Accessibility features in computers

A variety of programs, input, and output devices to help make tech more accessible.
12 Pins
Official Speech Recognition Tutorial (Windows 7)
Official Speech Recognition Tutorial (Windows 7)
In Eye Control, A Promise To Let Your Tablet Go Hands-Free
The open-source software produced by the Gaze Group uses infrared light to track the pupils of users' eyes, allowing them to control the cursor on a mobile or desktop computer.
Eyegaze communication in action
Jason is using an eye-gaze system, and he is able to choose items on the system by looking at it and the system picks up the place that he is looking. When he looks long enough, the advice picks it for him and says it out loud.
School Health Health Supplies | School Health
OnScreen Keyboard with WordComplete - This program helps the student enter text into any application on the computer. If a student has limited mobility or poor fine motor skills, this tool could be useful for them.
Supporting Students with Low Vision Using Apple Technology – Paths to Literacy
Rree iBook with lots of information on supporting students with low vision to use Apple Technology.
Designing Accessible Documents With Microsoft Word
Designing accessible documents with Microsoft Word. Creating accessible documents for people with print disabilities.
Smart Apps For Special Needs: Accessibility Options for iPad: Helping with Visual Impairments
Resources for Using JAWS for Windows – Paths to Literacy
Helpful resources for using JAWS for Windows, which is a screen reader with speech and braille output