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Complete ADC SNR formula when signal is not full scale

I am very in pain to find a (any) paper giving more than the traditional SNR for full-scale wave sampled by ADC $$ SNR(Full Scale Waveform) = 6.02N + 1.76 (dB)$$ As far as I can remember if the signal ...
NGI's user avatar
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The relationship between bit depth and SNR in ADC

An 8-bit audio signal has a theoretical maximum SNR of 48.16 dB (20log(2^8)). My question then would be, does this work in reverse, i.e. would an analogue audio (or video) signal with an SNR of <=...
pvmnerd999's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Does SNR improve at higher sampling rates for a low pass filtered signal?

Let's say we want to extract 1Hz signal from a noisy signal by using a LPF. And assume we have sampled it with 100Hz sampling rate. If we would have sampled it with 1kHz sampling rate and use the ...
floppy380's user avatar
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How do you find the resolution and sampling rate needed for a certain signal to noise ratio of an analog to digital converter?

For example, I want to convert an analog voltage signal to digital. I want to have a signal to noise ratio of at least 50,000 without aliasing. What sampling rate and resolution could I use to achieve ...
user1953907's user avatar