Abstrack : Every human being has experienced a depressed condition commonly known as stress. In... more Abstrack : Every human being has experienced a depressed condition commonly known as stress. In psychology, stress is considered as a psychological symptom that afflicts all professions, including students. This study aims to determine the profile of academic stress felt by students at the State University of Surabaya. The research subjects in this study were students of the Faculty of Education, consisting of eight majors, totaling 487. The Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PASS) instrument from Bedewy and Gabriel (2015), was used after going through the adaptation process first. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine the frequency of each level of perceived academic stress. Based on the results of the analysis showed that as many as 12 students or 2% of the population were in the category of very high academic stress; as many as 136 students or 28% of the population are in the category of high academic stress; as many as 239 students or 49% of the ...
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a medical disorder that can be recognized by s... more ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a medical disorder that can be recognized by specific behavioral characteristics, namely inattention to surroundings, easily distracted condition, and an attitude of following one's own will. Children diagnosed with ADHD require special treatment so that their specificity can be fulfilled. Teacher knowledge about ADHD is an important thing in order to detect and provide the right educational model for students. The implementation of this training in community service uses modules and early detection tools for ADHD children or students. The purpose of this activity is so that teachers can identify the condition of their students whether any of these students lead to the characteristics of ADHD. Based on the results of the post-test and case discussions, the teachers at the beginning of the activity stated that they were still confused about the condition of their students so that they understood the situation of their students mo...
International Journal of Community Service Learning, Jun 11, 2018
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan program pengayaan ekstrakurikul... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan program pengayaan ekstrakurikuler di SD/MI Bahagia, Wonokromo, Surabaya. Pendampingan dilakukan setiap minggu selama dua bulan yaitu April hingga Mei 2017 pada hari Sabtu yang dilakukan oleh tim Peneliti dari Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) bersama dengan tim Bakti Psikologi mahasiswa Psikologi Unesa. Kegiatan pendampingan terdiri dari dua macam kegiatan, yaitu pemberian konsultasi kepada guru dan pemberian kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pada siswa. Dengan demikian, target kegiatan ini mencakup guru dan siswa di Sekolah SD/MI Bahagia. Sekolah SD/MI Bahagia secara khusus dipilih sebab memiliki latar belakang dan keterbatasan sosial-ekonomi yang unik. Pendampingan diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan khusus dan kreativitas guru untuk merancang kegiatan tambahan untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan minat dan keterampilan khususnya pula. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan, hasil menunjukkan meningkatnya keaktifan dan partisipasi siswa dalam kelas, serta meningkatnya keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan media untuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler siswa. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang efektif, dapat berdampak positif pada kemampuan akademik siswa.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kognitif anak dan remaja tunanetra. Penelitian i... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kognitif anak dan remaja tunanetra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sintesis riset (research synthesis). Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan 11 referensi ilmiah tentang ketunanetraan yang dianggap paling merepresentasikan fokus penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin pencari daring, yaitu melalui scholar.google.com, dengan memasukkan kata kunci tertentu. Referensi ilmiah dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian dengan kriteria dan batasan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel diidentifikasi berdasarkan fokus dari masing-masing referensi ilmiah, dengan asumsi bahwa referensi dari hasil penelitian memiliki fokus variabel tertentu yang diukur. Adapun 5 variabel tersebut adalah penalaran, ingatan, orientasi spasial, perbendaharaan kata, dan penalaran kata. Variabel, aspek, dan indikator diidentifikasi melalui reduksi dan diberi coding. Hasil penelitian ini dituangkan dalam bentuk matriks yang menggambarkan variabel, aspek, dan indikator kemampuan kognitif anak tunanetra.
This essay is aimed to discuss one contemporary issue in relation to Indonesia. The issue being r... more This essay is aimed to discuss one contemporary issue in relation to Indonesia. The issue being raised here is globalization and its effect on how Indonesia perceived itself as a nation. This paper will argue my position in viewing globalization as a force that seems to manifest in a blind movement that rapidly change our way of life at the cost of social justice. One example I emphasize on my paper is the impact in educational paradigm, which can be seen from some educational discourses.
his paper is aimed to compare two ethnographic works Learning to Labour (Willis, 1977), and Mascu... more his paper is aimed to compare two ethnographic works Learning to Labour (Willis, 1977), and Masculinity Beyond the Metropolis (Kenway, Kraack, & Hickey-Moody, 2004). The comparison is expected to illustrate how to make sense ethnographic work as a research methodology with its various types of epistemology and approach. The review will begin with a brief outline of the studies as described in each book and follow with further elaboration directed by several headings that covers Crotty (1998) four elements, namely epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology, and method. It will also discuss the knowledge and values, and the theory of culture of each study.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi kuantitatif dari bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi kuantitatif dari bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak dari tindak kekerasan guru terhadap siswanya dalam interaksi belajar mengajar berdasarkan perspektif siswa. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap Pengawas Sekolah Kota Surabaya, untuk mendapat rekomendasi mengenai lokasi penelitian yang dianggap sesuai. Lima Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (SMPN) di wilayah Kota Surabaya dipilih berdasarkan rekomendasi tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar angket terhadap 210 subyek yang menjadi sampel penelitian dari 5 lokasi penelitian. Angket tersebut terdiri dari 36 item pertanyaan dan pernyataan tertutup yang dikembangkan oleh tim peneliti mengenai bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak dari tindak kekerasan yang pernah menimpa siswa. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kekerasan yang muncul adalah kekerasan verbal sebesar 32,6%; psikologis sebesar 46,1%; dan fisik sebesa...
This study aims to analyze the changes in students' attitudes and beliefs about their learnin... more This study aims to analyze the changes in students' attitudes and beliefs about their learning abilities. The method used to achieve this goal is to train learning strategies based on student learning styles. The training was given to 50 students by providing material about strategies and learning styles. Students were given a learning style questionnaire to identify their learning styles. The training results showed an increase of 64% in terms of students' belief that mastery of learning strategies can help them improve their learning abilities. This belief is expected to increase students' efforts and motivation in learning because they no longer assume that learning abilities are more influenced by intrinsic factors that cannot be changed.
Video offers a richer source of data and has been proven to be useful as a primary source of rese... more Video offers a richer source of data and has been proven to be useful as a primary source of research. A video from Youtube website was used as a primary source for analysis in this paper. This paper is applying a discourse analysis as suggested by Fairclough (2003) about the discourse as a way of representing; how the discourse was used to express and imply the social relation and action, and the belief committed by the user of the discourse. The analysis was aimed to identify teacher’s idea of good teaching by comparing it to relevant theories. The analysis found that cognitive-related terms were consistently appearing in the teacher’s discourses; therefore, cognitive theories were used to elaborate a deeper meaning of the discourses. It was concluded that good teaching for the teacher was to focus on students’ cognitive higher development.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017), 2017
This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will i... more This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will improve learner's metacognition. The data collection method used was Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), interview, and retrospective think-aloud. Analysis is conducted using coding by data labeling or categorizing. The result of this study has shown that there is an increase in MAI score prior to and post intervention. It can be concluded that there is an increase in the learner's metacognitive awareness after selfassessment skill is taught.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers’ perception to the status of the te... more This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers’ perception to the status of the teaching profession, motives of becoming teacher, and the professional belief of the primary school teachers. The data were collected using questionnaires, one to measure each variable. The questionnaire were given to 35 primary schools in Sidoarjo with 10 teachers as sample of each school. The statistical analysis were applied to examine data and make inferences. The result of this study showed that there is a weak relationship between the perception of the status of the teaching profession with professional belief. A similar relationship also applied between motives of becoming teacher and the professional belief. However, there was a moderately strong relationship between the three variables simultaneously. It can be inferred that teachers may adopt the professional belief within the teaching profession without necessarily depending on their perception toward the status of the teaching ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 2019
This study aimed to explain the mechanism of experience, representation, and verbal reasoning on ... more This study aimed to explain the mechanism of experience, representation, and verbal reasoning on people with visual impairment. The methods used in this study were focused group discussion (FGD), interview, and think-aloud. The result of this study showed that participants often used concrete versus abstract comparison to explain their difficulties in understanding and verbal reasoning; however, the term concrete often refers to something they could immediately experience, while abstract means something that requires visual information. Some concepts may be abstract, but it can be understood if it is related to their personal experience. Concrete and abstract therefore, is a way to describe the limitation of the participant's mental representation of object. It is also suggested that early experience on childhood is the primary foundation for the future object representation that determines one's ability in abstract concept formation.
This study is a fragment of research related to the arrangement of comic therapy covid-19. The ai... more This study is a fragment of research related to the arrangement of comic therapy covid-19. The aim of this study to describe the phase of arranging comic therapy covid-19 which includes three phases, namely (1) analysis phase, (2) planning phase, and (3) design phase. This study used qualitative approach because it exposes more data naturally and descriptive. Data analysis techniques in this study are identification, classification, reduction, exposure, and verification. The results show that researcher conducted a needs analysis, material analysis, and objective analysis in the analysis phase. In the planning phase, researcher conducted budget planning for the preparation of books, planning instrument preparation, and planning future plans. At this stage, the researcher also recruited book drafting team: the creative team, the design team, the editing team, and the validation team. In the design phase, researcher compiled a draft chapter related to the book and develop a book quali...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017), 2017
This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will i... more This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will improve learner's metacognition. The data collection method used was Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), interview, and retrospective think-aloud. Analysis is conducted using coding by data labeling or categorizing. The result of this study has shown that there is an increase in MAI score prior to and post intervention. It can be concluded that there is an increase in the learner's metacognitive awareness after selfassessment skill is taught.
Abstrack : Every human being has experienced a depressed condition commonly known as stress. In... more Abstrack : Every human being has experienced a depressed condition commonly known as stress. In psychology, stress is considered as a psychological symptom that afflicts all professions, including students. This study aims to determine the profile of academic stress felt by students at the State University of Surabaya. The research subjects in this study were students of the Faculty of Education, consisting of eight majors, totaling 487. The Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PASS) instrument from Bedewy and Gabriel (2015), was used after going through the adaptation process first. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine the frequency of each level of perceived academic stress. Based on the results of the analysis showed that as many as 12 students or 2% of the population were in the category of very high academic stress; as many as 136 students or 28% of the population are in the category of high academic stress; as many as 239 students or 49% of the ...
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a medical disorder that can be recognized by s... more ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a medical disorder that can be recognized by specific behavioral characteristics, namely inattention to surroundings, easily distracted condition, and an attitude of following one's own will. Children diagnosed with ADHD require special treatment so that their specificity can be fulfilled. Teacher knowledge about ADHD is an important thing in order to detect and provide the right educational model for students. The implementation of this training in community service uses modules and early detection tools for ADHD children or students. The purpose of this activity is so that teachers can identify the condition of their students whether any of these students lead to the characteristics of ADHD. Based on the results of the post-test and case discussions, the teachers at the beginning of the activity stated that they were still confused about the condition of their students so that they understood the situation of their students mo...
International Journal of Community Service Learning, Jun 11, 2018
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan program pengayaan ekstrakurikul... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan program pengayaan ekstrakurikuler di SD/MI Bahagia, Wonokromo, Surabaya. Pendampingan dilakukan setiap minggu selama dua bulan yaitu April hingga Mei 2017 pada hari Sabtu yang dilakukan oleh tim Peneliti dari Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) bersama dengan tim Bakti Psikologi mahasiswa Psikologi Unesa. Kegiatan pendampingan terdiri dari dua macam kegiatan, yaitu pemberian konsultasi kepada guru dan pemberian kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pada siswa. Dengan demikian, target kegiatan ini mencakup guru dan siswa di Sekolah SD/MI Bahagia. Sekolah SD/MI Bahagia secara khusus dipilih sebab memiliki latar belakang dan keterbatasan sosial-ekonomi yang unik. Pendampingan diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan khusus dan kreativitas guru untuk merancang kegiatan tambahan untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan minat dan keterampilan khususnya pula. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan, hasil menunjukkan meningkatnya keaktifan dan partisipasi siswa dalam kelas, serta meningkatnya keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan media untuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler siswa. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang efektif, dapat berdampak positif pada kemampuan akademik siswa.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kognitif anak dan remaja tunanetra. Penelitian i... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kognitif anak dan remaja tunanetra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sintesis riset (research synthesis). Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan 11 referensi ilmiah tentang ketunanetraan yang dianggap paling merepresentasikan fokus penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin pencari daring, yaitu melalui scholar.google.com, dengan memasukkan kata kunci tertentu. Referensi ilmiah dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian dengan kriteria dan batasan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel diidentifikasi berdasarkan fokus dari masing-masing referensi ilmiah, dengan asumsi bahwa referensi dari hasil penelitian memiliki fokus variabel tertentu yang diukur. Adapun 5 variabel tersebut adalah penalaran, ingatan, orientasi spasial, perbendaharaan kata, dan penalaran kata. Variabel, aspek, dan indikator diidentifikasi melalui reduksi dan diberi coding. Hasil penelitian ini dituangkan dalam bentuk matriks yang menggambarkan variabel, aspek, dan indikator kemampuan kognitif anak tunanetra.
This essay is aimed to discuss one contemporary issue in relation to Indonesia. The issue being r... more This essay is aimed to discuss one contemporary issue in relation to Indonesia. The issue being raised here is globalization and its effect on how Indonesia perceived itself as a nation. This paper will argue my position in viewing globalization as a force that seems to manifest in a blind movement that rapidly change our way of life at the cost of social justice. One example I emphasize on my paper is the impact in educational paradigm, which can be seen from some educational discourses.
his paper is aimed to compare two ethnographic works Learning to Labour (Willis, 1977), and Mascu... more his paper is aimed to compare two ethnographic works Learning to Labour (Willis, 1977), and Masculinity Beyond the Metropolis (Kenway, Kraack, & Hickey-Moody, 2004). The comparison is expected to illustrate how to make sense ethnographic work as a research methodology with its various types of epistemology and approach. The review will begin with a brief outline of the studies as described in each book and follow with further elaboration directed by several headings that covers Crotty (1998) four elements, namely epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology, and method. It will also discuss the knowledge and values, and the theory of culture of each study.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi kuantitatif dari bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi kuantitatif dari bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak dari tindak kekerasan guru terhadap siswanya dalam interaksi belajar mengajar berdasarkan perspektif siswa. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap Pengawas Sekolah Kota Surabaya, untuk mendapat rekomendasi mengenai lokasi penelitian yang dianggap sesuai. Lima Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (SMPN) di wilayah Kota Surabaya dipilih berdasarkan rekomendasi tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar angket terhadap 210 subyek yang menjadi sampel penelitian dari 5 lokasi penelitian. Angket tersebut terdiri dari 36 item pertanyaan dan pernyataan tertutup yang dikembangkan oleh tim peneliti mengenai bentuk, penyebab, dan dampak dari tindak kekerasan yang pernah menimpa siswa. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa bentuk kekerasan yang muncul adalah kekerasan verbal sebesar 32,6%; psikologis sebesar 46,1%; dan fisik sebesa...
This study aims to analyze the changes in students' attitudes and beliefs about their learnin... more This study aims to analyze the changes in students' attitudes and beliefs about their learning abilities. The method used to achieve this goal is to train learning strategies based on student learning styles. The training was given to 50 students by providing material about strategies and learning styles. Students were given a learning style questionnaire to identify their learning styles. The training results showed an increase of 64% in terms of students' belief that mastery of learning strategies can help them improve their learning abilities. This belief is expected to increase students' efforts and motivation in learning because they no longer assume that learning abilities are more influenced by intrinsic factors that cannot be changed.
Video offers a richer source of data and has been proven to be useful as a primary source of rese... more Video offers a richer source of data and has been proven to be useful as a primary source of research. A video from Youtube website was used as a primary source for analysis in this paper. This paper is applying a discourse analysis as suggested by Fairclough (2003) about the discourse as a way of representing; how the discourse was used to express and imply the social relation and action, and the belief committed by the user of the discourse. The analysis was aimed to identify teacher’s idea of good teaching by comparing it to relevant theories. The analysis found that cognitive-related terms were consistently appearing in the teacher’s discourses; therefore, cognitive theories were used to elaborate a deeper meaning of the discourses. It was concluded that good teaching for the teacher was to focus on students’ cognitive higher development.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017), 2017
This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will i... more This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will improve learner's metacognition. The data collection method used was Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), interview, and retrospective think-aloud. Analysis is conducted using coding by data labeling or categorizing. The result of this study has shown that there is an increase in MAI score prior to and post intervention. It can be concluded that there is an increase in the learner's metacognitive awareness after selfassessment skill is taught.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers’ perception to the status of the te... more This study aimed to examine the relationship between teachers’ perception to the status of the teaching profession, motives of becoming teacher, and the professional belief of the primary school teachers. The data were collected using questionnaires, one to measure each variable. The questionnaire were given to 35 primary schools in Sidoarjo with 10 teachers as sample of each school. The statistical analysis were applied to examine data and make inferences. The result of this study showed that there is a weak relationship between the perception of the status of the teaching profession with professional belief. A similar relationship also applied between motives of becoming teacher and the professional belief. However, there was a moderately strong relationship between the three variables simultaneously. It can be inferred that teachers may adopt the professional belief within the teaching profession without necessarily depending on their perception toward the status of the teaching ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 2019
This study aimed to explain the mechanism of experience, representation, and verbal reasoning on ... more This study aimed to explain the mechanism of experience, representation, and verbal reasoning on people with visual impairment. The methods used in this study were focused group discussion (FGD), interview, and think-aloud. The result of this study showed that participants often used concrete versus abstract comparison to explain their difficulties in understanding and verbal reasoning; however, the term concrete often refers to something they could immediately experience, while abstract means something that requires visual information. Some concepts may be abstract, but it can be understood if it is related to their personal experience. Concrete and abstract therefore, is a way to describe the limitation of the participant's mental representation of object. It is also suggested that early experience on childhood is the primary foundation for the future object representation that determines one's ability in abstract concept formation.
This study is a fragment of research related to the arrangement of comic therapy covid-19. The ai... more This study is a fragment of research related to the arrangement of comic therapy covid-19. The aim of this study to describe the phase of arranging comic therapy covid-19 which includes three phases, namely (1) analysis phase, (2) planning phase, and (3) design phase. This study used qualitative approach because it exposes more data naturally and descriptive. Data analysis techniques in this study are identification, classification, reduction, exposure, and verification. The results show that researcher conducted a needs analysis, material analysis, and objective analysis in the analysis phase. In the planning phase, researcher conducted budget planning for the preparation of books, planning instrument preparation, and planning future plans. At this stage, the researcher also recruited book drafting team: the creative team, the design team, the editing team, and the validation team. In the design phase, researcher compiled a draft chapter related to the book and develop a book quali...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017), 2017
This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will i... more This study is aimed to examine whether self-assessment skill in dealing with academic task will improve learner's metacognition. The data collection method used was Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), interview, and retrospective think-aloud. Analysis is conducted using coding by data labeling or categorizing. The result of this study has shown that there is an increase in MAI score prior to and post intervention. It can be concluded that there is an increase in the learner's metacognitive awareness after selfassessment skill is taught.
Papers by ina savira