I have been trying to convert an ATX power supply into a lab power supply and ran into some problems.
The first one was that the banana plugs I bought had metal nuts and screws, so I used electrical tape and drilled bigger holes to prevent them from being shorted to the case. This seemed to work I had also made a switch to turn it on and off by shorting the green wire to ground.
I plugged it in, flipped the switch, and the fan came on but there was no power out of any of the banana plugs (the wires are all soldered to the screws).
Then I tested the plugs and the +5 V wire was shorted to ground and then I tested and somehow every other wire that was not in a banana plug got shorted to ground (except the +5 V banana plugs; they were shorted).
So I have no idea what to do or how to even find more information to help myself. Could someone point me in the right direction or tell me what tests I can do to find the problem?