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Difference between a lock in amplifier and an oscilloscope

I'm a physics student and in my lab we are currently dealing with lock-in amplifiers. So far the thing that I found out is that an oscilloscope displays a signal in the time domain and a lock-in ...
SphericalApproximator's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Effects of increasing current on external noise and SNR for analog transmission

This is a conceptual question about long analog signal transmission exposed to capacitive coupling and EMI noise as shown in below figures: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using ...
user16307's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How does a preamplifier improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)?

I'm trying to understand how a preamplifier works. Is the noise not amplified the same amount as the signal? If so, how is that done in the preamplifier?
physicsnoob1000's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to amplify a tiny signal riding on a large common mode square wave

I have a small signal of about 10uV-100uV riding on about 1V common mode. I have tried to depict this in the picture. I am interested in designing a board level circuit(cannot use a commercial lock-in ...
user1155386's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Photo diode TIA

here i have designed a TIA circuit with the suitable values for the feedback resistance and feedback capacitance and using the FDS100, to achieve a bandwidth around 43 MHz, the simulation is running ...
Hamzeh Abu Tabanjah's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to characterize SNR for an amplifier with extreme low input signal?

Often that the OPAMP has an internal noise of 1uV. If I have an extreme high gain of 10000, the noise will be amplified up to 0.01V. Then, when I input a very low input signal of 10uV, after amplify ...
jhyap's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to set up an experiement to measure SNR for an EEG amplifier?

I have built an EEG amplifier with gain of 2000 and bandwith at 1~40Hz. I use an Instrument Amplifier for pre-Amp and a non-inverting opamp as post-amp and finally bandlimit at 40Hz using a 4th-order ...
jhyap's user avatar
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