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Tres Historias Muy Cortas y Aleatorias
Tres Historias Muy Cortas y Aleatorias
Tres Historias Muy Cortas y Aleatorias
Audiolibro10 minutos

Tres Historias Muy Cortas y Aleatorias

Calificación: 3 de 5 estrellas



Información de este audiolibro

Esta antología contiene tres cuentos al azar. Algunos son divertidos, otros son escalofriantes y la mayoría son simplemente raros:

Contiene las siguientes historias.

El ascenso y la caída de Melchriess.

Teocracia con un lado positivo.

Deja salir al gato de la bolsa.

Fecha de lanzamiento27 may 2020
Tres Historias Muy Cortas y Aleatorias

Martin Lundqvist

Martin's background Martin is a Swedish male born in 1985 He has lived in Australia since 2012, and has been with his partner Elaine Hidayat since 2013. Martin's writing history Martin wrote wrote his first book, the psychological crime thriller James Locker: The Duality of Fate back in 2013.  After that Martin had a break from book writing for a couple of years. In late 2016, Martin decided to take up book writing again and he finished his Science Fiction novel The Divine Dissimulation a year later. In July 2018 Martin finished his third book, The Divine Sedition. which constitutes the second book in The Divine Zetan trilogy. In 2018 Martin also wrote a short-story for children Matt's Amazing Week and a parody novella called Divine Space Gods: Abraham's Follies In January 2019 Martin finished writing Divine Space Gods II: Revolution for Dummies Martin's style Martin is a multi-genre writer who likes to mix up his works. So far he has released works in the crime, science fiction, humor and children genre, and he intend to write more genres in the future to mix up his repertoire and improve his writing.

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