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What is a good contact pressure for bolting steel busbars onto steel battery terminals?

I would like to achieve a good/low contact resistance. From other graphs I've seen for copper and aluminium, there's a point of diminishing returns regarding contact resistance vs contact pressure. I ...
pa_blo's user avatar
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Relay contact resistance spec off?

This Finder relay series specifies Power lost to the environment without contact current 0.4 W with rated current 1.4 W And a rated current of: Rated current/Maximum peak current 10A / 15A If ...
kellogs's user avatar
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How can a marginal connection become "good" by just applying a little more voltage?

"On the side" I do a fair amount of repair work to guitar gear -- Amplifiers, pedals, guitars, etc... I've had a similar symptom occur on different repairs, and found the same root cause for ...
Kyle B's user avatar
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What is initial contact resistance in relays?

I am reading datasheet of a relay. I see a term, initial contact resistance in relays. What is the definition of this parameter? Thanks.
user15847's user avatar
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In measuring relay contact resistance, should I use 4 wire measurement or calculate it using the voltage across the relay and current?

I'm reading mixed things online where a current from a typical ohmmeter is too low to accurately tell us the true resistance of the relay contacts. I've got a 30V 2.5A power supply, electronic load, ...
Curious George's user avatar
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typical value of contact resistance: 1) banana connector, 2) solder joint

Two separate questions: 1) What is the typical value of contact resistance in electrical connectors? I am interested mostly in a banana connector for delivering power supply from the source to the ...
Sergei Gorbikov's user avatar
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Calculating electrical contact surface area

First off, I am no electrical engineer: I am a mechanical engineer. I am making a saddle (holder for the rack) for contacting to a plating rack for anodizing. We are a small plating shop and I figured ...
R Mck's user avatar
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Calculating maximum power dissipation based on contact area between two metal conductors

I am trying to figure out how to properly calculate the minimum contact surface area based on the maximum required power dissipation. Let me explain.. I am creating a custom semi-circular metal tab ...
Willis's user avatar
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