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Questions tagged [cd4017]

5-stage Johnson counter having 10 decoded outputs. Inputs include a CLOCK, a RESET and a CLOCK INHIBIT signal. Permits high-speed operation, 2-input decode-gating and spike-free outputs.

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3 answers

How to not output any stage when 4017 clock in is off?

I have this following schematics I made: When I switch off SW1 the sequence will stay on the last stage that was ON. how can I make all stages to be LOW when SW1 is Off?
frequency_abovetime's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Understanding 4000 series datasheet for output current values

Edit: the main point of my question is to manage understanding data sheet information as they are written. Beginner question, I am playing with 555, 4000 series IC and BJT for fun, but electronic is ...
Vincent Hiribarren's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

die with 555, 4017 and 4026 need extra pulse after reset

I was thinking of making a die that runs somehow from 1 to 6. Using a decade counter it resets after reaching > 6. But the problem is at that point the pulses from the digital clock may still flow ...
Niels's user avatar
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Can't get 4017 led walker to work

For days I've tried to create a simple led walker using a 555 and 4017 IC, with a 9v battery. My latest attempt was from the electronics for dummies book: I'm not using these exact values, instead of ...
Oli's user avatar
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3 answers

Help with troubleshooting 4017 issues

I'm trying to troubleshoot a 555-4017 LED chaser circuit, where multiple LEDs are on in the initial state, and the clock signal from the 555 doesn't seem to do anything. I've got some general ...
Oli's user avatar
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1 answer

A question about the use of 4017 and ULN2003A [closed]

Can someone please help me understand the use of CD4017 AND ULN2003A with the 7-segment display?
AEL's user avatar
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3 answers

NE555 + CD4017 Airplane Strobe Light with LDR

Engineers! I have built a simple airplane strobe light using NE555 and CD4017 in order to flash two LED in a different pattern. I have added an LDR resistor with a transistor in order to switch OFF ...
Svet GEoff's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

CD4017 resetting itself when load connected

Ok to the issue I have been plagued with for some time now. The circuit is powered by a 4s Battery Pack (max VBAT = 16.8V, well below the CD4017 max V of 20V) After the Power-ON stage it is branched ...
Aotearoa_DEV's user avatar
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1 answer

LED matrix 7x10

I am trying to assemble a 7 x 10 LED single-color matrix using 2 74HC595's for the 10 columns and a CD4017 for the 7 rows. Now obviously I am only going to use a total of 10 pins of the 74HC595 ...
Lucio Mazzini's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to drive the clock pulse of a counter by a NAND gate output but the counter misbehaves

I have connected the output (2Y) of the NAND gate to the clock pulse (CP0) input of the counter, but as soon as I send an input to the NAND gate the counter misbehaves; it does not count in sequence ...
Ashish Kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

Circuit to reset a 4017 decade counter to 1

I have a need for a circuit with cascading outputs such as a 4017 chip. I want every output to be able to reset the circuit using a jumper. I was thinking to make a pcb with solder jumpers so one gets ...
bask185's user avatar
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1 answer

Car soft latch circuit auto triggers

I wanted a circuit to power on and off the front parking sensors of a car with a single button. After searching the internet for a bit I came across a soft latch circuit by eevblog and after changing ...
Ravindu's user avatar
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3 answers

Replacement for CD4017 / IC sequencers

I'm building this circuit from the image below, which is an LED sequencer. My problem is that where I am now I don't have a CD4017 to do the sequential, but I really need to make this circuit to ...
gabriel's user avatar
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2 answers

Divide Hall effect sensor input

I've made a circuit which is supposed to take the output of a Hall effect sensor and divide by 5, so that I get one pulse per revolution of a motor. The motor is a Nidec FY9S40 variant. Since the ...
Niclas's user avatar
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Light bulb lights up in a fraction of time (blinks) using TRIAC-BT136 and MOC3021 (Solved)

I have several days with problems when assembling the circuit of the image (it is a light bulb that turns on when you clap). To briefly describe the operation of the circuit, when the potentiometer is ...
aticboy's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I simulate an 8 LED (complemented) pattern device?

How can I simulate an 8 led with timer and ic? I have tried simulating it like this but still it’s not working, it blinks for less than a second and then it turns off I want it to work like First all ...
Maryam 's user avatar
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Why does this 8 step sequencer schematic need two resistors for each output pin?

I've found a schematic online for an 8 step sequencer and built it on a breadboard. Before I start experimenting with it and adding features, I'd like to find out if both 10k resistors are needed for ...
Marlon's user avatar
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Increasing LED brightness on arduino-controlled 8x10 LED matrix

I have made an 8x10 LED matrix, controlled using a CD4017 decade counter and Arduino. A simplified schematic is shown below: In the real version, there are 8 Arduino pins, and all 10 outputs of the ...
J. Barker's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the voltage on CD4017 outputs?

What is the voltage of "high" signal on "out" pins? Do I understand it correctly, that it is dependent only on provided Vdd and it is a little (approx. 0.5 V) lower than Vdd?
Scientist known as Rick's user avatar
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How to Prevent CD4017 from Resetting to Random Count on Power On

I'm working on a project using a couple of CD4017 decade counter chips sharing a clock signal from a 555 oscillator. The ideal behavior I would expect is that the chips would all start on count 0 ...
Emmett Palaima's user avatar
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Triggering CD4026 Reset w/ a CD4017

I am trying to get a CD4026 IC to reset at 6 for a digital clock project. I have some 3-input AND gate IC's but there doesn't seem to any unique conditions that would work. I do have some CD4017 and ...
BobaJFET's user avatar
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4 answers

4017 IC block diagram

I am really confused with the block diagram of 4017 IC. Here's the dataheet. I really can't wrap my head around the way they have taken the output for each count. They are just taking two flip to ...
G-aura-V's user avatar
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How to choose resistors in a decade counter circuit?

I'll start off by stating that I am a novice. I'm trying to figure out how to use a decade counter, so I've constructed this circuit: It worked fine, but now I'm wondering how it was decided to ...
Andy M's user avatar
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1 answer

One time blink then turn off circuit

is it possible to change Circuit Diagram for the following example: or Original: 4 short flashes stay on light ...
Smekeri BezPrezimena's user avatar
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3 answers

60 LED chaser sequencer, two LEDs turn on at a time instead of one

I am trying to make a 60 LED chaser. I don't want to use microcontrollers as it makes the job too easy. I have got lots of CD4017s with me. I searched the internet and got a comparatively simple ...
Vinodvnmy's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Resetting two CD4017 counters simultaneously, only one resets

I am working on a simple 24-hour clock based on the CD4017. To reset when the clock reaches the 24th hour, two diodes are used to produce an "and" logic when the 2 digit and 4 digit LEDs receive a ...
Harrito's user avatar
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1 answer

3 simultaneous led chaser using only 555 and 4017

I've to design a circuit which consists of 30 LEDs in a row (RED, BLUE and GREEN) followed by a led matrix which spells out IN. Conditions which I've to follow: When the circuit is powered, ...
Sunkeerth Muppala's user avatar
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3 answers

Resetting CD4017 Counter when power source is OFF

I found the circuit below online and I have two questions about the reset switch. Does it help to click the reset button when power is OFF? I mean, does it clears the memory of the CD4017 chip when ...
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2 answers

CD4017 with multiple LEDs

Here I solved most of my doubts from this site.Thanks to you all and cos of that I come this far. 1 . I wanna cycle through the various color LEDs using clap . 2 . I use a switch to cycle through ...
Ram's user avatar
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2 answers

Electronic bell for lecture [closed]

please help me about this project. I want to make electronic bell. Which duration time is like 10.45 AM to 11.45 AM ..1st lecture 11.45 AM to 12.45 PM .. 2nd lecture 12.45 PM to 1.30 PM lunch break ...
jay shah's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Unable to trigger NPN Transistor from 4017 decade counter output

I am trying to make a unipolar stepper motor driver circuit. As a development landmark, I am trying to first run LEDs using the driver. Attached is my circuit. My 555 timer generates regular pulses ...
Anurag's user avatar
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3 answers

lock the 10 outputs of 4017 to HIGH

I am a beginner in electronics. For a project I have to use five 4017 counter and I understood how they works: one of ten outputs is high at the same time. But at some time, I need to set HIGH the 10 ...
Jean-Paul Sabatier's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Simple Mosfet driver

I need to switch 8 IRF9540 (P-Channel Mosfets) with about 32kHz (so 1 MOSFET about 4kHz) so that only one is On at one time. I thought about using the decade counter 4017 for this, and the 555 Timer ...
Ribisl's user avatar
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3 answers

On-- off-- on-- off timer circuit

I want to make a circuit to do something that is relatively simple but I need to find the optimal way to do it in order to take as little current as possible. Here is what I want to do: When a ...
Pierre-Luc 's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

With a 555 + 4017, how do I light 7 LEDs, then 6, then 5... then 1 then 0?

I'm in the process of turning a Raspberry Pi project into a simpler circuit board powered with 555 and 4017 chips. I want to be able to start by showing 7 LEDs, then go to 6 then to 5 and so on until ...
David Mowatt's user avatar
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2 answers

Baby 10 step sequencer help!

I'm a beginner in electronics and am working on a Baby10 step sequencer for a project. It consists of a 555 timer for a clock signal, a CD4017 decade counter and 2 more 555s for an Atari Punk Console ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Ultrasonic sensor without micro controller

I have been researching how ultrasonic proximity detection works and I believe the HC-SR04 would be a decent fit for a project. The sensor unit looks like this. I would like to know is if this ...
Archaeus's user avatar
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2 answers

Power-on Reset for CD4017 gives unexpected results

In the circuit below, a 555 timer produces approximately 1 pulse per second, and the CD4017 counts pulses. The initial state of a CD4017 is undefined, thus I need a reset pulse on power up. In the ...
Mark Colan's user avatar
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How do I get my 555's output to cycle through different paths with just one button?

I'm an amateur so this is a basic question. I have a 555 in astable mode producing a frequency which I put through a speaker as a musical note ("musical" is debatable). I can get lots of different ...
thatsagoal's user avatar
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Traffic light circuit

There is a traffic light circuit that I have built shown above. It works on circuit wizard just as I want but when bread boarding both the astable and monostable work however my 4017 does not I have ...
user350574's user avatar
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output waveform of CD4017 [closed]

We are trying to create a chaser circuit using a CD4017 counter with the output of a 555 timer as the CD4017's input. The schematic diagram used is here (photo taken from circuit digest): When ...
nooble's user avatar
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3 answers

100 LED chaser with multiple LEDs on at the same time

I'm sure this has been covered but I am not finding answers to what I am looking for. Just getting back into electronics after well over a I'm a bit rusty. :) What I need is a 100 LED ...
Richard B's user avatar
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CD4017 Decade Counter Based LED Flasher Question

I am creating a simple LED Flasher with NE555 and CD4017. I am actually dividing the pulse frequency of NE555 by five. Because I have merged each pair of the output pins to finally get 5 outputs. I ...
sribasu's user avatar
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CD4017BE output pin question

I am designing a circuit which uses a CMOS decade counter to activate and deactivate pairs of transistors in turns.The problem is:will the IC be damaged if the current of one of the outputs(activated) ...
Daniel Tork's user avatar
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