RESUMEN. Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como ... more RESUMEN. Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como polinizadores. En Nicaragua se sabe poco acerca de su diversidad. En este trabajo, se realizó el primer inventario de abejas sin aguijón en el corredor biológico Paso del Istmo de Rivas, Nicaragua, en los municipios de Cárdenas, San Juan del Sur y Rivas. Se realizaron 31 muestreos dirigidos en plantas en floración en los tres municipios en diferentes agroecosistemas. La colecta se hizo con la técnica de red entomológica principalmente en plantas en floración visitadas por las abejas. Se hizo búsqueda de material bibliográfico que demuestren registros de abejas sin aguijón, actualizando de esta manera las especies reportadas en Nicaragua. En total, se colectaron 109 ejemplares correspondiendo a 11 géneros y 21 especies. Predominan los géneros
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Oct 1, 2014
BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting... more BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research.
Los abejorros sociales del género Bombus son componentes muy importantes de la biodiversidad de M... more Los abejorros sociales del género Bombus son componentes muy importantes de la biodiversidad de México. Son polinizadores de una gran variedad de plantas, muchas de ellas cultivos de gran importancia comercial como los jitomates y los chiles y son componentes fundamentales de los ecosistemas donde habitan. Muchas especies están amenazadas por el crecimiento urbano, el cambio climático y el desarrollo de la agricultura a escala industrial aunque, paradójicamente, algunas especies son indispensables en la agricultura protegida. En este libro se reúne el conocimiento actual sobre las 22 especies nativas de abejorros mexicanos que se reconocen formalmente y sobre una especie introducida, precisamente asociada con la agricultura industrial. Aunque no se puede considerar como una obra definitiva sobre los abejorros mexicanos, es una primera propuesta encaminada a condensar aspectos generales de la biología y la conservación de los abejorros mexicanos, en combinación con un tratamiento tax...
Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como polinizad... more Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como polinizadores. En Nicaragua se sabe poco acerca de su diversidad. En este trabajo, se realizó el primer inventario de abejas sin aguijón en el corredor biológico Paso del Istmo de Rivas, Nicaragua, en los municipios de Cárdenas, San Juan del Sur y Rivas. Se realizaron 31 muestreos dirigidos en plantas en floración en los tres municipios en diferentes agroecosistemas. La colecta se hizo con la técnica de red entomológica principalmente en plantas en floración visitadas por las abejas. Se hizo búsqueda de material bibliográfico que demuestren registros de abejas sin aguijón, actualizando de esta manera las especies reportadas en Nicaragua. En total, se colectaron 109 ejemplares correspondiendo a 11 géneros y 21 especies. Predominan los géneros Plebeia Schwarz, 1938, Scaptotrigona Moure, 1942, Partamona Schwarz, 1939 y Trigona Jurine, 1807. Además, se reportan las especies Nannotrigona perilampoides...
Georeferenced locality records of <i>Bombus huntii </i>in North America and associate... more Georeferenced locality records of <i>Bombus huntii </i>in North America and associated WorldClim bioclimatic variables ( BIO1 = Annual Mean Temperature, BIO2 = Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)), BIO3 = Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100), BIO4 = Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100), BIO5 = Max Temperature of Warmest Month, BIO6 = Min Temperature of Coldest Month, BIO7 = Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6), BIO8 = Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter, BIO9 = Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter, BIO10 = Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter, BIO11 = Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter, BIO12 = Annual Precipitation, BIO13 = Precipitation of Wettest Month, BIO14 = Precipitation of Driest Month, BIO15 = Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation), BIO16 = Precipitation of Wettest Quarter, BIO17 = Precipitation of Driest Quarter, BIO18 = Precipitation of Warmest Quarter, BIO19 = Precipitation of Coldest Quart...
Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) ac... more Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) across 26 populations. This is the final dataset used for analyses by Koch et al. "Quaternary climate instability is correlate with patterns of population genetic variability in Bombus huntii". This filtered dataset accounts for linkage disequilibrium, null alleles, HWE, and sibship relationships. This dataset in in GenAlEx 6.5 format (Peakall R. & Smouse, P.E. (2012) GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research - an update. Bioinformatics, 28, 2537-2539)
Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) ac... more Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) across 26 populations. This is the final dataset used for analyses by Koch et al. "Quaternary climate instability is correlate with patterns of population genetic variability in Bombus huntii". This filtered dataset accounts for linkage disequilibrium, null alleles, HWE, and sibship relationships. This dataset in in GenAlEx 6.5 format (Peakall R. & Smouse, P.E. (2012) GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research - an update. Bioinformatics, 28, 2537-2539)
Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) ac... more Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) across 26 populations. This is the final dataset used for analyses by Koch et al. "Quaternary climate instability is correlate with patterns of population genetic variability in Bombus huntii". This filtered dataset accounts for linkage disequilibrium, null alleles, HWE, and sibship relationships. This dataset in in GenAlEx 6.5 format (Peakall R. & Smouse, P.E. (2012) GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research - an update. Bioinformatics, 28, 2537-2539)
Se aportan nuevos registros a la fauna de abejas sin aguijón (tribu Meliponini) para los estados ... more Se aportan nuevos registros a la fauna de abejas sin aguijón (tribu Meliponini) para los estados de Oaxaca y Chiapas. Para ello, se hicieron muestreos intensivos de estas abejas, con lo cual se reunieron registros de distribución, incluyendo las aportadas por investigadores, las presentes en colecciones y los reportados en la literatura. Se tienen 12 registros nuevos de especies de abejas sin aguijón para Oaxaca y se confirma la presencia en Chiapas de Paratrigona opaca. Adicionalmente, se discute sobre la distribución de estas abejas en estos estados y el país. Se espera que la información sobre la fauna y la distribución de las abejas sin aguijón ayude en los esfuerzos de conservación regional, uso de estas abejas en la meliponicultura y la polinización.
The male cephalic labial gland secretions of bumblebees are known to be species-specific semioche... more The male cephalic labial gland secretions of bumblebees are known to be species-specific semiochemicals. These secretions that are involved in bumblebee pre-mating recognition provide efficient diagnostic characters for species delimitation. The subgenus Thoracobombus is the largest group of bumblebees and is found in the Palearctic, Nearctic, and Neotropical regions. Here, the cephalic labial gland secretion (CLGS) composition of six Mexican Thoracobombus bumblebee species are analyzed: Bombus diligens , B. medius , B. mexicanus , B. pensylvanicus , B. trinominatus , and B. weisi . Our results suggest the presence of two new potential species into the formerly recognized B. weisi as well as one new potential species in the taxon presently identified as B. pensylvanicus . Moreover, the male of B. pensylvanicus , known to congregate at nest sites awaiting the emergence of virgin queens, is characterized by low concentrations of the C16 component. This observation raises the possibility that courtship behavior as well as environmental constraints could affect the role of the male bumblebees' CLGS.
Climate oscillations have left a significant impact on the patterns of genetic diversity observed... more Climate oscillations have left a significant impact on the patterns of genetic diversity observed in numerous taxa. In this study, we examine the effect of Quaternary climate instability on population genetic variability of a bumble bee pollinator species, in western North America. Pleistocene and contemporary habitat suitability (HS) was estimated with an environmental niche model (ENM) by associating 1,035 locality records with 10 bioclimatic variables. To estimate genetic variability, we genotyped 380 individuals from 33 localities at 13 microsatellite loci. Bayesian inference was used to examine population structure with and without a priori specification of geographic locality. We compared isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by resistance (IBR) models to examine population differentiation within and among the Bayesian inferred genetic clusters. Furthermore, we tested for the effect of environmental niche stability (ENS) on population genetic diversity with linear regressi...
Understanding the historical patterns of biodiversity in complex environments is a principal chal... more Understanding the historical patterns of biodiversity in complex environments is a principal challenge in evolution. In particular, the geographically complex region of Mesoamerica harbors unusually high levels of biodiversity. Little is known about the genetic diversification of insects in this region, even though they represent a large component of species richness. The bumble bee, Bombus ephippiatus, can serve as a model in which to study insect/pollinator evolution in Mesoamerica. Moreover, bumble bees are important commercial and native pollinators in this region, yet the importation of non-native species for crop pollination has the potential for detrimental ecological consequences throughout the region. Previous phylogenetic research by these authors on Bombus ephippiatus has revealed that this species is a species complex comprising at least four distinct genetic lineages across Mesoamerica, with the Nicaraguan Depression and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec serving as geographic ...
Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilat... more Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilateral gynandromorph of the orchid bee Euglossa (Euglossa) tridentata Moure and a mixed gynandromorph of the megachilid bee Megachile (Chelostomoides) otomita Cresson. Records of gynandromorphic bees recently documented in the literature are also summarized. In less than a decade, more than 20 new cases were documented in 15 species and five genera previously unknown; as of today, gynandromorphs are recorded ...
Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilat... more Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilateral gynandromorph of the orchid bee Euglossa (Euglossa) tridentata Moure and a mixed gynandromorph of the megachilid bee Megachile (Chelostomoides) otomita Cresson. Records of gynandromorphic bees recently documented in the literature are also summarized. In less than a decade, more than 20 new cases were documented in 15 species and five genera previously unknown; as of today, gynandromorphs are recorded ...
RESUMEN. Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como ... more RESUMEN. Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como polinizadores. En Nicaragua se sabe poco acerca de su diversidad. En este trabajo, se realizó el primer inventario de abejas sin aguijón en el corredor biológico Paso del Istmo de Rivas, Nicaragua, en los municipios de Cárdenas, San Juan del Sur y Rivas. Se realizaron 31 muestreos dirigidos en plantas en floración en los tres municipios en diferentes agroecosistemas. La colecta se hizo con la técnica de red entomológica principalmente en plantas en floración visitadas por las abejas. Se hizo búsqueda de material bibliográfico que demuestren registros de abejas sin aguijón, actualizando de esta manera las especies reportadas en Nicaragua. En total, se colectaron 109 ejemplares correspondiendo a 11 géneros y 21 especies. Predominan los géneros
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Oct 1, 2014
BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting... more BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research.
Los abejorros sociales del género Bombus son componentes muy importantes de la biodiversidad de M... more Los abejorros sociales del género Bombus son componentes muy importantes de la biodiversidad de México. Son polinizadores de una gran variedad de plantas, muchas de ellas cultivos de gran importancia comercial como los jitomates y los chiles y son componentes fundamentales de los ecosistemas donde habitan. Muchas especies están amenazadas por el crecimiento urbano, el cambio climático y el desarrollo de la agricultura a escala industrial aunque, paradójicamente, algunas especies son indispensables en la agricultura protegida. En este libro se reúne el conocimiento actual sobre las 22 especies nativas de abejorros mexicanos que se reconocen formalmente y sobre una especie introducida, precisamente asociada con la agricultura industrial. Aunque no se puede considerar como una obra definitiva sobre los abejorros mexicanos, es una primera propuesta encaminada a condensar aspectos generales de la biología y la conservación de los abejorros mexicanos, en combinación con un tratamiento tax...
Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como polinizad... more Las abejas sin aguijón son importantes para los ecosistemas por su papel ecológico como polinizadores. En Nicaragua se sabe poco acerca de su diversidad. En este trabajo, se realizó el primer inventario de abejas sin aguijón en el corredor biológico Paso del Istmo de Rivas, Nicaragua, en los municipios de Cárdenas, San Juan del Sur y Rivas. Se realizaron 31 muestreos dirigidos en plantas en floración en los tres municipios en diferentes agroecosistemas. La colecta se hizo con la técnica de red entomológica principalmente en plantas en floración visitadas por las abejas. Se hizo búsqueda de material bibliográfico que demuestren registros de abejas sin aguijón, actualizando de esta manera las especies reportadas en Nicaragua. En total, se colectaron 109 ejemplares correspondiendo a 11 géneros y 21 especies. Predominan los géneros Plebeia Schwarz, 1938, Scaptotrigona Moure, 1942, Partamona Schwarz, 1939 y Trigona Jurine, 1807. Además, se reportan las especies Nannotrigona perilampoides...
Georeferenced locality records of <i>Bombus huntii </i>in North America and associate... more Georeferenced locality records of <i>Bombus huntii </i>in North America and associated WorldClim bioclimatic variables ( BIO1 = Annual Mean Temperature, BIO2 = Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)), BIO3 = Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100), BIO4 = Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100), BIO5 = Max Temperature of Warmest Month, BIO6 = Min Temperature of Coldest Month, BIO7 = Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6), BIO8 = Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter, BIO9 = Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter, BIO10 = Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter, BIO11 = Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter, BIO12 = Annual Precipitation, BIO13 = Precipitation of Wettest Month, BIO14 = Precipitation of Driest Month, BIO15 = Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation), BIO16 = Precipitation of Wettest Quarter, BIO17 = Precipitation of Driest Quarter, BIO18 = Precipitation of Warmest Quarter, BIO19 = Precipitation of Coldest Quart...
Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) ac... more Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) across 26 populations. This is the final dataset used for analyses by Koch et al. "Quaternary climate instability is correlate with patterns of population genetic variability in Bombus huntii". This filtered dataset accounts for linkage disequilibrium, null alleles, HWE, and sibship relationships. This dataset in in GenAlEx 6.5 format (Peakall R. & Smouse, P.E. (2012) GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research - an update. Bioinformatics, 28, 2537-2539)
Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) ac... more Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) across 26 populations. This is the final dataset used for analyses by Koch et al. "Quaternary climate instability is correlate with patterns of population genetic variability in Bombus huntii". This filtered dataset accounts for linkage disequilibrium, null alleles, HWE, and sibship relationships. This dataset in in GenAlEx 6.5 format (Peakall R. & Smouse, P.E. (2012) GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research - an update. Bioinformatics, 28, 2537-2539)
Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) ac... more Eleven microsatellite genotypes for 350 <i>Bombus huntii </i>(Hymenoptera: Apidae) across 26 populations. This is the final dataset used for analyses by Koch et al. "Quaternary climate instability is correlate with patterns of population genetic variability in Bombus huntii". This filtered dataset accounts for linkage disequilibrium, null alleles, HWE, and sibship relationships. This dataset in in GenAlEx 6.5 format (Peakall R. & Smouse, P.E. (2012) GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research - an update. Bioinformatics, 28, 2537-2539)
Se aportan nuevos registros a la fauna de abejas sin aguijón (tribu Meliponini) para los estados ... more Se aportan nuevos registros a la fauna de abejas sin aguijón (tribu Meliponini) para los estados de Oaxaca y Chiapas. Para ello, se hicieron muestreos intensivos de estas abejas, con lo cual se reunieron registros de distribución, incluyendo las aportadas por investigadores, las presentes en colecciones y los reportados en la literatura. Se tienen 12 registros nuevos de especies de abejas sin aguijón para Oaxaca y se confirma la presencia en Chiapas de Paratrigona opaca. Adicionalmente, se discute sobre la distribución de estas abejas en estos estados y el país. Se espera que la información sobre la fauna y la distribución de las abejas sin aguijón ayude en los esfuerzos de conservación regional, uso de estas abejas en la meliponicultura y la polinización.
The male cephalic labial gland secretions of bumblebees are known to be species-specific semioche... more The male cephalic labial gland secretions of bumblebees are known to be species-specific semiochemicals. These secretions that are involved in bumblebee pre-mating recognition provide efficient diagnostic characters for species delimitation. The subgenus Thoracobombus is the largest group of bumblebees and is found in the Palearctic, Nearctic, and Neotropical regions. Here, the cephalic labial gland secretion (CLGS) composition of six Mexican Thoracobombus bumblebee species are analyzed: Bombus diligens , B. medius , B. mexicanus , B. pensylvanicus , B. trinominatus , and B. weisi . Our results suggest the presence of two new potential species into the formerly recognized B. weisi as well as one new potential species in the taxon presently identified as B. pensylvanicus . Moreover, the male of B. pensylvanicus , known to congregate at nest sites awaiting the emergence of virgin queens, is characterized by low concentrations of the C16 component. This observation raises the possibility that courtship behavior as well as environmental constraints could affect the role of the male bumblebees' CLGS.
Climate oscillations have left a significant impact on the patterns of genetic diversity observed... more Climate oscillations have left a significant impact on the patterns of genetic diversity observed in numerous taxa. In this study, we examine the effect of Quaternary climate instability on population genetic variability of a bumble bee pollinator species, in western North America. Pleistocene and contemporary habitat suitability (HS) was estimated with an environmental niche model (ENM) by associating 1,035 locality records with 10 bioclimatic variables. To estimate genetic variability, we genotyped 380 individuals from 33 localities at 13 microsatellite loci. Bayesian inference was used to examine population structure with and without a priori specification of geographic locality. We compared isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by resistance (IBR) models to examine population differentiation within and among the Bayesian inferred genetic clusters. Furthermore, we tested for the effect of environmental niche stability (ENS) on population genetic diversity with linear regressi...
Understanding the historical patterns of biodiversity in complex environments is a principal chal... more Understanding the historical patterns of biodiversity in complex environments is a principal challenge in evolution. In particular, the geographically complex region of Mesoamerica harbors unusually high levels of biodiversity. Little is known about the genetic diversification of insects in this region, even though they represent a large component of species richness. The bumble bee, Bombus ephippiatus, can serve as a model in which to study insect/pollinator evolution in Mesoamerica. Moreover, bumble bees are important commercial and native pollinators in this region, yet the importation of non-native species for crop pollination has the potential for detrimental ecological consequences throughout the region. Previous phylogenetic research by these authors on Bombus ephippiatus has revealed that this species is a species complex comprising at least four distinct genetic lineages across Mesoamerica, with the Nicaraguan Depression and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec serving as geographic ...
Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilat... more Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilateral gynandromorph of the orchid bee Euglossa (Euglossa) tridentata Moure and a mixed gynandromorph of the megachilid bee Megachile (Chelostomoides) otomita Cresson. Records of gynandromorphic bees recently documented in the literature are also summarized. In less than a decade, more than 20 new cases were documented in 15 species and five genera previously unknown; as of today, gynandromorphs are recorded ...
Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilat... more Abstract Two new cases of gynandromorphs in bees are described and figured: a mixed, nearly bilateral gynandromorph of the orchid bee Euglossa (Euglossa) tridentata Moure and a mixed gynandromorph of the megachilid bee Megachile (Chelostomoides) otomita Cresson. Records of gynandromorphic bees recently documented in the literature are also summarized. In less than a decade, more than 20 new cases were documented in 15 species and five genera previously unknown; as of today, gynandromorphs are recorded ...
Papers by philippe Sagot