
21 Pins
Study Skills-Middle School-Nine Week Curriculum
This middle school study skills curriculum is perfect for grades 6 through 8. It is designed specifically for a middle school class and will help all middle schoolers improve their study skills. This resource was developed as a 9-week elective course but you can use these study skills lessons with your homeroom/advisory class, academic support class, study hall students, or embedded within any content area class. This 305-page/slide resource is easy to follow and low prep! What you get:
Best Ways to Teach SEL - Using games to help build mindfulness, team-building, and empathy
Dive into 14 classroom-tested Social Emotional Learning games designed to enhance empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills. Ideal for teachers on the lookout for interactive lessons that promote positive behavior and teamwork. Discover new ways to nurture emotional wellness in students. #SEL #TeamBuilding #EdChat
Class Culture Quilt Project and Bulletin Board - Community Building Craft
Do you want a fun way for students to share their cultures and beliefs? Use this product to create a class quilt where all students can showcase their culture, interests, and beliefs. This fun activity can be used at the beginning of the school year to build community, decorate your classroom, and get to know your students. This activity can also be paired with literature to bring writing to life. The short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker and the poem "My Mother Pieced Quilts" by Teresa Pal
Why Teachers Should Create Vision Boards With Their Students - Study All Knight
Vision boards for students are an amazing tool that helps keep you motivated and determined to make your future real. Teachers promoting a growth mindset will continue to encourage hard work and determination and the vision board supports the goals the student will strive for. Vision boards display words and images of what you want to get out of life. Grades 5-12. Middle School. New Years activity, back to school, setting goals.
Integrity and Honesty - Middle School: Activities | Made By Teachers
Integrity and Honesty | Middle School: Activities, Scenarios, Quotes, and More is a 4-class-long resource to teach and learn about integrity. Let’s show our kids…