Exact models for Bianchi VI0 spacetimes with multiple scalar fields with exponential potentials h... more Exact models for Bianchi VI0 spacetimes with multiple scalar fields with exponential potentials have been derived and analysed. It has been shown that these solutions, when they exist, attract neighbouring solutions in the two cases corresponding to interacting and non-interacting fields. Unlike the results obtained in a previous work dealing with the latetime inflationary behaviour of Bianchi VI0 cosmologies, the knowledge of exact solutions has made possible to study in detail the occurrence of inflation before the asymptotic regime. As happened in preceding works, here as well inflation is more likely to happen with a higher number of non-interacting fields or a lower number of interacting scalar fields.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Oct 9, 2012
The cosmological model consisting of an electromagnetic Born-Infeld (BI) field coupled to a Rober... more The cosmological model consisting of an electromagnetic Born-Infeld (BI) field coupled to a Robertson-Walker geometry is tested with the standard probes of SNIa, GRBs and direct Hubble parameter. The analysis shows that the inclusion of the nonlinear electromagnetic component does not contribute in a significative way to the observed expansion. The BI electromagnetic matter is considered with an abundance of ΩBI , that our best fit leads to ΩBI = 0.037 when tested with SNIa and the Hubble parameter data (0.1 < z < 1.75); while when tested with GRBs the result is of ΩBI = 0.304, which may indicate that this electrodynamics was important at epochs close to the appearance of large structure (z ≈ 7), although this late result has not as much reliability as that corresponding to the first two probes, since we know that the dispersion in GRBs data is still considerable. In view of these results we can rule out the electromagnetic Born-Infeld matter as the origin of the present accelerated expansion, this conclusion concerns exclusively the Born-Infeld theory.
It is a very well established matter nowadays that many modified gravity models can offer a sound... more It is a very well established matter nowadays that many modified gravity models can offer a sound alternative to General Relativity for the description of the accelerated expansion of the universe. But it is also equally well known that no clear and sharp discrimination between any alternative theory and the classical one has been found so far. In this work, we attempt at formulating a different approach starting from the general class of f (R) theories as test probes: we try to reformulate f (R) Lagrangian terms as explicit functions of the redshift, i.e., as f (z). In this context, the f (R) setting to the consensus cosmological model, the ΛCDM model, can be written as a polynomial including just a constant and a third-order term. Starting from this result, we propose various different polynomial parameterizations f (z), including new terms which would allow for deviations from ΛCDM, and we thoroughly compare them with observational data. While on the one hand we have found no statistically preference for our proposals (even if some of them are as good as ΛCDM by using Bayesian Evidence comparison), we think that our novel approach could provide a different perspective for the development of new and observationally reliable alternative models of gravity.
General Relativity and the ΛCDM framework are currently the standard lore and constitute the conc... more General Relativity and the ΛCDM framework are currently the standard lore and constitute the concordance paradigm. Nevertheless, long-standing open theoretical issues, as well as possible new observational ones arising from the explosive development of cosmology the last two decades, offer the motivation and lead a large amount of research to be devoted in constructing various extensions and modifications. All extended theories and scenarios are first examined under the light of theoretical consistency, and then are applied to various geometrical backgrounds, such as the cosmological and the spherical symmetric ones. Their predictions at both the background and perturbation levels, and concerning cosmology at early, intermediate and late times, are then confronted with the huge amount of observational data that astrophysics and cosmology are able to offer recently. Theories, scenarios and models that successfully and efficiently pass the above steps are classified as viable and are candidates for the description of Nature. This work is a Review of the recent developments in the fields of gravity and cosmology, presenting the state of the art, high-lighting the open problems, and outlining the directions of future research. Its realization was performed in the framework of the COST European Action "Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions".
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Apr 1, 2013
A fast transition between a standard matter-like era and a late Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM)-like ep... more A fast transition between a standard matter-like era and a late Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM)-like epoch (or more in general, a CDM+DE era), generated by a single Unified Dark Matter component, can provide a new interesting paradigm in the context of general relativity, alternative to ΛCDM itself or other forms of DE or modified gravity theories invoked to explain the observed acceleration of the Universe. UDM models with a fast transition have interesting features, leading to measurable predictions, thus they should be clearly distinguishable from ΛCDM (and alternatives) through observations. Here we look at different ways of prescribing phenomenological UDM models with fast transition, then focusing on a particularly simple model. We analyse the viability of this model by studying features of the background model and properties of the adiabatic UDM perturbations, which depend on the effective speed of sound and the functional form of the Jeans scale. As a result, theoretical constraints on the parameters of the models are found that allow for a behaviour compatible with observations.
We present a general algorithm which permits to construct solutions in string cosmology for heter... more We present a general algorithm which permits to construct solutions in string cosmology for heterotic and type-IIB superstrings in four dimensions. Using a chain of transformations applied in sequence: conformal, T-duality and SL(2, R) rotations, along with the usual generating techniques associated to Geroch transformations in Einstein frame, we obtain solutions with all relevant low-energy remnants of the string theory. To exemplify our algorithm we present an inhomogeneous string cosmology with S 3 topology of spatial sections, discuss some properties of the solution and point out some subtleties involved in the concept of homogeneity and isotropy in string cosmology. 04/97
We illustrate how form-invariance transformations can be used for constructing phantom cosmologie... more We illustrate how form-invariance transformations can be used for constructing phantom cosmologies from standard scalar field universes. First, we discuss how to relate two flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with different barotropic indexes γ andγ. Then, we consider the particular caseγ = −γ, and we show that if the matter content is interpreted in terms of selfinteracting scalar fields, then the corresponding transformation provides the link between a standard and a phantom cosmology. After that, we illustrate the method by considering models with exponential potentials. Finally, we also show that the mentioned duality persists even if the typical braneworld modifications to the Friedmann equation are considered.
International Journal of Modern Physics D, Mar 1, 2004
We study Bianchi I type brane cosmologies with scalar matter self-interacting through combination... more We study Bianchi I type brane cosmologies with scalar matter self-interacting through combinations of exponential potentials. Such models correspond in some cases to inflationary universes. We discuss in detail the conditions for accelerated expansion to occur: in particular, we show that the condition which is necessary and sufficient for inflation in the relativistic version of the models is not sufficient in the brane case. Another peculiar feature of the models is that the relationship between the value of the scale factor at the beginning of inflation and the equation of state is very different from what one finds in the relativistic framework. We also analyze the influence of the value of the anisotropy and the brane tension, and show that the associated effects become negligible in the late time limit, those related to the anisotropy disappearing earlier. This study focuses mainly on single field models, but we also consider a generalization yielding models with multiple non-interacting fields and examine their features briefly. We conclude that, in the brane scenario, an increase in the number of fields assists inflation, as happens in general relativity.
Modified gravity theories can be used for the description of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologic... more Modified gravity theories can be used for the description of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models through the corresponding field equations. These can be cast into systems of autonomous differential equations because of their sole dependence on a well-chosen time variable, be it the cosmological time, or an alternative. For that reason, a dynamical systems approach offers a reliable route to study those equations. Through a model-independent set of variables, we are able to study all f(Q) modified gravity models. The drawback of the procedure is a more complicated constraint equation. However, it allows the dynamical system to be formulated in fewer dimensions than using other approaches. We focus on a recent model of interest, the power-exponential model, and generalize the fluid content of the model.
In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f (Q) theories. In... more In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f (Q) theories. In these settings, the non-metricity scalar (Q) is the main source of gravity and Friedmann equations are modified to account for the associated degrees of freedom. This work focuses first on the derivation, and then theoretical and observational analysis of two such (new) exact cosmological models; they both display a non-standard behaviour in which an additional parameter encoding non-metricity effects acts in the fashion of a screened cosmological constant. One of the new settings has the same background evolution as the well know DGP cosmological model, while the other resembles the former considerably, although its origin is purely phenomenological. We use the Markov Chain Montecarlo method combined with standard statistical techniques to perform observational astrophysical tests relying upon background data, specifically these are Type Ia Supernovae luminosities and direct Hubble data (from cosmic clocks), along with Cosmic Microwave Background shift and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data. In addition, we compute some of the cosmographic parameters and other discriminators with the purpose of refining our knowledge about these models in the light of their theoretical and observational signatures, and this allows for a better comparison with the (concordance) ΛCDM setup. We conclude that these scenarios do not show signatures indicating a departure from the ΛCDM behaviour.
The field equations of modified gravity theories, when considering a homogeneous and isotropic co... more The field equations of modified gravity theories, when considering a homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, always become autonomous differential equations. This relies on the fact that in such models all variables only depend on cosmological time, or another suitably chosen time parameter. Consequently, the field equations can always be cast into the form of a dynamical system, a successful approach to study such models. We propose a perspective that is applicable to many different modified gravity models and relies on the standard cosmological density parameters only, making our choice of variables model independent. The drawback of our approach is a more complicated constraint equation. We demonstrate our procedure studying various modified gravity models and show how much generic information can be extracted before a specific model is considered.
The clustering amplitude of 7143 clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is found to in... more The clustering amplitude of 7143 clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is found to increase with cluster mass, closely agreeing with the Gaussian random field hypothesis for structure formation. The amplitude of the observed cluster correlation exceeds the predictions from pure cold dark matter (CDM) simulation by 6% for the standard Planck-based values of the cosmological parameters. We show that this excess can be naturally accounted for by free streaming of light neutrinos, which opposes gravitational growth, so clusters formed at fixed mass are fewer and hence more biased than for a pure CDM density field. An enhancement of the cluster bias by 7% matches the observations, corresponding to a total neutrino mass, m ν = 0.119 ± 0.034 eV at 67% confidence level, for the standard relic neutrino density. If ongoing laboratory experiments favor a normal neutrino mass hierarchy then we may infer a somewhat larger total mass than the minimum oscillation based value, m ν 0.056eV, with 90% confidence. Much higher precision can be achieved by applying our method to a larger sample of more distant clusters with weak lensing derived masses.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2022
The discovery of accelerated expansion of the Universe opened up the possibility of new scenarios... more The discovery of accelerated expansion of the Universe opened up the possibility of new scenarios for the doom of our space–time, besides eternal expansion and a final contraction. In this paper, we review the chances that may await our universe. In particular, there are new possible singular fates (sudden singularities, big rip, etc.), but there also other evolutions that cannot be considered as singular. In addition to this, some of the singular fates are not strong enough in the sense that the space–time can be extended beyond the singularity. For deriving our results, we make use of generalized power and asymptotic expansions of the scale factor of the Universe. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1’.
In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f(Q) theories. In ... more In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f(Q) theories. In these settings, the non-metricity scalar (Q) is the main source of gravity and Friedmann equations are modified to account for the associated degrees of freedom. This work focuses first on the derivation, and then theoretical and observational analysis of two such (new) exact cosmological models; they both display a non-standard behaviour in which an additional parameter encoding non-metricity effects acts in the fashion of a screened cosmological constant. One of the new settings has the same background evolution as the well know DGP cosmological model, while the other resembles the former considerably, although its origin is purely phenomenological. We use the Markov Chain Montecarlo method combined with standard statistical techniques to perform observational astrophysical tests relying upon background data, specifically these are Type Ia Supernovae luminosities and direct Hubble data...
Light Axionic Dark Matter, motivated by string theory, is increasingly favored for the "no-W... more Light Axionic Dark Matter, motivated by string theory, is increasingly favored for the "no-WIMP era". Galaxy formation is suppressed below a Jeans scale, of ≃ 10^8 M_ by setting the axion mass to, m_B ∼ 10^-22eV, and the large dark cores of dwarf galaxies are explained as solitons on the de-Broglie scale. This is persuasive, but detection of the inherent scalar field oscillation at the Compton frequency, ω_B= (2.5 months)^-1(m_B/10^-22eV), would be definitive. By evolving the coupled Schrödinger-Poisson equation for a Bose-Einstein condensate, we predict the dark matter is fully modulated by de-Broglie interference, with a dense soliton core of size ≃ 150pc, at the Galactic center. The oscillating field pressure induces General Relativistic time dilation in proportion to the local dark matter density and pulsars within this dense core have detectably large timing residuals, of ≃ 400nsec/(m_B/10^-22eV). This is encouraging as many new pulsars should be discovered near the G...
The asymptotic properties of the solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations with boostrotation s... more The asymptotic properties of the solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations with boostrotation symmetry and Petrov type D are studied. We find series solutions to the pertinent set of equations which are suitable for a late time descriptions in coordinates which are well adapted for the description of the radiative properties of spacetimes (Bondi coordinates). By calculating the total charge, Bondi and NUT mass and the Newman-Penrose constants of the spacetimes we provide a physical interpretation of the free parameters of the solutions. Additional relevant aspects on the asymptotics and radiative properties of the spacetimes considered, such as the possible polarization states of the gravitational and electromagnetic field, are discussed through the way.
In this work, we further study a metric modified theory of gravity which contains a non-minimal c... more In this work, we further study a metric modified theory of gravity which contains a non-minimal coupling to matter, more precisely, we assume two functions of the scalar curvature, $$f_1$$ f 1 and $$f_2$$ f 2 , where the first one generalises the Hilbert–Einstein action, while the second couples to the matter Lagrangian. On the one hand, assuming a $$\varLambda $$ Λ CDM background, we calculate analytical solutions for the functions $$f_1$$ f 1 and $$f_2$$ f 2 . We consider two setups: on the first one, we fix $$f_2$$ f 2 and compute $$f_1$$ f 1 and on the second one, we fix $$f_1$$ f 1 and compute $$f_2$$ f 2 . Moreover, we do the analysis for two different energy density contents, a matter dominated universe and a general perfect fluid with a constant equation of state fuelling the universe expansion. On the other hand, we complete our study by performing a cosmographic analysis for $$f_1$$ f 1 and $$f_2$$ f 2 . We conclude that the gravitational coupling to matter can drive the a...
We analyze the implications of having a divergent speed of sound in k-essence cosmological models... more We analyze the implications of having a divergent speed of sound in k-essence cosmological models. We first study a known theory of that kind, for which the Lagrangian density depends linearly on the time derivative of the k-field. We show that consistency requires that the potential of the k-field be of the inverse square form. Then, we review the known result that the corresponding power-law solutions can be mapped to power-law solutions of theories with no divergence in the speed of sound. After that, we argue that the requirement of a divergent sound speed at some point fixes uniquely the form of the Lagrangian to be exactly the one considered earlier. Finally, we prove the asymptotic stability of the most interesting solutions belonging to the divergent theory. ∗[email protected] ∗∗[email protected]
We present here the general transformation that leaves unchanged the form of the field equations ... more We present here the general transformation that leaves unchanged the form of the field equations for perfect fluid cosmologies in the DGP braneworld model. Specifically, a prescription for relating exact solutions with different equations of state is provided, and the symmetries found can be used as algorithms for generating new cosmological models from previously known ones. We also present, implicitly, the first known exact DGP perfect fluid spacetime. A particular case of the general transformation is used to illustrate the crucial role played both by the number of scalar fields and the extra dimensional effects in the occurrence of inflation. In particular, we see that assisted inflation does not proceed at all times for one of the two possible ways in which the brane can be embedded into the bulk.
Exact models for Bianchi VI0 spacetimes with multiple scalar fields with exponential potentials h... more Exact models for Bianchi VI0 spacetimes with multiple scalar fields with exponential potentials have been derived and analysed. It has been shown that these solutions, when they exist, attract neighbouring solutions in the two cases corresponding to interacting and non-interacting fields. Unlike the results obtained in a previous work dealing with the latetime inflationary behaviour of Bianchi VI0 cosmologies, the knowledge of exact solutions has made possible to study in detail the occurrence of inflation before the asymptotic regime. As happened in preceding works, here as well inflation is more likely to happen with a higher number of non-interacting fields or a lower number of interacting scalar fields.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Oct 9, 2012
The cosmological model consisting of an electromagnetic Born-Infeld (BI) field coupled to a Rober... more The cosmological model consisting of an electromagnetic Born-Infeld (BI) field coupled to a Robertson-Walker geometry is tested with the standard probes of SNIa, GRBs and direct Hubble parameter. The analysis shows that the inclusion of the nonlinear electromagnetic component does not contribute in a significative way to the observed expansion. The BI electromagnetic matter is considered with an abundance of ΩBI , that our best fit leads to ΩBI = 0.037 when tested with SNIa and the Hubble parameter data (0.1 < z < 1.75); while when tested with GRBs the result is of ΩBI = 0.304, which may indicate that this electrodynamics was important at epochs close to the appearance of large structure (z ≈ 7), although this late result has not as much reliability as that corresponding to the first two probes, since we know that the dispersion in GRBs data is still considerable. In view of these results we can rule out the electromagnetic Born-Infeld matter as the origin of the present accelerated expansion, this conclusion concerns exclusively the Born-Infeld theory.
It is a very well established matter nowadays that many modified gravity models can offer a sound... more It is a very well established matter nowadays that many modified gravity models can offer a sound alternative to General Relativity for the description of the accelerated expansion of the universe. But it is also equally well known that no clear and sharp discrimination between any alternative theory and the classical one has been found so far. In this work, we attempt at formulating a different approach starting from the general class of f (R) theories as test probes: we try to reformulate f (R) Lagrangian terms as explicit functions of the redshift, i.e., as f (z). In this context, the f (R) setting to the consensus cosmological model, the ΛCDM model, can be written as a polynomial including just a constant and a third-order term. Starting from this result, we propose various different polynomial parameterizations f (z), including new terms which would allow for deviations from ΛCDM, and we thoroughly compare them with observational data. While on the one hand we have found no statistically preference for our proposals (even if some of them are as good as ΛCDM by using Bayesian Evidence comparison), we think that our novel approach could provide a different perspective for the development of new and observationally reliable alternative models of gravity.
General Relativity and the ΛCDM framework are currently the standard lore and constitute the conc... more General Relativity and the ΛCDM framework are currently the standard lore and constitute the concordance paradigm. Nevertheless, long-standing open theoretical issues, as well as possible new observational ones arising from the explosive development of cosmology the last two decades, offer the motivation and lead a large amount of research to be devoted in constructing various extensions and modifications. All extended theories and scenarios are first examined under the light of theoretical consistency, and then are applied to various geometrical backgrounds, such as the cosmological and the spherical symmetric ones. Their predictions at both the background and perturbation levels, and concerning cosmology at early, intermediate and late times, are then confronted with the huge amount of observational data that astrophysics and cosmology are able to offer recently. Theories, scenarios and models that successfully and efficiently pass the above steps are classified as viable and are candidates for the description of Nature. This work is a Review of the recent developments in the fields of gravity and cosmology, presenting the state of the art, high-lighting the open problems, and outlining the directions of future research. Its realization was performed in the framework of the COST European Action "Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions".
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Apr 1, 2013
A fast transition between a standard matter-like era and a late Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM)-like ep... more A fast transition between a standard matter-like era and a late Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM)-like epoch (or more in general, a CDM+DE era), generated by a single Unified Dark Matter component, can provide a new interesting paradigm in the context of general relativity, alternative to ΛCDM itself or other forms of DE or modified gravity theories invoked to explain the observed acceleration of the Universe. UDM models with a fast transition have interesting features, leading to measurable predictions, thus they should be clearly distinguishable from ΛCDM (and alternatives) through observations. Here we look at different ways of prescribing phenomenological UDM models with fast transition, then focusing on a particularly simple model. We analyse the viability of this model by studying features of the background model and properties of the adiabatic UDM perturbations, which depend on the effective speed of sound and the functional form of the Jeans scale. As a result, theoretical constraints on the parameters of the models are found that allow for a behaviour compatible with observations.
We present a general algorithm which permits to construct solutions in string cosmology for heter... more We present a general algorithm which permits to construct solutions in string cosmology for heterotic and type-IIB superstrings in four dimensions. Using a chain of transformations applied in sequence: conformal, T-duality and SL(2, R) rotations, along with the usual generating techniques associated to Geroch transformations in Einstein frame, we obtain solutions with all relevant low-energy remnants of the string theory. To exemplify our algorithm we present an inhomogeneous string cosmology with S 3 topology of spatial sections, discuss some properties of the solution and point out some subtleties involved in the concept of homogeneity and isotropy in string cosmology. 04/97
We illustrate how form-invariance transformations can be used for constructing phantom cosmologie... more We illustrate how form-invariance transformations can be used for constructing phantom cosmologies from standard scalar field universes. First, we discuss how to relate two flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with different barotropic indexes γ andγ. Then, we consider the particular caseγ = −γ, and we show that if the matter content is interpreted in terms of selfinteracting scalar fields, then the corresponding transformation provides the link between a standard and a phantom cosmology. After that, we illustrate the method by considering models with exponential potentials. Finally, we also show that the mentioned duality persists even if the typical braneworld modifications to the Friedmann equation are considered.
International Journal of Modern Physics D, Mar 1, 2004
We study Bianchi I type brane cosmologies with scalar matter self-interacting through combination... more We study Bianchi I type brane cosmologies with scalar matter self-interacting through combinations of exponential potentials. Such models correspond in some cases to inflationary universes. We discuss in detail the conditions for accelerated expansion to occur: in particular, we show that the condition which is necessary and sufficient for inflation in the relativistic version of the models is not sufficient in the brane case. Another peculiar feature of the models is that the relationship between the value of the scale factor at the beginning of inflation and the equation of state is very different from what one finds in the relativistic framework. We also analyze the influence of the value of the anisotropy and the brane tension, and show that the associated effects become negligible in the late time limit, those related to the anisotropy disappearing earlier. This study focuses mainly on single field models, but we also consider a generalization yielding models with multiple non-interacting fields and examine their features briefly. We conclude that, in the brane scenario, an increase in the number of fields assists inflation, as happens in general relativity.
Modified gravity theories can be used for the description of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologic... more Modified gravity theories can be used for the description of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models through the corresponding field equations. These can be cast into systems of autonomous differential equations because of their sole dependence on a well-chosen time variable, be it the cosmological time, or an alternative. For that reason, a dynamical systems approach offers a reliable route to study those equations. Through a model-independent set of variables, we are able to study all f(Q) modified gravity models. The drawback of the procedure is a more complicated constraint equation. However, it allows the dynamical system to be formulated in fewer dimensions than using other approaches. We focus on a recent model of interest, the power-exponential model, and generalize the fluid content of the model.
In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f (Q) theories. In... more In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f (Q) theories. In these settings, the non-metricity scalar (Q) is the main source of gravity and Friedmann equations are modified to account for the associated degrees of freedom. This work focuses first on the derivation, and then theoretical and observational analysis of two such (new) exact cosmological models; they both display a non-standard behaviour in which an additional parameter encoding non-metricity effects acts in the fashion of a screened cosmological constant. One of the new settings has the same background evolution as the well know DGP cosmological model, while the other resembles the former considerably, although its origin is purely phenomenological. We use the Markov Chain Montecarlo method combined with standard statistical techniques to perform observational astrophysical tests relying upon background data, specifically these are Type Ia Supernovae luminosities and direct Hubble data (from cosmic clocks), along with Cosmic Microwave Background shift and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data. In addition, we compute some of the cosmographic parameters and other discriminators with the purpose of refining our knowledge about these models in the light of their theoretical and observational signatures, and this allows for a better comparison with the (concordance) ΛCDM setup. We conclude that these scenarios do not show signatures indicating a departure from the ΛCDM behaviour.
The field equations of modified gravity theories, when considering a homogeneous and isotropic co... more The field equations of modified gravity theories, when considering a homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, always become autonomous differential equations. This relies on the fact that in such models all variables only depend on cosmological time, or another suitably chosen time parameter. Consequently, the field equations can always be cast into the form of a dynamical system, a successful approach to study such models. We propose a perspective that is applicable to many different modified gravity models and relies on the standard cosmological density parameters only, making our choice of variables model independent. The drawback of our approach is a more complicated constraint equation. We demonstrate our procedure studying various modified gravity models and show how much generic information can be extracted before a specific model is considered.
The clustering amplitude of 7143 clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is found to in... more The clustering amplitude of 7143 clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is found to increase with cluster mass, closely agreeing with the Gaussian random field hypothesis for structure formation. The amplitude of the observed cluster correlation exceeds the predictions from pure cold dark matter (CDM) simulation by 6% for the standard Planck-based values of the cosmological parameters. We show that this excess can be naturally accounted for by free streaming of light neutrinos, which opposes gravitational growth, so clusters formed at fixed mass are fewer and hence more biased than for a pure CDM density field. An enhancement of the cluster bias by 7% matches the observations, corresponding to a total neutrino mass, m ν = 0.119 ± 0.034 eV at 67% confidence level, for the standard relic neutrino density. If ongoing laboratory experiments favor a normal neutrino mass hierarchy then we may infer a somewhat larger total mass than the minimum oscillation based value, m ν 0.056eV, with 90% confidence. Much higher precision can be achieved by applying our method to a larger sample of more distant clusters with weak lensing derived masses.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2022
The discovery of accelerated expansion of the Universe opened up the possibility of new scenarios... more The discovery of accelerated expansion of the Universe opened up the possibility of new scenarios for the doom of our space–time, besides eternal expansion and a final contraction. In this paper, we review the chances that may await our universe. In particular, there are new possible singular fates (sudden singularities, big rip, etc.), but there also other evolutions that cannot be considered as singular. In addition to this, some of the singular fates are not strong enough in the sense that the space–time can be extended beyond the singularity. For deriving our results, we make use of generalized power and asymptotic expansions of the scale factor of the Universe. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1’.
In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f(Q) theories. In ... more In this work we explore and test new formulations of cosmological scenarios in f(Q) theories. In these settings, the non-metricity scalar (Q) is the main source of gravity and Friedmann equations are modified to account for the associated degrees of freedom. This work focuses first on the derivation, and then theoretical and observational analysis of two such (new) exact cosmological models; they both display a non-standard behaviour in which an additional parameter encoding non-metricity effects acts in the fashion of a screened cosmological constant. One of the new settings has the same background evolution as the well know DGP cosmological model, while the other resembles the former considerably, although its origin is purely phenomenological. We use the Markov Chain Montecarlo method combined with standard statistical techniques to perform observational astrophysical tests relying upon background data, specifically these are Type Ia Supernovae luminosities and direct Hubble data...
Light Axionic Dark Matter, motivated by string theory, is increasingly favored for the "no-W... more Light Axionic Dark Matter, motivated by string theory, is increasingly favored for the "no-WIMP era". Galaxy formation is suppressed below a Jeans scale, of ≃ 10^8 M_ by setting the axion mass to, m_B ∼ 10^-22eV, and the large dark cores of dwarf galaxies are explained as solitons on the de-Broglie scale. This is persuasive, but detection of the inherent scalar field oscillation at the Compton frequency, ω_B= (2.5 months)^-1(m_B/10^-22eV), would be definitive. By evolving the coupled Schrödinger-Poisson equation for a Bose-Einstein condensate, we predict the dark matter is fully modulated by de-Broglie interference, with a dense soliton core of size ≃ 150pc, at the Galactic center. The oscillating field pressure induces General Relativistic time dilation in proportion to the local dark matter density and pulsars within this dense core have detectably large timing residuals, of ≃ 400nsec/(m_B/10^-22eV). This is encouraging as many new pulsars should be discovered near the G...
The asymptotic properties of the solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations with boostrotation s... more The asymptotic properties of the solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations with boostrotation symmetry and Petrov type D are studied. We find series solutions to the pertinent set of equations which are suitable for a late time descriptions in coordinates which are well adapted for the description of the radiative properties of spacetimes (Bondi coordinates). By calculating the total charge, Bondi and NUT mass and the Newman-Penrose constants of the spacetimes we provide a physical interpretation of the free parameters of the solutions. Additional relevant aspects on the asymptotics and radiative properties of the spacetimes considered, such as the possible polarization states of the gravitational and electromagnetic field, are discussed through the way.
In this work, we further study a metric modified theory of gravity which contains a non-minimal c... more In this work, we further study a metric modified theory of gravity which contains a non-minimal coupling to matter, more precisely, we assume two functions of the scalar curvature, $$f_1$$ f 1 and $$f_2$$ f 2 , where the first one generalises the Hilbert–Einstein action, while the second couples to the matter Lagrangian. On the one hand, assuming a $$\varLambda $$ Λ CDM background, we calculate analytical solutions for the functions $$f_1$$ f 1 and $$f_2$$ f 2 . We consider two setups: on the first one, we fix $$f_2$$ f 2 and compute $$f_1$$ f 1 and on the second one, we fix $$f_1$$ f 1 and compute $$f_2$$ f 2 . Moreover, we do the analysis for two different energy density contents, a matter dominated universe and a general perfect fluid with a constant equation of state fuelling the universe expansion. On the other hand, we complete our study by performing a cosmographic analysis for $$f_1$$ f 1 and $$f_2$$ f 2 . We conclude that the gravitational coupling to matter can drive the a...
We analyze the implications of having a divergent speed of sound in k-essence cosmological models... more We analyze the implications of having a divergent speed of sound in k-essence cosmological models. We first study a known theory of that kind, for which the Lagrangian density depends linearly on the time derivative of the k-field. We show that consistency requires that the potential of the k-field be of the inverse square form. Then, we review the known result that the corresponding power-law solutions can be mapped to power-law solutions of theories with no divergence in the speed of sound. After that, we argue that the requirement of a divergent sound speed at some point fixes uniquely the form of the Lagrangian to be exactly the one considered earlier. Finally, we prove the asymptotic stability of the most interesting solutions belonging to the divergent theory. ∗[email protected] ∗∗[email protected]
We present here the general transformation that leaves unchanged the form of the field equations ... more We present here the general transformation that leaves unchanged the form of the field equations for perfect fluid cosmologies in the DGP braneworld model. Specifically, a prescription for relating exact solutions with different equations of state is provided, and the symmetries found can be used as algorithms for generating new cosmological models from previously known ones. We also present, implicitly, the first known exact DGP perfect fluid spacetime. A particular case of the general transformation is used to illustrate the crucial role played both by the number of scalar fields and the extra dimensional effects in the occurrence of inflation. In particular, we see that assisted inflation does not proceed at all times for one of the two possible ways in which the brane can be embedded into the bulk.
Papers by Ruth Lazkoz