
64 Pins
Motorsteuerung mit Arduino und Raspberry Pi
Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit DC-Elektromotoren und deren Einsatz in Arduino und Raspberry Pi Zero W-Projekten. Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Motorsteuerungsprojekte, wobei jedes Projekt denselben Aufbau besitzt: Projekttitel Beschreibung des Projekts Blockschaltbild Schaltplan Zusammenbau Vollständiges Programmlisting Umfassende Erläuterung des Programms Die Projekte im Buch umfassen die Standard-DC-Motoren, Schrittmotoren, Servomotoren und mobile Roboter. Das Buch richtet sich an Elektronik-B
Researchers create organic nanowire synaptic transistors that emulate the working principles of biological synapses
(—A team of researchers with the Pohang University of Science and Technology in Korea has created organic nanowire synaptic transistors that emulate the working principles of biological synapses. As they describe in their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the artificial synapses they have created use much smaller amounts of power than other devices developed thus far and rival that of their biological counterparts.
Successful real-time observation of atomic motion with sub-nanometer resolution
Successful real-time observation of atomic motion with sub-nanometer resolution
DIY Mini Variable Lab Bench Power Supply by KRALYN3D
LED Cloudscape Lighting
jlord911 used LED lighting to make a unique and decorative clodescape lighting / lamp effect. #Instructables #electronics #technology #lighting #decor
LED Cloudscape Lighting
jlord911 used LED lighting to make a unique and decorative clodescape lighting / lamp effect. #Instructables #electronics #technology #lighting #decor