Daniel Jauslin
Landscape Strategies in Architecture (PhD TU Delft 2019) was on contemporary buildings whose architects use landscape as a concept to design them. I work in Landscape Architecture practice DGJ Paysages in Zurich and Marly-le-Roi and do research for and in Design Education at ENSP Versailles.
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Books by Daniel Jauslin
Like at many other places, a new mindset is emerging, transforming the core values of the disciplines of architecture and urbanism with the notion of the organization of architectural space as a landscape.
Through experiment our lab develops methods to analyze such phenomena in focused studies of specific cases, understanding how architects use landscape not only as a metaphor but also as a method to design buildings.
32 students selected and analyzed outstanding built work of a wide field of architects from four generations of Dutch practitioners starting with Huig Maaskant (founder of the RAvB), Huig Maaskant, Wim QUist, OMA, SANAA, Mecanoo, MVRDV, NOX, De Zwarte Hond, NL-Architects, Onix, FACT and MonderschijmMoonen. Students drew and built models of their analyses, where four layers are detachable as a separate entity, and then played a game the surrealist called Cadavre Exquis.
The result is a dismantled floating olympic village for Rotterdam, which is exhibited at it’s site in the historic docklands RDM on the Heijplaat. This Book is the catalogue to the exhibition.
architects today in regard to sustainable architecture and its aesthetics. They express their skepticism as to whether or not there is such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture, or for that matter, if architecture can indeed be sustainable.
Against such a setting, Jauslin illustrates what he believes to be the landscape perspective’s inherent relationship to the natural environment, the principles behind it as well as the potentials that the landscapeperspective holds for sustainable design. this chapter, Jauslin first discusses the kind of professional and political impetuses that have made sustainability one of the most compelling changes to face the profession ofarchitecture. He argues that the mandate for a sustainable environment did not come about by choice of the architects and planners, but rather, that sustainability is imposed on the profession by the necessary, external forces that influence it. To bridge the gap that exists
from current practice to sustainability, Jauslin traces the thoughts and principles of landscapes
and territories that have developed since the 1960's, highlighting how they are indeed highly pertinent to sustainable architecture. This approach views the landscape as a human interface with nature, as a basis for the design of sustainable architecture and a new context for sustainable aesthetics. (from the Introduction by Sang Lee)
The project 'Minimum Impact House' adresses two important questions: How do we provide living space in the cities without distroying the landscape? How to improve sustainably the ecological, economical and socio-cultural performance of buildings?
Wuppertal (Verlag Müller Busmann) 2010
ISBN: 9783928766951
A Visual Collection of Landscape Architectural Drawings
What do you communicate when you draw an industrial landscape using charcoal; what about a hyper-realistic PhotoShop collage method? What are the right choices to make? Are there right and wrong choices when it comes to presenting a particular environment in a particular way?
The choice of medium for visualising an idea is something that faces all students of landscape architecture and urban design, and each medium and style option that you select will influence how your idea is seen and understood.
Responding to demand from her students, Nadia Amoroso has compiled successful and eye-catching drawings using various drawing styles and techniques to create this book of drawing techniques for landscape architects to follow and - more importantly - to be inspired by. More than twenty respected institutions have helped to bring together the very best of visual representation of ideas, the most powerful, expressive and successful images. Professors from these institutions provide critical and descriptive commentaries, explaining the impact of using different media to represent the same landscape.
This book is recommended for landscape architecture and urban design students from first year to thesis and is specifically useful in visual communications and graphic courses and design studios.
To Be Published 7th March 2012 by Routledge
Papers by Daniel Jauslin
Like at many other places, a new mindset is emerging, transforming the core values of the disciplines of architecture and urbanism with the notion of the organization of architectural space as a landscape.
Through experiment our lab develops methods to analyze such phenomena in focused studies of specific cases, understanding how architects use landscape not only as a metaphor but also as a method to design buildings.
32 students selected and analyzed outstanding built work of a wide field of architects from four generations of Dutch practitioners starting with Huig Maaskant (founder of the RAvB), Huig Maaskant, Wim QUist, OMA, SANAA, Mecanoo, MVRDV, NOX, De Zwarte Hond, NL-Architects, Onix, FACT and MonderschijmMoonen. Students drew and built models of their analyses, where four layers are detachable as a separate entity, and then played a game the surrealist called Cadavre Exquis.
The result is a dismantled floating olympic village for Rotterdam, which is exhibited at it’s site in the historic docklands RDM on the Heijplaat. This Book is the catalogue to the exhibition.
architects today in regard to sustainable architecture and its aesthetics. They express their skepticism as to whether or not there is such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture, or for that matter, if architecture can indeed be sustainable.
Against such a setting, Jauslin illustrates what he believes to be the landscape perspective’s inherent relationship to the natural environment, the principles behind it as well as the potentials that the landscapeperspective holds for sustainable design. this chapter, Jauslin first discusses the kind of professional and political impetuses that have made sustainability one of the most compelling changes to face the profession ofarchitecture. He argues that the mandate for a sustainable environment did not come about by choice of the architects and planners, but rather, that sustainability is imposed on the profession by the necessary, external forces that influence it. To bridge the gap that exists
from current practice to sustainability, Jauslin traces the thoughts and principles of landscapes
and territories that have developed since the 1960's, highlighting how they are indeed highly pertinent to sustainable architecture. This approach views the landscape as a human interface with nature, as a basis for the design of sustainable architecture and a new context for sustainable aesthetics. (from the Introduction by Sang Lee)
The project 'Minimum Impact House' adresses two important questions: How do we provide living space in the cities without distroying the landscape? How to improve sustainably the ecological, economical and socio-cultural performance of buildings?
Wuppertal (Verlag Müller Busmann) 2010
ISBN: 9783928766951
A Visual Collection of Landscape Architectural Drawings
What do you communicate when you draw an industrial landscape using charcoal; what about a hyper-realistic PhotoShop collage method? What are the right choices to make? Are there right and wrong choices when it comes to presenting a particular environment in a particular way?
The choice of medium for visualising an idea is something that faces all students of landscape architecture and urban design, and each medium and style option that you select will influence how your idea is seen and understood.
Responding to demand from her students, Nadia Amoroso has compiled successful and eye-catching drawings using various drawing styles and techniques to create this book of drawing techniques for landscape architects to follow and - more importantly - to be inspired by. More than twenty respected institutions have helped to bring together the very best of visual representation of ideas, the most powerful, expressive and successful images. Professors from these institutions provide critical and descriptive commentaries, explaining the impact of using different media to represent the same landscape.
This book is recommended for landscape architecture and urban design students from first year to thesis and is specifically useful in visual communications and graphic courses and design studios.
To Be Published 7th March 2012 by Routledge
As a first finalized and completely documented case study the analysis of the Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne by SANAA is surely an important part of our discovery of landscape methods for architectural design. Landscape is developing here as the aesthetic mediator between nature and human.
The ecological advantages of building in the city where integrated in a real building project with new typology, ecological construction-technique and materialization. The goal was to minimize environmental impact through construction and operation of the building. In a comparative study we compared advantages and disadvantages of a single-family house in the centre versus new building zones. This included qualitative an quantitative comparison over a life cycle of 50 years with construction, running, maintenance, disassembly and location related mobility.
In a comparative study we compared advantages and disadvantages of a single-family house in the centre
versus new building zones. This included qualitative an quantitative comparison over a life cycle of 50 years
with construction, running, maintenance, disassembly and location related mobility.
DGJ found out that in conventional construction the running uses about 50% of the primary energy, the rest
is divided into the modules fabrication and mobility. The total energy use of the prototype is 63% lower than
the compared conventional new building under existing rules. The climate-change effect could be reduced by
68% per housing unit.
Abstract: Landscape has been used as a metaphor or conceptual reference for an increasing amount of excellent architectural projects in the last two decades. The phenomenon seems to be a substantial innovation of architecture with an interesting potential for artistic, social and ecological gains. To be able to better understand and critically review these projects, it is important to better understand the notion of landscape.
Stan Allen and Marc McQuade ( eds.) : Landform Building: Architecture's New Terrain, 2011 and
Diana Balmori and Joel Sanders : Groundwork: Between Landscape and Architecture, 2011.
While partially referring to" tradition and recent developments in landscape architecture or landscape urbanism, the primary focus is built structures. Even if these richly illustrated publications are mainly about buildings, there are notable essays that explore the conceptual spatial design potential of landscape in a more general sense. This should be intriguing for landscape architecture practice and theory. A renewed interest in the interrelation of landscape and architecture, with strong impulses from architectural practice in the last two decades, is worth examining.
Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure, and is focused on landscape architectonic design of transportation-, green- and water infrastructures. These landscape infrastructures are considered armatures for urban and rural development. With movement and flows at the core, these landscape infrastructures facilitate aesthetic, functional, social and ecological relationships between natural and human systems. Through transdisciplinary design-based case studies at different scale levels Flowscapes seeks for a better understanding of the dynamic between landscape processes and typo-morphological aspects; here interpreted as flowscapes.
De minor is een nieuwe vorm van onderwijs waarin studenten uit verschillende faculteiten en universiteiten een totaal ander vak kunnen volgen buiten of binnen de grenzen van hun eigen faculteit.
We hanteren voor de analyse- en ontwerpopgave drie landschaparchitectonische archetypes; tuin, park, landschap. De rivier de Rotte door Rotterdam is het verbindend landschappelijk element tussen stad en land en tussen de schalen - van klein naar groot. De driedelige thematieken, schalen en de keuze voor de Rotte als verbindend element waren de belangrijkste vernieuwingen in deze tweede lichting van de minor. De structuur tuin, park, landschap wordt daarom ook voor dit boek aangehouden met de Rotte als orientatie.
Overal zijn we enthousiasme tegen gekomen voor ons vak maar ook voor het feit dat dit vak vanuit te TU Delft ontwikkeld wordt. Dit boek is daarom ook als dank aan velen bedoeld.
Door de bestaande landschappen van de Faculteit Bouwkunde waait een vernieuwende wind. Wij hopen dat deze documentatie helpt om deze vernieuwing verder op te bouwen en velen ervan te overtuigen zich in de Landschapsarchitectuur te verdiepen.
Delft (TU Delft Leerstoel Landschapsarchitectuur) 2010