Papers by Bünyamin Tilavel

Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Master Thesis), 2019
Usûl is one of the two main elements of the music. In the system of meşk which is a basic educati... more Usûl is one of the two main elements of the music. In the system of meşk which is a basic education model of the Turkish music, usûl, has a prominent role in the process of handing down the Turkish music to the next generations. Although Turkish Folk Music and Classical Turkish Music are nourished from the same source, the works produced are in different kinds and forms. In our study, the different perspectives in the usûls of Turkish Folk Music and Classical Turkish Music have been revealed and at the same time, the role and the importance of usûl in a consistent sense of education and performance have been examined. The current perception of usûl in Turkish Folk Music cannot express and contain the tradition enough, which also affects the performance and education in a negative way. Within this context, ensuring the integrity by reading music can only be possible with the usûl. As a solution, it has been tried to present a suggestion by taking into consideration of the necessity of expressing and performing the ballads within the frame of Turkish Music’s usûl tradition. In this study, the necessity of developing the common theory of usûl has also been emphasized. The notes of the ballads measured with larger timings taking part in TRT Turkish Folk Music’s repertoire have been examined, and the measuring errors have been taken into consideration with the underlying reasons. In addition to that, it has been tried to account for all these errors and results. In this study, a screening model of qualitative research methods was used. The ballads mentioned above are rewritten again in accordance with the findings we obtained. Therefore, a new usûl has been suggested to Turkish music usûl corpus.

İSTEM - İslâm, San'at, Tarih, Edebiyat ve Mûsikîsi Dergisi, Dec 29, 2017
An Evaluation for The Ballads Measured With 23 and 30 Bars Taking Partin Trt Turkish Folk Music’s... more An Evaluation for The Ballads Measured With 23 and 30 Bars Taking Partin Trt Turkish Folk Music’s Repertoire in Consideration of The Turkish Music’s Usûl Tradition. The concept ‘usûl’ is one of the two main elements of the music. In the system of ‘meşk’ which is a basic education model of the Turkish music, usûl, has a prominent role in the process of handing down the Turkish music to the next generations. Although Turkish Folk Music and Classical Turkish Music are nourished from the same source, the works produced are in different kinds and forms. In our study, the different perspectives in the ‘usûls’ of Turkish Folk Music and Classical Turkish Music have been revealed and at the same time, the role and the importance of ‘usûl’ in a consistent sense of education and performance have been examined. The current perception of ‘usûl’ in Turkish FolkMusic cannot express and contain the tradition enough, which also affects the performance and education in a negative way. As a solution, it has been tried to present a suggestion by taking into consideration of the necessity of expressing and performing the ballads within the frame of Turkish Music’s ‘usûl’ tradition. Within this context, ensuring the integrity by reading music can only be possible with the ‘usûl’. In this study, the necessity of developing the common theory of‘usûl’ has also been emphasized. The notes of the ballads measured with 23 and 30 bars taking part in TRT Turkish Folk Music’s repertoire have been examined, and the measuring errors have been taken into consideration with the underlying reasons. In addition to that, it has been tried to account for all these errors and results. The ballads mentioned above are rewritten again in accordance with the findings we obtained. Therefore, a new ‘usûl’ has been suggested to Turkish music ‘usûl’ corpus.
Book Reviews by Bünyamin Tilavel
Türkülerde Usûl ve Velvele - Türk Müziği Usûl Geleneğine Göre (16/8 - 30/8), 2019
ISBN: 978-625-7958-35-6
Papers by Bünyamin Tilavel
Book Reviews by Bünyamin Tilavel