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Scholars have long identified a number of similarities between the ancient Guatemalan and Mexican art styles and cultures. These similarities start as far north as the Mexico Central Plateau and continue to the Pacific coast and as far as Central America. There are many common elements in iconography, stone sculptures and artefacts. All this led to the investigation of possible trade patterns and communication networks.
Based on archaeological and ethno historical study in eastern Guerrero since 1998, an important network of roads through the [[Sierra Madre del Sur|Sierra Madres of Guerrero]] has been identified. These roads connected the settlements in [[Morelos]] and [[Puebla]] to the longer Pacific Coast communication and trade route.<ref name=Icon >{{cite web conference|firstlast1=Gutiérrez |first1=Gerardo Gutiérrez |last2=Pye |lastfirst2= Mary E. Pye |title= icon-graphicalConexiones connectionsIconográficas betweenentre Guatemala andy theGuerrero: StateEntendiendo ofel Guerrerofuncionamiento andde onla theruta communicationde routecomunicación operationa throughoutlo thelargo coastalde plainla ofplanicie thecostera Pacificdel Ocean.Océano Pacifico |conference=Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala |conference-url= |publisherbook-title=AsociacionMemoria Tikaldel Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala |locationvolume=2 |languagepublisher=Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes. Instituto de Antropología e Historia |trans_titlelocation=Guatemala, Guatemala |yearlanguage=es |accessdateyear=September 20102006 }}</ref>
It is certain this route played a critical role in the political and economic development of southern Mesoamerica, although its importance varied over time.<ref name=Icon />
There was material and information trade between the Mexico Central Plateau, the [[Gulf of Mexico]] and the [[Pacific Ocean]], it is not certain whether it was made through direct contact (15 day or more trips and 15 days to return)<ref name=Alva >{{cite journalbook |lastlast1= Durán |first1=Rafael Durán|last2=Alvarez |firstfirst2=Jose J. Alvarez |year= 1856 |url= |title= Itinerarios y derroteros de la República Mexicana |trans_titletrans-title= Itineraries and Routes of the Republic of Mexico |journalpublisher=J. A. Biblioteca Nacional de MéxicoGodoy |location= México |url=|language=Spanishes |formataccess-date=15 |accessdate=SeptemberMay 20102017}}</ref> or by indirect means (trading goods from community to community, without the high land people ever seeing coastal people).<ref name=Icon />
[[File:Mesoamerican obsidian sourc.png|thumb|Map showing Mesoamerican obsidian sources, as well as the sources of other important semi-precious minerals. [[Obsidian use in Mesoamerica]] goes back to the earliest times, and there were extensive trade routes]]
Routes from the Gulf of Mexico Mountains and the center of Oaxaca seem to have been constantly open to circulation, since at least the early preclassical period; the Pacific route was apparently blocked at different points, between [[Chiapas]] and [[Oaxaca]], for example, during the postclassical period by the Mixtec kingdom of Tututepec on the eve of the [[Colonial Spanish America|Spanish Conquest]]. One group of epiclassical sculptures indicates iconographic relationships between [[Morelos]] and [[Guerrero]], with examples also found in Pacific Coastal Chiapas and Guatemala.<ref name=Icon /><ref name=Spores >{{cite journal |last= Spores |first= Ronald |year= 1993|title= Tutupec: A Postclassic-Period Mixtec Conquest State. |trans_title= |journal= Ancient Mesoamerica |locationvolume= 4 |url=|languagenumber=1 |formatpages=167–174 4 (1):167-174|accessdatedoi=September 201010.1017/S0956536100000845}}</ref>
According to Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1989:267) Mesoamerica prehispanic roads were simple compacted dirt paths, full of stone and limited by surrounding vegetation. Today these roads have disappeared, whether by railway or asphalt roads and freeways or by abandonment at prehispanic times, in addition to normal erosion deterioration, sedimentation and invasion of adjacent vegetation.<ref name=Icon />
Systematic archaeological and ethnic-historical studies in eastern Guerrero from 1998, have demonstrated the existence of an important road network through the mountain ranges of Guerrero, that connected archaeological sites of Morelos and the south of Puebla with a communication and commerce trade route throughout the Pacific Ocean coast.<ref name=Guti >{{cite journalthesis|type=Ph.D. |last= Gutiérrez |first= Gerardo |year= 2002|title= The Expanding Polity: Patterns of the Territorial Expansion of the Post-Classic Señorío of Tlapa-Tlachinollan in the Mixteca-Nahua-Tlapaneca Region of Guerrero |trans_titleinstitution= The Expanding Polity: Patterns of the Territorial Expansion of the Post-Classic Lordship of Tlapa-Tlachinollan in the Mixteca-Nahua – Tlapaneca Region of Guerrero |journal= Ph.d. thesis, Department of anthropology, Pennsylvania State University. |location= |url=|language=Spanish |format=PDF |accessdateaccess-date=September15 2010May 2017}}</ref><ref name= Christine >{{cite journalbook |last= Niederberger |first= Christine |year= 2002 |titleeditor1-last=Niederberger |editor1-first=Christine |editor2-last=Reyna-Robles |editor2-first=Rosa Maria |chapter= Nácar, "jade" y cinabrio: Guerrero y las redes de intercambio en la Mesoamérica antigua (1000–600 a.C.). En|title= elEl pasadoPasado arqueológicoArqueológico de Guerrero |trans_titletrans-chapter= Nacre, "jade" and cinnabar: Guerrero and trade networks in ancient Mesoamerica (1000–600 BCE). In|trans-title= Guerrero's archaeologicalArchaeological pastPast |journalpublisher= INAH/CEMCA/Gobierno dedel Estado de Guerrero e INAH, México.|location=Chilpancingo, pp. 175–223Guerrero|urlpages=175–223|language=Spanishes |formatisbn= |accessdate=September 2010970-18-8483-3}} (edited by C. Niederberger & R. Reyna Robles) CEMCA</ref><!-- See <ref>[ Figures 1 and 2]</ref> URL/title needs to be changed to match Gutiérrez, Gerardo; Pye, Mary E. (2006). "Conexiones Iconográficas..."-->
===Historical Routes===
Without taking into consideration branches and secondary deviations, there are several routes identified, that connected the center of Mexico with the Guatemala Pacific Coast, one through [[Puebla]] and the sierra, and the other through the [[Guerrero state]] and the Pacific Ocean coast. Both joined at [[Juchitán de Zaragoza|Juchitán]]. From Juchitán, again, there were two routes to Guatemala, one on the north that lead to MIxco-KalimanjuyuKaminaljuyu and the other on the south that lead to Escuintla.<ref name=Icon />
===North Route Tenochtitlan – Juchitán===
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* The southern Isthmus or Soconusco route continued from [[San Pedro Tapanatepec|Tapanatepec]] to [[Tonalá, Chiapas|Tonalá]], [[Pijijiapan]], Tuxtla Chico, and then in Guatemalan territory, onto [[Retalhuleu]] and down to [[Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa]], [[Escuintla]].<ref name=Icon />
In spite of the importance of these routes, passage through these routes was blocked by the Mixtec Kingdom of Tututepec, that monopolized it for their own benefit<ref name="Acuña" >{{cite journalbook |last= Acuña |first= René |year= 1984|title= Relaciones geográficas del siglo XVI: Antequera, Tomos Segundo y Tercero. |trans_titletrans-title= Geographical relationships of the 16th century: Antequera, volumes second and third |journalpublisher= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |location= México |url=|language=Spanishes |formatvolume= Volume 2:187 – 189.|accessdatepages=September 2010187–189}}</ref> and caused tensions with the political groups of the Mexican Plateau, especially with the Triple Alliance.<ref name=Icon />
==Regional relations and commerce==
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There are numerous evidences of regional trade from northwestern mesoamerican civilizations, the Mexican highlands and Centro America with southern lands as far down as Peru and Colombia, some of which are suspected but remain a strong possibility, based on evidences. Certainly, it is elemental understanding how people traveled and traded.
As early as 1881, [[Carl Bovallius]] Swedish archaeologist and investigator exploring Central America ([[Ometepe (archaeological site)|Ometepe]] and [[Zapatera (archaeological site)|Zapatera]]), noted: "Los Orotinas far separated from their relations, inhabiting the peninsula of [[Nicoya]] and the territory of [[Guanacaste Province|Guanacaste]], which comprises the north-easternwestern part of the republic of Costa Rica. Opinions vary, however, with regard to these groups, several authors being inclined to regard los Cholutecas as a detached branch of [[Pipil people|los Pipiles]] in El Salvador; they would then be of Toltecan[[Toltec]]an origin. Certainly there are a number of local names within their district which seem to corroborate this opinion."<ref name=Carl >{{cite journalbook |last=Bovallius |first=Carl |year= 1886|title=Nicaraguan Antiquities |trans_title= |journalpublisher=Swedish Society of Anthropology and Geography |location=Stockholm, Sweden |url= |languageaccess-date=26 |format= |accessdate=SeptemberNovember 2010}}</ref>
According to Bovallius, other writers are disposed to ascribe a Mexican origin to the OrotinasOrotiñas and lastly Dr. Berendt<ref name=Berendt >{{cite journal |last=Dr. Berendt |first= |year=1870 |title= Geographical Distribution of the Ancient Central American Civilization |trans_title= |journal= Journal of the American Geographical societySociety of New York |locationvolume= vol. 8, p. 142.|urlpage=|language= |format= |accessdate=September 2010142}}</ref> suggests that the whole [[Chorotega language|Chorotegan]] stock may be considered as a Toltecan[[Toltec]]an offspring, the name Choroteganos being only a corruption of [[Cholula (Mesoamerican site)|Cholutecas]]. According to the concurrent testimonies of the old chroniclers the [[Nicarao people|Niquirans]] were a Mexican people settled in the country at a comparatively late period. It is not clear whether they were Toltecs[[Toltec]]s or [[Aztecs]], and this question cannot probably be decided until the ancient remains, surely very numerous, that they have left behind them, shall have been accurately studied and compared with the better known Mexican antiquities. The intelligent and well-built Indians on the island of Ometepec[[Ometepe]]c are doubtless the descendants of the Niquirans; this is corroborated by [[Nawat language|their language]], which the successful investigations of SQUIER have shown to be of Mexican origin and presenting a very close similarity to the pure Aztec tongue. (Written in 1886)<ref name=Carl />
An elemental piece of this discussion was provided by Bernal Diaz del Castillo,<ref name=Diaz >{{cite journal book|last= Diaz del Castillo |first= Bernal |year=1976 |title= Historia de la conquista de Nueva España |trans_titletrans-title= History of the conquest of new Spain |journalpublisher= Editorial Porrúa, |location=México |locationedition= 11th Edition |url=|language=Spanishes |formatpage=p. 396|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> who mentioned that once they took over [[Tenochtitlan]] (1521 CE), lords from [[Tehuantepec]] came before Cortes[[Hernán Cortés]] to ask for help in fighting one of their neighbors, [[Tututepec]], whom were battling them constantly. Cortes sent [[Pedro de Alvarado]] who in time conquered Tututepec. It is interesting understanding the Tututepec political expansion and their western wars against the Mexicas[[Mexica]]s, near [[Ometepec]], Guerrero and to the east with Tehuantepec, they had blocked that route during the Mesoamerican postclassical period.<ref name=Icon />
There are many debates related to the definition of specific sculptures styles,<ref name=Christa >{{cite journalbook |last= Schieber de Lavarreda |first= Christa |year= 1999|title= Taller arqueología de la región de la Costa Sur de Guatemala |trans_titletrans-title= Archaeological workshop of southern Guatemala region |journalpublisher= Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes |location= Guatemala |url=|language=Spanishes |formatpages=pp. 1–10 |accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> in general terms the Parsons proposal<ref name=Parsons >{{cite journal book|last= Parsons |first= Lee A |date= |titlechapter= Post-Olmec Stone Sculpture: The Olmec-Izapan Transition on the Southern Pacific Coast and Highlands, in |title=The Olmec and Their Neighbors (edited by |editor=E. Benson),|trans_titlepublisher= |journal= Dumbarton Oaks |location= Washington, D.C. |urlpages=|language= |format= pp. 257–288|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> is accepted, in the sense that there is a mesoamerican sculpture tradition from the preclassical to the postclassical periods, with divergent lines, some of which disappear and others with evolving styles from regional development, and that at the same time, with cross information from a region to another, that there are spectacular fashion styles that may vanish at a point in time, only to return adapted to new conditions.<ref name=Icon />
This process has an effect in the chronology, makes an exact dating of pieces troublesome, the problem is compounded because the majority of the pieces lost their original context, some from prehispanic times.<ref name=Icon />
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Based on the presence of a ceramic style pottery shaped as pots (Tecomates), found in the Tlapa and Huamuxtitlán, it is known that the region had an early cultural development predating the Olmecs.<ref name=Icon />
A female ceramic figurine from the Huamuxtitlán valley indicates an archaeological occupation of eastern Guerrero State, contemporary to the Chiapas Ocós Phase (1500–1350 BCE);<ref name=C&M >{{cite journal book|last= Mary E. Pye |first= Clark, John E. |year=2002 |titlechapter= Re-Visiting the Mixe-Zoque, Slighted Neighbors and Predecessors of the Early Lowland Maya. En |title=Southern Maya in the Late Preclassic (editado por |editor1=M. Love y |editor2=R. Rosensweig)|trans_title= |journalpublisher= University of Colorado, Boulder. |location=Colorado |url=|language= |format= |accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> while the appearance of Olmec type figures in [[Marquelia]] at the [[Costa Chica of Guerrero|Costa Chica]], could prove an Olmec transition process, as proposed for [[Mazatán, Chiapas]] during the Cherla and Cuadros Phases (1350–1150 BCE).<ref name=Clark >{{cite journal |last= Clark |first= John E. |year=1990 |title= Olmecas, olmequismo y olmequización en Mesoamérica. |trans_titletrans-title= Olmecs, olmequism and olmequization in Mesoamerica. |journal= Arqueología |location= México |url=|language=Spanishes |formatvolume= 3:49–56. |accessdatepages=September 201049–56}}</ref> See [ Figure 4 of Huamuxtitlán and Figure 5 Marquelia Page 927]
===Mid-Preclassical Period (900-500 BCE)===
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Olmec-style murals in the [[Oxotitlán]], [[Juxtlahuaca]] and Cauadzidziqui caves and sculpture from the [[Teopantecuanitlan]] site, confirm a strong connection with [[Chalcatzingo]] in the Valley of Morelos. Iconographic representations similarities of these sites with the Pacific coast of Chiapas and Guatemala, depict closer relations than those suggested by the argument that they simply share a pan-mesoamerican tradition.<ref name=Icon />
Thus, the style resemblance between [[Takalik Abaj|Tak´alik Ab´aj]], Guatemala monument 1 and individuals depicted on Chalcatzingo relief 1-B-2 have been repeatedly established.<ref name=Cova >{{cite journal book|last= Covarrubias |first= Miguel |year= 1957 |title= Indian Art of Mexico and Central America. |trans_title= |journalpublisher= Alfred A. Knopf |location= New York |urlpages=|language= |format=pp. 64 |accessdate=September 2010}}</ref><ref name=Jime >{{cite journalbook |last= Jiménez Moreno |first= Wigberto |year= 1966|title= Mesoamerica Before the Toltecs. En Ancient Oaxaca (editado por |editor=J. Paddock)|trans_title= |journalpublisher= Stanford University Press |location= Stanford |urlpages=|language= |format= pp. 1–85|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref><ref name=C&M2000 >{{cite journalbook |last= Mary E. Pye |first= Clark, John E. |year=2002 |titlechapter= The Pacific Coast and the Olmec Question. In |title=Olmec Art and Archaeology in Mesoamerica (edited by |editor1=J. Clark & |editor2=M. Pye) |trans_titleseries= |journal= Studies in the History of Art |volume=58. |publisher=National Gallery of Art. |location= Washington, D.C.. |urlpages=|language= |format= pp. 217–251|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref>
Should also note the similarity between the relief of [[Chalchuapa]] ([[El Salvador]]) with the main character of Cauadzidziqui, Guerrero. Other cases involving close similarities are noted in Xoc, Chiapas, and the San Miguel Amuco, Guerrero relief.<ref name=Louis >{{cite journal |lastdoi= Louise Paradis |first= Grove, David C10.2307/278026 |yearjstor= 278026 1971|title= An Olmec Stela from San Miguel Amuco, Guerrero |trans_titlelast1= Grove |journalfirst1= David American AntiquityC. |locationlast2= Paradis |urlfirst2= |language=Louise I. |formatjournal= 36American (1):95-102.Antiquity |doiyear=10.2307/278026 1971 |volume= 36 |issue= 1 |pages=95 95–102 }}</ref><ref name=Ekholm >{{cite journal |last= Ekholm-Miller |first= Susana |year= 1973|title= The Olmec Rock Carving at Xoc, Chiapas, Mexico. |journal=Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation |trans_title= |journal= Brigham Young University |location= Provo |url= |language=Spanishes |formatissue= No.32|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref>
===Late Preclassical Period (500 BCE – 200 CE)===
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However, for the case of Guerrero and Morelos this phase lends itself to controversy, since chronologically speaking the mixture of time periods of Olmec symbols in sculptures and reliefs is not understood, as reported by the main archeological sites of the region. The symbols permanence from one period to another is the main factor that makes the task difficult of understanding the styles evolution and the connections between diverse regions.<ref name=Icon />
See Takalik Abaj, Guatemala, [ Monument 55]<ref name=Graham81 >{{cite journal book|last= Graham | first= John A |year= 1981|title= Abaj Takalik: The Olmec Style and its Antecedents in Pacific Guatemala. En Ancient Mesoamerica: Selected Readings |trans_title= |journalpublisher= Peek Publications |location= Palo Alto, California. |urlpages= |language= |format= pp. 168 |accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> and the Huamelulpan, Oaxaca Monument<ref name=Paddock66 >{{cite journal book|last= Paddock |first= John |year= 1966|titlechapter= Oaxaca in Ancient Mesoamerica, in |title=Ancient Oaxaca (edited by |editor=J. Paddock) |trans_title= |journalpublisher= Stanford University Press |location= Stanford. |url= |languagepages=Spanish |format= pp. 92|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref>
The S-inverted glyph complex would be represented by [[Chalcatzingo]] petroglyph 1-A- : a seated individual inside a cavity, accompanied by two glyphs precisely resembling a horizontal letter S.<ref name=Icon />
Parsons noticed that this S-inverted glyph<ref>Parsons, Lee A. (1981:256)</ref> appears also at the chest of the post-Olmec sculpture of Palo Gordo, Suchitepéquez, known as the "Piedra Santa" (holy stone) sculpture. This same glyph is repeated in Chalcatzingo's monument 31<ref name=GroveD >{{cite journal book|last= Grove |first= David C. |year= 1996|titlechapter= Archaeological Contexts of Olmec Art Outside of the Gulf Coast. In|title= Olmec Art of Ancient Mexico (edited by |editor1=E. Benson & |editor2=B. de la Fuente)|trans_title= |journalpublisher= National Art Gallery |location= Washington, D.C. |url= |languageat=Spanish |format= ppp. 113. (Fig. 8) |accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> where the S-inverted is depicted in a scene in which a bird beaked jaguar attacks a human.<ref name=Icon />
Another identifiable figure is the bird-man, characterized by men dressed as birds. This figure can be identified at the mid-preclassical Oxotitlan cave, as well as Estela 4 and altar 3 at [[Izapa]], during the late preclassical and continues to be used during the epiclassical sculpture at Villa Rotaria, in the Guerrero Costa Grande.<ref name=Icon />
The use of the Pacific Ocean communication route during the late preclassical, is also inferred from the Izapa estela-smooth altar and its similarity to the steles and smooth altars found at the sites of the Pelillo and Metates sites of the Costa Chica, Guerrero; as with the "barrigones" of Monte Alto, Guatemala and the full-bodied "barrigon" from Cola Palma, Pinotepa Nacional in the boundaries between Oaxaca and Guerrero.<ref name=Gamio >{{cite journal |last= Gamio |first= Lorenzo |year= 1967|title= Zona arqueológica Cola de Palma, Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca |trans_titletrans-title= Archaeological site Cola de Palma, Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca |journal= Boletín de INAH |volume=28: |pages=25–28|location= México |url= |language=Spanish |format= |accessdate=Septemberes 2010}}</ref>
===Late Classical Period (600–900 CE)===
During the early classical and even up to 600 CE, the iconographic codes seem to be silenced. The Petén and Usumacinta Mayan style dominate in the Chiapas and Guatemala highlands. On the Oaxaca coast the codes become Zapote and Ñuiñe, while in Guerrero and the Guatemala Costa Teotihuacan predominates.<ref name=Bove >{{cite journalbook |last= Bove, Frederick J.|first= Sonia Medrano Busto |year= 2003|titlechapter= Teotihuacan, Militarism, and Pacific Guatemala. In the|title=The Maya and Teotihuacan (edited by |editor=G. Braswell)|trans_title= |journalpublisher= University of Texas Press, Austin |location=Austin, Texas |urlpages= |language= |format= pp. 45–80|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> Decomposition of the Teotihuacano political system started by the 650 CE, coincides with a revival of iconographic codes of the Pacific coast. The Cotzumalguapa style flourishes in the Guatemala coast, while Guerrero registers the same code shared is sites like [[Xochicalco]], [[Teotenango]] and [[Cacaxtla]]. Reminiscent of the late preclassical, the scenes can be quite elaborate and are accompanied by multiple glyphs and numerals which are used to represent calendar dates or names of the characters.<ref name=Icon />
Again there are coincidences style and themes throughout the coast of the Pacific, there is a clear example in crossed arms sculptures, apparently representations of ancestors.<ref name=Urcid >{{cite journal |lastlast1= Urcid |firstfirst1= Javier |year= 1993|title= The Pacific Coast of Oaxaca and Guerrero: The Westernmostwesternmost Extentextent of Zapotec Script |trans_title= script |journal= Ancient Mesoamerica |locationdate= 1993 |urlvolume=4 |languageissue=1 |formatpages= 4 (1):153.141–165 |doi=10.1017/s0956536100000833 |volume=4 |pages=141–165}}</ref> The complex of men jaguar, present since the Tuxtla Chico mid-preclassical sculpture and observable even today with guerrerenses peoples fertility dances, reached a great splendor in the case of [[El Baúl]], Stela 27 and [[Piedra Labrada]], monument 3. Jaguars of these two sites, El Baúl and Piedra Labrada, exhibit also aesthetic similarities as noticed in the 1960s by Miles.<ref name=Miles >{{cite journalbook |last= Miles |first= Susana W. |year= 1965|titlechapter= Summary of Preconquest Ethnology of the Guatemala-Chiapas Highlands and Pacific Slopes. EnSlope |title=Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol.|volume=2 (editado por |editor=G. Willey), |trans_title= |journalpublisher= University of Texas Press, Austin |location=Austin, Texas |urlpages= |language= |format= pp. 247|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> Sometimes, as in [[Xochicalco]] stele 3; [[Horcones]] stele 4 (Chiapas), and a ceramic figurine from [[Azoyú]], Guerrero, Jaguars have bifid tongues, as if recalling a "heart devouring" ancient deity, depicted in the Teotihuacan murals of Atetelco.<ref name=Icon /><ref name=Beatriz >{{cite journalbook |last= De la Fuente |first= Beatriz |year= 1995|title= Tetitla. En La pintura mural prehispánica en México, Teotihuacan (editado por |editor=B. De la Fuente)|trans_titletrans-title= Tetitla. In the pre-Hispanic mural painting in Mexico, Teotihuacan (edited by B. de la Fuente) |journalpublisher= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |location= México |url= |language=Spanishes |formatpage= Vol.1, No.1, pp. 220|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref>
In 1986, when Carlos Navarrete<ref name=Navarrete >{{cite journal |last= Navarrete |first= Carlos |year= 1978|title= The Prehispanic System of Communications Between Chiapas and Tabasco. En Mesoamerican Communication Routes and Cultural Contacts. |journal=Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, No. 40.|trans_titleissue= 40 |journalpages= Brigham Young University |location= Provo |url= |language= |format= pp. 75–106|accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> registered the sculptural body of [[Cerro Bernal]], was the first to propose the iconographic relationship between central Mexico and the Pacific coast, by associating the body glyph and iconography of the Horcones stele 3 with Xochicalco Stela 2. It is now known that this association followed the Guerrero and Costa Chica route, thanks to the two Tlaloc representations located in Chilpancingo. One of the Tlaloc figures has the "cuatro movimiento" (four movement) glyph in the chest, in the same style used in Xochicalco. Characters with goggles, possibly rain deities are present along the coast, as in the case of the so-called "Dios Cangrejo" (God Crab) from [[Bilbao (Mesoamerican site)|Bilbao]]" and Monument 12 at Piedra Labrada.<ref name=Icon />
Another example present in both regions is the death deities that "crumble" hearts with skeletal hands, as the case of El Baúl, monument 4 and Terreno de Coimbra monument 1, near Marquelia, on the Guerrero Costa Chica. The Coimbra death deity is probably associated with the complex of death gods, such as those of Palo Gordo,<ref name=Chin >{{cite journalbook |last= Chinchilla Mazariegos |first= Oswaldo |year= 2002|titlechapter= Palo Gordo, Guatemala, y el estilo artístico Cotzumalguapa. En |title=Incidents of Archaeology in Central America and Yucatán: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook (editado por |editor1=M. Love, |editor2=M. Hatch y|editor3= H. Escobedo) |trans_titletrans-title= Palo Gordo, Guatemala, and the Cotzumalguapa artistic style. In Incidents of Archaeology in Central America and Yucatán: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook (edited by M. Love, M. Hatch & H. Escobedo) |journalpublisher= University Press, Lanhamof America |location= Maryland |url= |language=Spanishes |formatpages=pp- 168 |accessdate=September 2010}}</ref> but finding more samples in eastern Guerrero, are required to confirm this relationship.<ref name=Icon />
Just like during the early classical, is during the postclassical period when the iconographic connection is lost again, detected between the Valley of Morelos and Guerrero, and Guerrero eastern coast of Chiapas with Guatemala, is lost. But unlike the early classical, it is known that during the postclassical period, the Tututepec political expansion is responsible for having blocked the Pacific route and the route never again had important traffic. Ironically it is today, with migrants and narcotics trafficking, when the Pacific route, land and maritime, has strongly resurfaced reviving routes lost a thousand years ago.<ref name=Icon />
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*[[Metallurgy in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica]]
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* Acuña, René. 1984 Relaciones geográficas del siglo XVI: Antequera, Tomos Segundo y Tercero. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.
* Álvarez, José J. y Rafael Durán. 1856 Itinerarios y derroteros de la República Mexicana. Biblioteca Nacional de México, México.
* Chinchilla Mazariegos, Oswaldo. 2002. Palo Gordo, Guatemala, y el estilo artístico Cotzumalguapa. En Incidents of Archaeology in Central America and Yucatán: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook (editado por M. Love, M. Hatch y H. Escobedo), pp.&nbsp;147–178. University Press, Lanham, Maryland.
* Clark, John E. 1990 Olmecas, olmequismo y olmequización en Mesoamérica. Arqueología 3:49–56. México.
* Clark, John E. y Mary E. Pye (s.f.) Re-Visiting the Mixe-Zoque, Slighted Neighbors and Predecessors of the Early Lowland Maya. En Southern Maya in the Late Preclassic (editado por M. Love y R. Rosensweig), University of Colorado, Boulder. <br>2000 The Pacific Coast and the Olmec Question. En Olmec Art and Archaeology in Mesoamerica (editado por J. Clark y M. Pye), pp.&nbsp;217–251. Studies in the History of Art 58. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C..
* {{cite journal |last=Bovallius |first=Carl |year= 1886|title=Nicaraguan Antiquities |trans_title= |journal=Swedish Society of Anthropology and Geography |location=Stockholm, Sweden |url= |language= |format= |accessdate=September 2010}}
* Covarrubias, Miguel 1957. Indian Art of Mexico and Central America. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
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==Further reading==
* ''Nuu Savi'' (Nuu Savi – Pueblo de Lluvia), Miguel Ángel Chávez Guzman (compilador),, 2005. {{esin iconlang|es}}
*Joyce, Arthur A., ''Mixtecs, Zapotecs and Chatinos: Ancient peoples of Southern Mexico.'' 2010, Wiley Blackwell {{ISBN |978-0-631-20977-5}}
[[Category:Archaeological sites in Mexico]]