Scrivener and Apps

82 Pins
1 Section
Creating a book series “bible” using Scrivener, Scapple, and Aeon Timeline
The why and how of creating a book series bible based on Scrivener using the strengths of Scapple as well as Aeon Timeline.
Using Scrivener to Write a Novel
Another 4-part structure template
Magic Metadata: Using Scrivener for Drafting and Revising
Magic Metadata: Using Scrivener for Drafting and Revising
Blake Snyder's Beat Sheet and Scrivener
A screenshot of my novel 'Crash' plotted with a beat sheet and Scrivener.
Snowflake method template for Scrivener 2.x
Snowflake method template for Scrivener 2.x
Outliner in Scrivener vs Outliner in Circus Ponies Notebook — Structure (Scrivener) vs Content (CPN) Outlines
Blog - Literature & Latte
Scrivener 3: Redesigning Compile – The Cellar Door
Plottr Software and the Snowflake Method
Plottr Software and the Snowflake Method | Advanced Fiction Writing