La Béotie de l’archaïsme à l’époque romaine. Frontières, territoires, paysages. T. Lucas, C. Muller and A. C. Oddon-Panissie. Paris, Editions de Boccard: 121-133., 2019
Isabelle rivoal (CNRS) Pierre rouillard (CNRS) Dominique roux (Université Caen Normandie) Isabell... more Isabelle rivoal (CNRS) Pierre rouillard (CNRS) Dominique roux (Université Caen Normandie) Isabelle Sidéra (CNRS) François villeneuve (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) Secrétariat de rédaction Astrid aScHeHoug, Franck BarBary et Sabine Pétillon (CNRS) Maquettage intérieur et couverture Astrid aScHeHoug et Franck BarBary (CNRS) Maquettage couverture Valentin verardo (CNRS) Illustrations de couverture 1 re de couverture : vue sur le lac Yliki depuis la route menant au sanctuaire d'Apollon Ptoios. Cliché : J. Faguer, août 2019. 4 e de couverture : trophée de Sylla à Orchomène. Cliché : Chr. Müller. Avis aux auteurs Tous droits réservés pour tous les pays. La loi du 11 mars 1957 interdit les copies ou reproductions destinées à une utilisation collective. Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite par quelque procédé que ce soit sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants cause est illicite et constitue une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du Code Pénal. © Éditions de Boccard, 2019.
Books by John Bintliff
N. Burkhardt, Historische Zeitschrift, 2019, Vol.309(1), pp.165-168
P. Maranzana, American Journal of Archaeology, 4/2019, Vol.123(2)
E. Zanini, Medioevo Greco 19, 2019, 453-455
M. Sartre, in Syria 96 (2019)
Introducing Economic Archaeology: Examples from Neolithic agriculture and Hallstatt princely tombs
Tim Kerig
Theories of Consumption
Perspectives from economic anthropology
Martin Rössler
The society in the making
The house and the household in the Danubian Neolithic of the Central European lowlands
Arkadiusz Marciniak
The value of things - The production and circulation of Alpine jade axes during the 5th – 4th millenia in a European perspective
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera, Lutz Klassen, Anne−Marie Pétrequin, Alison Sheridan
From the Alps to Brittany and Scandinavia: The grand tour in the Neolithic
Magdalena S. Midgley
The economics of Neolithic swidden cultivation: Results of an experimental long−term project in Forchtenberg (Baden−Württemberg, Germany)
Wolfram Schier, Otto Ehrmann, Manfred Rösch, Arno Bogenrieder, Mathias Hall, Ludger Herrmann, Erhard Schulz
Land use and food production in Central Europe from the Neolithic to the medieval period - Change of landscape, soils and agricultural systems according to archaeobotanical data
Manfred Rösch
Evaluation of economic activity through palynological data: Modelling agricultural pressure on landscape (REVEALS and LOVE)
Jutta Lechterbeck
Quantitative approaches to reconstructing prehistoric stock breeding
Renate Ebersbach
Coping with crises I: Subsistence variety and resilience in the Late Neolithic lakeshore settlement Arbon Bleiche 3 (Switzerland)
Thomas Doppler, Sandra Pichler, Brigitte Röder, Jörg Schibler
Coping with crises II: The impact of social aspects on vulnerability and resilience
Brigitte Röder, Sandra Pichler, Thomas Doppler
Dispersed communities and diverse strategies
Late Neolithic economy on the Polish Lowland (3500−2500 BC)
Marzena Szmyt, Janusz Czebreszuk
Short settled Neolithic sites in the mountains − economy or religious practice? Case studies from the Polish Carpathians and German Mid−Mountains
Pawel Valde−Nowak
Prehistoric flint mining and the enigma of early economies
Jacek Lech
Bronze Age copper production in the Alps:
Organisation and social hierarchies in mining communities
Rüdiger Krause
Bohemia as a model territory for research on transport and trade in prehistory
Vladimír Salač
The Hellenistic to Roman Mediterranean: A proto−capitalist Revolution?
John Bintliff
Technology, land use and transformations in Scandinavian landscapes, c. 800–1300 AD 295
Ingvild Øye
Performance in experimental archaeology -
Any possibility for unambiguous statements?
Roeland Paardekooper
Summing it up: What is the intermediate total in European economic archaeology?
Tim Kerig, Andreas Zimmermann
List of contributors
Papers by John Bintliff
N. Burkhardt, Historische Zeitschrift, 2019, Vol.309(1), pp.165-168
P. Maranzana, American Journal of Archaeology, 4/2019, Vol.123(2)
E. Zanini, Medioevo Greco 19, 2019, 453-455
M. Sartre, in Syria 96 (2019)
Introducing Economic Archaeology: Examples from Neolithic agriculture and Hallstatt princely tombs
Tim Kerig
Theories of Consumption
Perspectives from economic anthropology
Martin Rössler
The society in the making
The house and the household in the Danubian Neolithic of the Central European lowlands
Arkadiusz Marciniak
The value of things - The production and circulation of Alpine jade axes during the 5th – 4th millenia in a European perspective
Pierre Pétrequin, Serge Cassen, Michel Errera, Lutz Klassen, Anne−Marie Pétrequin, Alison Sheridan
From the Alps to Brittany and Scandinavia: The grand tour in the Neolithic
Magdalena S. Midgley
The economics of Neolithic swidden cultivation: Results of an experimental long−term project in Forchtenberg (Baden−Württemberg, Germany)
Wolfram Schier, Otto Ehrmann, Manfred Rösch, Arno Bogenrieder, Mathias Hall, Ludger Herrmann, Erhard Schulz
Land use and food production in Central Europe from the Neolithic to the medieval period - Change of landscape, soils and agricultural systems according to archaeobotanical data
Manfred Rösch
Evaluation of economic activity through palynological data: Modelling agricultural pressure on landscape (REVEALS and LOVE)
Jutta Lechterbeck
Quantitative approaches to reconstructing prehistoric stock breeding
Renate Ebersbach
Coping with crises I: Subsistence variety and resilience in the Late Neolithic lakeshore settlement Arbon Bleiche 3 (Switzerland)
Thomas Doppler, Sandra Pichler, Brigitte Röder, Jörg Schibler
Coping with crises II: The impact of social aspects on vulnerability and resilience
Brigitte Röder, Sandra Pichler, Thomas Doppler
Dispersed communities and diverse strategies
Late Neolithic economy on the Polish Lowland (3500−2500 BC)
Marzena Szmyt, Janusz Czebreszuk
Short settled Neolithic sites in the mountains − economy or religious practice? Case studies from the Polish Carpathians and German Mid−Mountains
Pawel Valde−Nowak
Prehistoric flint mining and the enigma of early economies
Jacek Lech
Bronze Age copper production in the Alps:
Organisation and social hierarchies in mining communities
Rüdiger Krause
Bohemia as a model territory for research on transport and trade in prehistory
Vladimír Salač
The Hellenistic to Roman Mediterranean: A proto−capitalist Revolution?
John Bintliff
Technology, land use and transformations in Scandinavian landscapes, c. 800–1300 AD 295
Ingvild Øye
Performance in experimental archaeology -
Any possibility for unambiguous statements?
Roeland Paardekooper
Summing it up: What is the intermediate total in European economic archaeology?
Tim Kerig, Andreas Zimmermann
List of contributors
Please take note of the upcoming Roman Seminar by Professor John Bintliff (Leiden University & University of Edinburgh) to be held on Thursday 25 May 2017 at 7.00 pm.
The lecture will take place at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens (Parthenonos 14).
For further information see poster attached.
The Organizing Committee
Roman Seminar
This new work is described, and its significance for the wider debates about the Greek land- scape in this period is further discussed, to demonstrate that alongside widely spaced villages in earlier Neolithic times there were also small, short-lived farms; both were associated with wetland hand cultivation.
In later Neolithic and Early Bronze Age times, these locations remained, but vestigial traces discovered by hyperintensive survey methods have identified an explosion of small, short-lived, and horizontally migrating farms across the newly cleared interfluve zones. A largely lost alluvial terrace provides a major resource for the earlier, wet- land farming foci.
© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
region – intensive surface survey, coverage of the landscape by teams walking in close order,
recording patterns of human activity visible on the landsurface as scatters of pottery and lithics,
or building remains. Since 2000, archaeologists from Dutch and Belgian universities working
on Mediterranean survey projects have gathered annually to discuss methodological issues in
workshops that gradually attracted landscape archaeologists from other European countries and
Turkey. On the basis of these discussions, this paper, written by regular workshop contributors
and other invited authors with wider Mediterranean experience, aims to evaluate the potential
of various approaches to the archaeological surface record in the Mediterranean and provide
guidelines for standards of good practice in Mediterranean survey.