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BD9D320EFJ buck converter output overdrive causes excessive input voltage

Ref: The following schematic: Background: This circuit is part of a controller board for a Raspberry Pi controlled robot and this circuit supplies the +5v to the Raspberry Pi through its GPIO pins. ...
Jim JR Harris's user avatar
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Switching regulator issues?

I'm trying to use a switching regulator (ptr08060w) to step 12V DC down to 2V DC, however it is not achieving this at all (even with no load connected), and is outputting a voltage that varies ...
Dip's user avatar
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Designing a DIY low level light therapy device (LLLT)

I am designing a low level light therapy (LLLT) device similar to the one in this video. Mine will be smaller using twenty each (for a total of 40) of two kinds of 3W LEDs: 2.4V 0.6A -- 660Nm red 1....
Bravo Foxtrot's user avatar