Papers by Rachel GEORGE
Un « modello di legno » à l'Accademia di San Luca de Rome : sur les traces d'un atelier avant 162... more Un « modello di legno » à l'Accademia di San Luca de Rome : sur les traces d'un atelier avant 1624 « Fa d'avere una figuretta di legname che sia snodata le braccia e le gambe e ancora il collo, e poi fa una vesta di lino, e con quello abito che ti piace, come se fussino d'uno vivo, e mettigliele indosso in quello atto che tu vuoi ch'egli stia, l'acconcia, e se que'panni non istessino come tu volessi, abbi la colla strutta, e bagnalo bene indosso a detta figura ; e poi acconcia le pieghe a tuo modo, e falle seccare e staranno poi ferme. » Andrea Averlino dit il Filarete, Trattato di architettura.
Conference Presentations by Rachel GEORGE
Today, there is no question about the major role played by the practice of drawing in the trainin... more Today, there is no question about the major role played by the practice of drawing in the training of artists or in the preparation of their works. Over the past few decades, this fundamental aspect of the training of young artists who attended private workshops and public academies was the subject of great interest, generating numerous detailed studies, such as the work of Barzman on the Florentine academy of drawing or Patrizia Cavazzini, Silvia Sparti and the series directed by Peter Luckehart on the Roman academy. This being the case, why present here a talk on the importance of the practice of drawing within the oldest universitas of painters in Italy?
Papers by Rachel GEORGE
Conference Presentations by Rachel GEORGE