Catalogo 2008
Catalogo 2008
Catalogo 2008
Clipper Energy Supply Co. es una Empresa fundada en 1985 con el objetivo de proveer equipos y partes para la Industria en general. Est conformada por la Casa Matriz, localizada en Houston USA y una Sucursal domiciliada en Quito, la misma que fue creada en Febrero del 2000 con el fin de atender de una manera personalizada a nuestros Clientes en Ecuador. Clipper Energy Supply Co. cuenta con Profesionales altamente calificados y de gran experiencia totalmente bilinges, una Base de Datos de los ms importantes fabricantes y distribuidores de Estados Unidos, Canad y Europa, amplias oficinas equipadas con todos los sistemas de comunicacin actuales, todo lo cual nos permite brindar a nuestros Clientes una eficiente provisin de equipos, materiales, partes y piezas originales y el servicio de ingeniera de diseo de equipos de produccin y de instrumentacin y control, entre otros. Las excelentes relaciones mantenidas con los fabricantes y distribuidores en estos 23+ aos de servicio, nos han permitido obtener importantes lneas de crdito as como precios preferenciales, por lo que podemos ofrecer condiciones muy competitivas a nuestros Clientes. Clipper Energy Supply Co. cuenta con varias representaciones que se detallan ms adelante para su referencia, lo que nos ha permitido ser uno de los ms importantes proveedores en Latinoamrica, con ventas en Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Panam, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Per, Bolivia, Brasil, Argentina y Chile. Hemos realizado tambin proyectos que incluyen Ingeniera y Construccin, entre los cuales podemos mencionar los siguientes: Ingeniera Bsica y de Detalle del Proyecto Yuralpa para Kerr McGee/Perenco Ecuador (Ao 2001 y 2002). Ingeniera, Construccin, Ensamble, Instalacin, Pruebas y Puesta en Marcha de una Unidad LACT 4 ANSI 150 para PETROBELL Ecuador (Ao 2001) Ingeniera, construccin y Pruebas de (4) Skids para Inyeccin de Qumicos para Villano B AgipOil Ecuador 2002. Ingeniera, Construccin, Instalacin, Pruebas y Puesta en Marcha de un Emergency Shut Down System para Schlumberger / OXY EWT Edn Yuturi (Ao 2002). Provisin, Comisionado, Pruebas y Puesta en Marcha de los Sistemas de Instrumentacin y Control para Dos Oil Flash Vessels para 15,000 barrilles por da de capacidad para Occidental - Edn Yuturi (Aos 2002-2003).
Mantenemos tambin un stock importante de materiales de la ms alta calidad (vlvulas, bridas, accesorios, absorbentes orgnicos, filtros, cinta para revestimiento de tubera, etc.) disponibles para entrega inmediata en nuestra Bodega ubicada en Lago Agrio Ecuador en donde tambin disponemos de un taller para reparacin y mantenimiento de vlvulas autorizado por la divisin de Post-Venta de Cooper Cameron Valves.
Catalog 2008
Catalog 2008
BETHLEHEM WIRE ROPE Cables de acero de todos los tipos BELOITZ, ERNIE Y HACKNEY Bridas Fittings CAMERON VALVES & MEASUREMENT Vlvulas de Bola WKM, CAMERON, GROVE, TK, ORBIT Vlvulas de Mariposa WKM (High Performance Dynacentric) Vlvulas de Compuerta y Mariposa DEMCO. Vlvulas de Bola, Compuerta y Retencin NUTRON y FLOWCONTROL Vlvulas de compuerta y Cabezales de pozo marca CAMERON Vlvulas Choke CAMERON WILLIS Vlvulas de 3 y 4 vas GENERAL Medidores de Flujo NUFLO Registradores BARTON CAVINS OIL WELL TOOLS Elevadores Llaves hidrulicas Achicadores Cuas Herramientas para trabajos de reacondicionamiento DRESSER FLOW Bombas de Inyeccin de Qumicos TEXSTEAM. Vlvulas de Control BECKER. Medidores e Instrumentos ROOTS. Couplings DRESSER. Camisas para Reparacin de Tubera y Juntas de Expansin BLACKHAWK Herramientas y Accesrios para Hot Tapping BLACKHAWK. DRESSER / CLIFF MOCK Medidores de desplazamiento positivo DRESSER CHART RECORDERS / GRAPHICS CONTROLS Cartas para registro de presin, temperatura, corriente voltaje, peso, flujos, etc. en diferentes presentaciones: diario, horario, mensual, etc. FERGUSSON BEAUREGARD
Catalog 2008
Sistemas de levantamiento por mbolos FLOWSERVE Vlvulas Plug NORDSTROM. FMC Bombas de mbolo Chicksan swivel joints
FORUM OILFIELD TECHNOLOGIES (BAKER SPECIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION) Consumibles de perforacin y produccin Vlvulas flotadoras para tubera de presin Lubricantes y Sellantes de tubera Vlvulas de compuerta y chokes, de aleacin Aluminio-Bronce, para servicio de INYECCION DE AGUA O GAS o para aplicaciones en ambientes corrosivos o erosivos. Diseo de sistemas completos para inyeccin. Acces Oil Tools. GOTCO / LOGAN OIL TOOLS Herramientas de pesca Martillos mecnicos e hidrulicos ITT - NEODYN Switches de Presin. Filtros Reguladores K-TEK Instrumentos para Control de Nivel y Flujo LUFKIN INDUSTRIES Bombas y equipos para levantamiento mecnico Cintas de Medicin MARTIN DECKER / TOTCO Sistemas de control para la perforacin Indicadores de peso NORRISEAL Vlvulas de Control, Piston Check y Mariposa. OIL CENTER RESEARCH Proteccin Interna y Externa para tuberas, Inhibidores de Corrosin y desgaste. Detergentes para limpieza de WorkOver & Drilling Rigs. Grasas, Lubricantes y Sellantes para tubera de revestimiento y perforacin. OHM INTERNATIONAL Distribuidor mundial de equipos, materiales y repuestos elctricos originales de ms de 390 fabricantes. Cables elctricos Okonite, Houston Wire, etc. Motores elctricos y Controles. Sistemas de Proteccin. Cajas de Conexin NEMA 4, 4X, 7, 7X, Class 1, Div 1 & 2, etc y accesorios de conexin.
Catalog 2008
OPTICAL CABLE CORPORATION Cable de Fibra ptica. REGAL RUBBER PRODUCTS Copas de swab, Protectores de drill pipe, Protectores de varilla SPX FLOW CONTROL Vlvulas de Compuerta API 6D M&J (anteriormente DANIEL). Vlvulas de Retencin M&J. Closures GD Engineering. SPILL-TECH Equipos para Control Ambiental tales como: Desnatadores, Absorbentes, Dispersantes, Barreras, Botes de respuesta rpida, Equipos de contingencia, etc. TEK-RAP Sistema de Revestimiento para tubera. TEL-TRU Instrumentos para Medicin de Presin y Temperatura. TYCO/ AG-CROSBY Safety Relief Valves TOSHIBA ELECTRIC MOTORS Motores elctricos de 1/2 Hp hasta 5000 Hp TEXAS PRODUCTS Pup Joint API Subs API Herramientas para Workover y Wireline US STEEL Tubera de lnea sin costura y con costura, de produccin y de revestimiento. Tubera de pilotaje. WIRE MASTERS Estranguladores de orificio Choques ajustables tipo Merla Bridas API Anillos RTJ WAUKESHA PEARCE Repuestos Waukesha
Catalog 2008
Catalog 2008
Como Representante Oficial de Cooper Cameron En Stock -Lago Agrio: o o Vlvulas de Bola WKM 2 a 8 Bridadas Ansi 150 a 600 Vlvulas de Bola WKM 1/2 a 2 Roscadas 3000 psi
Catalog 2008
Clipper Energy Supply Co. ofrece al sector petrolero e industrial: 1) WKM Vlvulas de Bola, 4 de vuelta, diam. 2 hasta 12, Materiales en Acero Carbono, Acero 1 Inox. 316 y Duplex 2) WKM Vlvulas de Mariposa Asiento Metlico 2 a 24, Dynacentric High Performance 3) DEMCO Vlvulas de Mariposa Asiento Suave de 2 hasta 48, En Hierro Fundido, Acero al Carbono, Acero Inox. y Alum. Bronce. 4) DEMCO Vlvulas de Compuerta de Acero y Alum. Bronce 2 hasta 6, Presiones hasta 5000 psi API 5) CAMERON Vlvulas de Bola de 2 hasta 56, Cuerpo Soldado, Acero al Carbono, Acero Inox e Inox. Duplex 6) FOSTER-WKM: API 6D Vlvulas de Compuerta para Ductos, 2 a 42, Servicio de Gas, Petrleo y Agua. 7) THORNHILL-CRAVER: Choques para produccin 8) NUTRON Vlvulas Check API 6D y de bola 1/2" a 16" 9) FCC -FLOW CONTROL Cuerpo forjado -Vlvulas de Bola API AHORA EN ECUADOR! Clipper Energy Supply Co. tiene stock de vlvulas de bola WKM 1) 1/2 hasta 8 Serie 310 WKM 2) Ansi 150 a Ansi 600 (285 hasta 1480 psi WOG) 3) 3000 psi hasta 2 (roscadas) 4) Cuerpo de Acero al Carbono, Acabado de Acero Inox 316 5) Vlvulas certificadas a NACE MR-01-75 6) Firesafe segn API 6FA 7) Ensayos segn API 6D 8) Locking Device para la seguridad en el campo Caractersticas de Flujo (Cv) Vlvulas Serie 310 WKM
Cv Cada de Presin en las Vlvulas Clase 150 Puerta Regular WKM Serie 310 (En GPM para producir 1 psi de cada de presin)
Catalog 2008
Catalog 2008
Cero deslaminacin, por ser un producto co-extruido Reduce los costos de proteccin catdica 100% de adhesin garantizada en 24 horas
Stock disponible para entrega inmediata en nuestras bodegas de Lago Agrio Garanta Tcnica: 40 aos/ 10 aos cuando se instala bajo supervisin y control de Tek-Rap Certificacin ISO 9002
Juan Leon Mera 1741 y Orellana, 4to piso Quito- Ecuador 593-2-2543000 fax 593-2-2523400 [email protected]
3355 West ALABAMA SUITE 1100 HOUSTON, TX 77098- USA 713-965-0006- FAX 713-965-0209 [email protected]
Catalog 2008
Catalog 2008
Notas Tcnicas Eficiencia del Filtro Cociente Beta = Conteo de partcula Corriente Arriba en el tamao especificado y grande Conteo de partcula Corriente Abajo en el tamao especificado y grande
El cociente Beta () en un tamao de partcula dado se puede correlacionar a la eficiencia del filtro en ese tamao de partcula segn la siguiente frmula: Eficiencia de Filtro (%) = [()-1)/] x 100% Beta Curves Cociente Beta () 100 1000 5000 Eficiencia del Filtro (%) 99.00 99.90 99.98
Cada elemento del filtro tendr un cociente Beta diferente para cada tamao especfico de partcula. La determinacin de la variedad de valores Beta para el mismo filtro provee un perfil de eficiencia comnmente referido a la Curva Beta.
En las operaciones de intervencin del pozo, cuando se controla el flujo con fluidos, con apenas 30 bls de fluidos de 500 ppm de slidos se puede reducir la permeabilidad de la zona punzada al 5% de su valor original y taponar hasta el 60% de la comunicacin con la formacin. (10 pies, 4 disparos por pie) Segn estudios del SPE la limpieza de los fluidos de completacin es clave para la productividad del pozo.
Permeabilidad (milidarces) 100 250 500 750 1000 1500 Tamao Poro (micras) 10.0 15.8 22.4 27.4 31.6 38.7 Rango Crtico (micras) 3.3 a 1.4* 5.2 a 2.2 7.4 a 3.2 9.1 a 3.9 10.5 a 4.5 12.9 a 5.5
*Indica el rango de partculas slidas que hay que filtrar del agua para proteger la formacin No usar filtros, o usar filtros que no dan una proteccin absoluta es una economa falsa. 30 Bls de fluido con 500 ppm de slidos contienen 145.5 pulgadas3, esto significa que en 30 bls hay suficientes contaminantes para llenar el 60% de los huecos perforados y toda la porosidad en las zonas punzadas de 10 pies 4 dpp. La Conclusin Es Lgica: Utilice los filtros absolutos de la Serie Clipper CA que le dan: Filtracin Absoluta de calidad americana, stock en el Oriente con buenos precios, variedad de tamaos con capacidad de filtracin
Catalog 2008
Son los ms conocidos de los paales absorbentes, con propiedades oleoflicas e hidrofbicas Deben estar en cada sitio donde existe una probabilidad de pequeos o grandes derrames que tienen que ser contenidos y absorbidos. Clipper Energy tiene en Stock dos tamaos diferentes:
Paales tipo P200S (Absorbe 40.5 Gal), por paca 3/16 x 15 x 19, 4 pies cbicos, (aprox. 200 pads) Rollos tipo R144H (Absorbe 77 Gal), por rollo 3/8x 38x144, (10 pies cbicos)
Catalog 2008
*Fuente: Sorbents for Liquid Hazardous Cleanup and Control Ahora en Ecuador, Sacos de: 10 Kg. comprimidos USD 15 Kg. comprimidos USD Aplicaciones K-Sorb Hydrophobic Estabilizacin de derrames. Contenimiento de lquidos hidrocarburficos. Limpieza de tanques.
Catalog 2008
K-Sorb Fibra Hidrofbico Polipropileno (Pads) Musgo de fibra de Madera Tierra Diatomatia Aserrn Tratado
USD 1.00 USD 1.50 USD 2.95 USD 7.50 USD 4.00
Catalog 2008
Catalog 2008
Fishing Tools Overshots o Series 10 Sucker Rod Overshots o Series 20 Short Catch Sucker Rod Overshots o Series 70 Short Catch Overshots o Series 150 Releasing and Circulating Overshots Series 150 Overshots Accessory Equipment o Extension Sub o Oversized Guides o Wall Hook Guides o Hollow Mill Extension Subs o Hollow Mill Inserts o Mill Guides o Cross-over Bushings Lead Impression Blocks o Impression Block o Die Collars Fishing Tools - Internal Catch o Releasing Spears o Releasing Spear Packoffs o Releasing Spear Stop Subs o Taper Taps o Crank Shaft Rope Spears o Center Prong Rope Spears o Marine Spears Fishing Tools - Junk Retrieval o Core Type Junk Baskets o Reverse Circulation Junk Baskets o Full Flow Reverse Junk Baskets Light Duty Ditch Magnets o Heavy Duty Ditch Magnets o Fishing Magnets
Drilling, Milling and Cutting Tools Junk Subs - Integral Welded Cup Type Junk Subs - Removable Threaded Cup Type Rotary Subs / Cross-over Subs Junk Mills - Concave, Flat Bottom, Econo Types Taper Mills Pilot Mills Window Mills String Mills Tungsten Carbide, Tinning Rod, Brazing Flux Standard External Cutters Hydaulic External Cutters Internal Cutters Multi-String Pressure Pipe Cutters
Accessory Fishing Tools Tubular Wireline Jars Hydraulic Wireline Jars Hydraulic Fishing Jars 'Z' Type Hydraulic Jars Jar Energizers Fishing Bumper Subs Lubricated Fishing Bumper Subs Surface Bumper Jars Hydraulic Drilling Jars Mechanical Drilling Jars Coarse Thread Safety Joints for Tubing, Drill Pipe and Washover Pipe Cable Hangers and Liners
Catalog 2008
Clipper Energy Supply Co. will exercise various levels of quality control in regards to Purchasing, Shipping and Invoicing, depending on the needs of the customer. This quality control will be divided into three groups for new equipment, such as pipe, valves, fittings and other similar materials. Quality Control Levels in Purchasing, Inspecting, Crating, Shipping and Billing QC Level 1: This is the minimum level of quality/documentation control for goods procured by Clipper for sale to customers. It will include the following steps at a minimum level: A. Comparison of customers PO with Suppliers offer to assure they match. If any discrepancies are found, or if items are not correctly specified or are illegible, the person quoter in charge will contact the customer for clarification. B. Ordering of following materials when Clippers PO is sent to the supplier: (if applicable) o Product catalog to accompany billing o Material safety data sheets or DOT requirements for transport. o Installation, operation,service or similar manuals or information sheets should be ordered to include with shipment (sent to the warehouse, unless shipment will leave from some other point). If extra copies of these materials are available they will be included with the documentation and billing to the customer (but not sent to the bank with L/C documents) C. All quality control paperwork for QC 1 projects will be sent with billing to the customer, with no need to maintain copies for Clipper Shipping Files. QC Level 2: This is the intermediate level of quality/documentation control for goods procured by Clipper for sale to customers. It will include the following steps at a minimum level: A. Comparison of customers PO with Suppliers offer to assure they match. If any discrepancies are found, or if items are not correctly specified or are illegible, the person in charge (see table below) will contact the customer for clarification. B. Ordering of following printed materials when Clippers PO is sent to the supplier: (if applicable) Product catalog to accompany billing Material safety data sheets or DOT requirements for transport.
Installation, operation,service or similar manuals or information sheets should be ordered to include with shipment. If extra copies are available they will also be included with the billing. C. Ordering of copies of MTR's when applicable. These MTR's can be copies of originals, but must be legible and complete. The name of the original supplier can be changed on this quality control level, and before being sent to the customer we can change the name of the original purchaser, using a Clipper tag. No other modification of an MTR will be allowed under QC level 2. The materials for which MTR's are required for level 2 are: Steel fittings, forged, welded or formed, such as A105, A234 WPB, 316L, etc. Steel pipe, Seamless and ERW or Fusion Welded, or Sprial Welded, to any of the usual pipe norms (A53, A106, API 5L, Grades A-D), etc. Steel plate and structurals to any common industry standard (A36, A516, A515, A283, etc.) Under QC 2 for other components purchased by Clipper, a Manufacturer's Compliance Certificate (MCC) is acceptable, or, if unavailable then a Supplier's Compliance Certificate (SCC) from the wholesaler is acceptable. Under QC 2 Clipper's warehouse will be responsible for confirming that the MTR's and/or MCC's and SCC's correspond generally to the materials shipped on the order. The warehouse supervisor is reponsible for filling in a QC Checklist for projects which are QC2 or QC3. If the materials on a QC2 project do not pass through our warehouse, then we will provide the supplier with a Supplier's QC Checklist, on Clipper Stationary, unless the supplier has provided Clipper previously with a copy of their QC manual. All Quality Control paperwork for QC2 projects will be sent to customer with billing, and will also be maintained in a copy in the shipping file for a period of six months after shipment has occurred.
QC Level 3: This is thehighest level of quality control and will apply whenever third party quality control or ASME/API/ISO requirements are in effect according to customers PO. Tthis will also include any project that has more stringent standards than usual, such as Charpy Impacts, Hydrostatic Tests, Flow Tests, Operational Tests, Ultrasonic, HIC requirements, etc.
Catalog 2008
B. C.
Comparison of customers PO with Suppliers offer to assure they match. If any discrepancies are found, or if items are not correctly specified or are illegible, the Quoter in charge will contact the customer for clarification. Backup comparison of Customer PO, Supplier Quote and Clipper PO by Clipper Expeditor Ordering of following printed materials when Clippers PO is sent to the supplier: (if applicable) o Product catalog to accompany billing o Material safety data sheets or DOT requirements for transport. o Installation, operation,service or similar manuals or information sheets should be ordered to include with shipment. If extra copies are available they will also be included with the billing. o MTRs, which must be provided with Billing and with material shipment to Clipper warehouse. (Advise seller of requirement to provide MTRs with Truck Bill of Lading. Ordering of copies of MTR's is required. These MTR's can be copies of originals, as long as they are signed in original by the seller if the seller is not the original manufacturer,but in any case all MTRsmust be legible and complete. The name of the original supplier cannot be changed on this quality control level of quality control. No modification of an MTR will be allowed under QC Level 3 The materials for which MTR's are required for level 3 o Steel fittings, forged, welded or formed, such as A105, A234 WPB, 316L, etc. o Steel pipe, Seamless and ERW or Fusion Welded, or Sprial Welded, to any of the usual pipe norms (A53, A106, API 5L, Grades A-D), etc. o Steel plate and structurals to any common industry standard (A36, A516, A515, A283, etc.)
Under QC 3 for other components purchased by Clipper, a Manufacturer's Compliance Certificate (MCC) is acceptable, but a vendors supplier certificate is not acceptable alone, without the supporting documentation from the original manufacturer. Under QC 3 Clipper's warehouse will be responsible for confirming that the MTR's and/or MCC's correspond exactly to the materials shipped on the order. The warehouse supervisor is reponsible for filling in a QC Checklist for projects which are QC2 or QC3. If the materials on a QC2 project do not pass through our warehouse, then we will provide the supplier with a Supplier's QC Checklist, on Clipper Stationary, unless the supplier has provided Clipper previously with a copy of their QC manual. All Projects which have third party inspection requirements will be considered QC3. Also projects in which materials are supplied to manufacturers with API, ASME or similar certifications which require materials verification, will be handled as QC3, even if no third party inspection is required according to the Customer PO. All Quality Control paperwork for QC3 projects will be sent to customer with billing, and with the materials if possible. Since this is not possible with plate, pipe and structurals, these originals must be sent with the billing, but for fittings, valves and other materials, MTRs, in clear and legible condition must be crated with the product, and will also be maintained in a copy in the shipping file for a period of 5 years after shipment has occurred, or until the file is destroyed after a minimum of 5 years from the date of shipment. Jeffrey Casey President Maria Reyna Lopez Quality Documentation Manager
Juan Leon Mera 1741 y Orellana, 4to piso Quito- Ecuador 593-2-2543000 fax 593-2-2523400 [email protected]
3355 West ALABAMA SUITE 1100 HOUSTON, TX 77098- USA 713-965-0006- FAX 713-965-0209 [email protected]
Catalog 2008