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Connecting GND on secondary side to protective ground

We have a battery powered equipment which mainly consists of a temperature sensor connected to a microcontroller via a filter. In addition to battery power we have now added the possibility to use a ...
user285846's user avatar
17 votes
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What is the right way to float a home lab?

I just got myself some new toys for my lab at home like 30V DC power supply, KKmoon signal generator and a Rigol DS1052E. I want to float everything, because I don't want to spend any money on stuff ...
Asians never die's user avatar
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Potential difference between DC floating power supply and earth ground

I have a question about a simple DC floating power supply: it is as simple as possible, secondary coil -> bridge rectifier -> filter cap, as shown on the figure below. If I connect the input of the ...
kalaq's user avatar
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