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Atx psu yellow wire [closed]

I have an old 500 watt psu, the yellow cables on the psu box say 12 volts, but with the voltmeter I am testing, it is 6.80 volts!! Is the psu broken? Is there any solution for it? I also tested all ...
Farshid Vosoogi's user avatar
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ATX PSU standby section starting problem

I am having a problem in a ATX supply. The problem is when I plug PSU to 230 V AC the PSU won't start thus I opened and tested 5vSB not present on wire and also not on diode (IN5822). Thus started ...
Sourav Bhardwaj's user avatar
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4 answers

Using ATX power supply in industrial electronic projects

I have two main questions: 1. Can you use ATX power supplies in industrial projects? I see lots of DIY projects where they convert an old ATX PSU into a lab bench power supply or powering DIY projects....
Max's user avatar
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Building my own on-off button for a PC

I'm looking to build my own power button for my computer. Most motherboards have a pair of PWR_SW pins that your case power button typically attaches to via two ...
aroooo's user avatar
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