Konya, Anadolu’nun orta guney kisminda, genis bir ovanin batisindaki Alaeddin Tepesi uzerinde kur... more Konya, Anadolu’nun orta guney kisminda, genis bir ovanin batisindaki Alaeddin Tepesi uzerinde kurulmustur. Burada iskân, Frig doneminde (MO. VIII-VI. yuzyillar arasi) insa edilen sur icinde baslamistir. Malazgirt zaferinden (1071) kisa bir sure sonra Anadolu Selcuklularinin eline gecmis; bu devletin baskenti olmustur. Sur ici dolunca iskân surun disina tasmis; I. Alaeddin Keykubat (1220-1237) sehirde oturanlarin guvenligini saglamak icin 1221’de dis kaleyi belli bir plan dâhilinde insa ettirmistir. Bu bolum de dolunca kalenin kapilari disinda, degisik zamanlarda kurulan tekkelerin cevresine iskân tasmis; bu sahadaki genisleme, Karamanogullari ile Osmanli donemlerinde de devam etmis; yeni mahalleler olusmustur. Şehirde ilk carsi-pazar, Ic Kale’nin disinda, simdiki Tahir Pasa Camii tarafinda yer almis; burasi yetersiz kalinca yenisi Iplikci Camii’nin cevresinde kurulmustur. Karamanogullari bu bolgede, Osmanlilar ise XVI. yuzyildan sonra dis surun haricinde yeni ticari alanlar kurmusla...
Numerous tekkes and zawias were built during the reign of the Danishmends, Karamanids and the Ott... more Numerous tekkes and zawias were built during the reign of the Danishmends, Karamanids and the Ottomans in the province of Aksaray, which was one of the oldest centers of Turkish-Islamic culture in the Central Anatolia and fifteen of those had survived until the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries that is the case of this research. In this study, it was interrogated that which religious orders' traditions were followed in tekkes and zawias that were the cores of training, practice, and dissemination of the religion of Islam, and Sufism in the aforementioned timeframe in the province of Aksaray. In the research, especially the Hurufât Books in the Archives of the Directorate General of Foundations, documents related to the subject in the Ottoman Archives of the Directorate of State Archives and studies published on Aksaray were used. As a result, it was determined that many tekkes were still in operation in the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries.
A New Source About Hatunsaray-Sheikh Shibli Zawiya: Waqfiyya of Karamanoghlu Suleiman I The archi... more A New Source About Hatunsaray-Sheikh Shibli Zawiya: Waqfiyya of Karamanoghlu Suleiman I The archive record of the zawiya built by Elvan Sheikh, on behalf of Abu Bekr Shibli in the Gilisra, a village in Konya, is limited and although there are documents referring to the waqfiyya, itself could not be identified. In May 2019, an Arabic document provided by the Konya Manuscripts Regional Directorate by donation was shared with us by Director Bekir Şahin and we reached the waqfiyya that we could not find in the archives. The waqfiyya, which shows that the religious endowment of Sheikh Shibli’s zawiya in Gilisra was founded by Karamanoghlu Suleiman I in 1307, is very important in several ways, therefore a general assessment will be made by giving latinization and Turkish translation in this study.
Konya, Anadolu’nun orta guney kisminda, genis bir ovanin batisindaki Alaeddin Tepesi uzerinde kur... more Konya, Anadolu’nun orta guney kisminda, genis bir ovanin batisindaki Alaeddin Tepesi uzerinde kurulmustur. Burada iskân, Frig doneminde (MO. VIII-VI. yuzyillar arasi) insa edilen sur icinde baslamistir. Malazgirt zaferinden (1071) kisa bir sure sonra Anadolu Selcuklularinin eline gecmis; bu devletin baskenti olmustur. Sur ici dolunca iskân surun disina tasmis; I. Alaeddin Keykubat (1220-1237) sehirde oturanlarin guvenligini saglamak icin 1221’de dis kaleyi belli bir plan dâhilinde insa ettirmistir. Bu bolum de dolunca kalenin kapilari disinda, degisik zamanlarda kurulan tekkelerin cevresine iskân tasmis; bu sahadaki genisleme, Karamanogullari ile Osmanli donemlerinde de devam etmis; yeni mahalleler olusmustur. Şehirde ilk carsi-pazar, Ic Kale’nin disinda, simdiki Tahir Pasa Camii tarafinda yer almis; burasi yetersiz kalinca yenisi Iplikci Camii’nin cevresinde kurulmustur. Karamanogullari bu bolgede, Osmanlilar ise XVI. yuzyildan sonra dis surun haricinde yeni ticari alanlar kurmusla...
Numerous tekkes and zawias were built during the reign of the Danishmends, Karamanids and the Ott... more Numerous tekkes and zawias were built during the reign of the Danishmends, Karamanids and the Ottomans in the province of Aksaray, which was one of the oldest centers of Turkish-Islamic culture in the Central Anatolia and fifteen of those had survived until the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries that is the case of this research. In this study, it was interrogated that which religious orders' traditions were followed in tekkes and zawias that were the cores of training, practice, and dissemination of the religion of Islam, and Sufism in the aforementioned timeframe in the province of Aksaray. In the research, especially the Hurufât Books in the Archives of the Directorate General of Foundations, documents related to the subject in the Ottoman Archives of the Directorate of State Archives and studies published on Aksaray were used. As a result, it was determined that many tekkes were still in operation in the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries.
A New Source About Hatunsaray-Sheikh Shibli Zawiya: Waqfiyya of Karamanoghlu Suleiman I The archi... more A New Source About Hatunsaray-Sheikh Shibli Zawiya: Waqfiyya of Karamanoghlu Suleiman I The archive record of the zawiya built by Elvan Sheikh, on behalf of Abu Bekr Shibli in the Gilisra, a village in Konya, is limited and although there are documents referring to the waqfiyya, itself could not be identified. In May 2019, an Arabic document provided by the Konya Manuscripts Regional Directorate by donation was shared with us by Director Bekir Şahin and we reached the waqfiyya that we could not find in the archives. The waqfiyya, which shows that the religious endowment of Sheikh Shibli’s zawiya in Gilisra was founded by Karamanoghlu Suleiman I in 1307, is very important in several ways, therefore a general assessment will be made by giving latinization and Turkish translation in this study.
Papers by Yusuf Küçükdağ