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Audiolibro (versión resumida)3 horas


Escrito por Bram Stoker

Narrado por Armando Hernandez

Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Drácula es una novela del escritor irlandés Bram Stoker, uno de los exponentes más importantes del romanticismo europeo a finales del siglo XIX. Es una novela maestra y canónica en la literatura gótica tanto por su historia como por su novedad en la época y por las repercusiones que tuvo en la cultura y la literatura.

La novela fue publicada 1897 cuando Bram Stoker sufría graves estados de depresión que lo aislaron de la vida social. Drácula toma elementos de la realidad y los mitos sobre el vampirismo en Europa Oriental, uniéndolos a la ficción y los escenarios de Londres a finales del siglo XIX como epicentro de la acción. 

Fecha de lanzamiento9 nov 2021

Bram Stoker

A native Chicagoan, Jody Lynn Nye is a New York Times bestselling author of more than fifty books and 165 short stories. As a part of Bill Fawcett & Associates (she is the ‘ & Associates’ ), she has helped to edit more than two hundred books, including forty anthologies, with a few under her own name. She and Bill are the authors of Conventional Wisdom, another in the Million Dollar Writing series for Wordfire Press. Her solo work tends toward the humorous side of SF and fantasy. Along with her individual writing, Jody has collaborated with several notable professionals in the field, including Anne McCaffrey, Robert Asprin, John Ringo, and Piers Anthony. She collaborated with Robert Asprin on a number of his famous Myth-Adventures series, and has continued both that and his Dragons Wild series since his death in 2008. Jody runs the two-day intensive writers’ workshop at DragonCon, every Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, GA. She is also a judge for the Writers of the Future contest, the largest speculative fiction contest in the world. Jody lives in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, with her husband Bill Fawcett, a writer, game designer, military historian and book packager, and three feline overlords, Athena, Minx, and Marmalade. Check out her websites at and She is on Facebook as Jody Lynn Nye and Twitter @JodyLynnNye.

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    No se lo pierdan, realmente maravillosa. El narrador nos lleva por momentos inesperados. Valió mucho la pena.