El Septimo Circulo
El Septimo Circulo
El Septimo Circulo
Coleccin El Sptimo Crculo.
Emec, 1945-1956.
139 vv. Seleccin y redaccin de contratapas, en colaboracin con J orge Luis Borges.
1. BLAKE, Nicholas, La bestia debe morir [The Beast Must Die (1938)].
Traduccin de J uan Rodolfo Wilcock.
2. DICKSON CARR, Los anteojos negros [The Black Spectacles (1939)].
Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se titula The
Problem of the Green Capsule.
3. INNES, Michael, La torre y la muerte [Lament for a Maker (1938)].
4. GILBERT, Anthony, Una larga sombra [The Long Shadow (1932)].
5. CAIN, J ames, Pacto de sangre [Double Indemnity (1943)].
6. KENNEDY, Milward, El asesino de sueo [The Murderer of Sleep (1932)].
7. CASPARY, Vera, Laura (1943).
8. KENNEDY, Milward, La muerte glacial [Corpse in Cold Storage (1934)].
Trad. de J uan Rodolfo Wilcock.
9. CHEJ OV, Antn, Extraa confesin [Novosti dnia (1884)].
Trad. de la versin francesa [Un Drame la chasse (1936), por Denis Roche] y prlogo de Manuel Peyrou.
10. HULL, Richard, Mi propio asesino [My Own Murderer (1940)].
Trad. de Estela Canto.
11. CAIN, El cartero llama dos veces [The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934)].
12. PHILLPOTTS, Eden, El Seor Digweed y el seor Lumb [Mr. Digweed and Mr. Lumb
Trad. de Leonor Acevedo de Borges.
13. BLAKE, Nicholas, Los toneles de la muerte [There's Trouble Brewing (1937)].
14. AMORIM, Enrique, El asesino desvelado (1945).
15. GREENE, Graham, El ministerio del miedo [The Ministry of Fear (1943)].
16. WITTING, Clifford, Asesinato en pleno verano [Midsummer Murder (1937)].
17. QUENTIN, Patrick, Enigma para actores [Puzzle for Players (1938)].
Daniel Martino
18. CARR, J ohn Dickson, El crimen de las figuras de cera [The Waxworks Murder (1932)].
Trad. de Estela Canto. Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por
Harper, se titula The Corpse in the Waxworks.
19. GILBERT, Anthony, La gente muere despacio [The Case of the Tea-Cosy's Aunt (1942)].
20. CAIN, El estafador [The Embezzler (1943)].
21. QUENTIN, Patrick, Enigma para tontos [A Puzzle for Fools (1936)].
22. LORAC, E.C.R., La sombra del sacristn [Black Beadle (1939)].
23. COLLINS, W. Wilkie, La piedra lunar [The Moonstone (1868)]. 2 vv.
24. J ARRETT, Cora, La noche sobre el agua [Night Over Fitch's Pond (1933)].
Trad. de Hayde Lange.
25. HEARD, Gerald, Predileccin por la miel [A Taste for Honey (1941)].
26. INNES, Michael, Los otros y el rector [Death at the President's Lodging (1936)].
27. PERUTZ, Leo, El maestro del juicio final [Der Meister des Jngsten Tages (1923)].
28. BLAKE, Nicholas, Cuestin de pruebas [A Question of Proof (1935)].
29. BROCK, Lynn, En acecho [The Stoat (1940)].
30. COLLINS, W. Wilkie, La dama de blanco [The Woman in White (1860)]. 2 vv.
31. BIOY CASARES. Adolfo & OCAMPO, Silvina, Los que aman, odian.
32. GILBERT, Anthony, La trampa [The Mouse Who Wouldn't Play Ball (1943)].
33. CARR, J ohn Dickson, Hasta que la muerte nos separe [Till Death do us Part (1944)].
34. INNES, Michael, Hamlet, venganza! [Hamlet, Revenge! (1937)].
35. BLAKE, Nicholas, Oh, envoltura de la muerte! [Thou Shell of Death (1936)].
36. CARR, J ohn Dickson, La sede de la soberbia [The Seat of the Scornful (1942)].
Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se titula Death
Turns the Tables.
37. PHILLPOTTS, Eden, Eran siete [They Were Seven (1944)].
38. LORAC, E.C.R., Jaque mate al asesino [Checkmate to Murder (1944)].
39. QUENTIN, Patrick, Enigma para divorciadas [Puzzle for Wantoms (1945)].
Daniel Martino
40. CARR, J ohn, El hombre hueco [The Hollow Man (1935)].
Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se titula The
Three Coffins.
41. BROCK, Lynn, La larga busca de monsieur Lamousset [The Two of Diamonds (1926)].
42. PHILLPOTTS, Eden, Los rojos Redmayne [The Red Redmaynes (1922)].
43. KEVERNE, Richard, El hombre del sombrero rojo [The Man in the Red Hat (1930)].
44. POSTGATE, Raymond, Alguien en la puerta [Somebody at the Door (1943)].
45. GILBERT, Anthony, La campana de la muerte [The Bell of Death (1939)].
46. BLAKE, Nicholas, El abominable hombre de nieve [The Case of the Abominable Snowman
47. PLAYER, Robert, El ingenioso seor Stone [The Ingenious Mr. Stone (1945)].
48. PEYROU, Manuel, El estruendo de las rosas (1948).
49. POSTGATE, Veredicto de doce [Veredict of Twelve (1940)].
50. QUENTIN, Patrick, Enigma para demonios [Puzzle for Fiends (1946)].
51. QUENTIN, Patrick, Enigma para fantoches [Puzzle for Puppets (1944)].
52. CARR, J ohn Dickson, El ocho de espadas [The Eight of Swords (1934)].
53. WOODTHORPE, R.C., Una bala para el seor Thorold [The Public School Murder (1932)].
54. HEARD, Gerald, Respuesta pagada [Reply Paid (1942)].
55. INNES, Michael, El peso de la prueba [The Weight of the Evidence (1943)].
56. HEARD, Gerald, Asesinato por reflexin [Murder by Reflection (1942)].
57. GILBERT, Anthony, No abras esa puerta! [Don't Open the Door! (1945)].
58. HILTON, J ames, Fue un crimen? [Was it Murder? (1933)].
Se usa la edicin norteamericana (New York: Harper, 1933). La inglesa (London: Benn, 1931) se titula Murder
at School.
59. BERKELEY, El caso de los bombones envenenados [The Poisoned Chocolates Case
60.CARR, J ohn Dickson, El que susurra [He Who Whispers (1946)].
Daniel Martino
61. QUENTIN, Patrick, Enigma para peregrinos [Puzzle for Pilgrims (1947)].
62. BERKELEY, El dueo de la muerte [Trial and Error (1937)].
63. QUENTIN, Patrick, Corriendo hacia la muerte [Run to Death (1948)].
64. CARR, J ohn Dickson, Las cuatro armas falsas [The Four False Weapons (1937)].
65. GILBERT, Anthony, Levante usted la tapa [Lift Up the Lid (1948)].
66. CURTIS, Peter, Marcha fnebre en tres claves [Dead March in three Keys (1940)].
67. GILBERT, Anthony, Muerte en el otro cuarto [Death in the Wrong Room (1947)].
68. FOWLER, Sydney, Crimen en la buhardilla [The Attic Murder (1946)].
69. VARIOS, El almirante flotante [The Floating Admiral (1931)].
70. CARR, J ohn Dickson, El barbero ciego [The Blind Barber (1934)].
71. HENDERSON, Donald, Adis al crimen [Goodbye to Murder (1946)].
72. GREENE, Graham, El tercer hombre. El dolo cado [The Third Man and The Fallen Idol
Trad. de Silvina Bullrich.
73. LUSTGARTEN, Edgar, Una infortunada ms [One More Unfortunate (1947)].
Se usa la edicin norteamericana (New York: Scribner). La inglesa (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode) se titula A
Case to Answer.
74. DICKSON, Carter, Mis mujeres muertas [My Late Wives (1946)].
Trad. de Estela Canto.
75. WITTING, Clifford, Medida para la muerte [Measure for Murder (1941)].
Trad. de Estela Canto.
76. BLAKE, Nicholas, La cabeza del viajero [Head of a Traveller (1949)].
77. BURT, Michael, El caso de las trompetas celestiales [The Case of the Angels Trumpets
78. DICKENS, Charles, El misterio de Edwin Drood [The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870)].
Trad. de Dora de Alvear.
79. HARE, Cyril, Husped para la muerte [Tenant for Death (1937)].
Trad. de Jos Bianco.
Daniel Martino
80. PHILLPOTTS, Eden, Una voz en la oscuridad [A Voice from the Dark (1925)].
81. CUMBERLAND, Marten, La punta del cuchillo [The Knife will Fall (1943)].
82. VALBECK, Michael, Cados en el infierno [Headlong from Heaven (1947)].
Trad. de Hayde Lange.
83. STRONG, L.A.G.: Todo se derrumba [All Fall Down (1944)].
84. OURSLER, Will, Legajo Florence White [Folio on Florence White (1942)].
85. WALPOLE, Hugh, En la plaza oscura [Above the Dark Circus (1931)].
Trad. de Cecilia Ingenieros.
86. HULL, Richard, Prueba de nervios [A Matter of Nerves (1950)].
87. QUENTIN, Patrick, El buscador [The Follower (1950)].
88. CAREY, Bernice, El hombre que eludi el castigo [The Man Who Got Away With it (1950)].
Trad. de J uan Rodolfo Wilcock.
89. EASTMAN, Elizabeth, El ratn de los ojos rojos [The Mouse With Red Eyes (1948)].
Trad. de Jos Bianco.
90. MILLAR, Margaret, Pagars con maldad [Do Evil in Return (1950)].
91. BLAKE, Nicholas, Minuto para el crimen [Minute for Murder (1947)].
92. LUSTGARTEN, Edgar, Veredictos discutidos [Verdict in Dispute (1949)].
93. BERROW, Norman, Peligro en la noche [Don't go out after dark (1950)].
Trad. de Rodolfo J . Walsh.
94. CARR, J ohn Dickson, Los suicidios constantes [The Case of the Constant Suicides (1941)].
95. BURT, Michael, El caso de la joven alocada [The Case of the Fast Young Lady (1942)].
96. CROMMELYNCK, Fernand, Es usted el asesino? [Monsieur Larose, est-il l'assassin?
Trad. de Jos Bianco.
97. DES CARS, Guy, El solitario [La Brute (1951)].
98. BURT, Michael, El caso del jesuita risueo [The Case of the Laughing Jesuit (1948)].
99. CASPARY, Bedelia (1945).
Daniel Martino
100. WALSH, Thomas, Pesadilla en Manhattan [Nightmare in Manhattan (1950)].
101. HULL, Richard, El asesinato de mi ta [The Murder of my Aunt (1934)].
102. RICE GUINNES, Alex, Bajo el signo del odio (1953).
103. TEY, J osephine, Brat Farrar (1949).
104. DICKSON, Carter, La ventana de Judas [The Judas Window (1938)].
105. MILLAR, Margaret, Las rejas de hierro [The Iron Gates (1945)].
106. WELLS, Anna Mary, Miedo a la muerte [Fear of Death (1951)].
Trad. de Hayde Lange.
107. DICKSON Carter, Muerte en cinco cajas [Death in Five Boxes (1938)].
108. CASPARY, Vera, Ms extrao que la verdad [Stranger Than Truth (1947)].
109. FORESTER, C.S., Cuenta pendiente [Payment deferred (1951)].
110. DICKSON, Carter La estatua de la viuda [Night at the Mocking Widow (1950)].
111. TREE, Gregory, Una mortaja para la abuela [A Shroud for Grandmama (1951)].
112. TEY, J osephine, Arenas que cantan [The Singing Sands (1952)].
113. MILLAR, Margaret, Muerte en el estanque [Rose's Last Summer (1952)].
114. VERY, Pierre, Los Goupi [Goupi mains Rouges (1949)].
115. MASTERMAN, J . C., Tragedia en Oxford [An Oxford Tragedy (1954)].
Trad. de Carlos Peralta.
116. PARKER, Pasaporte para el peligro [Passport to Peril (1951)].
117. LINKLATER, Eric, El seor Byculla [Mr. Byculla (1950)].
118. BLAKE, Nicholas, El hueco fatal [The Dreadful Hollow (1954)].
119. ELLIN, Stanley, El crimen de la calle Nicholas [The Key to Nicholas Street (1952)].
120. PHILLPOTTS, Eden, El cuarto gris [The Grey Room (1921)].
121. STAFFORD, Marjorie, La muerte toca el gramfono [Death Plays the Gramophone
Daniel Martino
122. WARMAN, Eric, Blando por dentro [Soft at the Centre (1953)].
123. BOSCO, M Anglica, La muerte baja en el ascensor (1955).
124. ATIYAH, Edward, La lnea sutil [The Thin Line (1951)].
125. SYMONS, J ulian, El crculo se estrecha [The Narrowing Circle (1954)].
126. STRONG, L.A.G., Slocombe muere [Slocombe Dies (1942)].
127. MARCH, William, Simiente perversa [The Bad Seed (1954)].
128. BURNS, Robert Elliott, Soy un fugitivo [I'm a fugitive from a Georgia Chain Gang!
129. FITT, Mary, Claves para Cristabel [Clues for Christabel (1944)].
130. BLAKE, Nicholas, Susurro en la penumbra [The Whisper in the Gloom (1954)].
131. CASPARY, El falso rostro [False Face (1954)].
132. KATZ, Richard, El caso ms difcil [Per Hills schwerster Fall (1956)].
133. SYMONS, J ulian, El 31 de febrero [The Thirty-Firtst of February (1950)].
134. GROUSSARD, Serge, La mujer sin pasado [La Femme sans pass (1950)].
135. HARE, Cyril, Un crimen ingls [An English Murder (1951)].
136. BOUCHER, Anthony, El siete del calvario [The Case of the Seven of Calvary (1937)].
137. J AY, Charlotte, El ojo fugitivo [The Fugitive Eye (1954)].
138. PRESCOTT, H.F.M., El muerto insepulto [Dead and not Buried (1938)].
139. QUENTIN, Patrick, Mi hijo, el asesino [My Son, the Murderer (1954)].
Trad. de J uan Rodolfo Wilcock.
Daniel Martino
Autores seleccionados
Amorim, Enrique (1900-1960): v. 14.
Atiyah, Edward (1903-1964): v. 124.
Berkeley, Anthony [seud. de Anthony Berkeley Cox
(1893-1971)]: vv. 59 y 62.
Berrow, Norman (1902-?): v. 93.
Bioy Casares, Adolfo (1914-1999): v.31.
Blake, Nicholas [seud. de C. Day Lewis (1904-
1972)]: vv. 1, 13, 28, 35, 46, 76, 91, 118, 130.
Bosco, M Anglica (1917-2006): v. 123.
Boucher, Anthony [seud. de William Anthony P.
White (1911-1968)]: v. 136.
Brock, Lynn [seud. de Alister McAllister (1877-
1943)]: vv. 29 y 41.
Burns, Robert Elliott (1892-1955): v. 128.
Burt, Michael (1900-?): vv. 77, 95, 98.
Cain, J ames (1892-1977): vv. 5, 11 y 20.
Carey, Bernice (1911-1990): v. 88.
Carr, J ohn Dickson (1906-1977): vv. 2, 18, 33, 37,
40, 52, 60, 64, 70, 94.
Caspary, Vera (1904-1987): vv. 7, 99, 108, 131.
Collins, J ohn Wilkie (1824-1889): vv. 23 (2 tomos),
30 (2 tomos).
Crommelynck, Fernand (1886-1970).: v. 96.
Cumberland, Marten (1892-1972): v. 81.
Curtis, Peter [seud. de Norah Lofts (1904-1983)]: v.
Chejov, Anton (1860-1904): v. 9.
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870): v. 78.
Des Cars, Guy (1911-1993): v. 97.
Dickson, Carter (ver CARR, J OHN DICKSON): vv.
74, 104, 107, 110.
Eastman, Elizabeth (1909- ?): v. 89.
Ellin, Stanley (1916-1986): v. 119.
Fitt, Mary [seud. de Kathleen Freeman (1897-1959)]:
v. 129.
Forester, C.S. (1899-1966): v. 109.
Fowler, Sydney (1874-1965): v. 68.
Gilbert, Anthony [seud. de Lucy Beatrice Malleson
(1899-1973)]: vv. 4, 19, 32, 45, 57, 65, 67.
Greene, Graham (1904-1991): vv. 15, 72.
Groussard, Serge (n.1921): v. 134.
Hare, Cyril [seud. de Alfred Alexander Clark (1900-
1958)]: vv. 79, 135.
Heard, Gerald [seud. de H. F. Heard (1889-1971)]:
vv 25, 54, 56.
Henderson, Donald (1905-?): v. 71.
Hilton, J ames (1900-1954): v. 58.
Hull, Richard [seud. de Richard H. Sampson (1896-
1973): vv. 10, 86, 101.
Innes, Michael [seud. de J ohn Innes Mackintosh
Stewart (1906-1994)]: vv. 3, 26, 34, 55.
Jarrett, Cora (1877-?): v. 24.
Jay, Charlotte [seud. de Geraldine Mary J ay (1919-
1996)]: v. 137.
Katz, Richard (1888-1968): v. 132.
Kennedy, Milward [seud. de Milward R. Kennedy
Burge (1892-1968)]: vv. 6, 8.
Keverne, Richard [seud. de Clifford J . Wheeler
Hosken (1882-1950): v. 43.
Linklater, Eric (1899-1974): v. 117.
Lorac, E.C.R. [seud. de Edith Caroline Rivett (1894-
1958)]: vv. 22, 36.
Lustgarten, Edgar (1907-1978): vv. 73, 92.
March, William (1893-1954): v. 127.
Masterman, J ohn Cecil (1891-1977): v. 115.
Millar, Margaret (1915-1994): vv. 90, 105, 113.
Ocampo, Silvina (1903-1993): v. 31
Oursler, Will (1913-1985): v. 84.
Perutz, Leo (1882-1957): v. 27.
Parker, Robert (1932- ?): v. 116.
Peyrou, Manuel (1902-1974): v. 48.
Phillpotts, Eden (1862-1960): vv. 12, 38, 42, 80,
Player, Robert [seud. de Robert Furneaux J ordan
(1905-1978)]: v. 47.
Postgate, Raymond (1896-1971): vv. 44, 49.
Prescott, H. F. M. (1896-1972): v. 138.
Quentin, Patrick [seud. de Hugh Wheeler (1912-
1987)]: vv. 17, 21, 39, 50, 51, 61, 63, 87, 139.
Rice Guinnes, Alex [seud. de Alejandro Ruiz
Guiaz (1910-)]: v. 102.
Stafford, Marjorie (?): v. 121.
Strong, L. A. G. (1896-1958): vv. 83, 126.
Symons, J ulian (1912-1994): vv. 125, 133.
Tey, J osephine [seud. de Elizabeth Mackintosh
(1897-1952)]: vv. 103, 112.
Tree, Gregory [seud. de J ohn F. Bardin (1916-?)]: v.
Valbeck, Michael (?): v. 82.
Very, Pierre (1900-1960): v. 114.
Walpole, Hugh (1884-1941): v. 85.
Walsh, Thomas (1908-?): v. 100.
Warman, Eric (?): v. 122.
Wells, Anna Mary (?): v. 106.
Witting, Clifford (1907-1968): vv. 16, 75.
Woodthorpe, R.C. (?): v. 53.
El almirante flotante [Obra conjunta]: v. 69.