Managing your money and personal finances is one of the key ways towards living a joyful life. Learn how to live within a budget AND save for you and your family's future.
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What Is The FIRE Movement? - Positively Jane
What is the FIRE movement ? F.I.R.E. stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. This is a movement of people who have decided that they do not have to wait until they are 65 to quit working. They have decided that they would rather have extreme savings and investments NOW - learn more about it on the blog.
Are You Ready For Retirement? - Positively Jane
Are you financially ready for retirement ? Do you have enough savings to live comfortably as you deserve to in later life? Will you have enough money to live in the lifestyle you deserve when you retire? Get my tips for planning for retirement and making sure you can live a joyful life in your older years.
Budgeting For Beginners - Positively Jane
Learn how to make a budget for you and your family. Get out of debt, don't overspend and save for the future of your family and for retirement. Read my advice on budgeting your finances and get your free budget plan on the blog.
Budgeting For Beginners - Positively Jane
Learn how to make a budget for you and your family. Get out of debt, don't overspend and save for the future of your family and for retirement. Read my advice on budgeting your finances and get your free budget plan on the blog.
Are You Ready For Retirement? - Positively Jane
Are you financially ready for retirement ? Do you have enough savings to live comfortably as you deserve to in later life? Will you have enough money to live in the lifestyle you deserve when you retire? Get my tips for planning for retirement and making sure you can live a joyful life in your older years.
Are You Ready For Retirement? - Positively Jane
Are you financially ready for retirement ? Do you have enough savings to live comfortably as you deserve to in later life? Will you have enough money to live in the lifestyle you deserve when you retire? Get my tips for planning for retirement and making sure you can live a joyful life in your older years.
5 Ways To Get Ahead Financially - Positively Jane
If you're looking at ways to get ahead financially, here are 5 great ideas to get you started! Stop overspending, get out of debt and read my tips for creating financial independence.
5 Ways To Get Ahead Financially - Positively Jane
If you're looking at ways to get ahead financially, here are 5 great ideas to get you started! Stop overspending, get out of debt and read my tips for creating financial independence.
5 Ways To Get Ahead Financially - Positively Jane
If you're looking at ways to get ahead financially, here are 5 great ideas to get you started! Stop overspending, get out of debt and read my tips for creating financial independence.
Budgeting For Beginners - Positively Jane
Learn how to make a budget for you and your family. Get out of debt, don't overspend and save for the future of your family and for retirement. Read my advice on budgeting your finances and get your free budget plan on the blog.
What Is The Purpose Of A Budget? - Positively Jane
What is the purpose of a budget ? It helps to stop you over spending, that's what! It is an opportunity for you to plan ahead financially, create and organize your financial goals, and track your spending habits. ALL of this happens so that you can improve your financial situation. Let's get started! Grab my 40 ways to save money free download and start your journey towards financial independence and freedom!
How To Get Out of Debt with The Snowball Method
Are you struggling to get out of debt ? Is your debt snowballing and causing you anxiety and constant worry ? Read my tips for getting your finances in order and creating financial freedom and independence. Get out of debt, stop overspending and make steps towards a joyful life.
The Importance Of Your Debt-to-Income Ratio - Positively Jane
Do you know what a 'debt to income ratio' is ? No, many people don't know and they don't know theirs! Your debt-to-income ratio is all of your monthly debt payments divided by your gross income. If you are looking to buy a home or any other large purchase then you will need to have yours worked out. Find out how to work out your DTIR and what you can do to make it better so that you can start living a joyful life and create financial independence.
How to Put Joy in Your Finances
It is totally possible for Money to Equal just takes a plan on your part to NOT let money rule your life AND a plan to be the BOSS of YOUR money! Read the blog post - let Positively Jane show you how to put the joy in YOUR finances! #financialjoy #joyinfiances #budgetsandmoney