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2 answers

Irregular behaviour of this RC circuit

I'm currently building a blink circuit that works with 3V (two series AA batteries) for some kind of fake alarm system. It has to be blink every 5 seconds for 0.5 sec on time. For this kind of pulse ...
qwertyqwq's user avatar
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How does this simple Christmas tree blinking circuit work? [duplicate]

Can somebody explain how this simple blinking Christmas tree circuit works?
Evg's user avatar
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STM32 NUCLEO F303RE : LED2 does not turn on (nor blink)

I have a STM32 NUCLEO F303RE board. According to the reference and user manual, there is only one user LED (LED2 corresponding to PA5) that can be used. LED3 is red (means power OK AFAIU) and LED1 is ...
fghoussen's user avatar
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3 answers

NE555 + CD4017 Airplane Strobe Light with LDR

Engineers! I have built a simple airplane strobe light using NE555 and CD4017 in order to flash two LED in a different pattern. I have added an LDR resistor with a transistor in order to switch OFF ...
Svet GEoff's user avatar
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PIC16F1825 trouble with simple increment MPLAB XC8

I have set myself up with on a breadbord with a simple PI16F1825. I am using MPLAB x with XC8 V2.45 i have a led that turn on/off every second using the simple delay function. i would just like to ...
old_fool's user avatar
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3 answers

I2C: Can you pull up SDA/SCL lines through an LED?

Everyone likes blinky lights. Is there any (technical) reason not to pull up the SDA/SCL lines through an LED?
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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Why is this p-channel MOSFET blinker not blinking?

I'm not a professional electronics person, just enthusiastic about it so my knownledge is limited. I first tried this with a n-channel mosfet, and worked well: But it switches negative, and I need a ...
Aram Alvarez's user avatar
33 votes
5 answers

Why do car blinkers flash at twice the speed when a blinker light has burned out

On my 1999 Ford Escort, the brake lights double as turn signal blinkers. A left brake light burned out recently and my blinkers went much faster than normal when signaling a left turn. This is a ...
David Costanzo's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Blink when input is constant?

I would like to have a status LED to make sure my microcontroller software hasn't faulted. From software, I will alternate an output so if it dies, the output will be constant. I want the status LED ...
Drago Rosson's user avatar
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4 answers

Synchronising self-blinking LEDs (for fun)

I think most here are familiar with Big Clive's super computer, or one of the many variations (and for those who aren't: the links will explain/demonstrate). This effect 'works' because the timing of ...
RobIII's user avatar
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Solar-powered 74HC14 LED flasher: oscillators interfere

I am building a "nocturnal solar engine" with two LEDs flashing independently, following the description at the old Solarbotics website. I am essentially rebuilding the same circuit. The ...
g.u.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Get LED that is steady to flash when voltage drops below set value using 3V battery

I am using a 3V battery to light 2 LEDs that have a forward voltage of 2.7 V and a third led with a 2.4V forward voltage that acts as an indicator to tell the user the power is currently on. All 3 ...
Semits's user avatar
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Blinking an LED once when a slide pot is pulled to ~zero ohms

I am developing a little circuit to control a servo linear actuator that is used to control fine injection onto a microscopy set-up. I am using a 555 circuit (see below) to generate the PPM signal ...
Priegel's user avatar
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3 answers

Running IF only once

O holy simplicity. I've seen lots of solutions for this but none that will fit to my scheme. First of all, lets add simple code: ...
Tuhomaatti's user avatar
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Failed to connect to ESP8266: Timed out waiting for packet header

I'm trying to program ESP8266 Node MCU v0.9 using Arduino IDE. I'm trying to upload the most common sketch i.e. blink which is available in the examples of ESP8266. Even then I'm getting this error - ...
Tejashree's user avatar
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One time blink then turn off circuit

is it possible to change Circuit Diagram for the following example: or Original: 4 short flashes stay on light ...
Smekeri BezPrezimena's user avatar
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3 answers

Light circuit for RC car

I'm building a small light system for an RC car, this is the schematic: The power source is 5.5 V. These are the LEDs that I am using, KKHMF 100個 3mm LED 発光ダイオード LED電子部品バッグ 5種類 各20個 - two white, ...
Stonemarten's user avatar
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1 answer

Create a blinking LED circuit with a z-diode and a capacitor

I was searching for the most simple LED flashing circuit. On a webpage ( I found the following circuit with a transistor ...
user128574's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Convert Metronome circuit to Visual Metronome (LED blinker)

I'm trying to make a Visual Metronome, i have a prebuilt one already (bicycle light) but it has a very high frequency of lighting up (2 flashes in 1 second). I have a circuit for metronome, to which ...
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-1 votes
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Simple LED Blinking project - PIC16F877A microController problem

I am trying to simply blink an led light using pic16f877a microcontroller. softwares i am using are, MPLABX IDE, MPLAB IPE and XC8 compiler. I use Pickit 3.5 programmer. My head-aching question is, i ...
RukshanJS's user avatar
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ATtiny85 not working at all

I am using an Arduino to program my ATtiny85 like in this tutorial. I am trying to make a simple blink example, here's the code: ...
nedla2004's user avatar
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Photoresistor with NE555

I would like to build a circuit with two blinking LEDs using a NE555 timer and a photoresistor. In the schematic below the blinking frequency becomes higher when more light shines on the photoresistor ...
MeMeansMe's user avatar
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6 answers

How to blink an LED (~5Hz) at 3.3V (coin battery) with minimal components to save power?

I need to build a circuit to blink an LED (about 5Hz) with a coin battery, so on 3.3V. Main specifics: Single coin battery (3.3V.) The LED is an SMD5050 with 3V and 100mA maximum. I would save ...
Noisemaker's user avatar
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1 answer

How does this blinking LED circuit work? [duplicate]

I found a circuit that has an led that is blinking in it. I was interested to see how it works so I took it apart and found that there was no capacitors in IC's in it (here is a picture): I think ...
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3 answers

High Frequency Blinking LED [closed]

I need to get an LED blinking at in the 1-5Khz range. I will use a photo detector to sense the blink rate to identify a drone. The drone will be passing though a hoop about 1 foot from the sensor. ...
DevilWAH's user avatar
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4 answers

How to set up 40 hz flashing LED lights to light a room?

I am trying to figure out how to light an average size living room or bedroom with lights flashing at 40 Hz at the same time (one big light or many small ones). I assume the range can probably be +/- ...
Spangler_jt's user avatar
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2 answers

GPIO and clock configuration of STM32F427VG

I am very new in STM32 projects and it is my first time writing a program with STM32. I used to program with AVR and now I should progress to STM32. I have a board with STM32F427VG on it without any ...
Amir's user avatar
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2 answers

Blinking LED at two different frequencies [closed]

I am trying to build a circuit that will make a LED to blink at a certain frequency, probably by using 555 timer. As the circuit will be supplied by a 3 Volt battery, so I want to extend a feature ...
Arun Lal's user avatar
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4 answers

Lighthouse LED simulator [closed]

I want to make an LED flash twice every ten seconds to the following character * On 750ms approx, Off 1s , On 750ms approx, Off 7500ms, Repeat. * I am fully aware how to do this with a ...
Omasín's user avatar
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1 answer

Flickering LED on BP3106 based LED Driver

I have got a LED fixture with a flickering problem. As I am unable to check the output due to lack of equipment I would like to research and gather some information first. The switch used is not ...
Greg M's user avatar
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3 answers

Blinking LED at two speeds using 555 Timer

I'm trying to build a circuit that will blink a single LED twice a second for one second and then once a second for two seconds. I can get the individual frequencies with two different 555 timers but ...
Anthony Rico's user avatar
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Blinking 3 led's in parallel?

I have a PIC development board which has few on board led's. I am programming MCU so that it can blink 3 led's in a parallel manner. I have made the following code: ...
user46573544's user avatar
2 votes
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STM32F103 GPIO not working

I am programming for LPC microcontrollers (mostly LPC1769), for the past few months with success. I decided though to give STM32 series a try. I just received a no-name board using an STM32F103C8 MCU ...
Fotis Panagiotopoulos's user avatar
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How to design blinking LEDs circuit using analog elements only? [closed]

I want to design a circuit to blinking three LED in a row with 2 second delay for shifting/changing using analog elements only (using Resistors, Capacitors and Transistors and without Micro ...
Ebrahim Ghasemi's user avatar
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AVR-C turning led off after number of blinks with interrupts

so what I am trying to do is that I am trying to make the led blink for a certain number of times before it turns off. I want to avoid using delays so I tried utilizing the interrupt and I also used a ...
Redrachet2's user avatar
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High-efficiency blinking LED circuit

I'm an artist currently working on an installation piece that requires a little more engineering knowledge than I possess. In short, what I'd like to achieve is a 2 LED blinking circuit with battery ...
joe's user avatar
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3 answers

Bike light blink speed adjustment

I am trying to construct a circuit to control an LED in a bike light kind of circuit. This circuit must be designed so that a button press can change the current setting of the light. So for instance ...
Simon's user avatar
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Alternative LEDs Blinking circuit(Analog) Help

Can someone explain the operation of this circuit, I understand the basics of the BJT and its modes, but most of my confusion arises when there is some-sort of feedback loop in the circuit, my thought ...
tesseract's user avatar
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How long will this low duty 555 LED blinker last on batteries?

I know there are many questions about LED blinkers, but I haven't yet found a clear answer for this. I have a 555 circuit blinking a blue led (or three in parallel). I has a low duty cycle (using a ...
marianov's user avatar
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2 answers

LED blinking array using LC-circuit

Basically I want to create a blinking unit to drive my LED's. The LED's are used to be driven at a frequency of ~1.5Hz (that made me choose the values of L and C). So here is my schematic. (I am ...
maximus_de's user avatar
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Launchpad MSP430 incremental blink with button

I'm new with this. I'm trying to make an incremental blinking LED with every time that I push the button, I'm using Energia and Launchpad MSP430, I don't know if somebody can give a example code to do ...
user837963's user avatar
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How to mimic running lights, turn signals and hazards with LEDs for diecast model

20 years ago I took electronics in school. Did very well, but never used it much since so I have forgotten just about all of it. I have been testing in LTspice and just cannot get anywhere with this. ...
Mtgtnt's user avatar
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Launchpad blink with button

I am trying to make LED in MSP430G2 Launchpad keep blinking / off with button like Switch example ( in Arduino/Energia but I seem to miss something stupid and ...
Cagurtay's user avatar
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Minimum files for Atmega1284p AVR-GCC?

does someone have the minimum setup (ie. a 1284p Makefile and an example blink.c) for an ATMega1284p and AVR-GCC? I seem to be ...
Christian's user avatar
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How to get two buttons to work with the 16f628a - C, Hi-tech comp, mplabx

I'm just began exploring my new hobby - mcu electronics. I have bought an 16f628a after reading some forumposts suggestion that is a good mcu for beginners. I have download mplabX, the hi-tech ...
Bjorn's user avatar
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PIC16F877A Resets

I have a PIC16F877A and I am supposed to connect 3 LED lights that are series on each output pin the PIC has 40 pins and 33 output pins, if I connect 5 output pins the code I made that will make the ...
Justin Capuno Cuizon's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

simple, energy efficient circuit to make single IR LED blink

I'm using a 850nm IR LED (spec sheet), and in order to extend my battery life, I'd like to make the LED blink (UF 1.9 V, IF 100 mA). I found a couple of links 1, 2, 3 but they either a) require two ...
memyself's user avatar
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Strange pin behavior with pic16f88

I have been learning(trying to at least) how to work with pic microcontrollers, and I have noticed this behavior that I am not sure whether it is just my fault or is supposed to happen. I wrote the ...
a sandwhich's user avatar
3 votes
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Hello world VHDL program - blinking LED

I am trying to get a simple blinking LED program working on my FPGA and I am having problems. Instead of blinking the LED stays on the entire time. I tried writing my on but then I just copied an ...
ballaw's user avatar
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Arduino Blink example does not run after upload from eclipse

I just started with my first Arduino project. I am trying out the Blink example. I have set up eclipse for arduino 1.0 and the code compiles without errors (both lib project and blink project). I used ...
user1159898's user avatar