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Stennis and Illustrious

USS John C. Stennis, a Nimitz class aircraft carrier, alongside the smaller HMS Illustrious, an Invincible class aircraft carrier. Stennis is considered a supercarrier; JDS Hyūga is approximately the size of Illustrious.

This image, from above, shows the deck layouts well, but Hyūga is several meters shorter than Illustrious, making the comparison less apt.

Truman and Garibaldi

The Nimitz-class USS Harry S. Truman with the Italian aircraft carrier ITS Giuseppe Garibaldi. JDS Hyūga is approximately the size of the smaller vessel.

Garibaldi is, like Hyūga, tasked with ASW carrier duties. The side view doesn't show the relative sizes as well as a view from above, but it does provide more "action" in the scene.