,0)); double DeltaPrecision=MathRound(MathLog(Delta)/MathLog(10)); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("DeltaPrecision="+DoubleToStr(DeltaPrecision,0)); double DeltaPower=MathPow(10,DeltaPrecision-1); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("DeltaPower="+DoubleToStr(DeltaPower,0)); Delta=MathRound(Delta/DeltaPower)*DeltaPower; if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("Delta(normalized)=$"+DoubleToStr(Delta,0)); double LotSize=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE)/100; if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("LotSize=$"+DoubleToStr(LotSize,0)); MyMinLot=Delta/LotSize; if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("MyMinLot="+DoubleToStr(MyMinLot,2)); double LotStep=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP); LotPrecision=MathRound(-MathLog(LotStep)/MathLog(10)); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("LotStep="+DoubleToStr(LotStep,LotPrecision)); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("Precision="+DoubleToStr(LotPrecision,0)); MyMinLot=NormalizeDouble(MyMinLot,LotPrecision); if ( MyMinLot<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) MyMinLot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); if ( WriteLog WritetoLog("MyMinLot(normalized)="+DoubleToStr(MyMinLot,LotPrecision)); LastLot=MyMinLot; }
) )
double GetSizeLot() { // based on Ryan Jones' Fixed Ratio MM // to be called each time an order is to be sent double OptLots=LastLot; if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("Balance=$"+DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),0)); if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("OptLots(initial)="+DoubleToStr(OptLots,LotPrecision)); for ( OptLots=OptLots; AccountFreeMargin()>=InitialBalance+(OptLots/MyMinLot)*(OptLots/MyMinLot+1)/2* MyMinLot*Delta; OptLots=OptLots+MyMinLot ) {} if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("OptLots(increased)="+DoubleToStr(OptLots,LotPrecision)); for ( OptLots=OptLots; AccountFreeMargin()<InitialBalance+(OptLots/MyMinLot)*(OptLots/MyMinLot1)/2*MyMinLot*Delta && OptLots>MyMinLot; OptLots=OptLots-MyMinLot ) {} if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("OptLots(decreased)="+DoubleToStr(OptLots,LotPrecision)); if ( OptLots<MyMinLot ) OptLots=MyMinLot; if ( OptLots<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) ) OptLots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); if ( OptLots>100 ) OptLots=100; if ( WriteLog ) WritetoLog("OptLots(normalized)="+DoubleToStr(OptLots,LotPrecision)); return(OptLots); } double GetSpread() { return(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)); }
double GetStopLossBuy(double BuyPrice) { if (StopLoss==0) return(0); else return(BuyPrice-StopLoss*Point); } double GetStopLossSell(double SellPrice) { if (StopLoss==0) return(0); else return(SellPrice+StopLoss*Point); } double GetTakeProfitBuy(double BuyPrice) { if (TakeProfit==0) return(0); else return(BuyPrice+TakeProfit*Point); } double GetTakeProfitSell(double SellPrice) { if (TakeProfit==0) return(0); else return(SellPrice-TakeProfit*Point); } string GetCommentForOrder() { return(short_name); } bool WritetoLog(string text) { if ( handle>0 && WriteLog ) { FileWrite(handle,text+"\r"); return(True); } else return(False); } string LogFileName() { string stryear = DoubleToStr(Year(),0); stryear=StringSubstr(stryear,2,2); string strmonth = DoubleToStr(Month(),0); if (StringLen(strmonth)<2) strmonth = "0"+strmonth; string strday = DoubleToStr(Day(),0); if (StringLen(strday)<2) strday = "0"+strday; return(short_name+"-"+stryear+strmonth+strday+".log"); } string DatFileName() { return(short_name+"-"+Symbol()+TimeFrame()+".dat"); } string TimeFrame() { string TF; switch(Period()) { case 1: TF="M1"; break; case 5: TF="M5"; break;
15: TF="M15"; break; 30: TF="M30"; break; 60: TF="H1"; break; 240: TF="H4"; break; 1440: TF="D1"; break; 10080: TF="W1"; break; 43200: TF="MN"; break;
} return(TF);
void OpenBuy(double lPrice) { double ldLot=GetSizeLot(); double lSlip=GetSpread(); double ldStop=GetStopLossBuy(lPrice); double ldTake=GetTakeProfitBuy(lPrice); string lsComm=GetCommentForOrder(); int lMagic=MagicfromSymbol(); LastBalance=AccountFreeMargin(); LastLot=ldLot; OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,ldLot,lPrice,lSlip,ldStop,ldTake,lsComm,lMagic,0,clOpenB uy); if ( UseSound ) PlaySound(NameFileSound); } void OpenSell(double lPrice) { double ldLot=GetSizeLot(); double lSlip=GetSpread(); double ldStop=GetStopLossSell(lPrice); double ldTake=GetTakeProfitSell(lPrice); string lsComm=GetCommentForOrder(); int lMagic=MagicfromSymbol(); LastBalance=AccountFreeMargin(); LastLot=ldLot; OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,ldLot,lPrice,lSlip,ldStop,ldTake,lsComm,lMagic,0,clOpenS ell); if ( UseSound ) PlaySound(NameFileSound); }
FRACCIN FIJA O FIXED FRACTIONAL (PERIDICA, DEL BENEFICIO, PTIMA, FSEGURA, MEDIDA, PORCENTAJE DE KELLY) Lo usa con PipBoxer Tambin llamado fixed risk PRECIO EFECTIVO { double lot; lot = NormalizeDouble((AccountBalance()*0.1)/10000,1); // Con esta gana ms if (lot<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)) lot = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); return(lot); } TANO Formula de reinversin:
/* Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler LITE V4.0.409.1m [-] Website: E-mail : [email protected] */ #property copyright "Copyright 2012, www.MQL45.comProgramadores de Forex" #property link ""
#property show_inputs
#import "kernel32.dll" int _lopen(string a0, int a1); int _lcreat(string a0, int a1); int _llseek(int a0, int a1, int a2); int _lread(int a0, string a1, int a2); int _lwrite(int a0, string a1, int a2); int _lclose(int a0); #import "urlmon.dll"
int URLDownloadToFileA(int a0, string a1, string a2, int a3, int a4); #import
int gi_76 = 2000; //extern int Account = 1943641; extern string Help = "leftLeft Lots=0 for auto Risk Management"; extern double Lots = 0.0; extern double RiskPercent = 5.0; double gd_104 = 1.0; int gi_112 = 3; int gi_116 = 36000; int gi_120 = 15; string gs_124 = ""; string gs_132 = ""; int gi_144; int gi_148; int gi_152; int gi_156; int gi_160; int gi_164; int gi_168; int gi_172; int gi_176; int gi_180; int gi_184 = 1; int gi_188 = 100; int gi_192 = 3;
bool gi_196 = FALSE; bool gi_200 = TRUE; string gs_204; string gs_212; string gs_220; string gs_228; string gs_236; double gd_244; double gd_252; double gd_260; double gd_268; double gd_276; int gi_284; int gi_288; int gi_296; int gi_300; int gi_304; int gia_308[]; int gi_312; int gi_316 = 12022012; double gda_320[]; double gda_324[]; string gs_328 = ""; int gi_336 = 500; int gi_340 = 5000; int gi_344; int gi_348;
void init() { string ls_8; string ls_16; int li_24; int li_28; MathSrand(TimeLocal()); if (!IsDllsAllowed()) { Alert("You must allow DLL"); return; } switch (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP)) { case 0.01: gi_172 = 2; break; case 0.05: gi_172 = 1; break; case 0.1: gi_172 = 1; break; default: gi_172 = 0; } if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) > 4.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) == 3.0) gi_184 = 10; gs_328 = TerminalPath() + "\\links\\"; if (IsTesting() == FALSE) {
Formatted: French (France)
ls_8 = gs_328 + "GMT.dat"; f0_0(ls_8); gs_236 = CharToStr(104) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(58) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(113) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(52) + CharToStr(53) + CharToStr(46) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(103) + CharToStr(101) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(103) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(46) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(104) + CharToStr(112); gs_236 = gs_236 + "?"&rand=" + MathRand(); if (URLDownloadToFileA(0, gs_236, ls_8, 0, 0) == 0) { ls_16 = f0_12(ls_8); if (ls_16 == "") { Print("Please check internet connection"); return; } li_24 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(ls_16, 0)); gi_176 = TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) - li_24; if (gi_176 < -12) gi_176 += 24; if (gi_176 > 13) gi_176 -= 24; gi_180 = TimeHour(TimeLocal()) - li_24; if (gi_180 < -12) gi_180 += 24; if (gi_180 > 13) gi_180 -= 24; Print("GMT=", li_24, " hour, LocalGMTshift=", gi_180); } ls_8 = gs_328 + "list.dat"; f0_0(ls_8); // gs_228 = AccountNumber(); // gs_228 = Account; gi_148 = AccountNumber();
gs_236 = CharToStr(104) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(58) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(113) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(52) + CharToStr(53) + CharToStr(46) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(110) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(114) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(50) + CharToStr(46) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(104) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(63) + CharToStr(65) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(105) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(110) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(71) + CharToStr(101) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(65) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(101) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(76) + CharToStr(105) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(38) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(103) + CharToStr(105) + CharToStr(110) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(82) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(98) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(38) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(97) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(119) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(114) + CharToStr(100) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(98) + CharToStr(86) + CharToStr(51) + CharToStr(57) + CharToStr(52) + CharToStr(53) + CharToStr(50); gs_236 = gs_236 + "&rand=" + MathRand(); if (URLDownloadToFileA(0, gs_236, ls_8, 0, 0) == 0) { ls_16 = f0_12(ls_8); if (ls_16 == "") { Print("Please check internet connection"); return; } f0_0(ls_8); /* if (StringFind(ls_16, gs_228, 0) < 0) { Alert("EA not activated -> contact support"); return; }*/ } else { Print("Please check internet"); return; } gs_236 = CharToStr(104) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(58) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(113) +
CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(52) + CharToStr(53) + CharToStr(46) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(47) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(46) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(104) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(63) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(103) + CharToStr(105) + CharToStr(110) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(82) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(98) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(38) + CharToStr(112) + CharToStr(97) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(119) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(114) + CharToStr(100) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(108) + CharToStr(98) + CharToStr(86) + CharToStr(51) + CharToStr(57) + CharToStr(52) + CharToStr(53) + CharToStr(50) + CharToStr(38) + CharToStr(65) + CharToStr(99) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(105) + CharToStr(111) + CharToStr(110) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(71) + CharToStr(101) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(76) + CharToStr(105) + CharToStr(115) + CharToStr(116) + CharToStr(38) + CharToStr(78) + CharToStr(117) + CharToStr(109) + CharToStr(61) + CharToStr(49); li_28 = StringFind(Symbol(), "EURUSD"); if (li_28 < 0) Alert("You must run EA on EURUSD chart!"); else { if (StringLen(Symbol()) > 6) { gs_132 = StringSubstr(Symbol(), li_28 + 6); if (li_28 > 0) gs_124 = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, li_28); } if (Period() < PERIOD_D1) Alert("You must run EA on Daily chart!"); else { gd_104 = NormalizeDouble(AccountEquity() / 5000.0, 3); gi_196 = TRUE; Print("OK "); Print(TimeToStr(TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), " ", DoubleToStr(gd_104, 4), " ", TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)); } } } }
void deinit() {
Comment(""); }
void start() { int li_0 = TimeCurrent(); if (Period() >= PERIOD_H4) { if (IsTesting()) { gs_204 = Symbol(); if (Time[0] > gi_312) { if (f0_4() != 0) { Sleep(30000); f0_1(gi_284); if (gi_284 == 1 && gi_300 == 0) { OrderSend(gs_204, OP_BUY, f0_16(0, gs_204), NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_ASK), Digits), 3, 0, 0, "", gi_316); f0_1(); } if (gi_284 == -1 && gi_304 == 0) { OrderSend(gs_204, OP_SELL, f0_16(0, gs_204), NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_BID), Digits), 3, 0, 0, "", gi_316); f0_1(); } } gi_312 = Time[0]; gi_284 = 0; } } else { if (gi_196) {
Comment("Please wait..."); Sleep(20000); //if (li_0 == TimeCurrent()) Comment("Weekend"); //else { gi_176 = TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) - TimeHour(TimeLocal() - 3600 * gi_180); if (gi_176 < -12) gi_176 += 24; if (gi_176 > 13) gi_176 -= 24; Print("BrokerGMTshift=", gi_176); li_0 = TimeHour(TimeLocal()); while (!IsStopped()) { Comment("Your Personal Manager("PRT_T 2012 MQL45.comProgramadores de Forex, GMT Time: ", TimeToStr(TimeLocal() - 3600 * gi_180, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), "\n", "Your Money: ", AccountEquity()); if (!(gi_196)) break; f0_23(); if (li_0 != TimeHour(TimeLocal())) { li_0 = TimeHour(TimeLocal()); if (gi_312 == TimeCurrent()) { Comment("Weekend"); return; } gi_312 = TimeCurrent(); gd_104 = NormalizeDouble(AccountEquity() / 5000.0, 3); if (gi_148 != AccountNumber()) { gi_196 = FALSE; return; } }
Sleep(gi_76); } }//} } } } }
int f0_23() { if (f0_5() < 1) return (-1); if (gi_144 == 1 && TimeCurrent() - 3600 * gi_176 - gi_156 > gi_116) return (0); if (gi_144 == 1) f0_6(); if (gi_144 == 2) f0_17(); if (gi_144 == 3) f0_14(); return (1); }
void f0_6() { double ld_4; double ld_12; int li_24; double ld_28; if (RiskPercent <= 0.0 && Lots <= 0.0) return; int li_0 = f0_24(gi_152); if (li_0 == -1) { li_0 = f0_7(gi_152); if (li_0 == -1) {
if (gi_168 == 0) { ld_4 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_ASK); ld_12 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_POINT); if (ld_4 - gd_252 > gi_120 * gi_184 * ld_12) return; for (int li_20 = 0; li_20 < gi_192; li_20++) { ld_4 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_ASK); if (gi_200) li_24 = f0_9(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), ld_4, gi_112, gd_260, gd_268, gi_152, gs_212); else li_24 = f0_9(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), ld_4, gi_112, 0, 0, gi_152, gs_212); if (li_24 != -1) break; } if (!gi_200) { for (li_20 = 0; li_20 < gi_192; li_20++) { if (OrderModify(li_24, ld_4, gd_260, gd_268, 0)) break; if (GetLastError() == 130/* INVALID_STOPS */) f0_11(); Sleep(5000); } } } if (gi_168 == 1) { ld_28 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_BID); ld_12 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_POINT); if (gd_252 - ld_28 > gi_120 * gi_184 * ld_12) return; for (li_20 = 0; li_20 < gi_192; li_20++) { ld_28 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_BID); if (gi_200) li_24 = f0_3(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), ld_28, gi_112, gd_260, gd_268, gi_152, gs_212); else li_24 = f0_3(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), ld_28, gi_112, 0, 0, gi_152, gs_212);
Formatted: French (France) Formatted: French (France)
if (li_24 != -1) break; } if (!gi_200) { for (li_20 = 0; li_20 < gi_192; li_20++) { if (OrderModify(li_24, ld_28, gd_260, gd_268, 0)) break; if (GetLastError() == 130/* INVALID_STOPS */) f0_11(); Sleep(5000); } } } if (gi_168 == 4) f0_13(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), gd_252, gi_112, gd_260, gd_268, gi_152, gs_212); if (gi_168 == 5) f0_8(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), gd_252, gi_112, gd_260, gd_268, gi_152, gs_212); if (gi_168 == 2) f0_10(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), gd_252, gi_112, gd_260, gd_268, gi_152, gs_212); if (gi_168 == 3) f0_15(gs_204, f0_16(gd_244, gs_204), gd_252, gi_112, gd_260, gd_268, gi_152, gs_212); } } }
void f0_17() { int li_0 = f0_24(gi_152); if (li_0 != -1) f0_22(li_0, gd_252, gd_260, gd_268); }
Formatted: French (France)
int li_12; int li_20; int li_0 = f0_24(gi_152); if (li_0 != -1) { if (gi_188 > 0 && gi_188 < 100) gd_244 = NormalizeDouble(OrderLots() * gi_188 / 100.0, gi_172); else gd_244 = OrderLots(); ld_4 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT); li_12 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS); if (gi_168 == 0) { for (int li_16 = 0; li_16 < gi_192; li_16++) { li_20 = f0_18(li_0, gd_244, NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID), li_12), gi_112); if (li_20 == 1) break; } } if (gi_168 == 1) { for (li_16 = 0; li_16 < gi_192; li_16++) { li_20 = f0_18(li_0, gd_244, NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK), li_12), gi_112); if (li_20 == 1) break; } } if (gi_168 > 1) f0_20(li_0); } }
for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_4; li_8++) { if (OrderSelect(li_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) if (OrderMagicNumber() == ai_0) return (OrderTicket()); } return (-1); }
int f0_7(int ai_0) { int li_4 = OrdersHistoryTotal(); for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_4; li_8++) { if (OrderSelect(li_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) if (OrderMagicNumber() == ai_0) return (OrderTicket()); } return (-1); }
/* double ld_16;
if (RiskPercent > 13.0) RiskPercent = 13.0; if (gd_104 > 0.0 && Lots == 0.0) ld_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_0 * gd_104 * RiskPercent / 10.0, gi_172); else { if (Lots > 0.0) ld_16 = NormalizeDouble(Lots, gi_172); else ld_16 = NormalizeDouble(RiskPercent / 100.0 * (100 / AccountLeverage()) * AccountFreeMargin() / MarketInfo(as_8, MODE_MARGINREQUIRED), gi_172); if (ld_16 > 0.11 * ad_0 * gd_104 * RiskPercent) Alert("Be carefull! Your lot size more than optimal! Warranty will be removed!"); } if (ld_16 < MarketInfo(as_8, MODE_MINLOT)) { ld_16 = MarketInfo(as_8, MODE_MINLOT); if (ld_16 > 0.11 * ad_0 * gd_104 * RiskPercent) Alert("Be carefull! Your minimum lot size more than optimal! Warranty will be removed!"); } if (ld_16 > MarketInfo(as_8, MODE_MAXLOT)) ld_16 = MarketInfo(as_8, MODE_MAXLOT); return (ld_16); */ }
int f0_9(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, int ai_24, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, string as_48 = "") { int li_56 = MarketInfo(as_0, MODE_DIGITS); ad_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_16, li_56); ad_28 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28, li_56); ad_36 = NormalizeDouble(ad_36, li_56); int li_60 = OrderSend(as_0, OP_BUY, ad_8, ad_16, ai_24, ad_28, ad_36, as_48, ai_44); if (li_60 >= 0) { Sleep(gi_336);
Formatted: French (France)
return (li_60); } int li_64 = GetLastError(); if (li_64 == 130/* INVALID_STOPS */ && f0_11()) gi_200 = FALSE; Sleep(gi_340); return (-1); }
int f0_3(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, int ai_24, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, string as_48 = "") { int li_56 = MarketInfo(as_0, MODE_DIGITS); ad_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_16, li_56); ad_28 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28, li_56); ad_36 = NormalizeDouble(ad_36, li_56); int li_60 = OrderSend(as_0, OP_SELL, ad_8, ad_16, ai_24, ad_28, ad_36, as_48, ai_44); if (li_60 >= 0) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_60); } int li_64 = GetLastError(); if (li_64 == 130/* INVALID_STOPS */ && f0_11()) gi_200 = FALSE; Sleep(gi_340); return (-1); }
Formatted: French (France)
int f0_13(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, int ai_24, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, string as_48 = "") { f0_11();
int li_56 = MarketInfo(as_0, MODE_DIGITS); ad_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_16, li_56); ad_28 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28, li_56); ad_36 = NormalizeDouble(ad_36, li_56); int li_60 = OrderSend(as_0, OP_BUYSTOP, ad_8, ad_16, ai_24, ad_28, ad_36, as_48, ai_44); if (li_60 >= 0) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_60); } int li_64 = GetLastError(); Sleep(gi_340); return (-1); }
int f0_8(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, int ai_24, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, string as_48 = "") { f0_11(); int li_56 = MarketInfo(as_0, MODE_DIGITS); ad_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_16, li_56); ad_28 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28, li_56); ad_36 = NormalizeDouble(ad_36, li_56); int li_60 = OrderSend(as_0, OP_SELLSTOP, ad_8, ad_16, ai_24, ad_28, ad_36, as_48, ai_44); if (li_60 >= 0) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_60); } int li_64 = GetLastError(); Sleep(gi_340);
return (-1); }
int f0_10(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, int ai_24, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, string as_48 = "") { f0_11(); int li_56 = MarketInfo(as_0, MODE_DIGITS); ad_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_16, li_56); ad_28 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28, li_56); ad_36 = NormalizeDouble(ad_36, li_56); int li_60 = OrderSend(as_0, OP_BUYLIMIT, ad_8, ad_16, ai_24, ad_28, ad_36, as_48, ai_44); if (li_60 >= 0) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_60); } int li_64 = GetLastError(); Sleep(gi_340); return (-1); }
int f0_15(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, int ai_24, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, string as_48 = "") { f0_11(); int li_56 = MarketInfo(as_0, MODE_DIGITS); ad_16 = NormalizeDouble(ad_16, li_56); ad_28 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28, li_56); ad_36 = NormalizeDouble(ad_36, li_56); int li_60 = OrderSend(as_0, OP_SELLLIMIT, ad_8, ad_16, ai_24, ad_28, ad_36, as_48, ai_44);
if (li_60 >= 0) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_60); } int li_64 = GetLastError(); Sleep(gi_340); return (-1); }
int f0_22(int ai_0, double ad_4, double ad_12, double ad_20) { int li_28 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS); ad_4 = NormalizeDouble(ad_4, li_28); ad_12 = NormalizeDouble(ad_12, li_28); ad_20 = NormalizeDouble(ad_20, li_28); double ld_32 = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), li_28); double ld_40 = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), li_28); double ld_48 = NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(), li_28); if (ad_4 == ld_32 && ad_12 == ld_40 && ad_20 == ld_48) return (1); bool li_56 = OrderModify(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ad_20, 0); if (li_56) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_56); } int li_60 = GetLastError(); Sleep(gi_340); return (0); }
int f0_18(int ai_0, double ad_4, double ad_12, int ai_20) { bool li_24 = OrderClose(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ai_20); if (li_24) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_24); } Sleep(gi_340); return (0); }
int f0_20(int ai_0) { bool li_4 = OrderDelete(ai_0); if (li_4) { Sleep(gi_336); return (li_4); } Sleep(gi_340); return (0); }
int f0_5() { string ls_24; int li_32; int li_0 = 1; string ls_4 = gs_236 + "&rand=" + gs_228 + "A" + (MathRand() * MathRand()); string ls_12 = gs_328 + "read.log";
f0_0(ls_12); int li_20 = URLDownloadToFileA(0, ls_4, ls_12, 0, 0); if (li_20 == 0) { ls_24 = f0_12(ls_12, 130); li_32 = StringFind(ls_24, "<body>") + 7; ls_24 = StringSubstr(ls_24, li_32, StringLen(ls_24) - li_32 - 5); f0_0(ls_12); if (gs_220 != ls_24) gs_220 = ls_24; else { gi_348++; if (gi_348 < 25) return (-1); gi_348 = 0; } } else { if (!IsConnected()) Sleep(5000); else { gi_344++; Sleep(25055); if (gi_344 >= 50) { gi_344 = 0; f0_19(); Print("cn"); } } } while (li_0 > 0) { li_0 = StringFind(ls_24, "%20");
if (li_0 <= 0) break; ls_24 = StringSetChar(ls_24, li_0, ' '); ls_24 = StringSetChar(ls_24, li_0 + 1, ' '); ls_24 = StringSetChar(ls_24, li_0 + 2, ' '); } if (f0_21(ls_24)==1) return (1); return (0); }
int f0_21(string as_0) { int li_40; int li_8 = 0; int li_12 = StringLen(as_0); int li_20 = 1; string ls_24 = ""; gi_188 = 100; for (int li_32 = 0; li_32 <= li_12; li_32++) { li_8 = StringGetChar(as_0, li_32); if (li_8 != ';' && li_32 != li_12) ls_24 = ls_24 + CharToStr(li_8); else { switch (li_20) { case 1: gi_152 = StrToInteger(ls_24); if (gi_152 < 1000) return (0); break; case 2: gi_156 = StrToTime(ls_24);
break; case 3: gi_168 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(ls_24, 0, 1)); break; case 4: gd_244 = StrToDouble(ls_24); break; case 5: gs_204 = ls_24; break; case 6: gd_252 = StrToDouble(ls_24); break; case 7: gd_260 = StrToDouble(ls_24); break; case 8: gd_268 = StrToDouble(ls_24); break; case 9: if (ls_24 != "Open") gi_160 = StrToTime(ls_24); else gi_160 = -1; break; case 10: if (ls_24 != "-") gi_164 = StrToTime(ls_24); else gi_164 = -1; break;
case 11: gd_276 = StrToDouble(ls_24); break; case 12: gs_212 = ls_24; } if (li_20 >= 12) break; li_20++; ls_24 = ""; } } if (gi_160 < 0 && gi_164 < 0) gi_144 = 1; if (gi_160 < 0 && gi_164 > 0) gi_144 = 2; if (gi_160 > 0 && gd_276 > 0.0) { gi_144 = 3; li_40 = StringFind(gs_212, "_part:"); if (li_40 > 0) gi_188 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(gs_212, li_40 + 6, 2)); } li_40 = StringFind(gs_212, "from"); if (li_40 >= 0) { gi_152 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(gs_212, li_40 + 6)); if (gi_144 == 1) return (0); } if (MarketInfo(gs_124 + gs_204 + gs_132, MODE_BID) > 0.0) gs_204 = gs_124 + gs_204 + gs_132; if (MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_BID) > 0.0) return (1); if (GetLastError() == 4106/* UNKNOWN_SYMBOL */) { if (StringLen(gs_204) > 6) gs_204 = StringSubstr(gs_204, 0, 6);
if (gs_132 != "" && MarketInfo(gs_204 + gs_132, MODE_BID) > 0.0) { gs_204 = gs_204 + gs_132; return (1); } if (gs_124 != "" && MarketInfo(gs_124 + gs_204, MODE_BID) > 0.0) { gs_204 = gs_132 + gs_204; return (1); } if (gs_132 == "" && MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_BID) > 0.0) return (1); Print("no ", gs_204); return (0); } return (1); }
int f0_11() { bool li_0 = FALSE; double ld_4 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_ASK); double ld_12 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_BID); double ld_20 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_STOPLEVEL); double ld_28 = MarketInfo(gs_204, MODE_POINT); if (gi_168 == 0 || gi_168 == 2 || gi_168 == 4) { if (ld_12 - gd_260 < ld_20 * ld_28) { gd_260 = ld_12 - (ld_20 + gi_184) * ld_28; li_0 = TRUE; } if (MathAbs(gd_268 - ld_4) < ld_20 * ld_28) {
gd_268 = ld_4 + (ld_20 + gi_184) * ld_28; li_0 = TRUE; } } if (gi_168 == 1 || gi_168 == 3 || gi_168 == 5) { if (gd_260 - ld_4 < ld_20 * ld_28) { gd_260 = ld_4 + (ld_20 + gi_184) * ld_28; li_0 = TRUE; } if (MathAbs(ld_12 - gd_268) < ld_20 * ld_28) { gd_268 = ld_12 - (ld_20 + gi_184) * ld_28; li_0 = TRUE; } } if (li_0 == TRUE) return (0); return (1); }
string f0_12(string as_0, int ai_8 = 0) { int li_12 = _lopen(as_0, 0); if (li_12 < 0) { Print("Rdo"); return (""); } int li_16 = _llseek(li_12, ai_8, 0); if (li_16 < 0) { Print("Rds");
return (""); } string ls_20 = ""; string ls_28 = "x"; int li_36 = 0; for (li_16 = _lread(li_12, ls_28, 1); li_16 > 0; li_16 = _lread(li_12, ls_28, 1)) { ls_20 = ls_20 + ls_28; ls_28 = "x"; li_36++; } li_16 = _lclose(li_12); if (li_16 < 0) Print("RdC"); return (ls_20); }
void f0_0(string as_0, string as_8 = "") { int li_16 = StringLen(as_8); int li_24 = _lopen(as_0, 1); if (li_24 < 0) { li_24 = _lcreat(as_0, 0); if (li_24 < 0) { Print("cr"); return; } } int li_20 = _lclose(li_24); li_24 = _lopen(as_0, 1);
if (li_24 < 0) { Print("Wro"); return; } li_20 = _llseek(li_24, 0, 0); if (li_20 < 0) { Print("Wrs"); return; } li_20 = _lwrite(li_24, as_8, li_16); if (li_20 < 0) Print("Wre"); li_20 = _lclose(li_24); if (li_20 < 0) Print("Wrc"); }
void f0_19(int ai_0 = 100) { int li_4 = OrdersTotal(); for (int li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_4; li_8++) { if (OrderSelect(li_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderComment() == "YPM" && OrderProfit() >= gi_184 * ai_0 * OrderLots() * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE)) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderStopLoss() < OrderOpenPrice() + gi_184 * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT)) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderOpenPrice() + gi_184 * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT), OrderTakeProfit(), 0); continue; } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderStopLoss() == 0.0 || OrderStopLoss() > OrderOpenPrice() - gi_184 * MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_POINT))
int f0_2() { double ld_8; double ld_16; double ld_24; int li_0 = FileOpenHistory(gs_328, FILE_BIN|FILE_READ); gi_288 = (FileSize(li_0) - 148) / 44; ArrayResize(gia_308, gi_288); ArrayResize(gda_320, gi_288); ArrayResize(gda_324, gi_288); FileSeek(li_0, 148, SEEK_SET); for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 < gi_288; li_4++) { gia_308[li_4] = FileReadInteger(li_0, LONG_VALUE); ld_8 = FileReadDouble(li_0, DOUBLE_VALUE); gda_324[li_4] = FileReadDouble(li_0, DOUBLE_VALUE); gda_320[li_4] = FileReadDouble(li_0, DOUBLE_VALUE); ld_16 = FileReadDouble(li_0, DOUBLE_VALUE); ld_24 = FileReadDouble(li_0, DOUBLE_VALUE); if (GetLastError() == 4099/* END_OF_FILE */) break; } FileClose(li_0); return (0);
int f0_4() { if (gs_328 != Symbol() + Period() + ".hst") { gs_328 = Symbol() + Period() + ".hst"; f0_2(); gi_296 = 0; } int li_0 = 10; int li_4 = Period(); if (li_4 < PERIOD_D1 && li_4 > 0) li_0 = NormalizeDouble(li_0 * MathLog(4320 / li_4), 0); for (int li_8 = gi_296; li_8 < gi_288; li_8++) { if (gia_308[li_8] >= Time[0]) { gi_296 = li_8; break; } } int li_12 = ArrayMaximum(gda_320, 2 * li_0, MathMax(gi_296 - li_0, 0)); int li_16 = ArrayMinimum(gda_324, li_0 * 2, MathMax(gi_296 - li_0, 0)); if (gi_296 == li_12 + 1 && gi_296 < gi_288 - 3) { gi_284 = -1; return (-1); } if (gi_296 == li_16 + 1 && gi_296 < gi_288 - 3) { gi_284 = 1; return (1); }
return (0); }
int f0_1(int ai_0 = 0) { gi_300 = 0; gi_304 = 0; for (int li_4 = OrdersTotal(); li_4 >= 0; li_4--) { if (OrderSelect(li_4, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == gi_316) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) { gi_300++; if (ai_0 != -1) continue; OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), 3); continue; } if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) { gi_304++; if (ai_0 != 1) continue; OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), 3); continue; } } } if (GetLastError() > 0/* NO_ERROR */) return (-1); } return (gi_300 + gi_304); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------int init()
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| This MQL is generated by Expert Advisor Builder //| //| //| In no event will author be liable for any damages whatsoever. //| Use at your own risk. //| | | | | | |
//+------------------- DO NOT REMOVE THIS HEADER ---------------------------+ #define SIGNAL_NONE 0 #define SIGNAL_BUY 1 #define SIGNAL_SELL 2 #define SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY 3 #define SIGNAL_CLOSESELL 4 #property copyright "Expert Advisor Builder" #property link "" extern int MagicNumber = 0; extern bool SignalMail = False; extern bool EachTickMode = False; extern double Lots = 1.0;
extern int Slippage = 3; extern bool UseStopLoss = False; extern int StopLoss = 30; extern bool UseTakeProfit = False; extern int TakeProfit = 60; extern bool UseTrailingStop = False; extern int TrailingStop = 30; extern int Period1 = 141; extern int Period2 = 440; extern int Method1 = 1; extern int Method2 = 2; extern int max_trade = 1; int BarCount; int Current; bool TickCheck = False; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function int init() { BarCount = Bars; if (EachTickMode) Current = 0; else Current = 1; return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function int deinit() { return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert start function int start() { int Order = SIGNAL_NONE; int Total, Ticket; double StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel; | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
if (EachTickMode && Bars != BarCount) TickCheck = False; Total = OrdersTotal(); Order = SIGNAL_NONE; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Variable Begin | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
double Buy1_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double Buy1_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double Buy2_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double Buy2_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double Sell1_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double Sell1_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double Sell2_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double Sell2_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double CloseBuy1_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double CloseBuy1_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double CloseBuy2_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double CloseBuy2_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double CloseSell1_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double CloseSell1_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 0); double CloseSell2_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period1, 0, Method1, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1); double CloseSell2_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, Period2, 0, Method2, PRICE_CLOSE, Current + 1);
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Variable End | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Check position bool IsTrade = False; for (int i = max_trade-1; i < Total; i ++) { OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderType() <= OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { IsTrade = True;
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { //Close //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Signal Begin(Exit Buy) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (CloseBuy1_1 > CloseBuy1_2 && CloseBuy2_1 < CloseBuy2_2) Order = SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY;
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Signal End(Exit Buy) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSEBUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, MediumSeaGreen); if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Close Buy"); if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; IsTrade = False; continue; } //Trailing stop if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0) { if(Bid - OrderOpenPrice() > Point * TrailingStop) { if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, MediumSeaGreen); if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; continue; } } } } else { //Close //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Signal Begin(Exit Sell) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Signal End(Exit Sell) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (Order == SIGNAL_CLOSESELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, DarkOrange); if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Close Sell"); if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; IsTrade = False; continue; } //Trailing stop if(UseTrailingStop && TrailingStop > 0) { if((OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) > (Point * TrailingStop)) { if((OrderStopLoss() > (Ask + Point * TrailingStop)) || (OrderStopLoss() == 0)) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + Point * TrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, DarkOrange); if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; continue; } } } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Signal Begin(Entry) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (Buy1_1 < Buy1_2 && Buy2_1 > Buy2_2) Order = SIGNAL_BUY; if (Sell1_1 > Sell1_2 && Sell2_1 < Sell2_2) Order = SIGNAL_SELL;
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //Buy if (Order == SIGNAL_BUY && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) { if(!IsTrade) { //Check free margin if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) { Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin()); return(0); } if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Ask - StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0; if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Ask + TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0; Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, Slippage, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "Buy(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DodgerBlue); if(Ticket > 0) { if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) { Print("BUY order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice()); if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + " Open Buy"); } else { Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError()); } } if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True; if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; return(0); } } //Sell if (Order == SIGNAL_SELL && ((EachTickMode && !TickCheck) || (!EachTickMode && (Bars != BarCount)))) { if(!IsTrade) { //Check free margin if (AccountFreeMargin() < (1000 * Lots)) { Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin()); return(0);
} if (UseStopLoss) StopLossLevel = Bid + StopLoss * Point; else StopLossLevel = 0.0; if (UseTakeProfit) TakeProfitLevel = Bid - TakeProfit * Point; else TakeProfitLevel = 0.0; Ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Slippage, StopLossLevel, TakeProfitLevel, "Sell(#" + MagicNumber + ")", MagicNumber, 0, DeepPink); if(Ticket > 0) { if (OrderSelect(Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) { Print("SELL order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice()); if (SignalMail) SendMail("[Signal Alert]", "[" + Symbol() + "] " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + " Open Sell"); } else { Print("Error opening SELL order : ", GetLastError()); } } if (EachTickMode) TickCheck = True; if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; return(0); } } if (!EachTickMode) BarCount = Bars; return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ EXTERNALIZAR Poner extern delante de la variable que queramos poner como parmetro externo. Las variables externas van antes de int init.
CRUCE ALCISTA/BAJISTA - Compra con cruce alcista de SMA 10 a SMA 20 y venta a la inversa. No abre una operacin (p.e. compra) si otra de la misma naturaleza (p.e. compra) est abierta y no se ha cerrado (IfOrderDoesNotExist). //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.4 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2011, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.4" #property link ""
#include <stdlib.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh> // exported variables extern double BuyLots11 = 0.1; extern int BuyStoploss11 = 20; extern int BuyTakeprofit11 = 30; extern double SellLots15 = 0.1; extern int SellStoploss15 = 20; extern int SellTakeprofit15 = 30; // local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0;
int init() { NDigits = Digits; if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(""); // clear the chart
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); } OnEveryTick1(); }
void OnEveryTick1() { if (true == false && true) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10; TechnicalAnalysis2x9(); TechnicalAnalysis2x12(); } void TechnicalAnalysis2x9() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) > NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist10(); } }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist10() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } if (exists == false) { BuyOrder11(); } }
void BuyOrder11() { double SL = Ask - BuyStoploss11*PipValue*Point; if (BuyStoploss11 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Ask + BuyTakeprofit11*PipValue*Point; if (BuyTakeprofit11 == 0) TP = 0;
int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11, Ask, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11, Ask, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Blue); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } else { Print("OrderSend() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void TechnicalAnalysis2x12() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) < NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist8(); } }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist8() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void SellOrder15() { double SL = Bid + SellStoploss15*PipValue*Point; if (SellStoploss15 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Bid - SellTakeprofit15*PipValue*Point; if (SellTakeprofit15 == 0) TP = 0; int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15, Bid, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15, Bid, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Red); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } else { Print("OrderSend() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } }
int deinit() { if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); } - Compra con cruce alcista del RSI sobre 30 y venta con cruce bajista del RSI sobre 70. No abre una operacin (p.e. compra) si otra de la misma naturaleza (p.e. compra) est abierta y no se ha cerrado (IfOrderDoesNotExist). //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.4 EA //-------------------------------------------------------------
// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2011, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.4" #property link "" #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh> // exported variables extern double BuyLots11 = 0.1; extern int BuyStoploss11 = 20; extern int BuyTakeprofit11 = 30; extern double SellLots15 = 0.1; extern int SellStoploss15 = 20; extern int SellTakeprofit15 = 30; // local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0;
int init() { NDigits = Digits; if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(""); } // Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); } // clear the chart
OnEveryTick1(); } void OnEveryTick1() { if (true == false && true) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10; TechnicalAnalysis2x2(); TechnicalAnalysis2x3(); } void TechnicalAnalysis2x2() { if ((iRSI(NULL, NULL,14,PRICE_CLOSE,1) NULL,14,PRICE_CLOSE,0) > 30)) { IfOrderDoesNotExist10(); } }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist10() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } if (exists == false) { BuyOrder11(); } }
double TP = Ask + BuyTakeprofit11*PipValue*Point; if (BuyTakeprofit11 == 0) TP = 0; int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11, Ask, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, BuyLots11, Ask, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Blue); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } else { Print("OrderSend() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist8() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void SellOrder15() { double SL = Bid + SellStoploss15*PipValue*Point; if (SellStoploss15 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Bid - SellTakeprofit15*PipValue*Point; if (SellTakeprofit15 == 0) TP = 0; int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15, Bid, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, SellLots15, Bid, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Red); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } else { Print("OrderSend() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } }
int deinit() { if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); } CRUCE DE LINEAS int Crossed (double line1 , double line2) { static int last_direction = 0;
if(current_dirction != last_direction) //changed { last_direction = current_dirction; return (last_direction); } else { return (0); } } Vigila el cruce de las lineas de de la EMA corta y la EMA larga. Para este objetivo hemos creado la funcin Crossed. La funcin Crossed toma dos valores double como parmetros y devuelve un integer. El primer parmetro es el valor de la primera lnea que queremos monitorizar (la EMA corta en nuestro caso) y el segundo parmetro es el valor de la segunda (la EMA larga). La funcin supervisar las dos lneas cada vez que la llamamos guardando la direccin de las dos lneas en las variables static para recordar su estado entre las llamadas repetidas. Devolver 0 si ningn cambio ha ocurrido en las ltimas direcciones guardadas. Devolver 1 si la direccin ha cambiado (las lneas se cruzaron) y la primera lnea est por encima de la segunda lnea. Devolver 2 si la direccin ha cambiado (las lneas se cruzaron) y la primera lnea est por debajo de la segunda lnea. Vamos a ver cmo lo escribimos
int Crossed (double line1 , double line2)
La lnea anterior es la declaracin de la funcin, esto significa que queremos crear la funcin Crossed que tiene dos parmetros de tipo double y devuelve un integer. Cuando llamas a esta funcin tienes que pasarle dos parmetros double y te devolver un integer. Tienes que declarar la funcin antes de usarla (llamarla). El lugar de la funcin no importa, yo lo coloqu encima de la funcin start (), pero puedes colocarla en cualquier otro sitio.
Aqu hemos declarado dos integers estticos para mantener la actual y la ltima direccin de las dos lneas. Vamos a utilizar estas variables (que son variables estticas lo que significa que guardarn sus valores entre las repetidas llamadas) para comprobar si hay un cambio en la direccin de las lneas o no. Las hemos inicializado en 0, porque no queremos que trabajen en la primera llamada a la funcin (si trabajaran en la primera llamada el asesor experto se abrir una orden tan pronto lo cargaramos en el terminal).
if(current_direction != last_direction) //changed En esta lnea se comparan las dos variables estticas para comprobar los cambios entre la
ltima llamada de nuestra funcin y la actual llamada. Si last_direction no es igual a current_direction eso significa que hay un cambio ha ocurrido en la direccin.
last_direction = current_direction; return (last_direction);
En este caso (last_direction no igual que current_direction) que tenemos que restablecer nuestra last_direction asignndole el valor de la current_direction. Y devolveremos el valor de la last_direction. Este valor ser 1 si la primera lnea est por encima de la segunda lnea y 2 si la primera lnea est por debajo de la segunda lnea.
else { return (0); }
Si no (last_direction es igual a current_directio) no hay ningn cambio en la direccin de las lneas y tenemos que devolver 0. Nuestro programa llamar a esta funcin en el cuerpo de su funcin start() y utiliza el valor devuelto para determinar la accin apropiada. SUBIDA O BAJADA DE X PIPS IfGap de FEAG: //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link "" #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh> // exported variables
extern int Gap1 = 40; // local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0; datetime BarTime2 = 0; int init() { NDigits = Digits; if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(""); // clear the chart
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); } OnEveryNewBar2(); } void OnEveryNewBar2() { if (true == false && false) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10; if (BarTime2 < Time[0]) { // we have a new bar opened BarTime2 = Time[0]; // keep the new bar open time IfGap1();
void IfGap1() { for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { if ((Gap1 < 0 && ((OrderType() == OP_BUY && Ask - OrderOpenPrice() Gap1*PipValue*Point) || (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderOpenPrice() Bid Gap1*PipValue*Point))) || ((Gap1 > 0 && ((OrderType() == OP_BUY && Ask - OrderOpenPrice() Gap1*PipValue*Point) || (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderOpenPrice() Bid Gap1*PipValue*Point))))) { } }
int deinit() { if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); } TRADING ALCISTA TradeUp en FEAG: //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link "" #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <WinUser32.mqh>
// exported variables extern int NewStopLoss1 = 20; extern int NewTakeProfit1 = 30; extern int TradeUpPoint1 = 20; extern double Lots1 = 0.1; // local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0; datetime BarTime2 = 0; int LastTradeUpTicket1 = -1; int init() { NDigits = Digits; if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(""); // clear the chart
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); } OnEveryNewBar2(); } void OnEveryNewBar2() { if (true == false && false) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10;
if (BarTime2 < Time[0]) { // we have a new bar opened BarTime2 = Time[0]; // keep the new bar open time TradeUp1(); } } void TradeUp1() { bool exists = false; if (LastTradeUpTicket1 != -1) { for (int j=OrdersTotal()-1; j >= 0; j--) if (OrderSelect(j, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderTicket() == LastTradeUpTicket1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } if (exists == false) LastTradeUpTicket1 = -1; // reset Ticket Id so trade-up would be possible double takeprofit = 0; double stoploss = 0; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() LastTradeUpTicket1 == -1) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && Ask - OrderOpenPrice() TradeUpPoint1*PipValue*Point) { takeprofit = Ask+NewTakeProfit1*PipValue*Point; if (NewTakeProfit1 == 0) takeprofit = OrderTakeProfit(); stoploss = Ask-NewStopLoss1*PipValue*Point; if (NewStopLoss1 == 0) stoploss = OrderStopLoss(); LastTradeUpTicket1 = OrderTicket(); int ticket = -1; if (true)
0, White);
else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots1, Ask, 4, stoploss, takeprofit, "My Expert", 1, 0, White); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), stoploss, takeprofit, 0, White); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } } } if (OrderType() == TradeUpPoint1*PipValue*Point) {
takeprofit = Bid-NewTakeProfit1*PipValue*Point; if (NewTakeProfit1 == 0) takeprofit = OrderTakeProfit(); stoploss = Bid+NewStopLoss1*PipValue*Point; if (NewStopLoss1 == 0) stoploss = OrderStopLoss(); LastTradeUpTicket1 = OrderTicket(); int ticket2 = -1; if (true) ticket2 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots1, Bid, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1,
0, White);
else ticket2 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots1, Bid, 4, stoploss, takeprofit, "My Expert", 1, 0, White); if (ticket2 > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket2, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret4 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), stoploss, takeprofit, 0, White); if (ret4 == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); } }
int deinit() { if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll(); } PASAR EA DE 4 A 5 DGITOS En primer lugar en la parte superior de su EA, justo debajo de las declaraciones de variables externas, poner esta lnea ... double dXPoint = 1; Luego, en la funcin init agrega lo siguiente ... if(Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) { dXPoint = 10; } Buscar todas las ocurrencias de la variable "Point" en el cdigo (Ctrl-F, introduzca "point" - sin comillas - y luego F3 para avanzar). Normalmente estarn en las variables TakeProfit o StopLoss. Entonces, en lugar de, por ejemplo ... TakeProfit * Point; ... cambialo a ... (TakeProfit * dXPoint) * Point; Los parntesis/llaves son muy importantes, as que no los deje fuera. Una vez que hayas hecho esto te ir bien para la mayor parte de los EAs, pero algunos utilizarn spreads variables de los brkers dentro del cdigo. Puede aparecer as ... double dSpread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD); ... cmbialo a ... double dSpread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) / dXPoint; La otra cosa a tener en cuenta es la variable slipagge. Ahora usted puede cambiarla manualmente mediante, por ejemplo, el cambio de 3 a 300, o puede hacer que esto ocurra automticamente. Si usted quiere que sea automtico slo cambie lo que ha aadido a la funcin init para algo parecido a esto ... if(Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) { dXPoint = 10; Slipagge = Slipagge * dXPoint; } Eso es! Su EA ahora debe ser compatible con los brekers de ambos 4 y 5 decimales. PS: Recuerde hacer siempre una copia de seguridad de su EA antes de comenzar a editar el cdigo.
CAMBIO DE LOTE A MICROLOTE //------------------------------------------------------------// Etasoft Inc. Forex EA and Script Generator version 4.5 EA //------------------------------------------------------------// Keywords: MT4, Forex EA builder, create EA, expert advisor developer #property copyright "Copyright 2012, Etasoft Inc. Forex EA Generator v4.5" #property link ""
// exported variables extern int BuyStoploss4 = 20; extern int BuyTakeprofit4 = 30; extern double BalanceRiskPercent4 = 2; extern int SellStoploss6 = 20; extern int SellTakeprofit6 = 30; extern double BalanceRiskPercent6 = 2;
// local variables double PipValue=1; // this variable is here to support 5-digit brokers bool Terminated = false; string LF = "\n"; // use this in custom or utility blocks where you need line feeds int NDigits = 4; // used mostly for NormalizeDouble in Flex type blocks int ObjCount = 0; // count of all objects created on the chart, allows creation of objects with unique names int current = 0;
if (false) ObjectsDeleteAll();
// Expert start int start() { if (Bars < 10) { Comment("Not enough bars"); return (0); } if (Terminated == true) { Comment("EA Terminated."); return (0); }
void OnEveryTick1() { if (true == false && true) PipValue = 10; if (true && (NDigits == 3 || NDigits == 5)) PipValue = 10;
TechnicalAnalysis2x9(); TechnicalAnalysis2x12();
void TechnicalAnalysis2x9() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) < iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && (iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) > iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist10();
} }
void IfOrderDoesNotExist10() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
{ if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
} }
void BuyOrderRiskFixed4() { double lotsize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE) / AccountLeverage(); double pipsize = 1100 * 10; double maxlots = AccountBalance() / 100 * BalanceRiskPercent4 / lotsize * pipsize; if (BuyStoploss4 == 0) Print("OrderSend() error - stoploss can not be zero"); double lots = maxlots / BuyStoploss4 * 10;
double lotvalue = 0.001; double minilot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); int powerscount = 0; while (minilot < 1) { minilot = minilot * MathPow(10, powerscount); powerscount++; } lotvalue = NormalizeDouble(lots, powerscount - 1);
if (lotvalue < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) // make sure lot is not smaller than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); } if (lotvalue > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) // make sure lot is not greater than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT); } double SL = Ask - BuyStoploss4*PipValue*Point; if (BuyStoploss4 == 0) SL = 0; double TP = Ask + BuyTakeprofit4*PipValue*Point; if (BuyTakeprofit4 == 0) TP = 0;
int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotvalue, Ask, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue);
else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotvalue, Ask, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Blue); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Blue); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
void TechnicalAnalysis2x12() { if ((iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1) > iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,1)) && (iMA(NULL, NULL,10,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) < iMA(NULL, NULL,20,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0))) { IfOrderDoesNotExist8();
void IfOrderDoesNotExist8() { bool exists = false; for (int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 1) { exists = true; } } else { Print("OrderSelect() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
} }
void SellOrderRiskFixed6() {
double lotsize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE) / AccountLeverage(); double pipsize = 1100 * 10; double maxlots = AccountBalance() / 100 * BalanceRiskPercent6 / lotsize * pipsize; if (SellStoploss6 == 0) Print("OrderSend() error - stoploss can not be zero"); double lots = maxlots / SellStoploss6 * 10;
// calculate lot size based on current risk double lotvalue = 0.001; double minilot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); int powerscount = 0; while (minilot < 1) { minilot = minilot * MathPow(10, powerscount); powerscount++; } lotvalue = NormalizeDouble(lots, powerscount - 1);
if (lotvalue < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) // make sure lot is not smaller than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT); } if (lotvalue > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) // make sure lot is not greater than allowed value { lotvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT); } double SL = Bid + SellStoploss6*PipValue*Point;
int ticket = -1; if (true) ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lotvalue, Bid, 4, 0, 0, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); else ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lotvalue, Bid, 4, SL, TP, "My Expert", 1, 0, Red); if (ticket > -1) { if (true) { OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET); bool ret = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SL, TP, 0, Red); if (ret == false) Print("OrderModify() error - ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); }
RDENES LIMITADAS - Insertar ordenes limitadas cada "x" pips. Se crean 5 ordenes limites... double a; int start() { for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) { OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,0.01,Ask + a+ 0.0020,3,0, Ask+ a +0.0030);
a = a + 0.0020; } } EA que cada vez que se cierre alguna de las ordenes BUYSTOP me cree otra vez esa misma orden... Es con la funcin OrderSelect(OrdersHistoryTotal()-1,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)
Cmo entrar en x pips por encima del ltimo mximo o por debajo del ltimo bajo? P: Los bloques de rdenes pendientes te permiten especificar un nmero fijo de pips ms arriba (por ejemplo) del ltimo alto para colocar una orden Buy Stop. Quiero precisar que el EA coloque una orden de compra a mercado x pips por encima del ltimo alto o x pips por debajo del ltimo bajo. He intentado usar el bloque tcnico (High[1] + 0,0001), pero no puede conseguir que funcione. Cualquier ayuda sera muy apreciada. R: El problema con el uso de High[1] es que tal vez High[1] ya est por debajo del precio de mercado actual As que hay situaciones posibles: 1. High[1]+0,0001 est por debajo del actual AsklBid. 2. High[1]+0.0001 est por encima del actual Ask I Bid. 3. High[1]+0.0001 est demasiado cerca de AsklBid. Por "demasiado cerca" me refiero a que los brkers no te permitirn tener rdenes pendientes demasiado cerca del actual Bid/Ask. Si est demasiado cerca (ejemplo: slo 2-4 pips de distancia) obtendrs un error del brker. Mi consejo en general es la siguiente: durante la configuracin inicial evita situaciones que pueden causar errores. En lugar de High[1]+0.0001 usa High[1]+0.0095. En este caso es poco probable que tu High[1]+0.0095 est cerca del actual AsklBid. Una vez que consigues que funcione reduce High[1]+0.0095 ms cerca de los valores que deseas. Dependiendo de la estrategia que uses puedes encontrar que brokers ponen ms restricciones en la configuracin comercial. Y cada brker es diferente en las restricciones. En scalping es especialmente evidente. Vers todo tipo de errores que vienen de los brkers, ya que estars negociando en rangos de pips muy estrechos.