Papers by Athanasios Douzenis
British Journal of Psychiatry, Feb 1, 1990
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2020
Introduction: Preoperative anxiety is a common attitude in patients scheduled to undergo r surger... more Introduction: Preoperative anxiety is a common attitude in patients scheduled to undergo r surgery and represents with psychological and physical disturbances affecting postoperative recovery and quality of life (QoL). Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the effect of preoperative education on preoperative and postoperative anxiety and postoperative QoLin patients scheduled to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) and inguinal hernia (IH) repair, without prior surgical experience. Methods: Patients scheduled to underwent LC and IH repair were randomly assigned to control group (CG) and to interventional group (IG). The 'State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults' questionnaire was used to validate anxiety before surgery and after 3 months postoperatively. The 36- item Medical Outcomes Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) was used to investigate mental, physical and emotional domains of QoL. The CG was received only routine information by doctors. The IG received additionally oral information plus a booklet from an experienced surgical nurse. Data analyzed using paired and unpaired t-test and Αnova tests. The level of statistical signicance was set at ≤ 5%. Results: Four hundred and fty patients were scheduled to undergo either LC or IH repair, with 200 assigned to the IG and 250 to the CG. Age, sex, marital status and educational level were similar in both groups. Postoperative State anxiety was signicantly lower in IG (p<0.001). Patients of the IG showed greater improvement in all of the SF-36 scale domains, specically in physical functionality (p<0.001), physical role (p<0.001), physical pain (p<0.001), general health (p<0.001), vitality (p<0.001), social functionality (p<0.001), emotional role (p<0.001) and mental health (p<0.001). There was not mortality or signicant morbidity in both groups. Conclusion: Preoperative education by an experienced nurse with oral and written information improves perioperative state anxiety and QoL. This method could be used for all surgical patients, irrespective for the surgical procedure.
PubMed, 2019
Sexuální násilí je předmětem nepřetržitého výzkumu v oblasti forenzních i prá... more Sexuální násilí je předmětem nepřetržitého výzkumu v oblasti forenzních i právních věd při určování profilů pachatelů a obětí a rozpoznávání okolností, které v daném okamžiku částečně odpovídají za vyjádření základních pobídek a podnětů. Široká škála sexuálních zločinů a násilí se týká například sexuálního útoku, znásilnění a sexuálního zabití, které sice sdílejí některé podobné rysy, ale z právních důvodů jsou považovány za samostatné trestné činy. Znásilnění a sexuální zabití jsou některými odborníky vnímány jako různé úrovně sexuálního násilí. Příspěvek popisuje případ sexuálního napadení a pokusu o vraždu mužského pachatele spáchaný na dospělé ženě. Ačkoliv psychiatrická anamnéza pachatele byla zčásti známa, psychiatrická diagnostika byla komplikovaná, protože existovalo mnoho náznaků přítomnosti různé psychopatologie (schizofreniformní porucha, porucha osobnosti, alkoholismus), v osobní anamnéze figurovala hospitalizace s paranoidními bludy následovaná dlouhými obdobími relativně vysoké funkčnosti bez medikace, koordinovaného jednání navzdory konzumaci alkoholu i zhoršeného sebeovládání, ale s náznaky částečné promyšlenosti. Tento příspěvek by měl pomoci k lepšímu pochopení sexuálních zločinů a pachatelů.
Psychiatrikī, Jul 1, 2018
Psychological test adaptation and development, Jul 1, 2023
The 5th version of DSM (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) employed a dimensional approach t... more The 5th version of DSM (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) employed a dimensional approach to describe and assess personality disorders, namely, the alternative model of personality disorders (AMPD). So far, AMPD has been translated and validated in many countries. Herein, the results of a series of studies conducted to develop and validate the Greek Personality Psychopathology Inventory (GPPI-5) following the AMPD are reported. Data from more than 1,200 adults were analyzed to examine factor structure. The ESEM approach was applied (1) to examine the proposed personality model, (2) to confirm previous validity studies on AMPD, and (3) to examine the invariance of GPPI-5 across gender. Results successfully replicated the AMPD at both the domain and facet levels. Measurement invariance across gender supported the GPPI-5 structure. Reliability and validity studies were conducted, providing evidence that GPPI-5 is a valid and psychometrically sound measure for assessing personality disorders in clinical and research settings.
British Journal of Psychiatry, Feb 1, 1990
Cureus, 2021
Introduction Multiple references to the violent and especially difficult patient have been presen... more Introduction Multiple references to the violent and especially difficult patient have been presented by the international literature. However, there is little literature on the aggressive behaviors of health professionals in their workplaces. The aim of this research is to record and correlate aggression and attachment type data of adult health professionals. Methods The sample includes 192 individuals (43 men and 149 women) health professionals in the private and public sector, aged 20 to 60 years, who were selected by the method of random sampling. The survey was conducted from February 2018 to May 2018. The Greek version of the Aggression Questionnaire and the Greek version of the Revised Experiences in Close Relationships (G-ECR-R) self-report inventory were used and the analysis was performed with the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS 26) (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Results The analysis shows that the dimension of avoidance has a positive correlation with hostility and physical aggression and the dimension of stress has a positive correlation with anger, physical aggression and hostility. It also seems that the stress dimension of the adult attachment contributes significantly positively to the prediction of anger and the stress dimension contributes significantly to the prediction of hostility. The dimension of avoiding adult attachment contributes significantly to the prediction of physical aggression. Conclusions To our knowledge, no studies were found in the literature to examine the relationship between the subscales of aggression and dimensions of attachment. It is important that violence in the workplace is recognized as an underlying occupational risk and not just as a matter of criminal law. Finally, more research is needed to study the phenomenon in order to make it more understandable.
PubMed, Jan 30, 2015
Islam is the second most popular monotheistic religion in the world. Its followers, the Muslims, ... more Islam is the second most popular monotheistic religion in the world. Its followers, the Muslims, are about 1.2 billion people and are the majority in 56 countries around the globe. Islam is an holistic way and model of life and its rules, according to a large proportion of Muslims, should have more power than the laws deriving from any secular authority. This means that the divine laws, as depicted from Islam's holy scripts, should be the laws of the land. In the strict Islamic states, as Saudi Arabia, the Islamic law or the Shari'ah prevails. Shari'ah means the path, the road each faithful Muslim should follow according to the rules of God. The Islamic views on mental health have some interesting characteristics: on the one hand, the moral necessity for the protection and care of the vulnerable individuals is very strong, but on the other hand superstitions and stigmatization influence the peoples' attitude against mental health patients. At the beginning of its historical course, Islamic world was a pioneer concerning mental health care. Unfortunately, as time passed by, we have observed considerable regression. In our days mental health services provided in most of the Islamic states cannot be considered adequate according to modern Western standards. The same course characterizes the Forensic Psychiatric services and the relevant legislation in the Islamic world.
Europace, 2005
during the first 6 min after the tilt onset. The increase of the HR induced by the tilt showed a ... more during the first 6 min after the tilt onset. The increase of the HR induced by the tilt showed a strong inverse correlation with age (r =-0,63, p<0,001) but did not predict the results of the test. The increment of the HR induced by nitroglycerin was also similar for patients with and without syncope during the pharmacologic phase of the test (Fig. h case A: negative HUT and important increase of HR; case B: positive HUT and flat response of HR). Conclusions: the magnitude of the HR increases during the first minutes after the tilting maneuver and after the administration of nitroglycerin are inversely related to age and do not predict the results of the HUT potentiated with nitrogliycelin.
Journal of depression & anxiety, 2018
Jo urna l o f D e pr essio n a n d A nxiety
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 11, 2012
Aim: Child abduction by one parent and their transport to a foreign country is increasing worldwi... more Aim: Child abduction by one parent and their transport to a foreign country is increasing worldwide but has not received adequate scientific interest. When inter-marital relationships reach the point of break-up and divorce, one of the parents abducts his/her child/children. Method: Records of forty seven (47) cases of inter family abduction that took place in 2007 in Greece were obtained. The majority of cases concerned relocation of children in a foreign country. A special inventory was developed for data collection. This consisted of three distinctive parts, for the father, the mother, or the abducted child. Results: Results showed that a typical abductive mother is of non Greek nationality, more likely of having psychiatric symptoms, without indication of substance abuse and no signs of violent behavior. Abductive fathers are of Greek nationality, less likely of having psychiatric symptoms, no substance abuse, and tend to exhibit violent behavior. Legal resolution of these cases and repatriation takes very long adding to the child and family's distress. Conclusions: Child abduction is associated with cases of dissolved marriages. Domestic violence is frequent. Child abduction cases takes on average 3.5 years to be
Enfermería clínica, 2020
Objective: Our aim was to investigate the relationship of quality of life, psychopathological sym... more Objective: Our aim was to investigate the relationship of quality of life, psychopathological symptoms and ways of coping of nursing staff in two General Hospitals in Greece. Method: This was a cross-sectional study of 302 nurses in two General Hospitals in Greece between October and November of 2015. Data collection was performed using three questionnaires; the World Health Organisation Quality Of Life BREF; the Falk Self-Reporting Questionnaire for the detection of possible psychiatric comorbidity and the Ways of Coping Scale for Stressful Situations. Results: From a sample of 302 nurses, the poorer the mental and physical health of the nursing staff, the more their quality of life was impaired in all dimensions (physical, psychological, social and environmental) (p < .001, p = .047, p = .001). Also, while the scores in coping strategies ''Positive Approach-Positive reappraisal'', ''Positive Approach-problem solving'' and ''Positive Approach (overall)'' rose, the score in the General Scale dropped, in other words, the employees' general health improved. Conclusion: Coping strategies such as Positive Approach, improved the nurses' general health. In contrast, their mental health deteriorated when they adopted the Wishful thinking/Daydream and/or the Escape/Avoidance strategies. Finally, as their general health worsened, their quality of life was impaired in all dimensions, whereas poor mental health of nurses was associated with lower quality of life in the physical and psychological dimensions.
Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, May 1, 2016
Psychiatrikī, Oct 1, 2017
PubMed, Sep 15, 2011
Depressive and anxiety symptomatology represent the most common psychiatric manifestations that c... more Depressive and anxiety symptomatology represent the most common psychiatric manifestations that complicate the management and prognosis of patients with somatic disorders. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a reliable, valid andpractical screening tool for identifying and quantifying anxiety and/or depression in non-psychiatric out patients. The aim of the present study was to compare the psychometric properties of the HADS among internal medicine outpatients, psychiatric outpatients and the generalpopulation. The present study involved 264 subjects: 95 internal medicine outpatients, 79 psychiatric outpatients and 90 normal controls. Psychiatric outpatients were diagnosed according to DSMIV-TR and inclusion criteria required the absence of any psychotic or organic psychiatric disorder. Patients with depressive disorders were divided in 3 groups: major depression, dysthymic disorderand adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood. All patients were administered the following psychometric tools: HADS, BDI and STAI. Subjects of the control group were administeredonly HADS. In all psychometric scales the psychiatric group presented significantly greater values than the internal medicine and the control group. In turn, the internal medicine group scoredsignificantly higher than the control group. Within the psychiatric outpatient group significantly higher HADS and HADS-D scores were observed in the major depression group followed by the dysthymicdisorder and the adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood group. HADS may be capable of identifying anxiety and depressive symptoms between psychiatric outpatients, internal medicine outpatients and subjects in the general population. In addition, the HADS-D subscaledifferentiates the main depressive disorders.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
BackgroundTCAT is a recently developed short instrument (15 minutes are required for its administ... more BackgroundTCAT is a recently developed short instrument (15 minutes are required for its administration), with good psychometric properties, specialized for the assessment of testamentary capacity (TC) in dementia. It assesses memory, perception of financial parameters and judgment. The present study reports all studies about TCAT.MethodPubmed database as well as unpublished data by the authors of the TCAT have been used.ResultAs of now, there are no other specialized TC assessment instruments with measured psychometric properties in the scientific literature. Unpublished data on amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) performance using the TCAT show no difference of aMCI in comparison to healthy adults at any part of the tool. Another unpublished study has examined the correlation between the three parts of TCAT and the expert opinion regarding TC in patients with dementia. It has shown that Part C “financial parameters” demonstrates the highest correlation with the expert opinio...
Enfermería Clínica, 2020
Resumen Objetivo Nuestro objetivo es investigar la relacion entre calidad de vida, sintomas psico... more Resumen Objetivo Nuestro objetivo es investigar la relacion entre calidad de vida, sintomas psicopatologicos y formas de afrontamiento en el personal de enfermeria en dos hospitales generales en Grecia. Metodo Estudio transversal con 302 profesionales de enfermeria de dos hospitales generales en Grecia realizado entre octubre y noviembre de 2015. La recopilacion de los datos se realizo mediante tres cuestionarios: el cuestionario calidad de vida, version breve (BREF) de la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud; el cuestionario de autoevaluacion de Falk para la deteccion de posibles comorbilidades psiquiatricas, y la escala de formas de afrontamiento de situaciones estresantes. Resultados De una muestra de 302 enfermeras, cuanto peor era la salud mental y fisica del personal de enfermeria, mas se deterioro su calidad de vida en todos los aspectos (fisico, psicologico, social y ambiental) (p Conclusion Las estrategias de afrontamiento, como el enfoque positivo, mejoraron la salud general de los profesionales de enfermeria. Por el contrario, su salud mental se deterioro cuando adoptaron las estrategias ilusiones/ensueno y/o escape/evitacion. Finalmente, como la salud general va empeorando, su calidad de vida se ve afectada en todas las dimensiones, mientras que la mala salud mental de las enfermeras se asocio con una menor calidad de vida con respecto a las dimensiones fisica y psicologica.
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 2018
A recent special education legislation reform in Greece puts emphasis on the inclusion of pupils ... more A recent special education legislation reform in Greece puts emphasis on the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs into mainstream schools. The purpose of the present study was to investigate knowledge of ASD among 67 mainstream nursery and primary classroom teachers, and evaluate the effectiveness of a half-day ASD awareness seminar in increasing their knowledge of the disorder. A self-report ASD Knowledge Questionnaire (ASD-KQ), developed for the purpose of this study, was used before and after the ASD awareness seminar. The results indicated a significant shift from low to moderate/high level of ASD knowledge among teachers with no previous training in special education and/or autism (58.7%), whereas this shift did not reach significance level in the teacher's group with previous training (16.7%) after the seminar. The present findings have important implications for the development of training programmes of practising teachers.
Papers by Athanasios Douzenis