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13 votes
4 answers

Do 50 Ω signal generators have a series resistor or not?

I am wondering about something really simple and silly. If functions generators have an internal series 50 Ω termination, then they would produce only half the set amplitude over a matched load. ...
tobalt's user avatar
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Attaching Lower Impedance Part to a Function Generator

If a speaker with a hypothetical 3 ohm impedance is attached a signal generator with an output impedance of 50 ohms, will the speaker draw too much current, and overload the signal generator?
itisyeetimetoday's user avatar
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Questions regarding AFG3000C function generator

I have a new function generator - model AFG3000C. I am having difficulty in understanding certain terms related to this function generator. I have tried online searches, but I couldn't get what I ...
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4 answers

High output impedance from voltage source to a low pass filter?

I'm a first year EEE undergrad student. One of my labs was about low-pass filters (simple RC ones). When connecting the voltage source to the low pass filter circuit, the instructions (of the lab ...
Aviram Serra's user avatar
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Impedance of BNC vs output impedance of function generator

I'm a bit confused on output impedance of function generator and coaxial cable impedance. Consider a function generator with output impedance of \$50 \Omega\$. Suppose that I connect to it a BNC \$...
Sørën's user avatar
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1 answer

Function generator output voltage

In a function generator, when I set Zout to be 50 Ohm, and Vpp is 1V. Is this Vsource, or the Vload when I have a matching load of 50 Ohm? simulate this circuit – Schematic created using ...
Dzung Nguyen's user avatar
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Voltage drops when a signal is fed into op-amp comparator

I have a function generator SFG-2110 from GW Instek. I set it to generate a square wave with max/min of aroudn +- 1 V. And I checked with an oscilloscope. However, when I connected outputs of the ...
Jeon's user avatar
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Impedance for Helmholtz Coil Connected to Audio Amplifier

I am trying to design a Helmholtz coil, that will have an impedance of about 2 ohms (the reason for this being that I am going to hook it up to a audio power amplifier, so to get the same wattage ...
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