BACKGROUND Our aim is to determine the incidence of reflux in children older than 3 years requiri... more BACKGROUND Our aim is to determine the incidence of reflux in children older than 3 years requiring adenotonsillectomy and relationship between GER and diagnostic tests. METHODS Forty-four patients, who were listed for adenoidectomy/tonsillectomy at Pediatric Ear Nose Throat department due to severe hypertrophy, were evaluated for accompanying GER (Group 1). GER was diagnosed as having at least one positive GER test result (including esophagitis or pH monitoring). Twenty children without reflux symptoms were used as healthy control group (Group 2) and LPR was held. RESULTS Reflux was detected in 32 children requiring adenotonsillectomy (72.7%). LPR score was negative in all patients in Group 2. There was no correlation between pH monitoring and histopathological evaluation of esophagus. There was a correlation between the LPR score and histological esophagitis in the proximal esophagus. CONCLUSIONS GER was high in patients with adenotonsillary hypertrophy. LPR score and the history of patients are as effective as invasive techniques like pH monitorization and endoscopy in determining GER disease.
patient and can be incorporated to a hearing aid to assist hearing loss accompanying hearing loss... more patient and can be incorporated to a hearing aid to assist hearing loss accompanying hearing loss. Psychological criteria are as important as audiological criteria in patient selection to achieve success in tinnitus therapy. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of wide-band acoustic signals based on tinnitus frequency for each individual patient, delivered through a hearing-aid to aid in relief of tinnitus (Tinnitus masking therapy-TMT). Tinnitus handicap scales were used to assess the degree of relief both in 42 patients with normal hearing or some degree of hearing loss. Results: The relief from annoyance was 55.9% and decrease of negative effect on life was 67.2% after three months of treatment. Total rate for any degree of relief was 79.3% in normal hearing group, where in hearing-loss group it remained at 61.2%. Emotional, social and hearing-related scores were similar evaluated by different types of questionnaires. Intensity of masking noise was decreased gradually in all pa...
On utilise les analyses spectrales de la voix dans le diagnostic et le traitement des dysphonies.... more On utilise les analyses spectrales de la voix dans le diagnostic et le traitement des dysphonies. Dans les analyses spectrales classiques, on utilise les principes de Joseph Fourier. Les transformes de Fourier considerent que les signaux complexes sont formes de signaux sinusoidaux. La nouvelle technique transform de wavelet considere que les signaux sont formes de petits signaux de wavelet. On peut considerer que cette methode de transforme peut avoir quelques superiorites par rapport a celle de Fourier. Dans cette recherche, nous avons utilise des types de wavelet et types de Transformes de Fourier chez les patients avec dyslalie de s' ayant et apres traitement. Les resultats sont compares et discutes.
noted as serous or mucoid. Analyzed by t-test and ROC curve. Results: Mean peak static acoustic a... more noted as serous or mucoid. Analyzed by t-test and ROC curve. Results: Mean peak static acoustic admittance (Y tm ) value of patient and control groups were 0.25 ml and 0.52 ml (p<0.01); and mean RF value were 570 Hz and 1043 Hz respectively (p<0.01). Mean peak Y tm value of mucoid and serous groups were 0.14 ml and 0.34 ml (p<0.01); and mean RF value were 478 Hz and 643 Hz respectively (p<0.05). Conclusions: MFT was effective in differentiating normal ears from ears with OME. RF values below 650 Hz were highly specific in the diagnosis of OME. 226 Hz peak Y tm was better than MFT for differentiating mucoid OME from serous OME.
La perte d'audition subite et idiopathique peut etre la suite d'une atteinte cochleaire o... more La perte d'audition subite et idiopathique peut etre la suite d'une atteinte cochleaire occasionnee par la vascularite, independamment du facteur declenchant. On peut observer ses changements microangiopathiques dans la conjonctive bulbaire. Pour etudier l'efficacite de la technique de la capillaroscopie conjonctivale, l'auteur a compare les donnees obtenues chez 20 malades atteints d'une perte d'audition subite a celles d'un groupe temoin de 19 personnes en bonne sante. Parmi les criteres utilises pour mettre en exergue les modifications vasculaires de la conjonctive bulbaire, l'auteur a pris l'ischemie, les micro-dilatations, le rapport artere-veine, l'agregation intravasculaire des eryhtocytes et la torsion vasculaire. On a donne que ces trois derniers criteres presentaient une difference significative entre les deux groupes (p<0,001, p<0,05 et p <0,01, respectivement). D'autre part, les techniques de la capillaroscopie conjonc...
Amac: Toplumda sik gorulmesi ve hayat kalitesinde anlamli etkilere yol acmasi subjektif tinnitusu... more Amac: Toplumda sik gorulmesi ve hayat kalitesinde anlamli etkilere yol acmasi subjektif tinnitusun derecesinin belirlenmesinin ve tedavisinin onemini arttirmaktadir. Tinnitus siddetini ve tinnitustan etkilenmeyi belirlemede en sik kullanilan yontem anketlerdir. Tinnitus multifaktoriyel bir hastalik oldugu icin her hastada ortaya cikan farkli yakinmalari belirlemek amaciyla birden fazla anket formu kullanmak gerekebilir. Tedaviye verilen yanit da anketler yoluyla degerlendirilmektedir. Gerec ve Yontem: Olceklerin farkliliklari farkli merkezlerde yapilan calismalarin karsilastirilmasini guclestirmektedir. Mevcut tinnitus anketleri incelenmis ve tedavi-takip protokolunde onemli noktalar vurgulanmistir. Bulgular: Tedavilerin etkinligine dair kanitlarin yetersiz olmasi ve cesitli tedavi yontemlerine verilen yanitlari degerlendirmedeki farkliliklar etkin tedavi yontemini belirlemenin onunde engel olusturmaktadir. Tinnitus stresinin alt gruplarindan olan psikolojik etkilenmenin duzeyi yuks...
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to compare the results of pharmacologic management ... more Objectives: The objectives of this study were to compare the results of pharmacologic management options and vestibular rehabilitation (VR) programs in the context of dizziness, balance problems, and headache in patients with vestibular migraine. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients with migraine with vestibular symptoms were evaluated in three groups in the neurology, physical medicine, and rehabilitation and otorhinolaryngology clinics of a medical school hospital. The groups were defined as routine pharmacologic therapy (PT), VR, or both. Patients were evaluated with static posturography, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), and the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale as primary outcome measures and symptom frequency and severity (headaches and vertigo attacks) as secondary outcome measures. In-group and between-group comparisons were made using relevant statistical methods. Results: DHI scores were significantly reduced (P < 0.001) in all treatment groups. ABC scores increased significantly (P < 0.001) in patients taking PT and those on VR + PT. Posturographic examinations revealed that sway velocity values recorded on foam with eyes closed, which targets vestibular assessment, were significantly reduced (P < 0.001) in groups taking VR either alone or with PT. VR benefited patients with migraine in terms of headaches, vertigo attack frequency, intensity, and duration. Conclusion: Patients with predominant vestibular disorders can benefit from VR alone, and patients with combined symptoms (headache and vertigo) can benefit from pharmacologic and rehabilitation therapies.
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the arterial and venous vascularization of the tympani... more Objectives: This study aims to investigate the arterial and venous vascularization of the tympanic membrane (TM) with colored vessel embalming procedure in fresh cadaver heads, as a guide for minimally invasive tympanoplasty procedures. Patients and Methods: This study was performed on two fresh frozen cadaver heads (4 ears, 1 male, 1 female). After vessel embalming procedure the TM was examined with rigid endoscopes and the mini vascular plexuses of the TM and external auditory canal were observed. Results: There is increased vascularization of the posterior superior part of the TM, and the main blood supply derives from the mallear region. The posterior half of the tympanic membrane has richer perfusion compared to the anterior half. Conclusion: Awareness of the vascular pattern of the TM allows modification of manipulations during tympanoplasty; the poorly vascularized anterior part of the TM must be protected for successful graft healing.
Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, 2018
Objectives. The aim of this prospective clinical study was to measure the audiologic outcomes of ... more Objectives. The aim of this prospective clinical study was to measure the audiologic outcomes of the patients that underwent endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty, and to investigate the effects on cochlear function. Methods. Thirty-three patients (33 ears) who were diagnosed with noncomplicated chronic otitis media and underwent endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty technique were included. Pre-and postoperative first month distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), bone conduction hearing levels and air bone gap (ABG) values were measured and total endoscope usage time was noted.
Background: There is not an ideal tympanomeatal flap incision type for transcanal procedures. Aim... more Background: There is not an ideal tympanomeatal flap incision type for transcanal procedures. Aims/Objectives: Comparing the outcomes and feasibility of posteriorly and anteriorly based tympanomeatal flap incisions for anterior perforations in endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty. Material and methods: Twenty-six patients who had anterior TM perforation were included. Patients were divided into two groups with randomization. All of the data were prospectively collected. These included demographic data, date of the surgery, mean surgery time, preoperative and postoperative sixth-month pure-tone audiometry (PTA), type of tympanomeatal flap incision and graft healing success. Results: Mean follow up time was 20.69 ± 5.03 months. Graft healing rate was 100% in both groups. There was no major complication in both of groups. Mean air bone gap level improvement of (dB HL) at all frequencies was 7.69 ± 2.83 dB HL in group 1 and 7.98 ± 3.08 dB HL in group 2 respectively. Regarding pre-and postoperative mean air bone gap levels and mean surgery times, there was no significant difference between groups (p>.05). Conclusions and significance: For non-complicated anterior perforations that are less than 50% of TM, endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty using anterior tympanomeatal flap elevation procedure was seemed minimally invasive and feasible to perform with successful audiologic and postoperative outcomes.
The objective of this study was to compare the effect of curative 3-dimensional (3D) conformal ra... more The objective of this study was to compare the effect of curative 3-dimensional (3D) conformal radio-chemotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) modalities on swallowing function in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer. Ten patients receiving 3D conformal radiotherapy and 10 patients receiving curative radiotherapy with IMRT, who were admitted for malignancy control for nasopharyngeal cancer, were included in the study. Swallowing functions were determined by flexible fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation. Premature spillage, retention pooling, penetration, aspiration, and reflex cough were evaluated. No statistically significant difference was found between patients receiving 3D conformal radiotherapy and IMRT regarding the scores of premature spillage, retention pooling, penetration, and aspiration with 3, 5, and 10 mL water and 5 mL yoghurt and fish crackers ( P > .05). Velopharyngeal insufficiency or delayed onset of swallowing reflex was not found in any of the patien...
Tympanoplasty is a commonly used procedure in children as in adults. The purposes of this study w... more Tympanoplasty is a commonly used procedure in children as in adults. The purposes of this study were to evaluate and report the long term results of type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty in pediatric population. Short term and long term hearing outcomes were compared according to age and perforation location. We retrospectively evaluated a total of 76 of 93 patients who had regularly come to visits (38 male and 38 female) with chronic otitis media (COM) and who were younger than 16 years (range, 9-16 years) and underwent a primary type 1 tympanoplasty in tertiary medical center. We divided our population into 2 groups; a younger group (age <12 years) and an older group (age ≥12 years). Age, gender, follow-up time, prior to surgery and at postoperative 6th and minimum 48th month follow-up pure tone audiometry (PTA) thresholds and if any residual perforation were noted. Successful closure occurred 74 in 76 patients and success rate was 97,03%. The mean 6th month follow-up bone conduction ...
Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology, Jan 12, 2017
The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the long-term results of the butterfly cartilage... more The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the long-term results of the butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty. Short-term and long-term hearing outcomes were compared according to age and perforation location as well. Ninety-three patients who were diagnosed with noncomplicated chronic otitis media and underwent microscopic transcanal butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty due to anterior, posterior, and central tympanic membrane perforation were included. Age, gender, follow-up time, pre- and postoperative pure tone audiometry thresholds (both air and bone conduction), pre- and postoperative air-bone gaps (ABGs), if any residual perforation was noted. At the end of the follow-up period, successful closure occurred 88 in 93 patients and success rate is 94.6%. In all patients, including those with residual perforations, the mean preoperative bone conduction threshold was 15.9 dB (range, 5 to 50 dB) among all groups whereas mean air conduction threshold was 36.4±15.1 dB (range, 10 to 90 ...
The genetics of both syndromic (SHL) and non-syndromic hearing loss (NSHL) is characterized by a ... more The genetics of both syndromic (SHL) and non-syndromic hearing loss (NSHL) is characterized by a high degree of genetic heterogeneity. We analyzed whole exome sequencing data of 102 unrelated probands with apparently NSHL without a causative variant in known NSHL genes. We detected five causative variants in different SHL genes (SOX10, MITF, PTPN11, CHD7, and KMT2D) in five (4.9%) probands. Clinical re-evaluation of these probands shows that some of them have subtle syndromic findings, while none of them meets clinical criteria for the diagnosis of the associated syndrome (Waardenburg (SOX10 and MITF), Kallmann (CHD7 and SOX10), Noonan/LEOPARD (PTPN11), CHARGE (CHD7), or Kabuki (KMT2D). This study demonstrates that individuals who are evaluated for NSHL can have pathogenic variants in SHL genes that are not usually considered for etiologic studies.
Objective: The aim of this study was to report the post-surgical and oncologic outcomes of patien... more Objective: The aim of this study was to report the post-surgical and oncologic outcomes of patients who underwent supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL). Methods: 90 patients who underwent SCPL between 1994 and 2014 were reviewed. 45 patients underwent cricohyoidopexy (CHP) and 45 patients cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP). Median nasogastric (NG) tube removal time, decannulation time, overall survival, disease-free survival and local control rates were calculated. The effect of the type of surgery on functional and oncologic outcomes were assessed. Results: Median NG tube removal time was 16.5 days (IQR = 10) and 14 days (IQR = 9) in CHP and CHEP patients, respectively (p > 0.05). Median decannulation time was 30 days (IQR = 26) and 19 days (IQR = 15) in CHP and CHEP patients, respectively (p < 0.05). Resection of one arytenoid significantly increased NG tube removal time. Median follow-up time was 55 months. There were 15 oncologic failures and the median time interval for t...
ohlear implantlar; bilateral ileri veya çok ileri derecede sensörinöral işitme kaybı olan, işitme... more ohlear implantlar; bilateral ileri veya çok ileri derecede sensörinöral işitme kaybı olan, işitme cihazından yeterince ya da hiç fayda göremeyen çocuk ve erişkinlere, sesleri daha iyi algılama ve konuş
The aim of this study is to check the efficacy of acetazolamide in the prophylaxis of vestibular ... more The aim of this study is to check the efficacy of acetazolamide in the prophylaxis of vestibular migraine (VM). Treatment options in VM are mainly based on migraine guidelines. We tried to assess the efficacy of acetazolamide in these patients depending on clinical similarities with episodic ataxia type 2 and familial hemiplegic migraine responding to the drug. This is a retrospective cohort study. Among 50 patients with VM and prescribed acetazolamide 500 mg/day, 39 patients were studied as five had been lost on follow-up and six had stopped taking the drug due to side effects. Vertigo and headache frequency determined by number of attacks per month, and the severity determined by visual analog scales measured in centimeters from 0 to 10 were collected from the records. Initial reported figures for frequency and severity were compared with the results gathered after 3 months of treatment. The results were compared. Acetazolamide was effective in reducing both the frequency and severity of vertigo and headache attacks and this effect was more prominent for vertigo frequency and severity.
Revue de laryngologie - otologie - rhinologie, 1991
The arytenoidopexy operation has been performed in 15 cases of bilateral abductor paralysis of di... more The arytenoidopexy operation has been performed in 15 cases of bilateral abductor paralysis of different causes. A tube on n. 6 for women and a tube of n. 6.5 for men has been used for the intratracheal general anesthesia without a tracheotomy. The microdissection of the arytenoid has been realised under the operation microscope. The fixation suture of the arytenoid has been passed with a special needle set prepared by the experimental studies on the laryngectomised pieces. The functional respiration result has been controlled by the pre and postoperative spirometry. The laryngeal spasm disappeared and very good respiratory functional results have been obtained in all cases. After a post-operative phoniatric reeducation, the voice was found to be good in most of the cases.
BACKGROUND Our aim is to determine the incidence of reflux in children older than 3 years requiri... more BACKGROUND Our aim is to determine the incidence of reflux in children older than 3 years requiring adenotonsillectomy and relationship between GER and diagnostic tests. METHODS Forty-four patients, who were listed for adenoidectomy/tonsillectomy at Pediatric Ear Nose Throat department due to severe hypertrophy, were evaluated for accompanying GER (Group 1). GER was diagnosed as having at least one positive GER test result (including esophagitis or pH monitoring). Twenty children without reflux symptoms were used as healthy control group (Group 2) and LPR was held. RESULTS Reflux was detected in 32 children requiring adenotonsillectomy (72.7%). LPR score was negative in all patients in Group 2. There was no correlation between pH monitoring and histopathological evaluation of esophagus. There was a correlation between the LPR score and histological esophagitis in the proximal esophagus. CONCLUSIONS GER was high in patients with adenotonsillary hypertrophy. LPR score and the history of patients are as effective as invasive techniques like pH monitorization and endoscopy in determining GER disease.
patient and can be incorporated to a hearing aid to assist hearing loss accompanying hearing loss... more patient and can be incorporated to a hearing aid to assist hearing loss accompanying hearing loss. Psychological criteria are as important as audiological criteria in patient selection to achieve success in tinnitus therapy. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of wide-band acoustic signals based on tinnitus frequency for each individual patient, delivered through a hearing-aid to aid in relief of tinnitus (Tinnitus masking therapy-TMT). Tinnitus handicap scales were used to assess the degree of relief both in 42 patients with normal hearing or some degree of hearing loss. Results: The relief from annoyance was 55.9% and decrease of negative effect on life was 67.2% after three months of treatment. Total rate for any degree of relief was 79.3% in normal hearing group, where in hearing-loss group it remained at 61.2%. Emotional, social and hearing-related scores were similar evaluated by different types of questionnaires. Intensity of masking noise was decreased gradually in all pa...
On utilise les analyses spectrales de la voix dans le diagnostic et le traitement des dysphonies.... more On utilise les analyses spectrales de la voix dans le diagnostic et le traitement des dysphonies. Dans les analyses spectrales classiques, on utilise les principes de Joseph Fourier. Les transformes de Fourier considerent que les signaux complexes sont formes de signaux sinusoidaux. La nouvelle technique transform de wavelet considere que les signaux sont formes de petits signaux de wavelet. On peut considerer que cette methode de transforme peut avoir quelques superiorites par rapport a celle de Fourier. Dans cette recherche, nous avons utilise des types de wavelet et types de Transformes de Fourier chez les patients avec dyslalie de s' ayant et apres traitement. Les resultats sont compares et discutes.
noted as serous or mucoid. Analyzed by t-test and ROC curve. Results: Mean peak static acoustic a... more noted as serous or mucoid. Analyzed by t-test and ROC curve. Results: Mean peak static acoustic admittance (Y tm ) value of patient and control groups were 0.25 ml and 0.52 ml (p<0.01); and mean RF value were 570 Hz and 1043 Hz respectively (p<0.01). Mean peak Y tm value of mucoid and serous groups were 0.14 ml and 0.34 ml (p<0.01); and mean RF value were 478 Hz and 643 Hz respectively (p<0.05). Conclusions: MFT was effective in differentiating normal ears from ears with OME. RF values below 650 Hz were highly specific in the diagnosis of OME. 226 Hz peak Y tm was better than MFT for differentiating mucoid OME from serous OME.
La perte d'audition subite et idiopathique peut etre la suite d'une atteinte cochleaire o... more La perte d'audition subite et idiopathique peut etre la suite d'une atteinte cochleaire occasionnee par la vascularite, independamment du facteur declenchant. On peut observer ses changements microangiopathiques dans la conjonctive bulbaire. Pour etudier l'efficacite de la technique de la capillaroscopie conjonctivale, l'auteur a compare les donnees obtenues chez 20 malades atteints d'une perte d'audition subite a celles d'un groupe temoin de 19 personnes en bonne sante. Parmi les criteres utilises pour mettre en exergue les modifications vasculaires de la conjonctive bulbaire, l'auteur a pris l'ischemie, les micro-dilatations, le rapport artere-veine, l'agregation intravasculaire des eryhtocytes et la torsion vasculaire. On a donne que ces trois derniers criteres presentaient une difference significative entre les deux groupes (p<0,001, p<0,05 et p <0,01, respectivement). D'autre part, les techniques de la capillaroscopie conjonc...
Amac: Toplumda sik gorulmesi ve hayat kalitesinde anlamli etkilere yol acmasi subjektif tinnitusu... more Amac: Toplumda sik gorulmesi ve hayat kalitesinde anlamli etkilere yol acmasi subjektif tinnitusun derecesinin belirlenmesinin ve tedavisinin onemini arttirmaktadir. Tinnitus siddetini ve tinnitustan etkilenmeyi belirlemede en sik kullanilan yontem anketlerdir. Tinnitus multifaktoriyel bir hastalik oldugu icin her hastada ortaya cikan farkli yakinmalari belirlemek amaciyla birden fazla anket formu kullanmak gerekebilir. Tedaviye verilen yanit da anketler yoluyla degerlendirilmektedir. Gerec ve Yontem: Olceklerin farkliliklari farkli merkezlerde yapilan calismalarin karsilastirilmasini guclestirmektedir. Mevcut tinnitus anketleri incelenmis ve tedavi-takip protokolunde onemli noktalar vurgulanmistir. Bulgular: Tedavilerin etkinligine dair kanitlarin yetersiz olmasi ve cesitli tedavi yontemlerine verilen yanitlari degerlendirmedeki farkliliklar etkin tedavi yontemini belirlemenin onunde engel olusturmaktadir. Tinnitus stresinin alt gruplarindan olan psikolojik etkilenmenin duzeyi yuks...
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to compare the results of pharmacologic management ... more Objectives: The objectives of this study were to compare the results of pharmacologic management options and vestibular rehabilitation (VR) programs in the context of dizziness, balance problems, and headache in patients with vestibular migraine. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients with migraine with vestibular symptoms were evaluated in three groups in the neurology, physical medicine, and rehabilitation and otorhinolaryngology clinics of a medical school hospital. The groups were defined as routine pharmacologic therapy (PT), VR, or both. Patients were evaluated with static posturography, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), and the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale as primary outcome measures and symptom frequency and severity (headaches and vertigo attacks) as secondary outcome measures. In-group and between-group comparisons were made using relevant statistical methods. Results: DHI scores were significantly reduced (P < 0.001) in all treatment groups. ABC scores increased significantly (P < 0.001) in patients taking PT and those on VR + PT. Posturographic examinations revealed that sway velocity values recorded on foam with eyes closed, which targets vestibular assessment, were significantly reduced (P < 0.001) in groups taking VR either alone or with PT. VR benefited patients with migraine in terms of headaches, vertigo attack frequency, intensity, and duration. Conclusion: Patients with predominant vestibular disorders can benefit from VR alone, and patients with combined symptoms (headache and vertigo) can benefit from pharmacologic and rehabilitation therapies.
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the arterial and venous vascularization of the tympani... more Objectives: This study aims to investigate the arterial and venous vascularization of the tympanic membrane (TM) with colored vessel embalming procedure in fresh cadaver heads, as a guide for minimally invasive tympanoplasty procedures. Patients and Methods: This study was performed on two fresh frozen cadaver heads (4 ears, 1 male, 1 female). After vessel embalming procedure the TM was examined with rigid endoscopes and the mini vascular plexuses of the TM and external auditory canal were observed. Results: There is increased vascularization of the posterior superior part of the TM, and the main blood supply derives from the mallear region. The posterior half of the tympanic membrane has richer perfusion compared to the anterior half. Conclusion: Awareness of the vascular pattern of the TM allows modification of manipulations during tympanoplasty; the poorly vascularized anterior part of the TM must be protected for successful graft healing.
Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, 2018
Objectives. The aim of this prospective clinical study was to measure the audiologic outcomes of ... more Objectives. The aim of this prospective clinical study was to measure the audiologic outcomes of the patients that underwent endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty, and to investigate the effects on cochlear function. Methods. Thirty-three patients (33 ears) who were diagnosed with noncomplicated chronic otitis media and underwent endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty technique were included. Pre-and postoperative first month distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), bone conduction hearing levels and air bone gap (ABG) values were measured and total endoscope usage time was noted.
Background: There is not an ideal tympanomeatal flap incision type for transcanal procedures. Aim... more Background: There is not an ideal tympanomeatal flap incision type for transcanal procedures. Aims/Objectives: Comparing the outcomes and feasibility of posteriorly and anteriorly based tympanomeatal flap incisions for anterior perforations in endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty. Material and methods: Twenty-six patients who had anterior TM perforation were included. Patients were divided into two groups with randomization. All of the data were prospectively collected. These included demographic data, date of the surgery, mean surgery time, preoperative and postoperative sixth-month pure-tone audiometry (PTA), type of tympanomeatal flap incision and graft healing success. Results: Mean follow up time was 20.69 ± 5.03 months. Graft healing rate was 100% in both groups. There was no major complication in both of groups. Mean air bone gap level improvement of (dB HL) at all frequencies was 7.69 ± 2.83 dB HL in group 1 and 7.98 ± 3.08 dB HL in group 2 respectively. Regarding pre-and postoperative mean air bone gap levels and mean surgery times, there was no significant difference between groups (p>.05). Conclusions and significance: For non-complicated anterior perforations that are less than 50% of TM, endoscopic transcanal cartilage tympanoplasty using anterior tympanomeatal flap elevation procedure was seemed minimally invasive and feasible to perform with successful audiologic and postoperative outcomes.
The objective of this study was to compare the effect of curative 3-dimensional (3D) conformal ra... more The objective of this study was to compare the effect of curative 3-dimensional (3D) conformal radio-chemotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) modalities on swallowing function in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer. Ten patients receiving 3D conformal radiotherapy and 10 patients receiving curative radiotherapy with IMRT, who were admitted for malignancy control for nasopharyngeal cancer, were included in the study. Swallowing functions were determined by flexible fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation. Premature spillage, retention pooling, penetration, aspiration, and reflex cough were evaluated. No statistically significant difference was found between patients receiving 3D conformal radiotherapy and IMRT regarding the scores of premature spillage, retention pooling, penetration, and aspiration with 3, 5, and 10 mL water and 5 mL yoghurt and fish crackers ( P > .05). Velopharyngeal insufficiency or delayed onset of swallowing reflex was not found in any of the patien...
Tympanoplasty is a commonly used procedure in children as in adults. The purposes of this study w... more Tympanoplasty is a commonly used procedure in children as in adults. The purposes of this study were to evaluate and report the long term results of type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty in pediatric population. Short term and long term hearing outcomes were compared according to age and perforation location. We retrospectively evaluated a total of 76 of 93 patients who had regularly come to visits (38 male and 38 female) with chronic otitis media (COM) and who were younger than 16 years (range, 9-16 years) and underwent a primary type 1 tympanoplasty in tertiary medical center. We divided our population into 2 groups; a younger group (age <12 years) and an older group (age ≥12 years). Age, gender, follow-up time, prior to surgery and at postoperative 6th and minimum 48th month follow-up pure tone audiometry (PTA) thresholds and if any residual perforation were noted. Successful closure occurred 74 in 76 patients and success rate was 97,03%. The mean 6th month follow-up bone conduction ...
Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology, Jan 12, 2017
The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the long-term results of the butterfly cartilage... more The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the long-term results of the butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty. Short-term and long-term hearing outcomes were compared according to age and perforation location as well. Ninety-three patients who were diagnosed with noncomplicated chronic otitis media and underwent microscopic transcanal butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty due to anterior, posterior, and central tympanic membrane perforation were included. Age, gender, follow-up time, pre- and postoperative pure tone audiometry thresholds (both air and bone conduction), pre- and postoperative air-bone gaps (ABGs), if any residual perforation was noted. At the end of the follow-up period, successful closure occurred 88 in 93 patients and success rate is 94.6%. In all patients, including those with residual perforations, the mean preoperative bone conduction threshold was 15.9 dB (range, 5 to 50 dB) among all groups whereas mean air conduction threshold was 36.4±15.1 dB (range, 10 to 90 ...
The genetics of both syndromic (SHL) and non-syndromic hearing loss (NSHL) is characterized by a ... more The genetics of both syndromic (SHL) and non-syndromic hearing loss (NSHL) is characterized by a high degree of genetic heterogeneity. We analyzed whole exome sequencing data of 102 unrelated probands with apparently NSHL without a causative variant in known NSHL genes. We detected five causative variants in different SHL genes (SOX10, MITF, PTPN11, CHD7, and KMT2D) in five (4.9%) probands. Clinical re-evaluation of these probands shows that some of them have subtle syndromic findings, while none of them meets clinical criteria for the diagnosis of the associated syndrome (Waardenburg (SOX10 and MITF), Kallmann (CHD7 and SOX10), Noonan/LEOPARD (PTPN11), CHARGE (CHD7), or Kabuki (KMT2D). This study demonstrates that individuals who are evaluated for NSHL can have pathogenic variants in SHL genes that are not usually considered for etiologic studies.
Objective: The aim of this study was to report the post-surgical and oncologic outcomes of patien... more Objective: The aim of this study was to report the post-surgical and oncologic outcomes of patients who underwent supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL). Methods: 90 patients who underwent SCPL between 1994 and 2014 were reviewed. 45 patients underwent cricohyoidopexy (CHP) and 45 patients cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP). Median nasogastric (NG) tube removal time, decannulation time, overall survival, disease-free survival and local control rates were calculated. The effect of the type of surgery on functional and oncologic outcomes were assessed. Results: Median NG tube removal time was 16.5 days (IQR = 10) and 14 days (IQR = 9) in CHP and CHEP patients, respectively (p > 0.05). Median decannulation time was 30 days (IQR = 26) and 19 days (IQR = 15) in CHP and CHEP patients, respectively (p < 0.05). Resection of one arytenoid significantly increased NG tube removal time. Median follow-up time was 55 months. There were 15 oncologic failures and the median time interval for t...
ohlear implantlar; bilateral ileri veya çok ileri derecede sensörinöral işitme kaybı olan, işitme... more ohlear implantlar; bilateral ileri veya çok ileri derecede sensörinöral işitme kaybı olan, işitme cihazından yeterince ya da hiç fayda göremeyen çocuk ve erişkinlere, sesleri daha iyi algılama ve konuş
The aim of this study is to check the efficacy of acetazolamide in the prophylaxis of vestibular ... more The aim of this study is to check the efficacy of acetazolamide in the prophylaxis of vestibular migraine (VM). Treatment options in VM are mainly based on migraine guidelines. We tried to assess the efficacy of acetazolamide in these patients depending on clinical similarities with episodic ataxia type 2 and familial hemiplegic migraine responding to the drug. This is a retrospective cohort study. Among 50 patients with VM and prescribed acetazolamide 500 mg/day, 39 patients were studied as five had been lost on follow-up and six had stopped taking the drug due to side effects. Vertigo and headache frequency determined by number of attacks per month, and the severity determined by visual analog scales measured in centimeters from 0 to 10 were collected from the records. Initial reported figures for frequency and severity were compared with the results gathered after 3 months of treatment. The results were compared. Acetazolamide was effective in reducing both the frequency and severity of vertigo and headache attacks and this effect was more prominent for vertigo frequency and severity.
Revue de laryngologie - otologie - rhinologie, 1991
The arytenoidopexy operation has been performed in 15 cases of bilateral abductor paralysis of di... more The arytenoidopexy operation has been performed in 15 cases of bilateral abductor paralysis of different causes. A tube on n. 6 for women and a tube of n. 6.5 for men has been used for the intratracheal general anesthesia without a tracheotomy. The microdissection of the arytenoid has been realised under the operation microscope. The fixation suture of the arytenoid has been passed with a special needle set prepared by the experimental studies on the laryngectomised pieces. The functional respiration result has been controlled by the pre and postoperative spirometry. The laryngeal spasm disappeared and very good respiratory functional results have been obtained in all cases. After a post-operative phoniatric reeducation, the voice was found to be good in most of the cases.
Papers by Tayfun Kirazli