Papers by Steven A Perry
Religious Studies Review, 2016
book is that it does not engage more liberal strands of Christianity. This volume is recommended ... more book is that it does not engage more liberal strands of Christianity. This volume is recommended for use in liberal arts colleges with an affiliation with a Christian denomination.
b.1923) has been a pivotal figure in the recent theological movement termed ³Postliberal Theology... more b.1923) has been a pivotal figure in the recent theological movement termed ³Postliberal Theology.´ According to Timothy R. Phillips and Dennis L. Ockholm, eds. in The Nature of Confession, Postliberal Theology, as a research program, attempts to ³recover premodern scriptural interpretation in contemporary form.´1 James Fodor in The Modern Theologians describes its aims as threefold: ³1) Faithful yet creative retrieval of Christian tradition 2) ecumenically open renewal of the church and 3) compassionate healing and repair of the world.´2
Book Reviews by Steven A Perry
Religious Studies Review , 2016
Books by Steven A Perry
The Urgency of Climate Change, 2017
All rights for th is book reserved. No p a rt of th is book m aybe reproduced, stored in a retrie... more All rights for th is book reserved. No p a rt of th is book m aybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system , or transm itted, in any form or by any m eans, electronic, m echanical, photocopying, recording or otherw ise, w ithout the p rio r perm ission o f th e copyright owner.
Papers by Steven A Perry
Book Reviews by Steven A Perry
Books by Steven A Perry