It doesn't curve space. Ripples are circular, or in this case spherical, which is curved, from our puntpuny perspective. Oh and, reflecting was a poor choice of words for the hydrophobic effect. Some of the light skitters rather than penetrates and comes around smoothly. Now shut this page down if you don't want it. I am bored of wondering what I might do with it in terms of quipping back or begging in. My backside do I want to join in either to fight or to grovel. Trust me, there'll be little of worth after, I'll call it, Converging Wave Theory. There may be name calling even, and I am a bit too good at that for even my own comfort, when I really mean it. Perfection? What good is perfection? What was it that movie said? What god is heaven if all we do is sit around and look at the face of god? My face isn't worth looking at. I really don't belong here any more. I really did at one time. And I promise, name calling will come. I know some of you watch it to shut it down. Off with you. I am all that lovely stuff I was lambasted with, and more. Thanks to every other o/