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7 votes
2 answers

Why have a filter before the LNA in LoRa boards?

I've looked through some Semtech reference board schematics and found one strange thing: they put SAW filters both before and after the LNA. For example here is part from a Semtech reference board ...
lazba's user avatar
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Noise Figure of an Attenuator

it is known that the noise figure of an attenuator is equal to its attenuation coefficient L. A proof of this statement is provided here. Basically, it uses the formula (Reference): $$F = 1 + \frac{...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Can Decimation be used to improve the SNR of a signal?

While researching SNR improvement techniques, I came across many techniques, mostly the application of digital filters and windowing. Shortly, I read an article that said that performing decimation ...
bessiethacow's user avatar
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SNR wall definition

I want to ask you if my understanding of the definition of the so called "SNR wall" is correct and complete. The SNR wall phenomenon is described here and here. If one has further information that ...
Justin Time's user avatar
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I'm confused about how to calculate noise for an SNR? [closed]

My Rx radio is getting -60 dBm but I don't know how to find the noise. My thermal noise is on the order of E-12 so it barely affects my SNR. Where does noise come from and how can I calculate it?
Atomar94's user avatar