Some and Any

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Some and Any

Some Se usa some para frases afirmativos. Se usa con contables y incontables. Ejemplo There is some water in the bottle. Hay agua en la botella. There are some bottles of water in the fridge. Hay botellas de agua en la nevera. Any Se usa any para preguntas y frases negativos. Se usa con contables y incontables. Ejemplo There isn't any water in the bottle. No hay agua en la botella. There aren't any bottles of water in the fridge. No hay botellas de agua en la nevera. Are there any bottles of water in the fridge? Hay botellas de agua en la nevera?.

Any is used in negative statements with plural countable nouns Ej : They dont have any pears. There arent any oranges Any is used in negative statements with uncountable nouns Ej: There isnt any chicken in the freezer. She doesnt have any money.

Tips (Consejos) Se puede usar some en la pregunta - Would you like some...? Es la forma educada

para preguntar si alguien quiere tomar o comer algo... Ejemplo Would you like some coffee? Quieres un cafe? Would you like a biscuit? Quieres una galleta?

Some is used in questions for invitations: Example: Do you want some water? Do you want some cookies? Would you like some sugar?

How much / How many

Se utilizan para preguntar por cantidades de algo. Si se trata de sustantivos contables, se aplica How many. Si se trata de sustantivos incontables, se usa How much. Estas expresiones siempre van seguidas de un sustantivo; luego, el verbo y el resto de la oracin. How many cars do you have? Cuntos autos tienes? How much money do you have? Cunto dinero tienes? How much se utiliza tambin para preguntar precios. How much is this car? Cunto cuesta este auto? How much are the potatoes? Cunto cuestan las papas? Tambin se usan en forma genrica para preguntar "cunto hay". En este caso, van seguidas del sustantivo y luego, is / are there. How many cars are there? Cuntos autos hay? How much money is there? Cunto dinero hay?

A estas preguntas se responde usando There is / are, dependiendo de si se trata de singular o plural, como ya hemos visto en lecciones anteriores. There are nine cars. Hay nueve autos. There is one dollar. Hay un dlar. Para hacer referencia a los sustantivos incontables, se pueden utilizar los envases o las medidas de los envases que los contienen, los cuales s son contables... How much milk is there? Cunta leche hay? There are three litres. Hay tres litros. There are three bottles. Hay tres botellas. The words much and many mean a lot of. If a noun is in singular, we use much Example: much money If a noun is in plural, we use many Example: many friends

Use of much / many

In everyday English, we normally use much / many only in questions and negative clauses.

Example: How much money have you got? Carla does not have many friends.
In positive clauses with so, as or too, we also use much / many.

Example: Carla has so many friends. She has as many friends as Sue. Kevin has too much money.
In all other positive clauses, however, we prefer expressions like a lot of / lots of.

Example: Carla has a lot of / lots of friends. Kevin has a lot of / lots of money.
In formal texts, however, much / many are also common in positive clauses. This you will notice for example when you read English news.

Countable / Uncountable Nouns

In connection with much / many people often speak of countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form. In plural, these nouns can be used with a number (that's why they are called 'countable nouns'). Countable nouns take many.

Example: 100 friends many friends

Uncountable nouns can only be used in singular. These nouns cannot be used with a number (that's why they are called 'uncountable nouns'). Uncountable nouns take much.

Example: 100 money much money

Note: Of course you can count money but then you would name the currency and say that you have got 5 euro (but not 5 money).

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