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Questions tagged [wattmeter]

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Help identifying "A32F" and "G9" chips used in USB-C cable built in wattmeters

I have been trying to identify the chips that are used in "power meter" USB C cables and adapters. I have purchased and taken apart the following two adapters for this: Adapter 1 - No name ...
Anas Malas's user avatar
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4 answers

Trying to build a wattmeter and register it with Arduino. Will it work?

In the last three months, my electricity bill consumption increasead by 50% with no known reason. I got hyper focused on discovering how to prevent that and how to control my energy consumption better....
Marvin's user avatar
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2 wattmeter method for measurement of power in 3 phase AC circuits

Could someone please explain the concept of the lagging and leading pf in 3 phase AC circuits with respect to these special conditions
Arinjoy Pramanik's user avatar
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Watt meter and load

I have recently purchased a watt meter from Adafruit to measure the cumulative watthours of a non-constant (DC) current. When I use a multimeter to test the voltage and amperage, I get what I expect: ...
BEn's user avatar
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Best way to measure watts usage from an 110V 2000W electric heater [closed]

I want to measure how much watts does my electric heater uses. It says it is a 2000W heater on a 110V outlet. I tried the kill-a-watt meter but that only goes max of 700W. What are some solutions to ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How to determine resistors for rectifier bridge wattmeter - Hewlett patent 3662264

More than 40 years ago I worked for a company that sold, modified, and serviced a wide range of electronic instruments, including wattmeters. In particular, we built watt transducers that used a core ...
PStechPaul's user avatar
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