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== Society and culture ==
=== Political debate ===
CCS has been discussed by political actors at least since the start of the [[UNFCCC]]<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Carton |first1=Wim |last2=Asiyanbi |first2=Adeniyi |last3=Beck |first3=Silke |last4=Buck |first4=Holly J. |last5=Lund |first5=Jens F. |date=November 2020 |title=Negative emissions and the long history of carbon removal |journal=WIREs Climate Change |volume=11 |issue=6 |bibcode=2020WIRCC..11E.671C |doi=10.1002/wcc.671 |doi-access=free}}</ref> negotiations in the beginning of the 1990s, and remains a very divisive issue.<ref name=":10">{{Cite web |last=Westervelt |first=Amy |date=2024-07-29 |title=Oil companies sold the public on a fake climate solution — and swindled taxpayers out of billions |url= |access-date=2024-07-30 |website=Vox |language=en-US}}</ref> Its effectiveness in reducing emissions has been disputed, notably when considering the life-cycle carbon emissions it takes to create CCS systems.<ref name=":10" /> Opponents claimed that CCS could legitimize the continued use of [[Fossil fuel|fossil fuels]], as well obviate commitments on emission reduction.{{Citation needed|date=May 2021}}
Fossil fuel companies have heavily promoted CCS, framing it as an area of innovation and cost-effectiveness.<ref name=":27">{{Cite journal |last1=Gunderson |first1=Ryan |last2=Stuart |first2=Diana |last3=Petersen |first3=Brian |date=2020-04-10 |title=The fossil fuel industry's framing of carbon capture and storage: Faith in innovation, value instrumentalization, and status quo maintenance |url= |journal=Journal of Cleaner Production |volume=252 |pages=119767 |bibcode=2020JCPro.25219767G |doi=10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119767 |issn=0959-6526}}</ref> Public statements from fossil fuel companies and fossil-based electric utilities ask for “recognition” that fossil fuel usage will increase in the future and suggest that CCS will allow the fossil fuel era to be extended.<ref name=":27" />  Their statements typically position CCS as a necessary way to tackle climate change, while not mentioning options for reducing fossil fuel use.<ref name=":27" />
Environmental NGOs are not in widespread agreement about CCS as a potential climate mitigation tool. The main disagreement amid NGOs is whether CCS will reduce CO<sub>2</sub> emissions or just perpetuate the use of fossil fuels.<ref name=":42">{{Cite journal |last1=Corry |first1=Olaf |last2=Reiner |first2=David |date=2011 |title=Evaluating global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) communication materials: A survey of global CCS communications |url= |journal=CSIRO |pages=1–46 |via=Global CCS Institute}}</ref>{{Better source needed|reason=The current source is old|date=October 2022}}
For instance, [[Greenpeace]] is strongly against CCS. According to the organization, the use of the technology will keep the world dependent on fossil fuels.<ref name="Corry & Riesch 2012">{{cite book |last1=Corry |first1=Olaf |title=The Social Dynamics of Carbon Capture and Storage: Understanding CCS Representations, Governance and Innovation |last2=Riesch |first2=Hauke |date=2012 |publisher=Routledge |isbn=978-1-84971-315-3 |editor1-last=Markusson |editor1-first=Nils |pages=91–110 |chapter=Beyond 'For Or Against': Environmental NGO-evaluations of CCS as a climate change solution |editor2-last=Shackley |editor2-first=Simon |editor3-last=Evar |editor3-first=Benjamin |chapter-url=}}</ref>{{Better source needed|reason=The current source is old|date=October 2022}}
On the other hand, [[BECCS]] is used in some [[IPCC]] scenarios to help meet mitigation targets.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Summary for Policymakers — Global Warming of 1.5 °C |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=31 May 2019 |access-date=1 June 2019}}</ref> Adopting the IPCC argument that CO<sub>2</sub> emissions need to be reduced by 2050 to avoid dramatic consequences, the [[Bellona Foundation]] justified CCS as a mitigation action.<ref name="Corry & Riesch 2012" /> They claimed fossil fuels are unavoidable for the near term and consequently, CCS is the quickest way to reduce CO<sub>2</sub> emissions.<ref name=":32">{{cite journal |last1=Agaton |first1=Casper Boongaling |date=November 2021 |title=Application of real options in carbon capture and storage literature: Valuation techniques and research hotspots |journal=Science of the Total Environment |volume=795 |pages=148683 |bibcode=2021ScTEn.79548683A |doi=10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148683 |pmid=34246146 |doi-access=free}}</ref>
Some environmental groups raised concerns over leakage given the long storage time required, comparing CCS to storing [[radioactive waste]] from [[Nuclear power station|nuclear power stations]].<ref name="ti12">{{cite news |author=Simon Robinson |date=22 January 2012 |title=Cutting Carbon: Should We Capture and Store It? |url=,28804,1954176_1954175_1955868,00.html |url-status=dead |archive-url=,28804,1954176_1954175_1955868,00.html |archive-date=24 January 2010 |magazine=[[Time (magazine)|Time]]}}</ref>
Some environmental activists and politicians have criticized CCS as a false solution to the climate crisis. They cite the role of the fossil fuel industry in origins of the technology and in lobbying for CCS focused legislation.
== WRI ==
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