Letras Ok Computer
Letras Ok Computer
Letras Ok Computer
autor: Radiohead
Polica de karma
No Suprises
No Sorpresas
Despiertade tu sueo
Para secarte tus lgrimas
Desvstete y vstete
Antes de que tu padre nos oiga
Antestodo el infiernose derrumbaba
Respirasigue respirando
No pierdas la calma
Respirasigue respirando
No puedo hacer esto solo
Cntanos una cancin
Una cancin que mantenga la calidez
Hay tanta frialdad
Tanta frialdad
Puedes rer
Una risa despiadada
Esperamos que tus reglas y tu sabidura te estrangulen
Ahora somos uno
En paz eterna
Esperamos que te estrangulenque te estrangulen
Esperamos que te estrangulenque te estrangulen
Esperamos que te estrangulenque te estrangulen
Let down
Please could you stop the noise? I'm trying to get some rest
From all the unborn chikken-voices in my head
What's that? What's that?
When I am king you will be first against the wall
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all
What's that? What's that?
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
Kicking, squealing, Gucci little piggy
You don't remember, you don't remember
Why don't you remember my name?
Off with his head man, off with his head man
Why won't he remember my name?
I guess he does
Rain down, rain down, Come on, rain down on me
From a great height, From a great height...
Rain down, rain down, Come on, rain down on me
From a great height, From a great height...
That's it, sir, you're leaving
The crackle of pig skin
The dust and the screaming
The yuppies networking
The panic, the vomit
The panic, the vomit
God loves his children
God loves his children, yeah
Androide paranoico
Qu es eso? Qu es eso?
La ambicin te hace ver bastante fea
Pateando, chillando, pequeo cerdo
Tu no recuerdas, tu no recuerdas
Por qu no recuerdas mi nombre?
Fuera con su hombre de cabeza, fuera con su hombre de cabeza
Por qu l no recuerda mi nombre?
Supongo que lo hace
Llueve, llueve, vamos, llueve sobre mi
Desde una gran altura, desde una gran altura
Llueve, llueve, vamos, llueve sobre mi
Desde una gran altura, desde una gran altura
As es, seor, ests yndote
El crujido de piel de cerdo
El polvo y el grito
Las redes de los yuppies
El pnico, el vmito
El pnico, el vmito
Dios ama a sus chicos
Dios ama a sus chicos, si
Im on a roll,
Im on a roll this time
I feel my luck could change.
Kill me Sarah,
kill me again with love,
its gonna be a glorious day.
Pull me out of the aircrash,
Pull me out of the lake,
Im your superhero,
we are standing on the edge.
The head of state has called for me by name
but I dont have time for him.
Its gonna be a glorious day!
I feel my luck could change.
Pull me out of the aircrash,
Pull me out of the lake,
Im your superhero,
we are standing on the edge.
El aliento de la maana
No dejo de olvidar el olor del clido aire veraniego
Vivo en una ciudad donde no puedes oler nada de nada
Tienes cuidado con donde pisas por las grietas en el pavimento
All en lo alto los aliengenas planean
Haciendo pelculas caseras para los tos de casa
De todas estas criaturas que encierran sus espritus
Taladran agujeros en s mismos y viven para sus secretos
Todos estn tensos
Ojal todos caigan en picado pronto
Por el sendero del campo a las tantas de la noche cuando estoy
Sbeme a bordo de su precioso barco
Muestrme el mundo como me encantara verlo
Se lo contara a mis amigos pero ellos nunca me creeran
Pensaran que finalmente he perdido la cabeza por completo
Les enseara las estrellas y el sentido de la vida
Me encerraran
Pero yo estara bien
Estoy bien
Slo estoy tenso
In the next world war
in a jack knifed juggernaut,
I am born again.
In the neon sign,
scrolling up and down,
I am born again.
In an interstellar burst,
I am back to save the universe.
In a deep deep sleep,
of the innocent,
I am born again.
In a fast German car,
Im amazed that I survived,
an airbag saved my life.
In an interstellar burst,
I am back to save the universe.
In an interstellar burst,
I am back to save the universe.
In an interstellar burst,
I am back to save the universe.
Fitter Happier
Fitter, happier, more productive,
not drinking too much,
regular exercise at the gym
(3 days a week),
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,
at ease,
eating well
(no more microwave dinners and saturated fats),
a patient better driver,
a safer car
(baby smiling in back seat),
sleeping well
(no bad dreams),
no paranoia,
careful to all animals
(never washing spiders down the plughole),
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then),
will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall),
favors for favors,
fond but not in love,
charity standing orders,
on Sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants),
car wash
(also on Sundays),
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate,
nothing so childish at a better pace,
slower and more calculated,
no chance of escape,
now self-employed,
concerned (but powerless),
an empowered and informed member of society
(pragmatism not idealism),
will not cry in public,
less chance of illness,
tires that grip in the wet
(shot of baby strapped in back seat),
a good memory,
still cries at a good film,
still kisses with saliva,
no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick,
thats driven into frozen winter shit
eso es entrar en
invierno congelado mierda
(la habilidad de reir de la debilidad)
ms en forma, ms sano y ms productivo
un cerdo
en una jaula
de antibiticos
I will stop, I will stop at nothing.
Say the right things when electioneering
I trust I can rely on your vote.
When I go forwards you go backwards
and somewhere we will meet.
When I go forwards you go backwards
and somewhere we will meet.
Ha ha ha
Riot shields, voodoo economics,
its just business, cattle prods and the I.M.F.
I trust I can rely on your vote.
When I go forwards you go backwards
and somewhere we will meet.
When I go forwards you go backwards
and somewhere we will meet.
no parar
no parar por nada
digo las cosas apropiadas
cuando estoy de elecciones
confio que puedo contar con tu voto
cuando voy hacia delante
tu vas hacia atrs
en algn sitio nos encontraremos
voodoo econmicos
son solo negocios
ganado picado y el fmi
confio que puedo contar con tu voto
cuando voy hacia delante
tu vas hacia atrs
en algn sitio nos encontraremos
ey hombre, ms despacio,
ms despacio idiota,
ms despacio, ms despacio
ey hombre, ms despacio,
ms despacio idiota,
ms despacio, ms despacio.